Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 37 There are zombies here

The two laughed unscrupulously, and didn't care whether there were anyone outside. For them, this was just a routine patrol, and there was no danger. When they walked near the gate, Tom looked at the gate cautiously and saw that the gate was still tightly closed, so he laughed: "You said those stupid Chinese troops thought that this broken copper lock could block us, even the Bank of Russia. They have all been in, and they are still guarding as a treasure. As a result, Saifu got it in two minutes. Before they can react, they went to see God." Jerry said loudly.

"Didn't the boss have a password?" Tom asked uncertainly.

"Haha!" Jerry coughed embarrassingly when he was revealed: "Anyway, these guys don't talk to you!" After speaking, Jerry changed the subject and turned to how to go back to date, how is his girl Feng, buttocks, breasts, any words that often appear in various European and American live-action cartoons, pop out of the mouths of two people from time to time.

Seeing that the two people had no new information, Li Yuanhong signaled like Zhang Yuan, took out a machete, and waited for the two to approach.

Unexpectedly, the two men turned around after looking at the gate and walked back. They didn't have the consciousness of checking carefully. They were all the attitude of being a monk hitting the clock one day, so that Li Yuanhong, who was ready for a sneak attack, would be let go. a feeling of. So Li Yuanhong began to search the Yinren dictionary, and found one in a certain chapter, only to see Li Yuanhong skillfully took out a stone from his pocket and threw it towards the opposite intersection.

"Hey, Gululu" The sound of the rock falling and rolling sounded. In this silent world, it was particularly loud. The two people who turned and walked back at the same time turned and shouted: "Who?" At the same time, they raised the rifle in their hands. stand up.

Of course, apart from the dim light, no one answered the questions of these two people.

"Tom, we didn't have an illusion just now!" Jerry asked in a trembling voice.

"It seems that you heard it right! Or let's go and take a look!" Tom said without confidence.

"Do you think those lunatics are here?" Jerry still didn't dare to move.

"No, didn't all those lunatics be led to the shooting range and locked up!" Tom also said in surprise.

When Li Yuanhong heard these two foreigners, they said that they were in another passage with zombies, so he decided to let them go temporarily, so Li Yuanhong secretly signaled Zhang Yuan to suspend his actions. So the two foreigners escaped temporarily because of a word.

The two foreigners hawed for a long time before they walked to the entrance of another passage, looked inside for a long time, but didn’t see anything, so they went back to the house. Anyway, the passage, these two people, did not want to step in. go with.

Seeing the two people far away, Li Yuanhong stood up and whispered to Zhang Yuan: "Zhang Yuan, go and stare at the two foreigners to see where they are going and what is the status of their base."

"Yes, boss." Zhang Yuan still whispered rigidly.

Then Li Yuanhong said to Li Luoxia: "You are here and guarding other people, I will go over there and have a look." Li Yuanhong stretched out his hand and pointed towards the zombie.

"Well, be careful!" Li Luoxia whispered.

"Yeah!" Li Yuanhong agreed, and then touched the dim path.

There were no obstacles along the way, and the dim light barely illuminated the road so that Li Yuanhong would not hit the wall. On both sides of the road, some rooms appear from time to time, but most of the rooms are empty. Looking at the style inside, it should be used as a dormitory, but now there are no beds in it. Occasionally I can see people with beds, but they only have iron frames and no bed boards. Li Yuanhong searched one by one, so the speed was not fast. The road stretched for one kilometer, only to see an iron gate appeared at the end of the road, and a sign "Rifle Shooting Range" hung on the iron gate.

Li Yuanhong saw the destination, so he approached the iron gate. The iron gate was very thick, probably for sound insulation. It was also wrapped with a sound insulation board. On the door, there were a lot of **** handprints, and a lot of blood was spilled in front of the door. It took great effort to bring in the zombies. There is an anti-theft lock on the door. Depending on the style, it should be an anti-theft lock with multiple inserts. Therefore, the anti-theft door cannot be knocked open by a general impact.

