Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 836:   got some trouble

Li Yichen came to the bridge and climbed down and came to the side of the RV. Through the window, he saw that there was a person in the RV, but he had become a zombie, so he felt relieved—the car key should have been lost!


Just when Li Yichen was about to go around and open the car door, he suddenly heard a scream from the side and quickly turned his head to look around. Only then did he find that there were two people hiding behind a car next to him.

These two people look like father and daughter. The father is about forty years old. He is thin, with a pair of glasses on his nose, and looks very gentle. The daughter is only 11 or 2 years old. The face is very delicate and he is still holding in his arms. A doll, she just made the scream.

Seeing that he was discovered, the gentleman stood up, stood in front of his daughter, and smiled at Li Yichen:

"Hello! Are you here to participate in the Brave Game too?"


Li Yichen was taken aback, the brave game? WTF?

"Haha! Sure enough! You are still the first contestant we met!"

Before Li Yichen could answer, the gentleman laughed loudly, blinked at Li Yichen, and continued:

"To say that this competition is really a big deal, and the whole city is actually covered, especially those zombies. The makeup is the same! No wonder the rewards for completing the game are so rich, you are also for the rewards? "


Li Yichen turned his head around and looked at the group of corpses on the inner ring bridge. What is the same as the real one? Isn't it really good?

"Nanny! Have you seen it? In addition to us, there are people who also participated in this game, so we have to cheer!"

Ignoring Li Yichen, the gentleman turned around and squatted down, clutching his daughter's shoulder and said:

"We must be courageous, and hold on until the end to get the reward! If we quit halfway, we won't get anything! Do you know?"

"En! I know! Dad!"

The little girl nodded obediently, and then tilted her little head over the shoulder of the gentleman and looked at Li Yichen. I don't know if it was an illusion. Li Yichen always felt that the little girl looked at her with guard!

"Let's go first!"

Touching the top of the little girl's head, the gentleman stood up, turned around and nodded to Li Yichen:

"Come on! You must survive a year before you can get the reward! Don't quit halfway! Anyway, it won't really die."


Li Yichen didn't know how to answer, so he nodded and agreed mechanically. After the gentleman smiled, he took the little girl's hand and left. On the way, the little girl looked back at Li Yichen from time to time.

Seeing the disappearance of the father and daughter, Li Yichen gently shook his head, turned and walked towards the RV, muttering:

"Game? If you can't change the world, it seems good to treat it as a game, at least you can live a little easier!"

When I came to the RV, I stretched out my hand and pressed the door handle, and found that it was not locked, so I knocked on the window to attract the zombies in the car, and then slammed the door. The zombies stomped and fell on On the ground.

Before it got up, Li Yichen stepped forward to step on the zombie, and then pierced its head with the tip of the gun and crossbow. This was a female zombie with long hair loose and wearing pajamas.

Li Yichen thought for a while, and felt that there seemed to be nothing on the zombie where the key could be hidden, so he walked into the RV, looked at the cab, and found that the key was hanging on it.

Turning the key to start the RV, drove forward and found that everything was normal and the fuel tank was almost full, so Li Yichen turned off the car, pulled out the key, left the sunroof and door open, and then climbed back to the inner ring bridge. .

"Qianzi! I have done it here, and got a good RV, shall we withdraw it?"

After getting on the bridge, Li Yichen took out the intercom and said to the facade.

"Roger that!"

Bi Qiang agreed very happily. Ten minutes later, he appeared on the opposite roof with a large bag on his back, took a large string of carabiner from his body, and began to slide the materials on the roof down the metal wire.

It took a full hour for the two to move all the supplies to the side of the RV, and even the roof of the car was piled up a lot!

Most of these supplies are weapons, ammunition, and crossbow arrows. In Bi Qiang’s words, food can be supplied on the road, but ammunition may be difficult!

After moving the supplies, Bi Qiang and Li Yichen boarded the RV together and began to clean up the debris. After entering the carriage, the two people discovered that there was a corpse in the carriage. When they opened it, it was a male. It was killed after mutation.

The two couldn't help but glance at each other, and then looked up together. A wedding photo was pasted on the top of the carriage, and the couple on it were smiling very happy.

"Xiao Yan, Zhen Tong! On December 12, 2020, be together forever!"

Bi Qiang got up, walked over to take off the wedding photo, read the words on it, and then looked back at the zombies on the ground:

"This is Xiao Yan, and the woman outside is Zhen Tong! Huh? Analgesic and anti-inflammatory? These two really match!"

With that, Bi Qiang handed the wedding photo to Li Yichen, grabbed the key in Li Yichen's hand, and walked towards the door in the middle of the carriage.

