Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 902: Higher substances

Chapter 902

"System! Why can't this go in?"

Li Yichen asked quickly, this is the first time he has encountered this situation since he got the system!

"Because I can't see his existence, something that doesn't exist to me, how can I take it back?"

The system said helplessly:

"It stands to reason that any object generated by the rules of heaven and earth, even dust or energy, can be seen and recovered, just like those fogs, but this thing you said, I really don't feel its existence. "

"Is this illusory?"

Li Yichen couldn't help holding the spar in the handshake:

"Impossible! To me it is in my hands!"

"No! Even if it is illusory, such as the images you see, it is composed of energy, and I can still feel its existence."

System Road:

"Unless... the object in your hand is not composed of the rules of heaven and earth, so I can't feel it, which means... this thing shouldn't exist at all!"

"This one……"

Li Yichen looked at the spar in his hand and frowned. It was not an item made up of the rules of heaven and earth?

He originally planned to try it and put it into the system to see what it was. Before, he was worried that recycling this thing would cause an abnormal reaction in the system, but now, because the system cannot be recycled, he is more interested. .

"What's the matter?"

Lin Yichen watched Li Yichen staring at the spar in his hand in a daze, and couldn't help asking.

"It's weird!"

Li Yichen said:

"You know that I can actually decompose and reorganize all objects. I originally planned to decompose this to see what substance it is, but now I find that I cannot decompose it."

"Can't break it down?

Is it too hard? "

Lin Yichen asked.

"No! Not for this reason!"

Li Yichen shook his head, and then told Lin Yichen what the system had said before.

"That means... you want to disassemble an item, you must actually feel its existence, but now, although you can see it, when you want to disassemble it, you cannot sense it?"

Lin Yichen asked with some doubts, because Li Yichen couldn't tell the existence of the system, so it was natural to omit some of the explanation, which made Lin Yichen a little confused.

"En! That's probably what it meant!"

Li Yichen also knew that his explanation was a bit unreliable, but he couldn't help but nodded vaguely!

"In this case, let's get a box or something to put this spar in, and then you can directly decompose the box, can you decompose it with the spar in the box?"

Lin Yichen looked at the spar, thought about it, and suddenly had a whim.


Li Yichen was taken aback, and then immediately let the system exchange a metal box from the mall, put the spar in it, and then...


Li Yichen shook his head! After the system recovered the box, the spar remained in his hand, and only the box was recovered.

"and many more!"

At this moment, the system suddenly said:

"I made another box. When I reclaimed it just now, I seemed to feel that something was leaking from the box, but the fluctuation was too small for me to catch! If we can make this fluctuation a little bit bigger, I will You can catch it and recycle it!"

"How to do it?"

Li Yichen asked immediately.

"Wait a minute!"

The system said, afterwards, the system put a box on the mall:

"Exchange this, then put the spar in and lock it, we will try again later!"

Li Yichen did not hesitate and exchanged the box directly, then put the spar into the box, and locked a few buttons on the box, and then...the box disappeared, and the one that disappeared with it, and the spar— —Successful?

"System! How is it?"

Li Yichen asked quickly, and Lin Yichen saw that the spar disappeared, and looked at Li Yichen nervously.

"En...can be decomposed, and it is being decomposed, but the speed of decomposition is very slow!"

The system replied.

"What the **** is this spar?"

Upon hearing that it could be decomposed, Li Yichen quickly asked, although the system said that the decomposition is very slow, as long as it can decompose a little, the system should be able to know what substances make up the spar!

"I don't know! At present, there is only one kind of gas that is decomposed from the spar! This kind of gas...very weird, but very advanced!"

The system hesitated and said, seemingly uncertain.

"Very advanced?

How advanced is it? "

Li Yichen asked.

"A lot more advanced than me!"

The system replied.

"What's more advanced than you?"

Li Yichen was in a daze.

"Although I am a system, I am also built by the rules of heaven and earth, and I need some materials, but the materials that make up me are quite advanced and very rare!"

The system explained:

"But this gas is more powerful than the material used to make me, so I can only tell you that this gas is very advanced, at least much higher than mine, but I can't tell you what level it is."

"The whole spar is that kind of gas?"

Li Yichen asked.

"En! It looks like it should be!"

