Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 884:  First collision

"It's okay! I will watch, let them rush to kill for a while!"

Li Qingfeng understood what Li Yichen meant. He was afraid that the soldiers of the Blade Legion would be surrounded by lizardmen and would cause heavy damage, so he wanted them to withdraw to the castle!

With defensive backing, coupled with long-range attacks, of course it will be easier, especially now, the number of Lizardmen far exceeds the number of soldiers of the Blade Legion.

As for the shadow of death, in such a large battlefield, it must be walking around and hunting at will. As for the frontal resistance, that is not the style of the shadow of death.

Hearing what Li Qingfeng said, Li Yichen didn't say much, anyway, the legion belonged to him, and it didn't seem to hurt to train these soldiers.

Seeing a large group of lizardmen appearing in the distance, the blade warriors immediately reacted. They already knew the way the lizardmen fight, so of course they would not let them approach easily.

"Defensive formation ready!!"

Countless squad captains shouted, and then, the sharp-edged fighters immediately formed a six-man battle group, three in the first three behind, countless battle groups rushed to the forefront of the battlefield, and three people in front He lowered the gun behind him, then half-kneeled on the ground, raised the gun and aimed it in front.

The other soldiers continued to use melee weapons to clean up the scattered lizardmen, and to cover the soldiers using guns.

"As long as the enemy is in range, start shooting freely!"

The squad leaders yelled and issued orders. When the tidal lizardmen entered the range of the guns, the lizardmen around them had basically been cleaned up. After all, there was still a shadow of death among them.

After these lizardmen were almost killed, the shadow of death hid their bodies and disappeared on the battlefield. Even Li Yichen could not see them because of the distance.

However, Li Yichen knew that these little guys must have gone around behind the lizardmen, and the frontal battlefield would soon be taken over by the blade. If they stay here again, they may be injured by firearms.

"Boom boom..."

As the lizardmen moved forward, the guns in the hands of the blade warriors began to roar. They were holding rifles with scopes. Because they were produced by the mall, their power and range were not much smaller than that of sniper rifles!

The lizardmen at the forefront fell down like cutting wheat. Seeing their long-range power, the lizardmen did not stop, but accelerated the speed of their charge. They would also attack from a distance, although the range of bows and arrows is not comparable to that of guns. But at least they all know that in the face of long-range attacks, the faster they shorten the distance, the smaller their losses.

Moreover, the lizardmen behind also began to draw bows and projectiles, but because of the distance, these attacks did not pose any threat to the Blade Legion.

There are quite a lot of lizardmen. After all, the entrance to the heaven is related to their future. Moreover, for the lizardmen, the most terrifying part of these new enemies is still unknown.

They don't know where these enemies come from, are they a race with the heavens or a wandering race like them? What is the number and strength of this ethnic group? When did they discover this heaven and discover themselves?

All of this is unknown to the lizard people. The only thing they can be sure about now is that the newly emerged race is definitely their enemy, and they have to take away their optimistic horizon.

For the lizard people, before the appearance of the human race, they were quite happy, because in their eyes, the original villain was definitely the kind that can be easily destroyed. Although the time may be longer, they don't care.

They have all entered the universe, so they can clean up these primitive villains while building, and one day they can completely occupy this universe.

But now there has been a change. For the lizard people, this is definitely too bad news. The emergence of new enemies not only means that this heaven may no longer belong to them, but even their race continuation has appeared. crisis.

The lizard people have migrated into this heaven. Although there are still some warriors left outside, new enemies have come in from the outside, and their people have not come in and sound the alarm.

The only explanation for this situation is that their clansmen outside have been wiped out, and now the entrance of the heaven is also occupied by new enemies, they can't even get out, if these enemies are strong enough, their lizard people race , Maybe it will be extinct in this heaven!

The original good things turned into bad things in an instant. Of course, the lizard people's mood would not be good, especially now that their back is blocked, it is impossible to leave this heaven, so of course they will try their best to regain the entrance of the heaven.

In addition, to the lizardmen, the number of new enemies does not seem to be much. Although the castle that sealed the entrance to the heavens is a bit weird, there are definitely not as many soldiers rushing into the battlefield.

