Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 641 Division of Troops

Under the three-dimensional offensive, the town was quickly taken down, but during the cleaning of zombies, Li Yuanhong discovered that there were few zombies in this town. Li Yuanhong originally estimated that such a tourist city has at least a hundred thousand people, but when When Li Yuanhong counted the zombies, the total number was less than 40,000, that is, more than half of the zombies disappeared.

"You guys are right? It's not a cannonball that blasted zombies to pieces. There is no way to lighten it, right?"

Li Yuanhong asked the logistics officer in charge of the inventory.

"Report commander-in-chief, we have counted those possibilities, but even so, the total number of zombies still does not exceed 40,000." The logistics officer said.

Li Yuanhong frowned, then turned back to Xu Ying and said, "Commander Xu, immediately send a drone to investigate the surrounding seas and villages to see if there is anything unusual."

"Yes!" Xu Ying also felt that the number of zombies was too small, so she started to arrange.

Xu Ying left, and Li Yuanhong still felt that he had overlooked something, so he took a binoculars and looked at the small town. At this time, the peaceful town had no zombies or mutant beasts, and it was a bit too quiet.

"Send a few robot dogs to search the town from house to house to see if there is anything unusual." Li Yuanhong said to a non-commissioned officer next to him.

"Yes!" The non-commissioned officer hurried down to pass the order.

With everything in place, Li Yuanhong began to transport supplies to the shore. These supplies were not weapons and ammunition, but bricks and wood, which made the Italian officials on board unable to understand. Could it be that the commander of the li wants to build a wall around this small town? But there are no construction workers in the fleet. Are these big soldiers going to be construction workers themselves?

When the diplomat was puzzled, Li Yuanhong went back to the command room and did not say hello to the diplomat.

The reason why Li Yuanhong didn't deal with this diplomat was to avoid him.

Li Yuanhong came to the command room. At this time, Fat Lu was in the command room and looked bored. Negotiating with the Australian government made him annoying every day. If it weren't for the mining of the stone of time and space, Fat Lu would have run away.

The negotiation was finally completed, and under the cover of abandoned mine pits, the stones of time and space were continuously opened up, and these ore did not have the color of iron ore. Australian officials thought it was waste ore, so they paid no attention to these ores. So, these rare space-time stone ores were mixed with cheap iron ore and shipped out of Australia.

For this reason, those Australian officials were also very happy, because the “flying ore” was sold to China at the price of iron ore, which made them think that they took a huge advantage, but Fatty Lu secretly treated these Australians. The official curled his lips and said in his heart: "I didn't look forward, the good things were taken away, and I thought I was taking advantage!"

As things in Australia got on the right track, this Fatty Lu couldn't sit still anymore. He hurriedly drove the spacecraft to Africa to meet Li Yuanhong, and finally rushed to Cairo, Africa before landing in Italy, and then joined Li Yuanhong.

Yesterday, when he heard that Li Yuanhong was going to attack Italy, Fat Lu was very excited. He thought he had a chance to play, but he did not think that Li Yuanhong not only refused to let him play, but also asked him to keep a low profile, even the door of the war room. Don't let him out. Fatty Lu is suffocated.

"Brother Li, you are finally here, so you don't let me participate in the war, it's fine, and you have detained me here. It really hurts me!"

"Hiding you up is for your own good. You have seen the most powerful people in those TV dramas. Not all of them are the last ones. You are in charge of the spacecraft. That is our most powerful weapon. It is impossible to deal with these. Ordinary zombies, let you play!"

"But... let me not go out here, it is so suffocating!"

"That's because there is an important task for you. If you don't appear in front of the **** Italian envoy, your disappearance will not attract his attention."

"What task?" When he heard that there was a task, Fat Lu, who was still constipated just now, immediately changed his appearance, and asked with a smile on his face.

Li Yuanhong unfolded the map of Italy, pointed to a place and said: "Look here!"

Fatty Lu poked his head over and saw that Li Yuanhong was referring to Venice Water City.

"Why Brother Li, you want me to take Venice?"

"Yes, nor is it." Li Yuanhong said.

"Huh?" Fat Lu looked at Li Yuanhong suspiciously.

Li Yuanhong took out a pen and connected Venice, Verona, Milan and other cities.

"You see, these cities, located at the foot of the Alps, are the key points for entering and leaving the European mainland. Once these cities are occupied and stuck, it is equivalent to isolating Italy from the European mainland. When the time comes, no matter Whether it is European natives supporting Italy, or the zombies and aliens here in Italy fleeing, it has become very difficult, so the task I give you is to let you take advantage of the rapid assault ability to take these places as soon as possible, and then defend them. "Li Yuanhong said.

