Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 882:  Start to attack

Seeing the arrangement of the lizardmen, Li Yichen pulled a smile at the corner of his mouth. From this point of view, the battle between the original villain and the lizardmen seemed to end in the victory of the lizardmen.

Although Li Yichen hopes that the native villain will win, if the native villain can kill all the lizardmen, it is estimated that they will return to their own territory. In this case, Li Yichen will be much more convenient.

At least, the territories of the native villains are far away from the entrance of the heaven, and it will be convenient for Li Yichen to line up troops.

However, if the lizardmen win, there is no problem for Li Yichen. Now all the lizardmen have entered the heaven. Li Yichen has carefully sensed that among the lizardmen, the most powerful is an S-level and A-level. There are about a few hundred of them. This kind of combat power is inferior to the Zerg. Of course, Li Yichen would not take it seriously.

According to the written strength, if he wanted to deal with the lizardmen, Li Yichen didn't have to make a move himself, and the Death Shadow and the Blade Legion were enough to kill them all.

However, the war between the lizardmen and the original villains seems to have entered a stalemate. The original villains are all hiding in the jungle. It seems that they have suffered a loss in the first place, so they refuse to take the initiative to attack.

And the lizardman didn't mean to be anxious at all, just staying in his defensive position, without any sign of wanting to attack.

If this were the case, it would not be so good for Li Yichen. He hoped that the two races would fight quickly so that he could fish in troubled waters.

After thinking about it, Li Yichen drove the helicopter back to the entrance of the heaven. The war between the two races, he alone would definitely not have much effect.

The entrance to the heaven is still a hot scene, and the large groups of lizard people are still working hard to build a fortress. Li Yichen carefully observed and made sure that they did not pay attention to the entrance of the heaven before leaving.

After arriving in an area invisible to the lizardmen, Li Yichen landed the helicopter, then recovered it, then turned on the spatial refraction, and walked towards the entrance of the heaven.

Because no one paid attention at all, Li Yichen easily entered the entrance of the heaven and returned to the source world.

"Brother Yi! What's the situation inside?"

Xiaohu and Li Qingfeng had been staring at the entrance of the heavens. They saw Li Yichen as soon as they came out, so they immediately came to Li Yichen, Xiaohu asked.

"They won't fight for now!"

Li Yichen talked about the situation in the universe, and then looked at Xiaohu:

"Little Tiger, gather your shadow of death and follow me in!"


Xiaohu was very excited when he heard it, and immediately replied loudly. For so long, Li Yichen has not allowed them to enter the universe, Xiaohu has long been anxious.

Li Qingfeng on the side wasn't happy to hear it. Why can the shadow of death go, can't we go? If the Blade Legion is lurking, it may not be comparable to the Shadow of Death, but if it has to fight for strength, it must be no weaker than those little kids-of course, it refers to the confrontation between the gong and the drum, the assassination... that can't be counted.

"Xiao Yi! How come only the shadow of death enters? Our blades are fine!"

After all, Li Qingfeng and Li Yichen lived and died together, and were not so polite, so they asked directly.

"It's really a problem!"

Li Yichen looked at Li Qingfeng and smiled. He knew this guy would have something to say:

"Now the lizardmen at the entrance to the heaven don't care much about the entrance to the heaven, so I plan to get some people to lurch in and not disturb them. The only thing that meets this requirement is the shadow of death!"

"Huh? To lurch?"

Li Qingfeng was taken aback for a moment. If this day were added, the Blade Legion was indeed not qualified. For the previous lurking, he still wanted Xiaohu to send Shadow of Death to help.

"Don't worry about the big guy!"

Li Yichen smiled and patted Li Qingfeng on the shoulder:

"I took Xiaohu and the others in, just to build a forward base. When the base is completed, your people will go in. Xiaohu and the others are only good at assassination. The frontal battlefield depends on your blade!"

"Okay! I see, you guys go quickly!"

Li Qingfeng waved his hand, obviously not in a high mood.

"Little Tiger, it's probably like this over there. After you come in, all gather here. Remember, try not to let those lizardmen find out. If they find out, they will start attacking immediately, no matter how many people go in!"

Li Yichen turned on the terminal and showed Xiaohu the video he had recorded in it to let them know what it would be like after entering.

In addition, Li Yichen had found a more suitable gathering place in Tianyu, and pointed it out to Xiaohu.

"Don't worry, Brother Yi, in this case, they will definitely not find out when we go in."

What Li Yichen didn't expect was that after watching the video, Xiaohu confidently told him that he was okay. After thinking about it for a while, Li Yichen suddenly realized.

