Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 43 Rat Tide

When the decision was made to leave, everything was easy. The busy day soon ended. This time, Li Yuanhong's space was filled with various materials. He thought that with ten cubic meters of space, any materials could be filled. As a result, When it was really time to load things, I realized that the space was really not enough. Fortunately, this time there were more people, more than 40 soldiers joined, and most of Xu Ying's subordinates can drive. This solved the vehicle problem. Those mercenaries came in large trucks. Although there were many eye-catching trucks, they were not damaged. Coupled with Zhang Haitao's repairs, the fleet's capacity quickly increased exponentially. The number of vehicles in the convoy rose from five to twelve.

When he left the test field, Li Yuanhong was proud, and now there are people with guns and supplies in his hands, zombies and so on, it is also a drizzle!

Unexpectedly, before Li Yuanhong was proud, the obstacle appeared.

The convoy is moving forward, and it hasn't left the grassland. You can still see the green and yellow intertwined. There are also deserts here, but they are not large deserts. These small deserts are like the tinea on the Hulk. Before the end of the world, the country also thought of many ways to govern, but due to grazing and rain problems, it has not been effective. Just as Li Yuanhong was passing a section of the desert road, a dark tide surged from the far right. Zhang Yuan, who was in the car monitoring the surroundings, immediately reported to Li Yuanhong through the intercom. When Li Yuanhong heard that there was a dark tide, could it be a tide of corpses? Li Yuanhong hurried to the roof of the car and looked towards Kuroshio with his binoculars.

I saw at the end of the field of vision, a black figure rushing from the side of thinking about myself quickly, the patches were black, like dark clouds sprinkled on the earth, densely covering the earth, and the dark tide rushed without causing the earth. It trembles, but the shock to people's mind is definitely an earthquake of magnitude 8. It is a rat tide caused by rats. Li Yuanhong still remembers the introduction of mutant rats he caught. There is a sentence in it, that is, rat tides have rat kings. The number of rats led by this area is hundreds of thousands. If my team is surrounded by the rat tide, there will be no bones left.

"All speed up, we must quickly pass through this desert! Go forward with all your strength and increase the throttle to the maximum!" Li Yuanhong shouted into the walkie-talkie hoarsely.

All vehicles unconditionally implemented Li Yuanhong's orders, although they did not know what happened.

The team is racing against the rat tide. The team must rush out of the rat tide before the rat tide stops its way. However, the speed of the rat tide is not slow. In just ten minutes, the rat tide is less than ten minutes away from Li Yuanhong’s team. Kilometers, such a distance, calculated according to the rat's mutated speed, is less than ten minutes, and if Li Yuanhong wants to break out of the rat tide siege, it will take at least twenty minutes, not enough time!

The rat got closer and closer, and even Li Yuanhong could hear the rat's squeaking. Li Yuanhong quickly took out the walkie-talkie and said again: "All guards of the team pay attention, prepare to stop the approach of the rat tide, prepare to stop the approach of the rat tide." Li Yuanhong again give an order.

As a result, several armored vehicles interspersed in the convoy have people sticking their heads out. The armored vehicles nowadays are no longer bare. Each roof is equipped with a machine gun, and there are full-time machine gunners in charge. There was a fight, these machine gunners were excited, and under the test site, they could not lift their heads under the pressure of the mercenaries. This time these soldiers wanted to vent. As soon as the result came out, they saw the rat tide getting closer and closer.

"What is this?" The first reaction of all the machine gunners was this sentence. Everyone has seen mice, but such a big and bold mouse, these soldiers have never seen it.

In fact, it was the first time that Li Yuanhong saw a rat tide. If there were not so many rats, Li Yuanhong would not mind if there were more rats. Among the rats caught last time, the second-level one was dismantled by Li Yuanhong. Sure enough, a first-level and second-order crystal nucleus was found in its body. In other words, the crystal nucleus of the mouse that gave the food was 100%. With 100% quality assurance, if you can kill more mice, your crystal nucleus will grow exponentially, which is equivalent to picking up money, but if you encounter a rat tide, I will say otherwise. Li Yuanhong had watched a video before. It was a video of ants eating snakes. There were hundreds of thousands of ants. He said that a snake more than one meter long was bitten to death. This rat tide gnaws on itself. It is not a matter of minutes. . Li Yuanhong didn't want to become a pile of rat dung by himself at this time tomorrow.

