Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 18 The Battle of the Ice City (5)

Li Yuanhong’s wish was unfulfilled. When the forward zombies were dying, a tall figure emerged from the gap in the Taniguchi wall and walked out. This zombie was taller than the fat zombies, and the whole body muscles showed it. This is exactly a giant zombie, and with the appearance of giant zombies, many fat zombies have also poured out one after another. It seems that the number is definitely not less than two hundred.

With the appearance of the giant zombies, the giant zombies roared to the sky. The zombies that had just been crowded began to spread out and speeded up toward the wall. At the same time, the giant zombies also began to bring a group of fat zombies. Striding towards the wall, as the giant zombies entered Taniguchi, the subsequent zombies were finally scarce. This also meant that the strongest attack by the zombie group was coming soon. Li Yuanhong knew that the time to test himself had arrived.

"Jing Rong, keep an eye on the group of fat corpses, figure out a way not to let them get close to the wall." Li Yuanhong told Wang Jingrong.

"Understood!" Wang Jingrong replied.

At this moment, Liu Hu also brought people over. Obviously, the zombies on his side had been wiped out, so there were more than six hundred people in the entire wall. Almost all the people in the town came, because everyone knows that if If they can't hold the wall, they will also face bad luck.

"Liu Hu, you group the people who are good at shooting and let them shoot at nearby zombies. In addition, pay attention to the rhythm and don't shoot all at once. This can save some physical strength." Li Yuanhong said.

"Okay, Brother Li!" Liu Hu agreed, and immediately took people to the opposite side of Yu Wang Jingrong.

Although the entire city wall is full of people, there are very few who can shoot arrows accurately, and once the zombies spread, the hit rate drops sharply. Li Yuanhong thinks this is not the answer, so he quickly put Liu Hu, Wang Jingrong and Li Luo Xiahe and Xu Ying called together: "We can't fight like this. Our bows and arrows are not enough. Once we run out of arrows, we have to fight with zombies, which is not good for us. What can we do?"

"Should we still use fire attack?" Li Luoxia said.

"No, this is Ice City. Once it catches fire, the ice will melt." Wang Jingrong objected.

"How about we freeze fat zombies, freeze zombies?" Liu Hu said.

"No way, if the zombies are frozen under the city wall, the shadow zombies may cross the wall!" Wang Jingrong said with lingering fear.

As a result, everyone was unscrupulous, and the roar of zombies under the city got closer and closer, and the situation became more and more critical. At this time, a hockey puck flew over Li Yuanhong's head. Li Yuanhong had an idea. So Li Yuanhong took out the walkie-talkie: "Master Zhang, can you rush to burn and bomb some iron sheets?"

"Iron skin burns and bombs?" Master Zhang's head is full of question marks?

"That's right, I want to use a catapult to throw incendiary and bombs." Li Yuanhong explained.

There was silence on the walkie-talkie for a while, and Zhang Haitao's voice came back from the walkie-talkie side: "Okay, I'll try it."

Li Yuanhong can only wait now, but for the zombies approaching the city, Li Yuanhong can only use bows and arrows to fight attrition. In less than 20 minutes, more than 10,000 arrows disappeared, and the most terrible thing is that the zombies in the city are destroyed. The number is less than three thousand, and there should be ten thousand zombies. If this continues, there will soon be no bows and arrows available. There are also constant bows and arrows. Most people have weakened arms, and many people can't even pull the bowstrings.

As the attack density on the city wall decreased, the zombies finally attacked the city, and the zombies began digging the wall again. And the group of fat zombies, guarding the giant zombies, stood at the tail of the zombie team, approached the city wall unhurriedly, but was never within 400 meters, it seems that wise zombies are not easy to deal with.

In order to deal with the zombies digging the corner, Li Yuanhong asked the hockey puck used for the trebuchet to be put on the wall, and then smashed from the top to the bottom. In the past, he defended the city. The general novels always say that rolling woods are not available here, but there are many ice **** No, the ice is too late, so there is a sound of smashing things under the wall. Many people who have been unable to draw their bows began to lift the ice hockey puck and start smashing the zombies. Li Yuanhong also opened the wheel with both hands, smashing the ice hockey puck, but Li Yuanhong evolved Because of the strength, he threw farther, after all, Li Yuanhong didn't want to build a ladder for the zombies.

