Apocalyptic Hero System

: Four hundred and seventy-first festival four paintings

Seeing that there was a mechanism on the stairs, Li Yuanhong stopped quickly and began to look for the switch of the mechanism near the stairs. As a result, Li Yuanhong was greatly disappointed, and his true eyes did not find any trace of the switch.

This made Li Yuanhong very puzzled. Is the switch on it? This design is very unreasonable. Suddenly Li Yuanhong remembered the plots in some novels. He said that the ancients designed the organs according to the five elements and gossip. What set traps for one, three and five, but not for two, four and six. Is this the same with this staircase?

So Li Yuanhong picked up the stone ball on the ground and threw it to the second staircase. As expected, the staircase didn't respond. It seemed that he was right.

So Li Yuanhong cautiously stepped on the even-numbered stairs and began to climb cautiously.

Fortunately, the stairs are not very long. After climbing a distance of about three meters, the space suddenly opens up, and it is another stone room.

This stone room is no longer bald, and four animal head statues are inlaid on the four walls. The four animals are a bear, a viper, a lion, and a horse with a one-horn.

Except for these four animals, there is a round table in the center of the stone house. Apart from that, there is nothing else.

This made Li Yuanhong very puzzled. This stone room is obviously not the stone room where the portal is located, but looking around, there is no other exit. This is very unreasonable. It seems that this room hides some hidden mechanism. Turn on the mechanism and you can open the way to the next house.

So Li Yuanhong began to search around. Apart from the four special statues on the surrounding walls, he found nothing else that caught Li Yuanhong's attention. However, Li Yuanhong quickly noticed the round table in the middle.

So Li Yuanhong walked to the table cautiously, everything was normal, and no accident happened. When Li Yuanhong walked to the table, he found that there were patterns on the table. The patterns looked like four kinds of magic, namely water, wind, earth and wood.

Moreover, Li Yuanhong moved the table again, and found that the table was fixed in the center of the stone room, and it was impossible to move, but the reliefs on the table could slide.

Seeing this phenomenon, Li Yuanhong tried to move the pictures on the table, and found that the pictures could be moved in a regular manner to exchange positions.

Moreover, Li Yuanhong discovered that the pictures on these tables are placed opposite to the animal statues on the wall. This makes Li Yuanhong probably understand that the pictures on the table must match the animals on the wall to open the next door.

But what do these animals have to do with the patterns on the table?

This lion eats meat and lives on the grassland. The horse also lives on the grassland. It just eats grass. There are snakes everywhere. Meat eaters. As for bears, they usually live in the jungle and eat everything. I love honey most.

Li Yuanhong felt a headache when he thought of these messy things. These things have nothing to do with the patterns on the table!

Wait, Li Yuanhong suddenly realized that he had forgotten something. This is the Mediterranean Sea, and the worship of animals is different. For example, when it comes to snakes, people in the Mediterranean seem to think of cobras in the desert, especially when Cleopatra used a cobra from the desert to commit suicide. And looking at the snake on the wall, it is very similar to a cobra.

If you look at it this way, the snake should represent the soil, because the desert is full of soil, and it is even more difficult to find trees, vegetation and water.

The snake is determined, but what does the lion, the bear and the horse represent?

"No!" Li Yuanhong said to himself suddenly. Fortunately, no one was around, otherwise he would have to be taken aback.

Li Yuanhong suddenly remembered that if this horse grows horns, it is not a horse, but another mythological creature: a unicorn.

If it is a unicorn, then Li Yuanhong can confirm that the wooden attributes and graphics should be towards the unicorn, because the unicorn is a sacred thing in the jungle, and the legend is still the partner of the jungle elves.

But the bear also lives in the jungle. What is this?

Li Yuanhong subconsciously shone the flashlight at the bear statue, and found that the bear statue was somewhat different from the grizzly bear and brown bear in his memory, that is, his face was a little longer.

This reminded Li Yuanhong of the animal world that he had seen before the end of the world. As a senior single dog, before the end of the world, Li Yuanhong would watch some miscellaneous programs if he rested. What animal world, various legends and adventure programs are all Li Yuanhong’s choice to pass the time. .

Seeing the bear with a long face reminded Li Yuanhong of the polar bear, the bear that lives in the snow and ice and hunts on the ice.

Isn’t it all water? It’s just a change of form. Now Li Yuanhong was relieved, this bear should be the polar bear representing water, and in Western constellations, whether it is Ursa Major or Little Ursa, it is also in the north. Obviously, this bear means that the water cannot run away.

