Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 880:  The discovery of Ariel Lin

"Xiao Yi! Look!"

Li Qingfeng opened his personal terminal and called up a map:

"I showed them the map of Tianyu. According to Lao Wan and their inference, the heart of Tianyu is most likely to appear in these six locations!"

Li Qingfeng's strategy was quite successful. As soon as he heard the heart of Tianyu, Li Yichen immediately looked at Li Qingfeng's personal terminal, and it was the Tianyu map displayed on it!

"send it to me!"

Li Yichen only glanced at it and said, after all, the screen of the terminal is too small. If you want to see the exact location, you must zoom in on the map. This is the screen, not the distance, so his eagle eyes won't work here.

Li Qingfeng immediately passed the map to Li Yichen, and the two were together, so if you send files, you don't even need the Internet.

"This is the center point of Tianyu!"

Turning on his terminal, Li Yichen called up the map and carefully looked at the coordinates above. The first coordinate is at the center of the universe. This is definitely necessary. No matter who wants to guess where the heart of the universe is. It is impossible to let it go.

In addition to the center of the sky, there are four points in four directions, and the center of the sky is the axis, forming a cross.

"These four points are calculated by Wanshan and they roughly judged the direction of the sky, and these four points are just in the four directions of the southeast, northwest!"

Li Qingfeng clicked the four coordinate channels.

"what about this?"

Li Yichen pointed to the last coordinate point and asked. This coordinate point is quite strange. The other coordinate points are all traces to follow. One is at the center and the other four are in four directions. Makes sense.

But this point alone, seems to be irregular, just southeast of the entire sky map.

"This one……"

Hearing Li Yichen's question about this last point, Li Qingfeng and Xiaohu looked at each other, both of them looked a little weird, and finally Li Qingfeng spoke:

"This point is my younger brother...no, it was marked by Captain Lin Yichen!"


Li Yichen was stunned. After Lin Yichen returned to the trial place from the earth, most of the time was in the subspace, especially after the Lin family entered the subspace.

Because the Lin family is a very large family and there are so many earthlings, Li Yichen discussed with Wan Shan and simply assigned a battleship to the Lins and earthlings.

Anyway, the Ark in the subspace can be split into three independent warships, and each warship has its own living area, one for the Lin family, and the rest is enough for other people.

Speaking of which, after the large-scale transfer of the people of the earth, the number of "locals" in the land of trials in the capital of **** is really not as large as the immigrants on the earth.

And because of Lin Yichen’s relationship with Li Yichen, and seeing Li Yichen’s status in the capital of hell, after entering the subspace, the Lin family’s senior leaders held a meeting and simply handed the battleship to Lin Yichen to be responsible. All those in the battleship People are all deployed by Ariel Lin, and even Lin Pingzhi does not intervene. Therefore, many people call Ariel Lin the captain!

"Did Yiyi say why he chose here?"

Li Yichen couldn't help asking, he is very strange now. He knows Lin Yichen's temperament. If he is not sure about it, she will not participate in this kind of thing. But the problem is that the position she marked really can't see anything. Come by law.


Li Qingfeng nodded:

"Captain Lin said, this location is where the tallest building in each living area is located! Moreover, the top of the three tallest buildings in the three living areas is a pole with a diamond on top of the pole."

"Living Area?"

Li Yichen was taken aback, and then realized that the living area Li Qingfeng said must be on the Ark, so he asked again:

"What did she say?"

"Captain Lin may know the living quarters on the battleship best!"

Li Qingfeng looked at Li Yichen and said:

"Because the people on her battleship are actually the most people, and the personnel are complicated and difficult to manage, so Captain Lin simply divided the living area into areas. Before dividing the areas, she checked the entire living area. And drew a map!"

"After seeing the map of Tianyu, Captain Lin found that the outline of Tianyu seemed to be the same as... the outline of the battleship's living quarters, so he asked me for a copy, and then she went to the other battleships. Compare the living quarters carefully!"

"Finally, she marked the coordinates, saying that the shapes of the Tianyu and the three living areas are almost exactly the same, and the only thing exactly the same in the three living areas is the building in this marked area, even the size, shape, and number of floors. all the same."

"So, she told me, let me tell you, if you enter the universe, go to this location first, even if there is no heart of the universe, there should be other gains!"

