Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 693: The Land of Death

"The commander-in-chief only gives orders. Those of us who can live to this day have earned money. What's more, we are soldiers, and the battle to die in battle is our best destination."

"Yes, commander-in-chief, you just give the order, don't you just fight the zombies? Only by destroying these zombies here can our relatives be safe!"

"Commander-in-chief, here are all men with handles, so I won't be a soldier for fear of death!"

The soldiers below all expressed their views, let Li Yuanhong take a reassurance, and began to deploy.

It was night, the cold wind was grinning on the plateau, and the zombies walked slowly in the dark. Due to the turning, the zombies were a little confused. After all, these zombies do not have modern communication equipment, so the command transmission is not so smooth, and because these zombies enter the plateau. , Did not wear human cold-proof clothing, so many zombies have frozen hands and feet stiff.

Therefore, the zombies who passed the order moved more slowly. Due to the poor transmission of the order, the forward troops had begun to turn their heads while the troops behind were still moving forward. This caused a collision in the middle of the corpse group, and the two sides were crowded. Together, many zombies don't know where to go.

Under the cover of the dark night, the human army of more than 10,000 people began to quietly approach the zombie army. Because the machines that humans move are very slow, the sound of the engine is not loud, but at night, this sound is enough to attract the attention of the zombies. . However, due to the chaotic retreat of the zombies, noisy sounds resounded across the sky, which instead masked the noise of the engine.

When the army approached the group of zombies for less than 500 meters, the zombies still did not find the human army. At this time, the tank artillery in the army opened fire, and the violent artillery suddenly exploded in the corpse group, crowding the zombies, letting the artillery fire kill them. The power has been maximized, and a short volley of tank fire has caused thousands of zombies to die under the fire, and those zombies that have been injured are countless.

Suddenly encountering a human attack made the chaotic corpse group more chaotic. The corpse group that was originally crowded to turn and retreat, due to instinct, many zombies turned and wanted to charge against the human attacking force, which made the zombies approach the human team. , Chaos also occurred. Originally, this part of the zombies had already turned to prepare to withdraw from the no-man’s land. As a result, this part of the group of corpses was led back to the no-man’s land by humans.

Humans retreated without seeing the zombies this time. Instead, they started the charge with indomitable spirit. After the tank artillery fire, the armored vehicle charged. Various guns stretched out from the armored vehicle and began to shoot at the approaching zombies.

Since the zombies rushing in front are all ordinary zombies, although they are wearing thin armor, these armors can't prevent the flying bullets, so these zombies fell in pieces in front of the human armored vehicle, just a face , The zombies died and injured thousands more.

However, the characteristic of zombies is that they are huge in number. There are still millions of zombies moving towards humans, so the number of thousands is not even a dime, so the zombies still charge forward, less than five minutes, humans Before the armored vehicle was put on the line, a corpse mountain more than one meter high was erected, and another armored vehicle was approached by the zombies and destroyed by the zombies.

At this time, Sharus was still commanding the zombies to retreat in the middle of the corpse group. At the beginning of the human artillery attack, he did not attract his attention. After all, the zombies in the corpse group kept roaring and noisy, so that Sharus did not The sound of human artillery fire was immediately noticed. However, Sharus soon noticed something was wrong, and the retreating corpse group behind suddenly appeared a fault, and many zombies behind turned back and rushed into the no man's land.

In fact, this can’t be blamed on Sharus’s slow response. Because it is a team of hundreds of millions of zombies, although the corpses are densely arranged, the team is also one to two hundred kilometers long before and after, and the width is several kilometers, so long. The team itself faced the drawbacks of poor information transmission, coupled with the noisy group of corpses, which severely affected Sharus' control of the team.

"What happened? Why didn't the corpses behind retreat?" Sharus grabbed a messenger beside him and asked.

"My lord, I don't know either!" The messenger stayed beside Sharus, not knowing what happened to the corpses.

"Then don't hurry up and check it for me!" The angry Sharus threw the messenger out fiercely.

Although the messenger was thrown to the ground, he dared not complain. He quickly got up and ran to the group of corpses.

It took more than an hour before the soldier came back: "It's not good, my lord!"

"What's the matter?" Sharus was shocked. There are not a few zombies who have suffered accidents because of the no-man's land environment in the past two days. Could it be that the zombies behind have suffered accidents again?

"Oh, sir, the team behind has been attacked by humans, and now we have tens of thousands of casualties!"

"What! Damn human beings dare to provoke us. Shi can kill and not insult, give me orders, kill them back, and surround them!" Sharus roared.

