Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 900:  The connection between heaven and living area

"Can't turn off!"

Li Yichen shook his head. He had tried this a long time ago, but the space of Tianyu was too stable, and this space channel was built by the rules of heaven and earth. I don't know how long it has existed, so the degree of stability is even more exaggerated.

If you want to close it forcibly, Li Yichen estimates that he can do it, but there may be accidents in the process, and if it is serious, there will even be a space explosion. Therefore, Li Yichen has never done it, but decided to build a castle to defend here!

"It's a pity. If it can be closed, it will be safe here. Once we have completed the construction, we can rebuild a space channel."

Lin Yichen said with some regret that in her eyes, building a space channel is the simplest thing for Li Yichen, as easy as drinking water.

"It's okay! Let's put it here first, this space channel is generated by heaven and earth and is quite stable. If I build it, it will not be possible to achieve this level!"

Li Yichen said, and then looked around. Now that there is no signal tower in the sky, the communication distance of the personal terminal is very short, so he did not call Chang Guchuan, this guy should take someone to clear the original villain and lizardman Too!

Zhang Anji also took the angels of **** and drove a helicopter to follow these fighters separately, so that they could provide air support immediately when they encountered a large number of teams.

After the slaughter of the original villains and the capital of hell, the lizard people are now considered to be maimed. Although they ran away with the original villains at the beginning, they definitely couldn't get over the waves. This race can basically be said to be finished. .

As for the original villains, Li Yichen has not carefully counted the number of them, but even if there are more, Li Yichen is confident that they will be cleaned up. All it takes is time.

"How big is this heaven?"

Lin Yichen looked around and asked curiously.

"The universe is circular, and the diameter of this universe, plus the sea of ​​the universe, is about two hundred and fifty-five kilometers, which is not as big as the Yinhui Province!"

Li Yichen said that he had drawn a complete map of the entire universe before, and of course he knew the area of ​​this universe, but the map he had sent back before did not have a scale, so Lin Yichen and the others did not know.

"More than two hundred kilometers is actually not too small, but... if it is used to accommodate all the people in the current **** capital, it is really not enough!"

Lin Yichen calculated it, and frowned slightly.

In fact, even if the population of the Hell City now adds up to the population that has migrated from the earth, it does not reach 60 million. If more than two hundred kilometers are used for living, it is completely enough.

But for Tianyu, they must have sufficient planning in the future, and if some of the animals and plants cultivated in the **** capital are transferred, the place is indeed a bit crowded.

"It's okay, the universe will expand with the increase in the number of living creatures. In addition, we can also go to other universes, **** their hearts from the universe, and come back to strengthen our universe!"

Li Yichen replied.

"Heavenly Heart? By the way, let's go find the Heavenly Heart first, right?"

Lin Yichen immediately said with excitement. For her, this was basically the equivalent of a treasure hunt. After the space battleship was handed over to her, she was curious to turn around for a long time, completely turning the entire space battleship around.

Although her strength has reached the A-level life, she is still only a girl in her twenties after all. When encountering such things, she is definitely very sexual.

"it is good!"

Li Yichen nodded. He originally wanted to rebuild the heaven entrance side. At least two castles must be built to separate the space passage between the earth and the source world. But think about it and forget it, wait until Chang Guchuan and the others have cleaned it up!

Moreover, Xiaohu and the others fell into weakness only because of excessive consumption. This situation can definitely recover after a day of rest. After all, they are in the capital of hell, and the brain can exchange life energy for them to supplement at any time.

Although the rules of heaven and earth in the heavens are more intense, in this case, it is much better to use life energy directly than to absorb them in the heavens!

When the little tiger and the shadow of death recover, they will first cooperate with Xiaomao, Varimathras and the others to solve the blood and demons, and then they will be put on the agenda when they enter the heavens on a large scale!

At that time, Tianyu will definitely need to be renovated, so it will be fine to wait until then, and you can make a special plan to dig the foundation according to the area, and Li Yichen only needs to be responsible for the placement of the buildings.

But... thinking of Varimathras and those orcs, Li Yichen has a headache, what should these guys do? They still regard the battle in the trial land as a trial, hoping to get resource rewards after the trial is over.

But in this situation, none of the arbiters in their mouths appeared. Li Yichen felt that his original guess was correct. Those arbitrators might have given up the place of trial long ago.