Having said this, Li Qingfeng hesitated for a moment, and then said again:

"Actually, she was planning to come with us. I didn't dare to take her, because I was afraid of accidents, so I asked Mr. Torlin to stop her!"

"The living area...is the same shape as the sky?"

Li Yichen has no opinion on Li Qingfeng not bringing Lin Yichen. Although Lin Yichen is now in the capital of **** because of Li Yichen’s injection, she is still at the top in strength, but anyway, she is always female. In Li Yichen’s heart, female No matter how powerful he is, he won't be as cruel as a man in battle!

Especially now that they are fighting against other races, whether they are lizard people or native villains, there will be old and weak women and children in these two races. If Lin Yichen comes and see these poor guys, will she still Wishing a butcher knife to these people?

Therefore, in this place, don't let her come in. After Tianyu is taken down and completely stabilized, she can participate in some battles. At that time, there are soldiers on the battlefield, of course, there is no scruples.

However, Li Yichen agrees with Lin Yichen’s ideas. After all, in this respect, the woman is still more meticulous. There are many people who have been around the living quarters of the three battleships, including Li Yichen himself. It can be seen that the positions of the three buildings and the The buildings are all exactly the same shape, but Ariel Lin himself.

It's not that she is the only woman in the capital of hell, but there are not many women who can walk around the Ark at will, and do not limit what to do, and there are very few who can know the universe.

Wanshan Nakouzi also had this authority, but her focus was on helping Wanshan deal with daily affairs, and she didn't pay attention to this detail at all.

Looking at the coordinates marked by Lin Yichen, Li Yichen nodded secretly in his heart. Based on the basis of Lin Yichen's words, Li Yichen felt that there should be a play here. It seems that after entering the heaven, he can give priority to this place.

Anyway, the entire universe is not big, and the lizardmen are also fighting against the original villains. If it is not a battlefield, it would not be troublesome to look at it in the past.

In fact, Li Yichen had previously thought about whether the Heart of the Heavenly Territory would be in those mists, but soon he denied his conjecture. Those mists have powerful decomposition ability, and the Heart of Heavenly Territory could not be there.

Although the Heart of Heaven might not be afraid of those mists decomposing, other creatures can't resist it. At least in the human world, he didn't listen to Xiaoyong's words, which creatures are not afraid of those mists.

Even Li Yichen has to rely on the system to barely resist the mist and prevent himself from being decomposed. If the heart of the sky is really in the mist, then it must be that no one can get it, then there can be no one. The legend of the heart has spread, and it is clear that the heaven and the heart of the human race have been obtained.

Therefore, in fact, Li Yichen is very sure that he will be able to find the heart of the heaven and take it down. The heaven itself is not big, because it can’t be found. So, let’s take the lizardman and the native Destroyed the villain, then pulled the people from the Hell Capital over, carefully flipped over the entire universe, and found it too.

"Xiaohu, you guess...how long will it take for these guys to get in?"

Looking at the lizardmen migration army below, Li Yichen asked.

"If you count now, if nothing happens... for a week!"

Xiaohu looked at the team below, and calculated in his mind, the current team is not as stable as before. The order of the lizardmen migration seems to be the young and strong first, after all, they are still fighting inside. .

Therefore, the speed of the migrating army can be said to be slower and slower. Especially in the later period, many lizardmen old and young have to push some strange-shaped vehicles, which are full of things, which greatly slows down the speed of travel.

"One week! Then wait!"

Li Yichen hesitated, and finally decided not to enter the universe. He was afraid that he would go in and let the lizardmen find out. Once the lizardmen felt that another race had discovered the universe, there might be some accidents.

In order to safely obtain this universe, Li Yichen felt that he should not be impatient, everything should be safe, don't have to be hasty, if it is really because of his own impulse that this universe is discovered by other races, it would be very troublesome. Up.

Li Yichen felt that the current lizardmen and native villains had no problem with floating, but this did not mean that all the races in the Source Realm were so weak. If a race like the Arbiter were to be recruited, it would be worth the loss.

"These guys are really slow, if only we could help!"

Li Qingfeng looked at the group of lizardmen below, curled his lips and said.

"Forget it, as soon as you show up, they will definitely treat you as an enemy.

Li Yichen said:

"Wait quietly. If you are in a hurry, wait a week for all the lizardmen to enter the universe, and we will go to war with them! Take down this universe!!"

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