Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 861:  Mozu shot

Hearing Xiao Mao's words, Li Yichen's originally raised arm was put down again. He knew that Xiao Mao's order might cause a lot of casualties to the soldiers of the Hell Capital, but... if you think about it, this kind of casualties are not Not pointless.

Xiao Mao is right. Li Yichen has always been in front of the Hell Capital. Just like the Zerg’s time, he had clearly built a spiked fortress and asked Chang Guchuan to bring the soldiers here. The Zergs engage in battle.

But later, because he was worried that the soldiers would be damaged, Li Yichen finally let them evacuate, and then relying on his own power, he forcibly annihilated the Zerg.

It's just that, although Li Yichen's method has greatly reduced the casualties of the soldiers in the Hell City, it also made them unable to experience the real life and death battle like the previous Wucheng!

Although all the warriors of the Hell City are constantly honed in the tide of corpses and worms, to be honest, with the strength of these warriors of the Hell City and the support of the castle, they can be said to be completely lifeless in this battle. Danger.

Therefore, although the fighters of the Hell Capital can be said to be quite rich in combat experience, they have always fought with the wind, which means that they have been fighting for superiority.

Therefore, after entering the blood clan lair and encountering the strong resistance of the blood clan, the reaction of these fighters was obviously insufficient, and they were not even as good as the little guys in the Shadow of Death.

Since the establishment of Shadow of Death, there has been no attrition, but their fighting methods are different. They are not fighting on the walls of the castle, relying on favorable defensive terrain, but going deep into the tide of corpses and attacking those high-level zombies. Assassination!

At this time, they don't have the protection of comrades-in-arms, and there are no fortifications to use. If they want to complete the task under the premise of ensuring their own safety, they must rely on their own care and caution.

Therefore, in the event of an accident, these little guys react faster and use the most effective method. Even if this may cause accidental injury, they are completely inappropriate.

Thinking of the performance of the warriors in the Hell City just now, Li Yichen finally chose to be silent. Maybe... Hell needs a tragic victory, so that all warriors, under the baptism of blood and death, can truly grow and transform. Later, when they entered the Source Realm, they could be their own help, instead of what they are doing now with abundant resources, but basically cleaning the battlefield.

After hearing Xiao Mao's words, the soldiers also broke out. In fact, they knew what Xiao Mao said in their hearts, but because they had always been like this, no one thought of anything else.

But now that Xiaomao is broken, the soldiers suddenly realized that, yes, they have been holding the best resources, but they are doing the safest things. All the dangers are borne by Li Yichen himself and then acquired by himself. The spoils are handed over to them to distribute.

As a result, the soldiers began a fierce assault. No matter whether they were ashamed, unwilling, or angry, all the soldiers wanted to brave a true victory to prove themselves.

"Brother Yi! You don't need to do it, go out and see the Demon Race, the Blood Race... just leave it to us!"

Seeing the soldiers launched a fierce attack, Xiao Mao said again on the military channel.

"it is good!"

Li Yichen didn’t say much. Hearing what Xiao Mao meant, he planned to kill the entire blood family instead of relying on Li Yichen. But besides Dracula, there should be many S-rank princes in the blood family. These guys can't rely on quantity. Killed.

Especially in this cramped environment, the number of people attacking at the same time is limited. If you rely on these fighters to kill Dracula and those prince-level blood races, I am afraid that these 100,000 fighters will eventually be left.

Because they wanted to kill these blood clan powerhouses, the only way was to fight a war of attrition and use their own lives to consume. Of course, Li Yichen would not allow this method.

However, in this situation, Li Yichen can only agree, and he won't leave anyway. When the powerhouse of the blood clan really appears, he will just stop it. Anyway, the shadows of death are now following the team, and they won't care. Xiao Mao's order, when encountering a strong blood clan, he will definitely notify Li Yichen as soon as possible.

The Capital of Hell now has two unique legions, one is the Shadow of Death, and the other is the law enforcement team of Lone Wolf. Both legions only follow the orders of two people. The law enforcement team is Lone Wolf and Li Yichen. Shadow of Death, of course It was Xiaohu and Li Yichen.

Although Xiaohu entered the Source Realm, the shadow of death left here was temporarily handed over to the command of Wanshan, Changguchuan and others in the capital of hell, but none of Wanshan and the others really commanded the shadow of death.