"This..." Fatty Lu was very surprised. He didn't expect Li Yuanhong to give such a big task as soon as he gave it. Although the order was simple, those cities were all famous big cities before the end of the world. It means that there are definitely a lot of zombies.

"How? Difficulty?"

"It's a bit, you see, there are so many cities at once, and I only have one battleship here. Even if it can be loaded, it will only kill a few thousand people. If so many cities are destroyed, even if it is taken, I am afraid I can't hold it! "

"Well, it is indeed a problem, but it doesn't matter. I will install a device on your spacecraft at night to ensure that you will have a steady stream of soldiers appear." Li Yuanhong smiled.

"What device?" Fatty Lu asked expectantly.

"It's confidential now! You should hurry up and rest, I'm afraid you won't have time to sleep at night!"

"Yes! Commander Li!" Fatty Lu immediately became a serious face, then turned around and went back to sleep.

That night, on the coast, a fortress shrouded in magical light appeared abruptly on the coast, and not only the city center, but also supporting defense facilities and barracks were also built. The reason why Li Yuanhong The barracks were built here because they are about to face the last two portals, and these two portals are in densely populated areas, whether in Eastern Europe or Asia, before the end of the world, there were a lot of people here, just relying on domestic The transported soldiers cannot support multi-line operations at all. Time is tight and Li Yuanhong is not allowed to advance a little bit. This is why Li Yuanhong sent Fat Lu out to fight alone.

At this time, Fatty Lu had quietly left the port and headed straight for Venice. Since Venice was on the coast, Fatty Lu did not turn on the flight mode and sailed at full speed.

Moreover, it takes some time for Fatty Lu to get acquainted with the new device Li Yuanhong installed for him, which is a portal fixed on the spaceship.

The difference between this person’s portal and other portals is that this portal is not a positioning portal, but a mobile teleportation. This kind of teleportation is more advanced. If it weren’t for the recent breakthrough of Li Yuanhong’s level 35, the Magic Academy also Following the upgrade, it unlocked the higher-level magic library inside, which happened to have a book on the construction of mobile portals, which gave Li Yuanhong the idea of ​​building portals on the spaceship.

However, certain portals have one of the biggest drawbacks. Since portals are not on fixed coordinates, transmission requires more energy. This means that it is impossible to transmit large-scale equipment, because the earth has not yet supported large-scale transmissions. The required energy spar. However, as far as Li Yuanhong is concerned, as long as he can transmit soldiers and basic equipment, he can use large transport aircraft to handle those large equipment.

With this mobile portal, Fat Lu doesn't need to worry about lack of people. As long as the portal is opened, a steady stream of soldiers will come out of the portal and head straight to the battlefield.

What Fatty Lu had to do was to command these soldiers and let them complete Li Yuanhong's tactical arrangements.

Just as Li Yuanhong was successfully building the walled city, suddenly there was the roar of zombies in the nearby town. Then, a group of zombies suddenly used it and rushed directly to Li Yuanhong's unfinished walled city.

"Quickly, fire the cannon to stop the attack of the zombies!" Li Yuanhong had already prepared for the attack of the zombies, so even though it was night, he still let the soldiers stick to their posts and be ready to fight at any time. This kind of advance arrangement finally became effective at the critical moment.

As soon as the zombies rushed out of the town, there was a floating drone in the sky, and the searchlight was turned on to directly illuminate the group of corpses surging below, allowing the group of zombies that had been moving silently to check and expose.

The corpse group was also suddenly stunned by the beam of light, especially the giant zombies who commanded the group of zombies. They hurriedly blocked the dazzling light with their arms and roared twice. This roar made the stagnant group of corpses suddenly begin Accelerating towards the city wall that was shrouded in magic light, rushed over.

At this moment, the gunboats in the sea began to fire shells, and the rumble of the guns awakened the entire world, including the Italian envoy who was on board.

Originally, I watched the battle for a whole day during the day, but it was actually only half a day, but the battle of this half day was really exciting. Those brainless zombies were completely giving away heads to Li Yuanhong. After several shelling, the zombies that could stand up on the shore were gone. , And the robot dog that landed afterwards was even more brutal, biting those zombies that hadn't completely died to pieces. These pictures, as well as the dry and hot sea breeze, made the diplomat who often talkative, both mentally and physically, feel more fatigued. Therefore, after dinner, he left and returned to the cabin and began to whisper. Wake up to sleep.

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