Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 841:  Complete the trial

Sure enough, under Li Yichen's gaze, everything that happened last night was once again staged in front of Li Yichen. The burning city, the tide of zombies, the heroic soldiers, the tragic death...

This time, Li Yichen was motionless, absorbing the rules of time there, quietly watching the soldiers die one after another in front of him, until the sky was bright, all the corpse tides were destroyed!

Then, Li Yichen in this time and space left with the surviving soldiers once, and then another quiet day passed by...

Soon, as night fell, the familiar figure came again on a motorcycle, and then, the familiar scene repeated itself again.

"It seems...you only copied the time and space of this day, right?"

When the time rules in the body were almost equal to the space rules, Li Yichen finally stopped absorbing. He stood up, looked at the fierce battle below, and muttered:

"Then... let me try, can you break the day you copied!"

Seeing Wucheng still fighting, Li Yichen took a deep breath. The scene in front of him was still tragic, but he could be indifferent because he had watched it three times, and he knew that no matter what he did, It is impossible to change the fate of the soldiers below, because all this has already happened, and even if the rules of time are mastered, what has already happened cannot be reversed.

Li Yichen felt that to allow himself to see this scene repeatedly, maybe it was the implication of time rules to him-even if you can turn back time, don't try to change history!

"Time! Still!"

Looking at the battlefield below, Li Yichen whispered, and at the same time, he raised his arm and applied the time rule to an area below.

Although he had not used the time rule, after absorbing the time rule, he also had more information about the time rule in his mind.

Time rules are different from space rules. There are many ways to use space rules, such as space conversion, which is teleportation, space compression, space solidification, and so on.

But there are not so many uses of time rules. Time rules are three ways: time accelerates or decelerates, time stands still, and time flows backward!

Among them, time acceleration and deceleration is the simplest, time is still the second, and time backward is the most difficult to control, at least the information Li Yichen got is described in this way.

However, what makes Li Yichen feel a little strange is that he now seems to have mastered all three ways of using the time rule, and he doesn't need to understand it anymore. It's just that using these three time rules, the energy consumed is different.

Time acceleration consumes the least energy, followed by time being stationary, and time reversing requires the most energy.

According to Li Yichen's calculation, the total amount of time rules stored in his body now can support him to turn back time by about ten minutes!

However, Li Yichen was already quite satisfied. Going back ten minutes, at a critical moment, turning back time for a few seconds can already reverse the situation, or avoid the death of some important people, let alone ten minutes!

Although Li Yichen faintly felt that if he used time travel to save someone's life, it might not be a good idea. The repeated scenes in front of him should be warning him.

However, Li Yichen would not care about this. If one day in the future, Wan Shan and others died, and he could use the time backward to change their destiny, Li Yichen would definitely do that.

"Now... everything should be over!"

Li Yichen slowly raised his arm and began to continuously compress the space rules in his body, condensing space bombs. After all the space rules were compressed, he released all these space bombs.

However, this time Li Yichen did not immediately detonate these space bombs, but after releasing them, he immediately used time to accelerate. After that, the space rules in his body began to rapidly supplement.

When about half of the time rules were consumed, all the space rules in his body were restored and Li Yichen compressed again. After all the space rules were compressed, Li Yichen finally detonated the space bombs that had been released before.

The scene of ruining the sky and the earth reappeared in front of Li Yichen's eyes. The entire space above Wucheng was torn apart at once, and when the space tearing was maximized, Li Yichen directly used time to stand still.

Because the range of action was too large, Li Yichen could only stop the entire time above Wucheng for less than a second, but for Li Yichen, this time was enough.

While time was still, Li Yichen released all the compressed space bombs in his body again, and the target was those space cracks that had been torn apart, and then detonated all the space bombs...


The originally shattered space was finally overwhelmed. The whole burst, just like movie special effects, the entire Wucheng area, all the spaces were shattered, Wucheng, zombies, Li Yichen in this space, Chang Guchuan, Wanshan, and all The soldiers were all shattered, and the screen in front of Li Yichen quickly switched, returning to the position he had before using the time power injection...

