Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 904: Egg and chicken problem

Chapter 904

Of course, if you want to go to the three living areas, you must at least determine whether there is anything special under the tree on Huxin Island. If not here, then the strangeness of the three living areas and Huxin Island, perhaps Just positioning the coordinates of the sky.

After all, here and the three living quarters can be said to be the scope of the Ark Project. If those who left the Ark Project are indeed as Li Yichen guessed, then the explanation would make sense.

Thinking of this, Li Yichen didn't say a word, took out Tianya and cut off the roots of the tree, and then recovered it. Then, Tianya was used as an engineer shovel, digging the roots and soil underground.

Because of the existence of the system, he recovers as much as he digs out, so the speed is quite fast...

"This... how can this be [Bequge www.bequge.xyz]?"

What Li Yichen didn't expect was that after digging down more than 40 meters, he still didn't find anything, and this is not the strangest place, the strangest thing is...


This is the Huxin Island. Li Yichen found the passage to the heaven under the island at the beginning. In other words, the island was floating on the water, and Li Yichen clearly remembered the Huxin Island. The thickness is impossible to reach forty meters.

Moreover, this is an island after all, like Li Yichen’s method of excavation, water should have emerged at about ten meters, but it did not happen. Now the hole he dug has exceeded the thickness of the island itself, but there is still no abnormality below. This is the biggest anomaly.

Lin Yichen can also see that something is wrong. Although she doesn't know the thickness of the island in the lake, at least she knows that Li Yichen's method is no different from digging a well. But now even if there is no light below, Lin Yichen can fully see that in the hole There was no groundwater gushing out at all.

Seeing Li Yichen stop, Lin Yichen of course also knew what Li Yichen thought of, so he gently spit out three words: "living area!"

Hearing what Lin Yichen said, Li Yichen instantly understood what she meant, yes, the living area! The living area is obviously created by the rules of space. In other words, does this island also contain the rules of space?

But the problem is that Li Yichen is very good at space rules. After he entered the living area, he felt the abnormality of the space rules there, and he knew that it was created by the space rules.

But here, he didn't feel it at all. This is why he, who was originally good at space rules, needed Lin Yichen to remind him.

As a strong space system, although Li Yichen is still not good at using the rules of space to create a special space and make it last, it is only because he has not thoroughly understood the rules of space, and does not understand the way some space rules are used. It's not that he can't do it.

But if Li Yichen is in a certain special space, there is no reason why Li Yichen can't feel it. But now, he must be in a special space, but Li Yichen hasn't noticed anything. For him, this is definitely an extremely strange Things.

Moreover, Li Yichen only realized now that in fact, he did not feel the abnormal spatial rules in the area where he was currently located, but because he did not feel any spatial rules at all.

This is actually a stranger thing. In this world, there may be areas where there are no rules of heaven and earth. For example, in the desert, the water element may be quite scarce, and even in some special areas, there is no Water element.

But the rules of space are different. Regardless of the rules of heaven and earth, the two rules of space and time are definitely indispensable. At least, if there are no rules of space, it means that there should be no space at all.

No space exists, where is this island placed?

Where did this hole come from?

Moreover, it is not only the rules of space, but now Li Yichen can't even feel any rules from heaven and earth.

At this moment, Li Yichen suddenly felt a very familiar feeling in his heart. He immediately remembered it. It seemed that he had felt this way when he was digging in the heavens before, but because he was focused on digging, he didn’t. Didn't care.

"There are no rules of heaven and earth, that doesn't mean that... is the same as that spar?"

Li Yichen frowned, then stopped thinking about it, and continued to dig down. Then... when it reached a depth of one hundred meters, another spar appeared in front of Li Yichen.

The shape of this spar is different from the previous one, but the volume is exactly the same. In other words, if the two spars are made into the same shape, they will be exactly the same. Li Yichen, who has an eagle eye, A closer look confirmed this fact.

"If this is the heart of heaven... then..."

Holding the spar, Li Yichen suddenly felt an incredible feeling in his heart. Xiaoyong said that for Tianyu, the most important thing is the heart of Tianyu, because Tianyu can rely on swallowing the hearts of other Tianyu. Strengthen yourself.

