Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 60 Let's go fishing

Li Yuanhong retracted his cold tongue, turned his head slowly, and asked Wang Jingrong who was also stunned next to him: "Jing Rong, see it!"

Wang Jingrong nodded vigorously, as if in this way, he could shake himself from the shock.

"How do you deal with this guy?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"Isn't it a fish? Let's catch it by fishing." Wang Jingrong said.

"You can give it a try!" So the fishing plan began.

So, the gunmen caught a few more zombies, then tied them up, tied a special fish hook to the zombies, and then put the zombies on the river bank, Li Yuanhong and the others hid away two hundred meters from the river bank. , Waiting for the fish to take the bait, but the fish never appeared again until noon.

"Jing Rong, do you think the fish was full and slept under the water?" Li Yuanhong asked boredly.

"Brother Li, I really don't know about this. In the past, the army trained in the field and caught fish without any trouble. They were all bait. After a while, the fish will be hooked." Wang Jingrong also said with some doubts.

"Waiting is not a matter. Let's go back first and come back after dinner. Let Lu Yi and the others guard here first." Li Yuanhong said.

When everyone returned to the village, Li Yuanhong took advantage of the meal and called the people together for a short meeting to discuss fishing.

"Why do we have to fish? Just cross the river directly." Li Luoxia said grimly.

"This fish must be caught. This fish has started to hunt ashore. Once it goes downstream, it will arrive at Du Sanniang's island. By then, this fish may be caught. Also, we don't know this. A fish is a male or a female. If it is a female fish, and a litter of mutant fish is born later, the river will become a piranha river." Li Yuanhong said with some fear.

"It won't be that serious!" Li Luoxia looked suspicious.

After listening to Li Yuanhong's analysis, everyone felt that the situation was more serious and that this fish should be caught.

"Let's analyze, why is this fish not going ashore?" Li Yuanhong threw the question out.

"Fish generally will not find prey on the shore unless the prey falls into the water. Is there anything special about the fish finding prey in the morning?" asked Dr. Yuan, who hadn't spoken for a long time.

"Did we drive past and the sound of the car alarmed the fish in the river?" Li Yuanhong guessed.

"The sound cannot be transmitted into the water, it should be the vibration of the ground that is transmitted into the water!" Dr. Yuan continued to analyze.

"Okay, then try hitting the ground in the afternoon to see if you can attract the fish." Li Yuanhong made a decision.

In the afternoon, Li Yuanhong called to Lu Fei. This guy was holding his shield and a big hammer that he didn't know where to find it, and followed Li Yuanhong with a fat body flickering.

When they arrived near the river bank, the zombies were still wriggling on the river bank like rice dumplings. So Li Yuanhong took Lu Fei to a place fifty meters away from the river bank, and said to Lu Fei, "Take your sledgehammer and hit the ground fiercely."

"Okay!" Lu Fei answered quickly, then put the shield on his back, held the sledgehammer in both hands, and slammed it to the ground. With a "bang", the ground was smashed into a small hole, and the ground vibrated a little. Li Yuanhong continued, "Go on, the river hasn't moved."

So Lu Fei and Dadi started to work harder. After more than a dozen hits, the river surface finally moved, and water splashed on the river surface again, and a water line began to come towards the river bank.

Li Yuanhong quickly stopped Lu Fei: "Go, the big fish is here."

So the two began to run back, and when the two ran less than ten meters, the big fish jumped out of the water again. However, something unexpected happened. The big fish did not go straight to the zombies, but ran towards Li Yuanhong and Fat Xiao. Although the big fish was not as fast in the water after landing, the big fish’s tail hit the ground. The body can jump up to a few meters high, and then stir up the shark fins on both sides, and can slide nearly ten meters away. After only a few shots, Da Yu is less than 20 meters away from Li Yuanhong and Lu Fei. With a big mouth, a water arrow spurted out and went straight to Fat and Xiao.

Fatty and Li Yuan Hongguang thought about running backwards without paying attention to the water arrows. When they found out, it was too late. They only heard a "pop", and Lu Fei flew forward, face down, and fell to the ground.