"Huh! Is this... a success?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Yichen murmured, and then called in his heart:


"It's here [biqusa.info]!"

The system said:

"The time power injection has been used, how is the effect?"


Li Yichen was taken aback, he should have stayed at least ten days in the trial of time, right? Why didn't the system feel that something was wrong, so I asked quickly:

"System! When will you give me the time power injection?"

"Just now! What happened?"

The system asked strangely.


Li Yichen took a breath, and it seemed that the time he was wasting in the trial of time had not affected the world he was in, and the rules of time were indeed strong enough.

"I just went through the test of time rules, didn't you see it?"

Li Yichen asked again.

"No! But... the energy in your body is a bit strange now, the rules of space seem to merge with the rules of time?"

After Li Yichen reminded, the system noticed the changes in Li Yichen's body.

Hearing the system, Li Yichen also hurriedly looked at the energy in his body. What surprised him was that in order to destroy the space, he had consumed all the energy in his body, but now, not only the time rules and the space rules are consumed. Recovery, even the thunder and lightning element returned to his body.

"Huh? The lightning element... hasn't been rejected?"

Li Yichen was overjoyed. Originally, he thought that after obtaining the time rule, the thunder and lightning element of insufficient level had been rejected, and he did not expect to lose it and regain it.

Although the level of the lightning element is not as high as the rules of time and space, it is the most convenient abilities used by Li Yichen. The Thunder Light Purgatory, and the compression of the lightning element are all Li Yichen's most commonly used attack methods.

Moreover, the attack power of the thunder and lightning elements is also quite fierce, not to mention, if the thunder and lightning elements can exert their power in the space of the time trial before, the 20,000 corpse tide, Li Yichen will be able to electric them all into coke in minutes .

I carefully felt my body, the rules of time, the rules of space, the elements of lightning, and the rules of the soul. All of the abilities that Li Yichen has controlled are actually there, especially the rules of time and space. The two rules have been completely integrated, but Li Yichen has not carefully studied how these two rules should be used after the integration, so this can only take time.

Feeling that he had recovered to his peak state, Li Yichen stood up, turned his head and looked in the direction of Worm Nest:

"Now, it's time to solve this guy completely."

A teleportation came to the outside, and then Li Yichen exchanged for the helicopter and flew towards the Worm Nest.

When Li Yichen returned to the top of the Worm’s Nest, he found that the holes in the Worm’s Nest were still there. After getting the time rules, Li Yichen naturally understood why the Worm’s Nest had lured himself to approach it.

"It seems that you use the time rule, there is a distance limit, right?"

Looking at the insect nest below, Li Yichen muttered. Then, he recovered the helicopter, solidified the space under his feet, raised his arm, and began to build the space channel again.

This time, Li Yichen did not climb into the sky very high, but began to build a space channel about two hundred meters from the insect nest.

The spatial fluctuation that reappeared immediately attracted Grijalva's attention. Grijalva did not expect that the human had left for such a while, and then returned, and began to try to build a space channel.

In order to protect the brood, Grijalva certainly would not allow Li Yichen to build a space channel. He also repeated the old tricks and began to use space rules to try to prevent Li Yichen from building a space channel.

However, what surprised Grijalva was that this time, after he used the time rule, after the time rule entered the space channel, he did not cut off the connection between the two space points as before. The space channel is still constantly improving. At the same time, his time rules are also constantly entering the space channel, continuously consuming.

Grijalva, who had never encountered such a situation, was shocked. He didn't know what was going on. Although he was the king of the Zerg, Grijalva had never seen the system, let alone the human opposite. , I have controlled the time rules because of myself.

Because Li Yichen killed himself in the previous space trial, he is not bound by the rules of heaven and earth. Now that he has the rules of time, the same is true. In addition, after leaving the space channel, Grijalva’s time The rules mean that they have already left the scope of the Worm Nest, so they can't compete with Li Yichen's time rules.

Therefore, the time rules released by Grijalva are controlled by Li Yichen after leaving the space channel, and then absorbed by the system, turning into a series of time power injections...

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