The little guys in Shadow of Death can hide abilities. This concealment is not a spatial ability, so it is completely unaffected by space channels. In other words, the members of Shadow of Death can actually enter the space in a hidden state. At this point, they are even stronger than Li Yichen.

"I'm going! I forgot about it!"

Li Yichen shook his head, knowing this a long time ago, before let the little guys of Shadow of Death enter the heaven first.

But it's not too late, anyway, the war between the lizard people and the native villains is not over yet.

Because he saw the situation on the previous battlefield, Li Yichen now intends to directly attack the lizardmen, because if they follow their style of play, the native villains are definitely not opponents, and if the native villains do not attack, the lizardmen will not take the initiative to attack. If so, when will their war end?

Although Li Yichen knew that the patience of the lizard people was definitely not that much, once they repaired the fortress at the entrance of the heaven, it was time for them to start attacking.

As for how to attack the native villain in the jungle? This Li Yichen didn't need to think about it. Huo Gong was the best choice.

The previous lizard people have already exposed their ability to use rockets, and can burn the villages of the original villains, and there is no problem in burning the jungle.

In the battle against the lizardmen, the only advantage of the native villain is to rely on the jungle. Once the lizardman uses fire attack, the native villain without long-range attack means will not be the opponent of the lizardman.

So, for now, Li Yichen is still willing to make some trouble for the lizardmen, and start from the entrance of the heavens. Once the lizardmen here are messed up, the native villain will not let go of the opportunity to attack the lizardmen. Is the enemy a friend!

After taking care of the little tiger, Li Yichen entered the sky again. This time, no one noticed his entry. Even when entering the sky, there would be some fluctuations in the space channel, but this fluctuation did not cause any lizard people. Attention.

After entering the sky, Li Yichen immediately turned on the spatial refraction, hiding himself, and then looked behind the entrance of the sky.

The fort that the lizardmen wanted to build did not cover the entrance of the heaven, but was on the side of the entrance of the heaven. As for the other side, no lizardmen would care about it. As long as the fort was successfully completed, the other side of the entrance of the heaven would be natural. Will also enter the defensive area of ​​the fort.

Of course, there is no problem with this kind of thinking, but in Li Yichen's eyes, this undoubtedly gave him a good opportunity. The other side of the entrance to the heaven is enough for him to place a big castle.

However, to place the castle, Li Yichen intends to directly place the entrance to the heavens within the castle. In this case, the lizardmen need to be cleaned up, which is why he let Xiaohu and the others come in.

After Li Yichen came in, Xiaohu also entered the heaven. Then, the members of Shadow of Death walked out of the space channel one by one, and came to the area where Li Yichen told them to gather.

"Little Tiger, have you seen those with bows and arrows on their backs? They are the priority targets!"

When the shadow of death was gathering, Li Yichen pulled Xiaohu and whispered to him.


Xiaohu nodded, and then looked at the lizardmen, seeing that they didn't pay attention to him, so he showed his figure, raised his hand and gestured.

Soon, all the little guys in the Shadow of Death entered the realm of heaven. Xiaohu looked at Li Yichen and signaled that he was ready. Li Yichen didn't hesitate, and immediately waved his hand to indicate that he could start attacking. ,

Xiaohu received Li Yichen's order and immediately knocked on his terminal. This was the order to attack. In an instant, all the shadows of death immediately scattered and entered among the lizardmen.

To be honest, Li Yichen hadn't really watched the battle of Shadow of Death before that, especially when so many Shadows of Death were doing their work at the same time.

The concealment ability of the Shadow of Death is quite powerful, even Li Yichen, who has eagle eyes, can only see them vaguely. If you are not careful, I am afraid you will just ignore them.

Soon, the little guys of the Shadow of Death were all in place. They each stared at a lizard man carrying a bow and arrow. When the last Shadow of Death was in place, he lightly tapped his terminal, and then drew out the dagger. , Jumped and inserted it into the heart of the lizard man in front of him...

While this shadow of death started, the other shadows of death made the same action. In an instant, countless blood arrows splashed and hundreds of lizardmen died instantly.


At the same time that the Shadow of Death started his hand, Li Yichen also jumped directly into the air and opened the horizon to face the lizardman below, which was a thunder light purgatory. After that, he did not see the effect of his attack at all, and his figure flashed into the other side. In the crowd of lizards, waved Tianya and began to harvest.

Because it is under construction and not the main battlefield, there are no lizardmen masters here at all. The only A-level lizardman was killed by Li Yichen in the first place, so it was a mess...

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