Then there is one lion left, and the others have their counterparts. Only the lion corresponds to the wind. In fact, Li Yuanhong will understand after thinking about it, this lion lives on the grassland, isn't the grassland the home of the wind!

So Li Yuanhong moved the pictures and texts on the desktop to the corresponding positions according to the desired matching method. When the last image and text are matched, listen to the wall where the unicorn is, and a machine vibrates. Then the entire wall cracks. The wall is disconnected from the unicorn and moved to both sides, revealing an upward direction. And the passage of the line.

Li Yuanhong cautiously tested it with a stone ball again, and found that there was no mechanism for the stairs this time, so Li Yuanhong walked upward with confidence.

When he walked through this passage smoothly, Li Yuanhong came to the next room, which was still empty, and it was also surrounded by solid stone walls without any shadow of the passage. Obviously, there are some mechanisms or puzzles waiting for him.

So Li Yuanhong began to observe carefully. Now Li Yuanhong deliberately opened the real eye for a long time, and he felt a little sore in his eyes. After reading it carefully, he found that there were no traps around him. Li Yuanhong meditated cross-legged, closed his eyes and rested, thinking about how to deal with the next thing.

Originally, Li Yuanhong planned to command the army and destroy the demons in one go, but there were a few things that made Li Yuanhong hesitate. The first is the contact with the Italian government this time. Originally, I helped them clear out the zombies, but they still defended themselves like thieves, far less than the enthusiasm of welcoming the Allies, especially the US military, during World War II.

Separation means that the other party is not a firm ally of one's own. Once they have cleaned up these demons, it is estimated that they will return to the arms of the United States without hesitation. What Li Yuanhong didn't want to see at this time, he worked hard, and then let others pick up the fruits of victory.

Secondly, this time Li Yuanhong spent nearly 400 missiles to attack a small town, and only killed some low-end demons. Those high-end demons were rarely injured. If he led a force attack, the loss would not be a small figure. Li Yuanhong didn't want to fight a battle involving a large number of casualties unless he had to.

Moreover, Li Yuanhong thought of a problem through this attack. The missile used in this attack was still a traditional missile, that is, the explosives inside the missile, or explosives or similar chemical products, without a trace of magic. If the magic array is portrayed on the missile, can these high-level demons be killed?

This requires the old scientists on Sakhalin Island to study. At the beginning, Li Yuanhong asked them to portray magic circles on bullets. As a result, their attack power greatly increased. Many zombies that could not be killed by bullets before became Li Yuanhong’s ghosts under the gun. Seed bombs require a very complicated process, and the cost is a bit high and cannot be popularized, so Li Yuanhong did not promote it.

This time Li Yuanhong thought of transforming the missiles and then attacking those high-level demons, but he didn't know the effect.

Li Yuanhong thought about it for a long time. Although he didn't let his brain rest for long, his tired eyes finally relaxed. So Li Yuanhong jumped up and started to search.

There is nothing special about the floor and roof of the house, only four walls seem to be problematic. So Li Yuanhong looked at the four walls carefully.

These four walls are painted with this mural. The first picture shows an evil dragon breathing fire, and a knight below is holding a shield against the dragon's flame.

The second picture is of a huge scorpion, jetting a kind of light through the tip of its tail, attacking a knight below, and that knight is still holding a shield to resist.

The third picture shows a knight standing on the bow of a ship, raising his spear, and fighting a giant octopus out of the water. The giant octopus’s tentacles are half the size of a ship. May be entangled by giant chapter tentacles.

The fourth picture is a giant python, coiled on a towering tree, with a huge mouth of blood basin, spitting scarlet letters, and spitting poisonous mist at a knight under the tree.

For these four paintings, Li Yuanhong was speechless. Obviously, the knight in these four paintings is obviously a legendary hero figure, but the knight's shape is too old-fashioned, and the movements are almost the same, except for the octopus picture. The shield was replaced with a spear, and the other three paintings were exactly the same. If these murals were not the product of tens of thousands of years ago, Li Yuanhong even suspected that it was the product of the artist's pasting and copying.

However, after watching for a long time, Li Yuanhong did not find the secrets of these paintings. Except for Li Yuanhong's real eyes, he found that the surface of the paintings had faint magical fluctuations. There was no other discovery.

Don’t you want to be trapped here?

Just as Li Yuanhong wandered around in front of the picture of the octopus, his nose was sour, and he suddenly sneezed. This time, the sneeze hit the mural, and the magic circle on the mural reacted, where the octopus was. There were waves on the sea.

Li Yuanhong was very surprised by these changes. Li Yuanhong had an idea, as if he had grasped something, so Li Yuanhong had an idea.

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