Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 870:   Alternative candidates

Not long after everyone discussed there, Wan Shan turned his head, looked at Li Yichen with some doubts, and asked:

"Xiao Yi! Source Realm should be very dangerous, right?"


Li Yichen nodded:

"Although I don't know much about the Origin Realm, it can be seen from the plane of its trial race becoming the arbitrator. There are many strong people among the six trial races. If you only talk about strength, I'm afraid any race will surpass us."

"But such a race still respects the arbiter as a god, even I think they simply regard the arbiter as a god!"

Looking at Wanshan seriously, Li Yichen took a breath:

"Among the six major trial races, let's not count the A-level and S-level powerhouses. As far as I know, at least two guys have transcended the boundaries of S-level life and entered the realm of SS-level."

"But such a guy treats the arbiter as a god. Think about it, how terrifying is the strength of the arbiter? Even if not all arbiters are so powerful, but such a existence, even if there is one, it is estimated to be able to relax. Destroy our **** capital!"


Hearing Li Yichen's words, Wan Shan breathed out heavily. Of course he knew what Li Yichen meant. He could be regarded as a **** by a certain kind of life. It must be that his strength was far superior to that kind of life. Otherwise, there would be no such thing. effect.

Just like Li Yichen, he is the veritable strongest person in the **** capital now. Other people, whether it is Wanshan, Chang Guchuan, Lone Wolf, etc., definitely have no power to fight back in front of him.

Ordinarily, this kind of strength can be considered to exceed them by a lot, but this level of transcendence, although it can also control the life and death of others, it can't make people regard him as a god.

To be able to reach that level, at least need to reach a realm that is difficult for the other party to understand, then it will make people produce that you can't beat it at all, and respect you like a god.

Although he has never seen the power of SS-level life, Wan Shan has heard Li Yichen talk about Archimonde, and he has some understanding of SS-level life. At least Wanshan understands that if he is in front of Archimonde, I am afraid ten It's not enough for him to tie a piece to a slap.

Even the undead king of the undead race is so powerful, how strong is the arbiter who can control the life and death of the undead king at will?

Moreover, according to Li Yichen’s guess, the arbiter is actually only one of the thousands of races in the source world. Such a source world is naturally dangerous. If you are unlucky, you will directly face the previous one and the arbiter. Races of equal strength, I am afraid they will all be turned into ashes in an instant! !

"Since the Source World is so dangerous, why do you go to the Source World?"

Wan Shan frowned and looked at Li Yichen:

"Although the lizardmen failed to keep the little tigers, from this point of view, their strength should not be too terrifying, but the little tigers reconnaissance is their forward base after all. Maybe there are no lizardmen strong there?"

"If you attack them rashly, once you provoke the strong in their race, you don't need to be as powerful as an arbiter, even if it is a guy similar to Archimonde, I am afraid we will lose a lot!"

"I know!"

Li Yichen nodded, and did not refute Wan Shan.

Although Archimonde has fought against Li Yichen many times, it did not help Li Yichen, and was even sent into the turbulent space by Li Yichen in the end, life and death are unknown, but this definitely does not mean that Li Yichen has the strength to fight Archimonde.

In the several collisions between Li Yichen and Archimonde, in fact, each time Archimonde was scrupulous, and did not really show the strength of the SS-level powerhouse, otherwise, Li Yichen might have died long ago. Go through.

(Zombie: Cross again? Do you think you are Lao Guo? You can cross as soon as you touch the switch?)

"But... Origin Realm, I must go!"

Li Yichen's eyes are very firm:

"I feel that if you want human beings to become really strong, you must enter the Source Realm. Although it is dangerous there, don't forget that we humans have a saying-if you don't enter the tiger's lair, you will get a tiger!"

With that said, Li Yichen patted Wan Shan on the shoulder and smiled relaxedly:

"Moreover, I won’t bring everyone in. Didn’t I say that if you want to go, please sign up with me. If you don’t want to go, choose your own place. Anyway, whether it’s the earth, the place of trial, or even In the subspace, it should be safe for now!"


Wan Shan looked at Li Yichen, his eyes flashing.


Li Yichen nodded:

"According to my opinion, the trial site must have been created by the arbiter, and the six major races are of course also selected by the arbiter. Moreover, the arbiter has not only arranged such a trial site, but also in other diverse In the universe, there should be such a place of trial!"