Even Li Yichen felt that if the trial land was abandoned by the arbitrator, it might have something to do with Li Fangzhou. It was because of Li Fangzhou and the others that the so-called arbiters would no longer pay attention to the trial land.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why until now, the arbitrator has not appeared in the trial ground. This trial has been messed up by Li Yichen, and it has almost become a pot of rat dung gruel!

But Varimathras and the Orcs must not know this situation. Li Yichen doesn't know how to explain to them now, and, whether they believe it or not, the resources they want are definitely gone, what should they do ?

According to the six test races, the planet they live on should not have many resources, at least they will consume almost every epoch, and then rely on the resources obtained after the trial to continue to support it.

Li Yichen didn't know why this method existed, but it was clear that even if the orcs returned this time, they would not be able to survive the next era!

For Varimathras and the others, Li Yichen didn't feel any ill feelings, but he didn't plan to let those guys enter the heavens, just the same sentence: If you are not my race, their hearts must be different.

All the orcs staying in the trial grounds are warriors, but they are not worried that they will breed offspring, but if they are allowed to come in and see such a strong spiritual aura of heaven and earth, they will ask for some orcs to come over from their own plane?

And now the orc army also knows a lot about the capital of hell, once it becomes an enemy, it is really troublesome.

However, if the orcs decide to enter the trial land, Li Yichen can consider it. After all, after these guys encountered Li Yichen, not only did they not trouble Li Yichen, but helped them a lot, even the goblin clan directly helped. He is gone!

Although the orcs and the goblins themselves are also enemies, even if they have a temporary cooperation, they will eventually turn against each other, but after all, Li Yichen took advantage of it, and the hostile to him was mainly Archimonde this undead.

Therefore, if they want to stay in the trial land, Li Yichen would be embarrassed to oppose it. Anyway, he will no longer use his heart to manage the trial land. Once the horizon is settled, he will definitely shift his focus here, and the central base The intellectual brain must also be moved over.

Without the intellectual brain, the **** capital of the northern continent is nothing special. As for the base, it can continue to be kept, after all, it is the place where the **** capital originated.

However, this will have to be said later, maybe after the other two races are destroyed, the orcs will take the initiative to evacuate, so there is no need to worry about Li Yichen.

Therefore, Li Yichen temporarily left the orcs aside, and took Lin Yichen to fly towards the heart of Tianyu that she judged. As for the other Lin family members, stay here, understand the situation, and then go back to transfer troops and find Tianyuzhi They don’t need to worry about things like this.

Li Yichen still doesn't know what kind of existence the Heart of Heaven is, so he dare not take too many people there. If the ghost recognizes the owner randomly, then it will be troublesome!

"It's in this area!"

Because the entire universe is not big, Li Yichen arrived after a while. He pointed to the bottom and said, after all, it is a point marked on the map, and it is impossible to have only one point in the actual location.

"Wait, don't go down yet, go around it!"

Seeing Li Yichen about to land the helicopter, Lin Yichen said quickly.

"it is good!"

Although it was strange, Li Yichen didn't ask much, so he drove the helicopter and made a few laps in the air within the range defined by Lin Yichen. During this time, Lin Yichen kept frowning and looking down, still making constant gestures in his hands. What are you doing!

Li Yichen watched for a long time, but did not see any difference below. At the beginning, Lin Yichen said that there is a judgment of the heart of the universe, which was judged from the living area of ​​the three space battleships.

To be honest, Li Yichen didn't think there would be any inevitable connection between Tianyu and the living area of ​​the space battleship, but now that they met, it would be fine to take a look.

And there is a plain below, with some low and unknown plants growing. Maybe the height of these plants will be a little different, but the topography is basically unchanged.

"Let's land, where I think it is!"

After turning for a while, Lin Yichen finally pointed down and asked Li Yichen to land the helicopter. Moreover, after Li Yichen landed, she rushed out, then took a closer look at the left and right, and finally drew a foot on the ground with a diameter of about one meter. 'S circles:

"Excavate this, it should be here!"

"You... also inferred based on the living area of ​​the spacecraft?"

Li Yichen looked at Lin Yichen and asked seriously, because if Lin Yichen's judgment is true, there are some similarities between the spacecraft and the living area of ​​the universe, then the things represented in it...may be a little complicated. ...

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