However, this order only caused the zombies in the middle to move. Even so, the number of zombies encircling humans was nearly 100 million.

Although Sharus is reckless, he also knows how to outflank and encircle and annihilate. He did not directly bring the corpse back to the team that killed the humans. Instead, he divided the troops into two directions, from the left and right sides, to outflank the humans. His intention was To form two huge pliers, completely encircle and annihilate mankind.

But when Sharus moved, the human team also moved. Li Yuanhong did not rush to the front line, but in the middle of the convoy, he has been monitoring several surveillance screens. In the past two days, all the actions of the zombies were monitored by the drone. Down, so the zombie turned, and Li Yuanhong could notice it for the first time. At this moment the zombies were surrounded, Li Yuanhong was also watching. When the corpses on both sides were less than one kilometer away from him, Li Yuanhong issued the order to fight and withdraw, so that the entire team was less than one kilometer away from the corpses, and All tanks are retreating, changing to fire, so that the zombies are always in a situation of being beaten, but they can't beat humans.

The reason why Li Yuanhong did this is that the first is to lure the zombies, so that the corpse will feel that they can catch up with humans soon, and will not give up to continue chasing, and the second is that the zombies are always beaten, which is undoubtedly a thing for Sharus This kind of "slap" face slapping behavior, where did he have suffered such a loss? Every time the humans he chased hide from Tibet, how dare to fight back, but now humans are not only fighting back, but also seem to molest him, which makes Sharu The anger in Si's heart grew stronger.

As a result, the group of corpses followed the human team, chasing wildly for a day and a night, and the group of corpses went deep into the uninhabited area for hundreds of kilometers.

But at this moment, the entire group of corpses slowed down, because the continuous pursuit of zombies caused a lot of energy consumption. It is true that zombies can be chased or killed with unlimited physical strength, but these are at the cost of consuming their own energy. During this period, the zombies have been chasing continuously and have been severely overdrawn. You must know that this is a plateau without oxygen and low temperature. , Consuming the energy of the zombies all the time, and there are no humans to hunt in the no man's land, which makes the zombies have begun to appear frozen and dead.

Another major threat to zombies is drinking water. Zombies usually don’t need to drink water. That’s because they can get water from the air and food. But in this no-man’s land, the air is low and the water content is not very high, and there is no food supplement, which makes them inside the body. The moisture loss is very fast. What’s even worse is that although there are many lakes in no man’s land here, most of those lakes are saltwater lakes. The water cannot be used at all. What makes the zombies more painful is that even if they encounter freshwater lakes, the cold water will be They took away a lot of heat that was not enough from them. Many zombies were frozen to death because they drank too much water from the lake.

As the first zombie was frozen to death, the dead zombies did not stop one after another. Later, the entire group of corpses was like a plague, and the zombies fell in pieces, which made Sharus very regretful. Go deep into this barren land.

In fact, Sharus had already planned to retreat before, but his retreat idea had just emerged, and soldiers reported that a human tank had been found before, and it was motionless there.

This discovery made Sharus agitated, so he hurried to the tank with a few cadres.

At this time the tank was lying quietly on the wasteland. The cold wind made the tank cold. The engine had been stalled, and there was no heat. The most important thing was that the lid on the top of the tank turned out to be open.

The zombies surrounding the tank did not dare to act rashly, but stood around the tank, quietly waiting for their leader to arrive.

"Did you check it inside?" Sharus asked.

"Master Qi, we checked, there are no humans or traps inside." A forward led the captain replied.

"Okay, let me see!" Sharus said as he boarded the tank.

I saw that the tank was quite chaotic, and there were scattered human food quick-food bags, and even some unopened canned meat. Obviously humans left this tank in a hurry. It’s no wonder that humans consume very little while sitting on a tank, but the tank consumes energy all the time. This abandoned tank is probably exhausted.

In fact, Sharus's guess was not correct. Li Yuanhong sent Fatty Lu's spacecraft and followed him quietly. Fatty Lu's spacecraft was equipped with a teleportation array, so materials could be delivered continuously. The reason why Li Yuanhong wanted to abandon the tank was because Li Yuanhong was worried that the zombies would give up the pursuit, so he wanted to give the zombies a little hope.

In addition, Li Yuanhong’s team also began to be reduced in personnel. Due to the high altitude, many fighters suffered from altitude sickness. If this disease is not treated in time, it may die. Therefore, Li Yuanhong had to transfer these fighters to the spacecraft, so the entire team , There was a problem of insufficient number of people driving tanks and armored vehicles, so Li Yuanhong took this opportunity to abandon some tanks and make the zombies think that he was going to die.

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