Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 844:  The Sneak Attack of the Zerg King

Driving the helicopter, Li Yichen returned to the mountain range where he used the time power injection. Now the energy in his body is almost empty. Naturally, he can't fight the king of the Zerg in this state.

After Li Yichen left, Grijalva, the king of the Zerg tribe, kept staring at the direction where Li Yichen left. In the end, he let out a roar again. With this roar, all the Zerg who were outside returned to the nest.

And when all these zerg races entered the worm nest, the entire huge worm nest suddenly shook violently, and then it began to shrink slowly.

Because the worm’s nest is not just the part seen on the ground, it also exists underground. Therefore, the shrinking of the worm’s nest can be described as the ground shaking. After the worm’s nest shrinks, the ground where the worm nest was originally located also appears deep. The big pit...

Li Yichen didn't know this. After returning to the mountains, he didn't land, so he hovered the helicopter in the air about a kilometer from the ground, and then quietly recovered the energy in his body.

Recovering energy is not the upper limit of expansion, so the speed is very fast, but because Li Yichen's current body energy storage upper limit is very high, it is not something that can be completed in a day if he wants to completely recover.

Moreover, Li Yichen knew that if he went to the Worm's Nest, he would not consume a wave of small troubles like before. Next, it should be a decisive battle, so he must maintain his peak state.

From the beginning of the fight with the Zerg until now, Li Yichen can say that he has not really fought against the Zerg King Grijalva, so Li Yichen doesn't know anything about the Zerg's final BOSS.

Among the Zerg data obtained from other sources, there is very little information about the king of the Zerg. Except for knowing his name is Grijalva, there are basically no other information, such as fighting methods, skills and so on. Is blank.

Think about it, too, with such a huge ethnic group, Grijalva doesn't need to take action personally. It only needs to control the insect tide through those intelligent zergs, and basically all enemies can be wiped out.

If there are any enemies that the worms cannot cope with, then the S-class zerg of Dogrijalva will not be able to reverse it at all!

It took three full days for Li Yichen to adjust himself to the peak state. Not only did all the energy in the body recover, he even slept, and he was full of energy.

Finally, after checking and confirming that he was ready, Li Yichen landed the helicopter, placed a dozen missile launchers in the mountains, exchanged thirty missiles, adjusted the coordinates, and confirmed that the remote control launcher was working properly. Driving the helicopter to the Worm's Nest.

However, after entering the Xingtian Province where the Worm’s Nest is located, Li Yichen suddenly felt wrong. He has been here many times, and he is quite familiar with the Worm’s Nest. Normally, before entering the Xingtian Province, he can already be able to I saw the top of the huge insect nest, but this time, he didn't actually see it.

Li Yichen thought he was flying low, so he kept raising the helicopter. Then, a huge deep hole appeared in front of Li Yichen...

"this is……"

When he came to the top of the big pit, Li Yichen looked down with a look of astonishment. The Worm Nest... was actually gone!


Li Yichen frowned. If you think about it carefully, the Zerg came here to participate in the trial. This is not the plane where the Zerg is. They really don't need to stay here.

Moreover, now their high-end combat power has basically been lost, and there is no other way to prevent Li Yichen from destroying the Worm Nest and withdrawing to the Zerg plane, it would be a good choice.

In order to verify his ideas, Li Yichen drove the helicopter to fly downwards, and arrived at the bottom of the big pit left after the insect nest disappeared. At the bottom of the big pit, it was the abyss where he first discovered the Zerg.

Of course, the original abyss was on the ground, but now, due to the construction of the Worm Nest, the upper part of the abyss has been cut down a lot, but the abyss itself is bottomless, so there is nothing to see.

Li Yichen stayed the helicopter above the abyss, looking at the abyss below, thinking about whether he should go down and take a look. Below this, it should be the location of the Zerg's trial passage.

To determine if the Zerg really left, just check if their trial channel is still there.

If the Zerg really gave up, then it should find a way to close the trial passage, if it is just a temporary refuge, and still thinking of making a comeback, then the trial passage will naturally be there.

Therefore, Li Yichen hovered the helicopter, and then took Tianya and jumped towards the edge of the abyss. But the moment Li Yichen just jumped out of the helicopter, the surroundings suddenly became dark, and then, a strong wind hit his face!