Li Yichen took the wedding photo, looked at the couple on it, and then at the corpse on the ground, gently shook his head, and bent down to drag the corpse out.

"Owner! Come here!"

At this moment, he opened the door with the key, and Bi Qiang, who entered the second half of the car, suddenly called. Li Yichen quickly put down the body and ran to the back of the car.

The back of the carriage is the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. In addition, next to the bedroom, there is a glass box filled with blue liquid that looks a bit like an aquarium.

The two looked at each other, and stepped to the front of the glass box, looking at the child soaked in the liquid.

This is a child who is about three or four years old. His head is very big, his eyes are tightly closed, and he has a few tubes stuck in his body. He floats in the liquid and does not move!

"He... is still alive?"

Bi Qiang couldn't help asking. Li Yichen looked around and suddenly found a terminal next to him. He hurried over and tapped on the keyboard. The terminal screen suddenly lit up and a document appeared.

"Still alive! This little guy is seven and a half years old. It is the child of Zhen Tong and Xiao Yan. He has congenital brain diseases. Since he was born, he has been soaked in nutrient solution. These two people created this An RV is just for the convenience of taking the child to the doctor."

Looking at the document on the terminal, Li Yichen said that the document was left after Zhen Tong was bitten. It explained in detail what happened here before and the situation of the little guy. At the end of the document, it was Zhen Tong. Request:

"If someone sees this document, it means that my son should never die. He should have returned to heaven long ago. We forcibly kept him until now. As parents, we brought him into this world, but he never Let him open his eyes and see what the world looks like. Please, please satisfy a mother’s wish! Don’t power off the nutrition cabin. When the rescue comes and the world returns to normal, find a way to make him better. Look at this The world, even if there is only one look! I will bless you in heaven!"

"Huh! How do I feel... what you found is not a car, but a big trouble?"

After reading the document, Bi Qiang stood up and looked at the child in the nutrition cabin and said.

Li Yichen did not answer, but looked at the nutrition cabin with a frown. It seems that Xiao Yan should have mutated at the moment when the end of the world came, and Zhen Tong was also bitten, and then hid in the car. She didn't understand the outside world. .

Rescue? Back to normal? Zhen Tong’s two wishes, I am afraid that neither of them will be realized, let alone heal the child. In the normal world, they have been running for seven years and have not made the child feel better. Now entering the end times, this is even more... …

"What to do? Throw this... nutrition capsule out?"

Seeing Li Yichen not speaking, Bi Qiang couldn't help asking.

"Okay! Turn off this switch, the nutrition compartment will be powered off, then unplug the tube, you can move it out! Come on!"

Li Yichen pointed to a switch beside the nutrition cabin and said.

"The bastard! I'll do it!"

Bi Qiang gritted his teeth, then stretched out his hand and pressed it on the switch, but he hesitated for a long time, and finally didn't press it...

"Oh! Forget it! Let's change the car!"

Looking at the children in the nutrition cabin, Bi Qiang said with a little frustration.


At this moment, a yellow light on the nutrition cabin that had been flashing suddenly turned into a red light, and at the same time, a rapid beep sounded.

Both were in a daze, then Li Yichen's expression changed and he shouted: "Insufficient power supply! Start the car!"

Bi Qiang immediately turned and rushed to the cab, hurriedly found the car key from the set of keys, inserted the keyhole into the car and started the car.


When I kicked the accelerator, the ticking sound disappeared, but the roar of the car caused a few zombies in the distance to turn around and walk towards this side.

Li Yichen finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the red light changed back to the yellow light. Then he looked outside and found the zombies, so he took off his spear and crossbow and walked toward the car door!


The last zombie was solved with one arrow. Li Yichen and Bi Qiang smiled bitterly at each other, shook their heads together, and then walked to the RV, and began to move the supplies on the side of the RV into the RV!

"Say it first! We can only do this kind of stupid thing once, but now it's the end of the world, the bastard! Good people will die soon!"

After moving the supplies and closing the door, Bi Qiang looked at a new grave on the left front of the car and said with a depressed expression.

It was a grave that he and Li Yichen used to build for Zhentong and Xiaoyan in a ready-made pit. A plank was erected on the top of the grave and the wedding photo was hung—their meaning is very simple. We used your car. , Then help you to repair a tomb, which is considered as if the two owe nothing to each other. As for that child, they don't have any promises, just take it first. If they are in danger, they may not care about him. Don't blame us.

Back in the car, Li Yichen sat in the cab and drove the motorhome away from the city, while Bi Qiang turned on the navigation and set Longyuan Villa as the destination...

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