Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 53: Robber's Legacy

As the fate of the town’s relocation was determined, Li Yuanhong was invited by Liu Hu to speak again. It was the first time that Li Yuanhong stood in front of so many people and gave a speech. He was still a little nervous. Looking at the black oppressive head, he felt a sense of oppression. Gone spontaneously. Fortunately, Li Yuanhong is also a second-level evolutionary person. He has a steady mind and started to talk: "Welcome everyone to join my team and come to our team. Although there is no good welfare, I will lead everyone to make a breakthrough in this end of the world. A way to survive. Of course, come to our team and hope that everyone abides by the rules of the team. The rules are not complicated, that is, no stealing is allowed (Li Yuanhong secretly thought that this may be invalid for Li Luoxia), no snatching, no bullying of the young and old With women, obeying the arrangement, there are only so many for the time being. The other rules will be worked out with Liu Hu and the others at that time, and they will definitely guarantee everyone's interests. Of course, if someone wants to leave the convoy, we will send it off. We will pass the army. The base, if anyone wants to stay there, I won’t stop it. Okay, let’s just stop here."

Li Yuanhong’s words made those who were hesitant just now finally made up their minds, and other things would be easy to do. They were busy, packed their things, and prepared to move to the car. At this time, Li Yuanhong found that the car was not enough. Up. After all, there are more than 400 people in the town now, plus the supplies to be taken away, without more than a dozen cars, it's not enough.

Li Yuanhong asked Liu Hu, "Do you know there are cars nearby? That kind of large vehicles, trucks or buses."

Liu Hu shook his head and said, "After we escaped from the city, we have never been outside, and we have not noticed the vehicle at all." Liu Hu also said helplessly. Suddenly Liu Hu remembered something: "However, someone should know about the vehicle."

"Who?" Li Yuanhong asked curiously.

"Those robbers, they have nothing to do to rob people everywhere. They must have been to many places. It should be normal to know where there is a car." Liu Hu said with certainty.

"Yes, how can I forget them? This group of guys should have a lot of good things in their old nest. We should also take their things over, otherwise we'll be sorry for the trouble of putting him down." Li Yuanhong said with a smile. To.

Liu Hu also laughed, and both sides agreed. The rest of the matter was simple. When the criminal police took action, these gangsters quickly revealed relevant information. In these robbers’ lair, there are many vehicles, not only trucks, but also passenger cars and tank trucks, quite a few. The vehicle was robbed by them. After knowing the whereabouts of the vehicle, and it was still in the bandit's nest, Li Yuanhong didn't mind making a small fortune by the way.

The bandit’s nest is near a reservoir. There is a holiday farm here. The operators here are very mindful and organize a lot of rich people. They rent land here and grow pollution-free green vegetables. These vegetables are directly supplied to these rich people. , And when it’s okay, these rich people can also come to plant the land and experience the fun of farming. The scenery here is beautiful, the air is fresh, and the city is relatively far away, but the traffic is not blocked, so it is also favored by many wealthy people. The farm had money, and when the money was available, the farm was renovated. The houses of each family were also taller, and squares were built. Around the village, walls were built, saying that it was to guard against thieves.

Before the end of the world, Zhang Feng and their boss came here and had a deep impression of it. Therefore, as soon as they came out of the city, they ran directly to this place. The villagers were still very simple at the time, and Zhang Feng led them away. Most of the zombies, and the remaining small part, were also killed by Zhang Feng, so these villagers were grateful to Dee, but Zhang Feng then revealed his rogue nature and began to recruit the delicious and lazy people in the village, enslaving the honest villagers, and centralized management of the village materials , Completely monopolized the lifeline of the village, and later this peak did not know how to hook up with the slavery base, secretly kidnapped the tougher villagers in the village and sold them there. From then on, Zhang Feng completely mastered the farm. . With the base, Zhang Feng began to robbery everywhere. In this unconstrained world, Zhang Feng completely let go of the sinful side of human nature. If it were not for the appearance of Li Yuanhong, perhaps Zhang Fengcheng would become the overlord of one party and the infamous overlord.