Li Yuanhong pressed his ear to the door, wanting to hear if there was any movement inside, but as soon as he pressed his ear to the door, he heard that the door was hit by a heavy object. Li Yuanhong was taken aback and hurriedly left the door. Unexpectedly, the zombie's sense of smell has evolved so much now that they can smell their own smell through such a thick door.

Li Yuanhong checked the door carefully again and found that if he didn't hit it hard, the door wouldn't break open, but if it was a fat man, it would be difficult to tell.

Li Yuanhong went around the gate again, trying to find out if he could see the windows inside, but found that the shooting room was tightly sealed, not to mention the windows, and the air outlet was not found. Li Yuanhong lowered his head and thought for a while, then looked up, and he saw that there were many pipes on the roof extending into the shooting room. One of them was a square shape, a bit like the ventilation pipe in the movie. This pipe has every distance. A barrier with mesh appeared, and there was a weak wind blowing from it. Li Yuanhong was sure that this was a ventilation duct, but the roof was nearly four meters above the ground, which was not something he could reach now, so Li Yuanhong thought of those Shelf in an empty house. So Li Yuanhong started to get those bed frames out, and then built a simple ladder. Climbed the ladder to the overhead ventilation duct, and then climbed towards the shooting room.

The ventilation ducts are very narrow. Fortunately, Li Yuanhong is not fat. If you let Fatty Lu or Fatty come in, let alone move, I am afraid that a traffic jam will happen as soon as you come in. Even so, it was very troublesome for Li Yuanhong to move. Li Yuanhong hung a spike flashlight in his mouth and finally moved to a vent in the shooting room. Li Yuanhong looked down along the vent, and the roar of zombies was heard immediately. Li Yuanhong irradiated the area below with a flashlight, and saw that the area below was a large shooting range. The area could not be seen clearly. However, looking down from his own vent, the area below was very empty, but there were zombies coming around. Obviously these The zombie smelled Li Yuanhong's body. Li Yuanhong saw the surrounding zombies, most of them were wearing military uniforms, and occasionally they could see some foreigners, less than one-third of the zombies. Due to the limitation of the area of ​​the vent, Li Yuanhong could not see how many zombies there were, but there must be more than fifty. The special zombies Li Yuanhong did not see, but this does not mean that there are no zombies. Due to the limitation of the flashlight light, Li Yuanhong did not know these zombies. However, Li Yuanhong decided to let these zombies make shields. The level is not important. Even the third-level zombies can't resist bullet shooting now, but the bullets used to consume those foreigners are enough.

So Li Yuanhong bothered to move back to the outside of the shooting room, and then turned back to the road. When he returned to the gate, Zhang Yuan also came back. Li Yuanhong asked: "Zhang Yuan, what's there to find?"

"Report to the boss. There is indeed a foreign snobbery over there. Most of them are equipped with rifles. There is a machine gun at the intersection. The number of people is not clear. However, there are five people guarding at the intersection. There are more insiders. The place is a warehouse. There is a row of houses next to the warehouse. There are more than a dozen of them, and there are people living in them." Zhang Yuan reported in detail.

Li Yuanhong thought about it for a while, knowing that hard attacks are definitely not possible. At least he is afraid of bullets now, and his combat power is weaker than the opponent. Once he fights, he must suffer a big loss, but he dare to come. Li Yuanhong didn't want to let go of the foreigners robbed in his own country, so Li Yuanhong began to plan how to lure zombies to fight.

After tossing for a long time, the night fell quietly. Today’s dinner was a bit special. Fatty Lu specially prepared a pot of snake soup, so that Li Yuanhong, who had never eaten snake meat before, greatly admired Li Yuanhong. Especially, Li Yuanhong was all over after eating snake meat. There was a warm feeling, similar to the situation of drinking evolution liquid, but the effect was not that strong. Li Yuanhong understood at this time, why the wild wolves had to drag the bodies of their companions back. After eating and drinking enough, Li Yuanhong began to arrange work, preparing for the dark action in the middle of the night.

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