"This time, they did not pay attention to our trial site. There are only three possibilities: 1. They made this trial for a certain purpose, or research, and now, their purpose has been achieved. , So it’s no longer needed!"

"2. Their race is in trouble. They have no time to take care of it until that trouble is resolved."

"3. They encountered a powerful enemy and the entire race was wiped out. Of course, there is no arbitrator's attention in the place of trial."

"For these three situations, if it is the third one, if the arbiter perishes, then both our place and the earth will become safe again."

"But what if it is the first two? Even if it is the first one, they have completed their goals and no longer need a place of trial, but who knows if they will have anything to experiment in the future? At that time, they will Don't you think of it again?"

"Therefore, as long as we don’t understand the trial grounds, we have always had potential threats, and entering the Source Realm is the only way to eliminate this threat! I don’t want to trust myself or the fate of my descendants. In the hope that others will never come again."


Wan Shan looked at Li Yichen, and did not persuade him any more, but asked another question:

"Do you think that if we can successfully occupy a heaven, do we have the ability to hold it?"


Li Yichen shook his head:

"I have space capabilities, and the entrance to the universe, in my opinion, should also be a kind of space passage. If we can find a way to close it, then our universe will naturally become quite safe."

"Because Tianyu is actually a small world, it is no different from the real world. If the space channel is closed, then we are equivalent to living in a closed world. Other creatures, unless they also have spatial abilities and still We have the coordinates of the universe where we are, otherwise, it is absolutely inaccessible!"

"Okay! Let's go, make a tianyu, and if you can be sure of safety at that time, then move everyone to the tianyu!"

Wan Shan finally nodded and said:

"However, when attacking Tianyu, I want to participate!"

"No, the attack on Tianyu may last for how long, as you said, who knows the strength of the lizardman race?"

Li Yichen immediately shook his head and said:

"And here is what you are most familiar with. I need you to stay here, prepare for the relocation, and appropriately remind those survivors that if we really want to relocate in the future, we may need to complete the relocation in a very short time! "

"Furthermore, if you attack that Tianyu, you don't just rely on the number of people. As for how to do it, I still need to go and see in person and try out their strength before I can decide!"

"Xiao Yi! Don't go, I can always go, right?"

At this time, Lin Pingzhi, the ancestor of the Lin family, suddenly said that if he was calculated according to his life level, this one would be the highest. However, if compared with the actual combat power, Lin Pingzhi once said that he should not be able to fight Li Yichen. , Because this guy has too many cards!

Especially Lin Pingzhi is very sure, even if Li Yichen can't beat himself, but if he wants to escape, it is estimated that no one in this world can catch him, unless he can achieve level suppression, directly let him even have space abilities. Can't use it.

There should be such an existence in the Source Realm, but the current trial place definitely does not exist, so in this world, Li Yichen is basically invincible.

It is precisely because of this that when Lin Pingzhi heard that Hell would eliminate the blood and demons, although Lin Pingzhi received the news, he did not dissuade him, nor actively asked to participate, because he knew that Li Yichen was there. , I shouldn't have much chance to shoot.

In this meeting, Lin Pingzhi was still a little surprised when he heard Li Yichen say that he was going to the Source Realm in a certain tone. In his opinion, Li Yichen was already at the pinnacle of this world.

Such a character, why not stay in this world? When the demons and blood races are driven away, who else is Li Yichen's opponent in the entire trial place? Is it not good to rule a world here? Why even venture into a place that you know is dangerous?

However, after Li Yichen explained, Lin Pingzhi immediately understood. At the same time, he secretly admired Li Yichen in his heart. He even felt that he had lived to this age. Some things were not clearly seen by Li Yichen, so Then take the initiative to invite Ying.

"Senior Lin?"

Seeing Lin Pingzhi, Li Yichen's eyes suddenly lit up. Yes, how could he forget this great god? He quickly said:

"Senior Lin, if you enter the Source Realm, don’t worry about it. To be honest, I’m on the trial ground, and there’s really something to trouble you. I was thinking that if there is no one, I’ll just I can stay, but if this is the case, things on the source world will be delayed!"

"Oh! What's the matter?"

Lin Pingzhi couldn't help but asked strangely...

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