That is to say, these enemies should have discovered this heaven unintentionally, and then killed the clansmen outside them, and occupied the entrance of the heaven.

If this is the case, then of course the lizard people must at all costs, before these enemies have a firm foothold, and before their reinforcements arrive, immediately destroy these enemies and **** the entrance to the heavens.

Only in this way can they continue to choose whether to stay in the heaven and wait for the enemy's clansmen to return, or to abandon the heaven and wait for the next opportunity.

For the lizard people, it is definitely unwilling to give up this universe. It is not easy to find a masterless universe. Otherwise, the lizard people will not be thousands of years old, and they will still be a wandering race. .

The life energy of the source world is indeed rich, but it is still incomparable with the sky. Therefore, the difference in strength between the race with the sky and the race without the sky is incomparable, and it will get worse over time. Big.

Under this circumstance, a race without a heaven wants to lay down an already occupied heaven. It is a fantasy at all. Only this kind of unowner heaven is the most ideal. As long as it can be taken down, If you develop steadily for hundreds of thousands of years, your race will surely rise.

However, when I met Li Yichen, I can only say that the luck of the lizard people is not very good. After all, they cross races, so it is impossible for them to share this universe. The end of the two sides can only be life and death. There must be a race that ends in failure. , To be able to end this battle for heaven! !

Humans are certainly not a race that owns the universe, but the problem is that there is Li Yichen, who can provide various strengthening injections. Therefore, compared with the lizard people, the human race certainly has an advantage.

In particular, human beings are a technological race. A large number of advanced guns are much stronger than the bows and arrows of the lizardmen. The lizardmen themselves are stray races. It is not easy to eat enough to ensure the continuation of the race. There is no time or Site to research technology?

The impact of the lizard people is quite fierce, because they have to take time to drive them out before the arrival of the enemy's backup that occupy the entrance of the heaven, and retake the entrance of the heaven.

However, the firepower of the guns was somewhat unexpected for the lizardmen. They had never seen such a weapon that could spit fire and shoot powerful metals to attack, so of course there was no way to defend it.

The sharp-edged fighters are certainly not polite. All the fighters who enter here are standard equipment. Except for their cold weapons and combat uniforms, combat boots and tactical helmets, they all carry a rifle and a submachine gun. , Carrying ten grenades.

In the backpack behind them, except for the first aid injection and some food, all are ammunition, so for them, the ammunition is quite sufficient.

The soldiers who started shooting quickly lighted up the ten magazines on their bodies, so they immediately stepped back and replaced them by the soldiers behind them. The soldiers who were replaced quickly took off their backpacks, took out the bullets and pressed them into the bullets. Clip, ready for the next round of attack.

That's right, the bullets they carried in the backpack were scattered. It was not that Li Yichen wanted to save, but because only the bullets could save space.

There is almost no interval in this kind of rotation shooting, so every time the lizardman takes a step forward and shortens the distance between himself and the blade warrior, he will pay a considerable price.

When the lizardmen finally rushed into the shooting range of their bows and arrows, the lizardmen finally started a real counterattack. For the lizardmen who would almost be born with bows and arrows, the arrows they could throw were also terrifying.

"Disperse! Ready to defend!!"

Seeing the black cloud composed of arrows flying up from the lizardmen army, the small captains of the Blade Legion shouted, and all the warriors immediately began to open a little between each other. the distance.

The soldiers who were loading the bullets put down the magazines and bullets in their hands, and drew out their sabers, while the soldiers who were shooting did not move at all and continued to shoot.

"Swish swish!"

Finally, the lizardmen's feather arrows fell densely, and all the warriors had raised their heads and stared at these arrows when the arrow cloud reached above them.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

When the rain of arrows fell into the Blade Legion, a dense metal crash sounded. The soldiers of the Blade Legion were not equipped with battle armor made of Zerg corpses, because they felt that the armor was a bit obstructive.

They only wore ordinary combat uniforms. Although they also had certain defensive power, it was still somewhat difficult to defend against these arrows. However, on each soldier's left forearm, there was a small round shield about one foot in diameter.

These tinkling sounds are the crashing sounds of arrows falling on small bucklers or soldiers' tactical helmets...

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