Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 888:  The Ring of Death

Of course, Xiaohu knew about Li Yichen's situation, but he had not found a chance to release the ring of death before, because the release of the ring of death required advance preparation and also had requirements for the terrain.

The ring of death created by Xiaohu can be activated by more than three people. Of course, the more people there are, the greater the power, but the consumption of the releaser is also quite large. Basically, after releasing the ring of death , The little guys in the shadow of death will no longer have the ability to sneak, and they will not be able to release spatial refraction.

However, seeing the situation on the battlefield now, Xiaohu can no longer wait. The outbreak of the Blade Legion just now cleared them a space to release the ring of death, so Xiaohu gave the order without hesitation!

At this time, the lizardmen’s rattan soldiers have rushed to the castle wall, and of course the archers have followed. However, now the archers are not covered with arrow rain. One is this kind of battlefield. Let them assemble. Starting a rain of arrows is somewhat unrealistic.

On the other hand, most of the sharp-edged fighters are now on the city wall, and the castle is full of wounded soldiers, and then attack with firearms to deal with such a target, a single archer is enough.

Of course, those archers have already used bows and arrows to try to kill those fighters, but those machine guns have bulletproof baffles. Their bows and arrows are difficult to work. The previous arrow rain was because of angle problems, which made those baffles unable to protect. Warrior from behind.

Before the distance was enough, the lizardman archer could shoot, so the arrow rain was almost vertical, and the machine gun baffle was of course used to defend against the attack in front.

Today's archers, even if they are organized to start the arrow rain, they don't have that kind of angle, because the distance is too close, they can't calculate the arrow's falling point.

Originally, the distance is less than 50 meters, and the bow is drawn directly with one arrow. How can it be thrown into the sky at such a distance? Therefore, the targets of those archers are mostly the warriors on the wall. After all, they are in battle and it is difficult to guard against the sudden attack of Lengjian.

Originally, Xiaohu was thinking of letting the shadow of death leave some stamina so that he could take a shot at a critical moment and try to turn the tide of the battle, but according to the current situation, it is unlikely that the fighter he was looking forward to will appear!

The castle side is a defensive battle. For the Shadow of Death, it is better to let them charge against the lizardman army to carry out this kind of battle. At least when they charge, their hiding can still be effective.

Therefore, after seeing the eruption of the blade warrior, Xiaohu immediately decided that he would no longer save his physical strength, and first remove the lizardmen around the castle. If the power is enough, it may be able to shock them and relieve the pressure on the castle!

There are less than six hundred death shadows entering the source world, and currently there are only about five hundred and fifty people participating in the battle on the castle side, and some are outside the entrance of the heaven.

Because of the concealment ability and space abilities, the shadow of death participating in the battle has not been reduced. This is not to say that their strength is much stronger than that of the blade warriors. The main reason is that they do not need to stick to the defense, can play freely, and often kill. One flashes, and the lizardmen can't fight back at all.

If the positions of them and the blade warriors are exchanged, the Shadow of Death will suffer a heavy loss. Of course, the blade warriors without concealment ability rush into the lizardman army, it is estimated that it will be difficult to kill them again.

Although there are only five hundred and fifty people, it is a combined ability after all. This may be the first creation of Shadow of Death. After all, before again, no one has heard of a combined ability to be launched by multiple people.

In the Undead City, Li Yichen had seen the undead's space powerhouse absorb the energy of countless zombies to open up space channels, but that was not a power, and only the space powerhouse was dominant. Of course, it can't be regarded as a linkage abnormality. can!

To be honest, after the creation of the Ring of Death, Xiaohu and the others did a small-scale experiment, with at most fifty people starting it together. The effect was very powerful at that time, so Shadow of Death often practiced.

Almost every night before taking a break, a few of them would get together and start it once, anyway, after the start, they would go to sleep, no matter how heavy the consumption was.

However, more than 500 people started together, and it was their first attempt. Xiaohu didn't know how powerful it was, or even whether it could be released normally.

However, there is no time for him to hesitate now, and looking at a battlefield of this scale, the death ring of dozens of people is not enough to reverse the situation on the battlefield, so the little tiger simply fights!

This was their first battle to enter the Source Realm, and it was the key battle for them to attack the Heaven Realm. Xiaohu knew in his heart that Li Yichen let them enter the Source Realm mainly to find the Heaven Realm. After discovering the Heaven Realm, Li Yichen would They all withdrew back, no longer exploring at all?