Even this time, it was because of Li Yichen's words that the Shadow of Death participated. Otherwise, with the help of Wanshan and Chang Guchuan, Xiao Mao, Li Qingfeng and others, the Shadow of Death would really not be able to adjust.

Regarding this point, Li Yichen didn't say anything. He originally had his own plans for the law enforcement team and Shadow of Death, and in the current situation, he did it deliberately.

First of all, law enforcement teams must not obey other people's commands. After all, they are law enforcers. The more people who can control them, the more constraints they have when carrying out law enforcement.

As for the shadow of death, they were all children originally, and the children in the last days have different thoughts in their hearts from normal children.

Li Yichen didn't know if his thoughts were right. Anyway, it seems that both the law enforcement team and the Shadow of Death are still within the controllable range. As long as he is with Xiaohu and Lone Wolf, they will have no problem.

Although he agreed to Xiaohu, Li Yichen did not leave. Instead, he left the team alone and moved towards the depths of the blood base.

He wants to find the strong men of the blood race first, try their strengths, and then see **** these strong men and completely erase the threat of the blood race. As for the demons, Li Yichen is not worried, there is Wali Massas, Tokugawa, and Zhang Anji were there, and the demons couldn't make waves.

At this time, the Demon Race was already ready to move, and the Hell Capital aggressively attacked the Blood Race. It was impossible to hide it from the Demon Race. What's more, they didn't intend to hide their intentions.

While the Hell Capital was still marching, the Demon Race had already spotted them. When they saw hundreds of thousands of troops heading for the Blood Race with murderous aura, the Demon Race urgently convened a high-level meeting.

The current demons already know about other trial races. The orcs are united with the human races, and the undead, goblins, and zergs are all annihilated. The current trial place is only left with the orcs, blood and them. Demon.

Now, the human race has begun to aggressively attack the blood race. If the blood race is also destroyed, can the demons rely on their own strength to resist the combined army of the human race and the orcs?

After a quarrel, the Mozu finally reached a consensus and decided to send troops to strengthen the blood.

In terms of the number of troops sent, the Demon Race was quite generous this time, and directly dispatched an army of 200,000. You know, the Demon Race now has only 500,000 troops left.

The demons originally had a large army of millions. This time the demons were actually the first to rush to the trial, but who knew that because of the appearance of Li Yichen, they and the blood race attacked each other, and had to spend a huge price to enter the trial ground in advance. .

As a result, the army of millions, after entering the trial ground, only 650,000 were left, and the other 350,000 were consumed during the transmission process.

After entering the trial land, the demons fought with the blood and humans one after another, and suffered heavy losses. Now there is only this 500,000 army.

Originally, the demons thought that 100,000 reinforcements would be enough. After all, the human race only has 100,000. However, considering that they have not reached an agreement with the blood race, after the crisis of the blood race is resolved, the blood race may turn around and attack them. Reinforcement, so I simply brought more.

In this case, after flanking the blood clan and killing the 100,000 clan, they still have enough troops to deter the blood clan, and they can even ask them for some benefits-we are here to save you, can we not do it in vain? There is no friendship between us! !

Before the Demon Race set off, they sent scouts to repeatedly scout the route they were going to march on, and even a hundred miles around the route were carefully checked.

After all, they only saw human soldiers, not the orcs. In their opinion, their greatest enemy was the orcs. As for the humans? Hmph, will the demons with charm ability be afraid of humans?

After determining the safety of the path, the demon army finally set off in a mighty force. In this attack, not only did the demon army dispatch an army of 200,000, but also the four great sacred demons of the demon race!

The Demon Race has four great holy demons, the strength is second only to the Demon King, and they are all S-level strengths. The Demon Race's S-level powerhouses are relatively small, because they want to enter the S-level and have extremely high requirements for soul power. .

Similarly, the S-level powerhouses of the Demon Race have considerable advantages when facing S-level powerhouses of other races, especially when facing life forms with insufficient soul power. Do one hit three in time without losing the wind.

And this time, being able to dispatch the four great holy demons is not to deal with the one hundred thousand human army. From the Mozu’s point of view, if the orcs don’t make a move, just relying on these one hundred thousand humans will not let them dispatch the holy demons. .

The purpose of these four sacred demons is to deter the blood races so that they can negotiate terms with them...

Because there are reconnaissance satellites, as soon as they left the Mozu base, the army of the Mozu was spotted by Chang Guchuan...

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