It was past noon, and the guards of the farm were standing lazily behind the gate of the farm. They never worried about being robbed here. It would be nice if they didn't move others. At this time, a RV appeared on the road and was rushing towards the farm. The guards were in a daze. Could it be that it was delivered to the door? It’s been a long time since I saw this good thing. So the gangsters cheered up and prepared to intercept the RV. Of course, the few gangsters in front of the door were not confident enough to eat this car’s foreign wealth by themselves, so they sent someone to inform the second person stationed in the town. Zhang Yan, this is Zhang Feng’s younger brother. Although he didn’t mess with society like Zhang Feng, he was also a mischievous man at school. When the end of the world is over, he will be killed with his brother and become bad together, and he is worse than Zhang Feng. For a bit, Zhang Feng at least knows that there is a bottom line for doing things, and there are some things that cannot be done absolutely. For example, when he treats Liu Hu’s town, Zhang Feng has never thought of occupying himself, because Zhang Feng knows that he does not have that strength now, and if Forcible occupation will inevitably lead to **** killings. This is not in the long-term interest, but Zhang Yan is not. He suggested his brother to **** it all at once, kill or sell the male, and stay for two days if the female is pretty. , Sell the unsightly ones directly. So Zhang Yan is a bandit habit thoroughly.

After receiving the report, Zhang Yan eagerly picked up a gun, which was reserved by his brother for self-defense. He brought a few people to the intersection and waited for the arrival of the RV.

The RV quickly drove into the village entrance and stopped five meters from the roadblock. Then a person got out of the RV. This person wore a clothes made of animal skins that I had never seen before. It was very rough and unattractive, and there was some dust on the clothes. Obviously, it has not been taken care of for a long time. The image of a deputy farmer gave Zhang Yan a moment of surprise. Could it be that which village had escaped from? The people who came down shouted loudly, "Is this the Hongqi Farm?"

Zhang Yan was afraid that this person would get in the car again, so he didn't answer directly, but instead asked: "What do you do? What do you do with Hongqi Farm?"

Li Yuanhong said: "Let's find Zhang Yan from Hongqi Farm!"

Zhang Yan was taken aback. He didn't know each other. Could it be that there was also Zhang Yan in this farm before?

"Which Zhang Yan are you looking for?" Zhang Yan asked again.

"Zhang Feng's younger brother, Zhang Yan." Li Yuanhong replied again.

"Huh? Looking for me?" Zhang Yan was a little confused. Could it be someone his brother knew?

Unexpectedly, just after speaking, a flying arrow pierced Zhang Yan's forehead. Before Zhang Yan could react, the arrow shot through his forehead, and the body fell to the ground. The other bullies did not react at this time. At this time, many soldiers with live ammunition burst out of the RV, and the muzzle of the black hole pointed at these dumb bullies. Li Yuanhong said: "Put down the weapons in your hands. To stay alive, if anyone resists, he will be killed just like Zhang Yan."

The head is dead, and there is no leader, the other punks can only lay down their weapons obediently and get caught. At this time, the gangsters hadn't understood where they came from, what they were doing here, and how they shot Zhang Yan as soon as they got up.

In fact, before coming back, Li Yuanhong learned about the general situation of Zhang Yan through the arrested punks, including Zhang Yan’s personality, so after confirming Zhang Yan himself, Li Yuanhong directly asked Zhang Yuan to kill Zhang Yan. Harm, Li Yuanhong is too lazy to talk nonsense.

As soon as these gangsters were arrested, other things were simple. Rescue the detained villagers and searched for supplies. It was a whole afternoon busy, but Li Yuanhong took ten buses and drove back to the town in advance to pick up the villagers from the town. farm. It was getting late when the villagers from the town came to the farm by car.

In the evening, Li Yuanhong counted the results of this search. Li Yuanhong was quite satisfied. Before the end of the world, the farm had just harvested the grain, and the income warehouse had not had time to take out. The end of the world broke out. So a considerable part of the grain was collected by Li Yuanhong into the space. , As a backup. This time Li Yuanhong is no longer worrying about food. There were nearly 100 tons of food in this search, but most of them were corn and sorghum. But in the end of the world, as long as it is food, Li Yuanhong will not dislike it.

In addition, in Zhang Feng’s room, Li Yuanhong also found a lot of crystal nuclei and bullets. There were about two hundred crystal nuclei, but they were all first-order and first-order crystal nuclei. Li Yuanhong had already looked down upon this, bullet Li Yuanhong It's not too much, but after Wang Jingrong saw these bullets, he shook his head, Li Yuanhong asked in wonder, "Jing Rong, is there any problem with these bullets?"

Wang Jingrong said helplessly: "These bullets are reloaded, not products produced by regular military factories."

"Reloading?" Of course Li Yuanhong couldn't understand these military things.

"Reloading bullets means recovering bullet shells, filling them with gunpowder, and adding warheads. This is reloading bullets. In the past, the Eighth Route Army's military factories used to reload bullets. This type of bullet is easy to dud and has an accident rate. It's relatively high," Wang Jingrong explained.

"Can it be used?" Li Yuanhong asked nervously.

"It works!" Wang Jingrong replied affirmatively.

"Hahaha, just use it, just use it!" Li Yuanhong said indifferently.

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