Li Yichen immediately wanted to use teleport to evade, but at this critical moment, he suddenly discovered that his space rules could not be invoked!


In shock, Li Yichen waved Tianya to block him, and at the same time tried to mobilize the time rules, but found that the time rules could not be used either.


Before Li Yichen could figure out what was going on, he felt that the horizon in front of him was hit hard. At the same time, his whole body was tingling and people flew out.

At the moment when he fluttered backwards, Li Yichen discovered that the attacker was actually a big spider-the king of Zerg, Grijalva! !

Moreover, Li Yichen also saw that he was now in a very large and empty space, and the space was dark. If there were no eagle eyes, he might not even see himself being attacked by anything.

Grijalva obviously also has night vision capabilities. After the surprise attack did not kill Li Yichen, he did not stop, and his eight paws slammed on the ground and rushed towards Li Yichen again.


Li Yichen turned over in the air and landed on the ground. Then he immediately jumped to the side, and at the same time opened his bow and shot three feather arrows at Grijalva.

Now that the rules of space and time cannot be used, he dare not jump upwards anymore. Without a point of leverage, he can't even change the direction. Jumping up is like a living target! !

Grijalva seems to have no ability to turn in the air, so this side leap of Li Yichen directly avoided his attack, but Grijalva, who was in the air, found that Li Yichen had avoided his attack. After that, he turned his head and sprayed a spike at Li Yichen!

Seeing these spikes, Li Yichen suddenly understood what was going on with the severe pain from his predecessor. Obviously, when Grijalva attacked him before, he also spewed such a spike.

These spikes are very small, similar to tacks, but there are a lot of them, and they are quite sharp. Li Yichen's physical defenses are already very strong, and they didn't actually resist the previous spikes.

After Li Yichen fell to the ground, he rolled over and avoided the spikes, but at this moment, he actually found that the sting of his body had disappeared, and there was a feeling of paralysis that followed.

"Spikes are poisonous!"

Li Yichen looked down and found that there were such fine spikes everywhere on his body. Not all the spikes penetrated into his body, most of them remained outside.

"System! Antidote!"

Li Yichen said in his heart immediately, and at the same time looked at Grijalva, and Grijalva didn't stay at all after landing, turned around and rushed towards Li Yichen again.

Fighting on the ground, and Li Yichen cannot use the rules of space and time. Of course, his flexibility cannot be compared with Grijalva with eight claws. Fortunately, Li Yichen is completely free from dark images now, seeing Griha As Elva sank, he guessed the direction of his attack.

However, this time Li Yichen did not evade again. Instead, he stayed where he was, staring at Grijalva. His body is now affected by paralysis. If he dodges like before, it is estimated that he will not be able to dodge Grijalva. 'S fluttered again.

Although the system has followed Li Yichen’s order to give him the detoxification injection, and because the system uses the injection, it acts on his body at the same time, so it works quickly, but after all, from feeling paralyzed, to notification system, and then system Before giving it to him, there must be a process, and before the paralysis is eliminated, Grijalva must have already attacked him.

Grijalva's body is actually not very huge, at least compared with other Zergs, it can be said that it is far different, but in terms of the size of the spider, it is definitely an exaggeration, if it is placed in the world of support , I'm afraid he will be able to scare a group of people to death as soon as he appears.

However, although Li Yichen could not use space and time abilities, Grijalva did not seem to have any special abilities, at least he did not use space rules to deal with Li Yichen.

Seeing Grijalva who had already rushed in front of him and the two spider legs had been poking at him, Li Yichen stared at the spider leg that pierced him, and when the spider leg was close to his body, he slid away hard. At the same time, his body waved the end of his hand, and drew towards the spider leg on his right.

Now he is in a paralyzed state, his body is not as flexible as before, and he can dodge by a large margin. It is certainly not as fast as Grijalva, but this small-scale dodge is not affected much.

Moreover, Li Yichen's body has strong resilience, even if he is injured by a spider leg, as long as he can replace one leg of this big spider, it is not a disadvantage, especially in this state, he can only choose to work hard.

However, Grijalva seemed to have guessed Li Yichen’s thoughts. The moment Li Yichen waved the end of the world, his paws suddenly retracted, and at the same time a white shadow spouted out of his mouth, and then quickly grew bigger. Covered Li Yichen...

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