System Road:

"However, I can only be sure after breaking it all down!"

"How long does it take to break it all down?"

Li Yichen asked again.

"It will take almost twenty hours, if the decomposition rate does not change!"

The system replied.

"Is this gas useful to me?"

Li Yichen asked.

"This gas contains almost all the rules between heaven and earth, and there are even some rules that I have not touched, but I can't separate them! It stands to reason that this gas should be of great benefit to you, but I I suggest not to use it for now, let me analyze it first!"

The system replied.

"Can't be separated?

What do you mean? "

Li Yichen asked.

"That is to say, there is more than one substance that makes up this gas. Under normal circumstances, I can separate these different substances!"

The system replied:

"Just like the mists I absorbed before, there are quite a few rules of heaven and earth in those mists, but after recovering them, I can separate all the different rules, but this is not yet possible!"

"Okay! Then you analyze first, if you have new discoveries, tell me quickly!"

Li Yichen thought for a while, then looked at Lin Yichen:

"This thing is a bit troublesome! Let's go to Death Army Valley first, we will talk about this later!"

"it is good!"

Lin Yichen nodded, and then Li Yichen boarded the helicopter together...

When the two returned to the entrance of the heaven, there were already a lot of fighters at the entrance of the heaven, most of them belonged to the Lin family. They were forming a team, preparing to enter the heaven, clean up all the enemies, and explore the heaven by the way. !

Although Li Yichen drew a map of this universe before, he didn't come down to survey it carefully after all. Therefore, if you want to fully understand this universe, someone needs to measure it with their feet.

Li Yichen and Lin Yichen did not care about them. As long as Tianyu is not discovered by other races, it will be sooner or later that the native villains and lizardmen will be cleaned up.

Entering the space channel and returning to the central base, Li Yichen came to Wanshan and told him that he could prepare to move those who intend to enter the universe. Moreover, he needs Wanshan to bring some people in and design against the map of the universe. Make a plan, and if possible, start digging the foundation. Then Li Yichen will naturally pass the necessary buildings!

Of course, Wanshan agreed with all of this, and now the Hell Capital does have talents in this field. There is no need for Li Yichen to send people in to explore the terrain, and then the design drawings are given to Li Yichen, the foundation is dug by himself, and Li Yichen directly build can!

Now Wanshan and the others also know that they can prevent Li Yichen from coming in person. They try not to find Li Yichen. One is because this guy is too busy, and the other is because he is often not in the capital of Hell, and often cannot even contact the communicator. To him, ran to other planes.

Besides, there are so many people in the Hell Capital, after all, they can't rely on Li Yichen. Since the intellectual brain, the operation of the Hell Capital basically doesn't require Li Yichen to participate in the operation, Wanshan they all do it themselves.

Of course, the only thing they can redeem from Zhi Brain is that they can get it to the place where they need to be installed, but it is not as convenient as Li Yichen.

For example, something like a missile launcher can be launched by Li Yichen directly exchanged for it, while Wanshan and the others must first move the missile launcher to a predetermined position, and then move the missile to install it before they can locate and launch it.

"Lao Wan! You can count how many people go to Tianyu. Now that Tianyu is there, there shouldn't be any major danger, but if you encounter a particularly powerful race, our Tianyu may be compromised. This You have to make it clear to everyone."

Li Yichen said to Wanshan:

"In addition, after entering the universe, you can only live in the universe. We will strictly manage the space channels of the universe at that time. People without authorization are prohibited from approaching the central area!"

"Don't worry! Leave it to me!"

Wan Shan nodded, and then drew a circle about five kilometers in diameter in the center of the sky:

"I plan to set this as a military zone. People who don't have permission are not allowed to enter. As for the intellectual brain... it is located at the junction of the military zone and the living quarter, so that everyone can use it!"

"Yes! You can take care of this, then you can give me the drawings! I will be responsible for the construction, and you just need to dig the foundation!"

Li Yichen nodded and said:

"By the way, if you discover...something strange while digging the foundation, remember to call me!"

"weird stuff?"

Wan Shan was taken aback.

"I can't tell, it's a very hard spar anyway!"

Li Yichen is still not sure whether the spar he got is the heart of the universe, so he reminded Wanshandao...

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