From this point, we can see how important Tianyu is in Li Yichen’s heart. Therefore, even though Xiaohu knows that even if they did not hold here for ten hours and were rushed into the castle by the lizardmen, Li Yichen would not be in danger of life. Still decided, try to keep this hour.

So now, the only way is the ring of death. Although the shadow of death is basically equal to all the members withdrawing from the battle after releasing this, Xiaohu also understands that in this battlefield of attack and defense, they retain energy and play. If it doesn't have much effect, it's better to fight it again! !

Seeing the frenzied eruption of the blade warriors just now, and the lizardmen, who had been defeated by various abilities, approached again, Xiaohu finally jumped off the city wall and came to the death shadow queue standing close to the city wall, and shouted:

"The ring of death...open!!"

With this sound of his opening, all the five hundred and fifty-five members of the Shadow of Death appeared in an instant, all the stabs in their hands were put away, their hands were empty, the palms were in front of them, and they were pulled slightly to the sides.

As their palms gradually separated, a strong spatial fluctuation appeared. At this time, the soldiers of the Blade Legion on the city wall felt the spatial fluctuations below, and could not help but all probe down and saw these little guys.

"Death...shadow? What are they doing?"

Some soldiers couldn't help asking, the lizardmen army in front of them was about to reach the city wall, why didn't these boys hide away? Does Shadow of Death also begin to fight frontally?

Almost all the blade warriors did not see the battle of the Shadow of Death, even when they killed the archer before, because the distance was too far, few knew about it.

The blade warrior can only be sure that the shadow of death must be constantly shooting, so when seeing the shadow of death no longer hiding his body, the first thought that came up in his heart was...These little guys are exhausted! !

Of course Li Qingfeng also saw this situation, and he also clearly felt the richness and horror of the energy in the space below, and the lizardmen on the front of the shadow of death changed their complexion, some turned around and fled, and some Pounced forward, as if to stop something.

"Cover them!"

Li Qingfeng immediately yelled. He had already thought that this should be the ultimate trick that Shadow of Death wanted to use, so when he saw Lizardmen flying forward, he immediately thought of stopping them.

The blade warriors of course also saw this situation. Even if Li Qingfeng didn’t shout, they wouldn’t be able to sit back and watch. Although they didn’t have much contact with the Shadow of Death, they were all members of the Hell Capital. How could they look at the Lizardmen? Want to attack one's own colleagues without responding?

Therefore, when the lizardmen rushed forward, the blade warriors above also immediately began to attack. Whether they were holding guns or sabers in their hands, they all threw directly at the lizardmen below.

Needless to say, the saber, if you lose it, you can almost kill a lizardman. As for the gun, um, you can't die if you hit it, but at least it can make you stop, right?

The purpose of the blade warriors is very simple. They are to stop the lizardmen from moving forward, but they did not jump down to stop them. The energy fluctuations below can be clearly sensed by every warrior. Even though they are not facing directly, they also feel The horror of these energy fluctuations.

Therefore, of course they will jump down. The Shadow of Death is standing close to the wall. If they jump down, it is equivalent to jumping in front of the Shadow of Death, separating them from the Lizardmen.

If Death Shadow's skills came out at this time, it would be them that died, and the Blade Warrior didn't plan to use his body to protect the Lizardmen.

Therefore, if the weapon was lost, the helmet was thrown, and the helmet was thrown with a grenade. Of course, the shadow of death was underneath, and they would not pull the string when throwing the grenade, so they used it as a stone to hit people.

There is really nothing to lose. Some fighters simply lifted the corpses left by the lizardmen on the city wall and smashed them down. Anyway, there is something to throw. If the city wall is not a one-piece wall made of metal, I am afraid they will tear down the wall. Throw bricks down!

Although many of the things the blade warriors lost were not fatal, they were caught off guard and still made the lizardmen who rushed up for a while, especially these lizardmen were not united at all, some rushed up, some turned around and ran back, and some simply went back. Squat down on the spot, holding his head in his hands.

There were even people who were originally planning to rush up, but were hit by grenade and other things, thinking that the terrifying energy had exploded, and yelled and started running back, but knocked over the lizardmen who followed, making the scene even more chaotic.

However, this chaos lasted less than three seconds. The Shadow of Death stood with a person at a certain distance, because they had already stood up. After showing up, their hands were in front of their bodies. In front of them, they pulled away to the two sides. In less than three seconds, their hands were already connected to their companions on both sides. Then, a huge energy fluctuation burst out in an instant...

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