When Li Yuanhong saw the fat man fall, he hurriedly stopped. At this time, Li Yuanhong could not retreat. Once he retreated, the fat man would be in danger. So Li Yuanhong pulled out the double knives behind his back and ran towards the mutant fish. The mutant fish shot the fat man with a water arrow, and his body fell to the ground. It just wanted to continue to pat the ground and eat the prey in front of him, but one of the prey actually wanted to kill it by himself. The big fish didn’t even think about it, and opened his mouth. I was about to shoot the water arrow again. At this moment, a shot was fired, and the bullet that had been fired was quickly shot into the big fish’s opened mouth, causing the water mass that had just gathered in the throat to disperse. , Following the corner of the big fish's mouth, flowed out.

The big fish was very angry. Although he couldn't see who had stopped his water arrow, the vibration of the gunshot in the air attracted the attention of the mutant fish. The mutant fish turned its attention to Wang Jingrong's direction, which gave Li Yuanhong a chance. Li Yuanhong quickly handed the knife into one hand, took out a grenade in the space, then quickly pulled the fuse away with his teeth, and threw it into the mutant fish’s mouth fiercely, then quickly stabbed it with the knife. Fish mouth with a knife.

The mouth was stimulated, the mutant fish quickly closed its mouth, and then turned its gaze to Li Yuanhong. Seeing Li Yuanhong, the mutant fish’s eyes showed fierce light, ready to open his mouth again, killing the one who dared to provoke him. food. Unexpectedly, at this moment, Li Yuanhong suddenly jumped out, then rolled on the spot, away from the mutant fish. At this time, a muffled sound came from the fish’s mouth. The mutant fish felt hot in its mouth. Numerous fragments cut its mouth. The most terrible thing was that a piece of shrapnel pierced its lower teeth hall and rushed into it. In his head, coupled with the burning pain in his mouth, the mutant fish immediately began to jump around, and its wings kept flapping up and down.

Li Yuanhong just jumped a few meters away, and he felt a turbulent wind blowing behind him. Li Yuanhong thought that the mutant fish had been killed again, so he was so frightened that he rolled forward on the spot two more times, making his whole body dusty, so he stood up and turned his head. At first glance, I saw the mutant fish with a big mouth open, and blood was constantly flowing out of the mouth, and the mutant fish’s eyes were bleeding outwards. It seemed that the injury was serious, but at this time the mutant fish jumped and jumped and made dust. Diffuse, I dare not approach at all. At this time, another shot was fired, but the bullet hit the scales of the mutant fish, and the bullet was cut apart.

Perhaps the shrapnel in the head made the mutant fish go crazy, the injured mutant fish did not return to the river, and kept jumping around, and rushed towards Li Yuanhong again with red eyes. Li Yuanhong could only retreat hard, the mutant fish Farther and farther away from the river, the mutant fish finally ran out of energy and fell to the ground without moving. Li Yuanhong rushed to the mutant fish again and slashed at the mutant fish, but the knife did not break the scales, only leaving a white mark on the scales.

Li Yuanhong was helpless, he seemed to be at war with the mutant beast, and he had never broken the opponent's defense. Could it be that the mutant beast was his nemesis! The power of Li Yuanhong's machete caused a reaction from the mutant fish. Leaning on the shark fin on Li Yuanhong's side, he immediately fanned like Li Yuanhong. Li Yuanhong hurriedly hopped outwards, knowing that he was hiding slowly, with a "chi" sound. The broken mutant dog king's armor was cut open by the shark's fin. Fortunately, Li Yuanhong jumped away, otherwise he would have been marked.

Li Yuanhong, who was afraid of later, did not dare to approach the mutant fish easily. At this time, the mutant fish had reached the end of life due to injuries and the long time out of the water. The brilliance in his eyes became darker and darker. At this time, he heard a roar. , A fat figure rushed towards the mutant fish: "You beast, return my shield, return my shield!" Then there was a sound of hammering with a hammer.

It turned out that Fatty Lu was sober. The water arrow launched by the mutant fish just hit Lu Fei's back. Fortunately, Lu Fei was carrying a shield behind his back. Most of the impact of the water arrow was resolved by the shield, but the shield was also hit. Broken, this road is not that the water arrow is very powerful, but this shield, it has suffered too many injuries in front of it, and it has reached the end of its durability. Although most of the power of the water arrow was taken down by the shield, the impact still made Lu Fei feel flustered, and then his head hit the ground hard and lost consciousness.

Lu Fei woke up after the mutant fish was almost tossed over there. The first thing to look back at was to check the shield. At first sight, the shield was broken. Lu Fei was angry now, so he carried the sledgehammer to the mutant fish. Rush, to avenge his shield.

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