The rat tide was getting closer and closer. When the rats were less than 30 meters away from the convoy, Li Yuanhong ordered the robbery.

There was a crisp sound of machine guns, and six machine guns fired at the same time. The bullets rained down on the rats, and forcibly tore a gap in the front of the rats. The impact of the bullet not only killed the mouse, but also overturned the mouse and threw the rat carcass behind the group of corpses. For a time, the group of rats flew blood and flesh, causing the group of rats to move forward at a slow speed, but quickly , The rat group resumed its forward surging, rushing straight towards the convoy.

Li Yuanhong saw that the machine gun could not stop the rats, he could only take out weapons of mass destruction: burning, bottle, every time the burning and bottle out, the danger can be resolved. Following Li Yuanhong's order, two more people appeared in each armored vehicle, holding a burning bottle and a bottle in their hands, and threw them fiercely at the rats. The flames exploded in the rats and immediately caused a commotion in the rats. The mouse that rushed to the front was picked up by the flame, squeaking in pain, and screamed everywhere, spreading the flame to the outside. So ten meters in front of the convoy, the rat group was stopped by the flame, and a wall of fire was horizontal. In front of the rat group.

Taking advantage of the stagnation of the rat group, Li Yuanhong stepped up from the direction of the rat group's impact. But things are always twists and turns. Just when Li Yuanhong thought that the rat group would be blocked by flames, there was a loud squeak in the depths of the rat group. This sound was obviously not something that an ordinary mouse could make, but in this squeaking sound, it was obviously anxious. With the sense of horror inside, this makes Li Yuanhong very strange. What makes such a large-scale rat pack afraid, is it a larger-scale wolf pack?

With the loud squeaking sound, the rats were no longer afraid of the flames, but threw their lives into the flames. In the short term, due to the rich grease of the rats’ fur, the flames suddenly increased, but as the rats rushed more and more The more, the flame was slowly extinguished in the end, and the mouse behind finally rushed past the flame barrier.

As the black tide of rats approached, the tide of rats finally collided with the convoy. The convoy was like a ship caught in a black ocean, bumping up and down, and the speed of the convoy was greatly reduced. The sound of crushing bones, blood plasma being thrown on the car windows from time to time, and the wheels are soaked in the blood plasma. What's worse is that the wheels are wrapped in flesh and blood, and the phenomenon of jam has already appeared. If it is stuck, the team may be trapped in the rat group, and then it will be death waiting for Li Yuanhong and the others.

As the speed of the car slowed down, every car was filled with fear. Many girls were scared of scared faces, and some even covered their faces with their hands, crying. Even a strong warrior had a decisive look, ready to fight the rats. Li Yuanhong knew that all his efforts had been ineffective. He silently got off the roof of the car, drew the machete behind him, and prepared to fight the rats for the last time.

At this moment, above the rat group, there was a loud chirp, which spread all over. And with this call, the squeaking sound in the rat group sounded again, this time the call was more anxious and flustered, and as the call sounded, the rat group rushing forward suddenly stopped moving forward and began to squeak The direction, backed back. The mutation happened so fast that Li Yuanhong was taken aback, not knowing what happened. So Li Yuanhong hurried back to the roof of the car, took out his binoculars, and looked in the direction of the sound. He saw a dark shadow hovering in the sky directly above the rat group. As the sound spread, the sky in the distance appeared again. A few dark shadows flew towards the rats. Li Yuanhong looked for a long time, and finally saw clearly that it was an eagle, a mutant eagle. These eagles are obviously much larger than ordinary eagles. If Jin Yong were here, he would definitely say that the condor in the Legend of the Condor Heroes was of this size, and the following flying eagles that flew over, although they did not have this eagle Big, but also a circle bigger than before the end of the world.

As the eagle screamed, the rat group's panic became more violent. In the middle of the rat group, there was a mountain bag. The mouse used his own body to make a mountain bag two meters high, and there were rats continuously rushing into the mountain. In the bag, the height of the mountain bag is continuously increased. And around the mountain pack, there are mice constantly digging holes. If time permits, the mouse hole will be completed in a few minutes, but the giant eagle in the sky begins to dive.

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