Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 1264: Your young master was killed by me

Soon after, Ye Li went down to Leishan.

Thunder Mountain is one of the most powerful forces in the Black Land.

Ye Li walked slowly towards Thunder Mountain.

Before he took a few steps, a dozen men appeared before him.


A gene warrior of the first-order king-level realm stared at Ye Li.

"Do you know this is Thunder Mountain?"

"I know."

Ye Li's face was crowned with jade, and his face was as calm as water.

A dozen men were stunned when they heard the words, thinking how could it be so breezy since they knew it was Thunder Mountain?

"What are you doing in Leishan?"

The first-order king-level gene warrior asked Ye Li again.

"Tell you something." Ye Li glanced faintly at the dozen men in front of him. "Do you know that your young advocates were killed."

what! ! !

More than a dozen men were shocked, and I couldn’t believe Ye Li would say such things anyway.

"You, you said the young master was killed?"

The first-order king-level gene warrior opened his eyes wide and looked at Ye Li in consternation.

"Yeah." Ye Li said calmly.

A dozen men looked at me, I looked at you, all looked at each other.

"The young master did go out, and he hasn't returned yet," said a man.

Could it be...

More than a dozen men thought of an amazing possibility that the young master was really killed.

"You, what you said is true?"

The first-order king-level gene warrior looked at Ye Li horrifiedly and asked again.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Ye Li's cheeks appeared on his face.


More than a dozen men felt that Ye Li didn't seem to be cheating, just because Ye Li had no reason to dare to do so.

"You said, who was killed by the young master!"

The first-order king-level gene warrior shouted at Ye Li.

Ye Li smiled faintly, he nodded slightly, looked at the sun in the sky, then said:

"Slain by me."


As soon as this remark came out, a dozen men all took a few steps backwards, even if they wanted to spend ten days and ten nights, it was unexpected that Ye Li would do it.

"You killed our young master?"

There was a deep consternation on the face of the first-order king-level gene warrior. He thought if Ye Li was really killed, why did Ye Li dare to come here?

He didn't understand, he really couldn't understand.

How could the other dozen men think about it?

"Why, like ants like your young master, can't I kill?" Ye Li scanned the dozen men in front of him slowly.

More than a dozen men heard this remark, and all of them couldn't help but get furious, all of them burst out of anger above their heads.

"Boy, you are dead!"

As the sound fell, a dozen men rushed towards Ye Li.


But the dozen men asked that the footsteps had just moved, and they all flew out, and at the same time they had a shocking blood hole on their foreheads.

"how is this possible!"

The first-order king-level gene warrior panicked, and he quickly rubbed his eyes, but the result was the same no matter how he rubbed his eyes.

"You, how did you do it?" The first-order king-level gene warrior looked at Ye Li in shock.

"What do you say?" Ye Li face Guan Ruyu's face is more ambiguous.

The first-order king-level gene warrior swallowed and swallowed, and said in horror:

"Do you know this is Thunder Mountain?"

"Did I already say that, I know."


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