If the piece in Li Yichen's hands is really the heart of the universe, doesn't it mean that...this lake island is actually a universe?

But the problem is that the rules of heaven and earth here are not that strong at all. They are exactly the same as other places in the trial land. Even the concentration of rules of heaven and earth in the Source Realm is much higher than here. How could it be the heaven?

After digging out a spar, Li Yichen did not continue digging, but jumped up directly. He believed that this spar should be the most special existence here.

"Take it, you study and see if you can think of what this thing is?

Let's go to the living area to see! "

After Li Yichen came up, he didn't explain much, and directly threw the spar to Lin Yichen. Sometimes a woman's intuition is difficult to explain, just like when he found the first spar, Lin Yichen determined the location quite accurately.

Give this spar to her, maybe she will find something new!

When Lin Yichen saw another spar appeared, she was naturally surprised, but looking at Li Yichen's expression, she did not ask anything cleverly, because he knew that Li Yichen must know nothing.

This kind of spar was dug up by her and Li Yichen. Before that, Lin Yichen was sure that Li Yichen had never seen this thing, otherwise it would not be the same reaction as before. If this is the case, then it shows that this is strange. Spar, what the two people know is similar at present.

After entering the living area, Li Yichen found the place by himself without using Lin Yichen's road. One is that he has gone to two places with similar terrain, and the other is that the building is indeed too conspicuous, Li Yichen I wondered why I didn't notice this before!

This time, after entering the living area, Li Yichen deliberately sensed that although the rules of heaven and earth here are the same as those of the outside world, at least the rules of heaven and earth can be sensed, and they don't have the feeling of being in the cave before.

Moreover, when he left just now, Li Yichen also noticed that it was within a certain range around the cave that all the rules of heaven and earth would be lost. Once they left that range, even if they were still on the island, the rules of heaven and earth returned to normal.

When he came to that building, Li Yichen excavated directly. This time it was even easier, without even destroying the building, because under the sign on the building was a lobby, and Li Yichen opened the floor directly to start digging.

This time, before the excavation, Li Yichen knew that he would be able to obtain another spar, because when he entered this building, Li Yichen felt that the rules of heaven and earth disappeared again.

Sure enough, it was still one hundred meters away, and Li Yichen found the third spar! !

"System! Have you found out what the **** is this?"

Li Yichen took the spar and asked in his heart:

"You said it is a more advanced existence than you. Since it is like this, why is it going to rot?

This kind of thing is supposed to be the best, right?

You only have one system, but I can dig three pieces of this spar in less than a day, and I'll bet you, in a while, I can dig out two more! "

"It hasn't been analyzed yet, but this may be because I have never been in contact with this substance, so I can't really analyze it, but I have a guess! Do you want to know?"

The system replied!

"Stop talking nonsense, speak up!"

After digging a hole for a day, and also dug a question mark in his head, Li Yichen's mood now can be said to be quite bad, he has no anger.

"I think this kind of substance should be the legendary grandeur!"

System Road.

"Aura of Hongmeng?"

Li Yichen was taken aback for a moment, and he was actually the spirit of Hongmeng?

"Host, do you know the aura of Hongmeng?"

The system asked strangely, shouldn't Li Yichen know this level of matter?

"Nonsense! I've seen a lot of novels before, right?

The cosmic air seems to mean the existence of the cosmos, which has something to do with chaos, right? "

Li Yichen replied, of course he knew the Harmony Qi from the novel, but he was not sure whether the Harmony Qi he said was the same as the system said, anyway the name should be the same.

"En! That's right! Hongmeng Qi is not only bred from the chaos, but also the existence of the chaos!"

The system replied.

"What the hell?"

Li Yichen was stunned:

"Don't you sound contradictory with this?"

"of course not!"

System Road:

"The magic of the universe is not what you think. What is the contradiction in my previous sentence?

If it’s a contradiction, it’s just the phrase that often entangles you humans: ‘the first chicken is the first egg.

'Roughly the same! "

"Uh, forget it, then don't care about this, first tell me what is the use of this great spirit?"

Li Yichen no longer entangled.

"The first use is...you can look at my upgrade progress bar!"

The system replied, Li Yichen was taken aback, then immediately looked down the system mall...

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