The two sides held each other for another half an hour, and more and more zombies attacked the wall, and Li Yuanhong continued to shoot arrows. Only Zhang Yuan and the professional archers were the only ones who could not pull the arrows. However, the zombies flocked to the city, which brought convenience for smashing them, so the number of zombies loss began to increase, but the bad news is that the piles of zombies began to pile up, and in some places even more than one meter, this height is very dangerous, shadows Zombies can easily move in an instant and attack the city.

Just as Li Yuanhong was anxious, Zhang Haitao's voice came from the intercom: "Boss Li, the special burning and bombs you want are ready."

When Li Yuanhong heard this, he became energetic and hurriedly shouted into the walkie-talkie: "That's great, Lao Zhang, quickly send it over."

Within ten minutes, Zhang Haitao took a person and rode over on a tricycle. The tricycle was covered with canvas and it was impossible to see what was inside. However, Li Yuanhong was looking forward to it, not knowing what Zhang Haitao would do.

Li Yuanhong hurried over and said anxiously, "Master Zhang, let me see the weapon you made."

Zhang Haitao smiled and stopped the tricycle, opened the canvas, and saw a car full of wine jars. Li Yuanhong looked at the wine jar in a daze, looked at Zhang Haitao suspiciously, and thought to himself: Is this celebration wine coming too early? ?

Seeing Li Yuanhong’s chill, Zhang Haitao quickly explained: “This jar is filled with sub-munitions. Once the wine jar explodes, the explosives inside will be ejected. By then, there will be a fire scene within a radius of five meters.” Zhang Haitao Said proudly.

"It's so amazing, so what are you waiting for? Try it quickly." Li Yuanhong said impatiently.

So a car of wine jars was transported to the trebuchet. Zhang Haitao moved a wine jar to the trebuchet and lit a fuse. Xiao Yongyi hurriedly pressed the launch button, only a little light flashed through the air, straight for 400 meters. The group of zombies flew away. When the wine jar fell to the ground, there was an explosion, which instantly exploded among the zombies. This was not over. Then around the explosion point, there were successive explosions. With the explosion, the flame was instantly ignited, and the zombies were ignited by the flame. It was like a human-shaped torch, still moving forward unyieldingly, which brought the fire to other zombies, and the flame area continued to expand.

The liquor jar exploded and bombed and ignited twenty zombies. Li Yuanhong saw that this effect was good, and said to Zhang Haitao happily: "Master Zhang, not bad, not bad. I will give you people in the weapon shop a collective reward. Two cans of canned fruit."

Zhang Haitao smiled honestly: "Then thank you Boss Li!"

As the wine altar flew in the sky, the middle of the zombies group was completely covered by flames, and the flames affected the group of shadow zombies standing 400 meters away. Originally, the giant zombies wanted to make the piles of shadow zombies and other corpses pile up to a certain height. Go up the city wall to take down the humans, so the giant zombies arrange the shadow zombies to stand 400 meters away. Originally this was a safe distance, but Wang Haitao made a sub-bomb, and the attack range was invisibly extended. The shadow zombies were immediately affected. Suddenly many shadow zombies were ignited. This made the giant zombies very annoyed. Then there was a roar, fat zombies and shadow zombies , And began to charge at the same time.

Seeing this, Li Yuanhong knew that the final decisive battle had arrived, so he said to Wang Jingrong harshly: "Jing Rong, take the machine gun, Lao Tzu fights them." Li Yuanhong was really reluctant to use the machine gun. When the machine gun was fired, the bullet was like water. It's splashy, but now Li Yuanhong is also going out.

As the group of fat zombies approached, the earth trembled, especially the giant zombies, holding a thick iron rod in his hand, and when encountering a lit zombies, they directly hit the zombies, like a baseball, to a whole In the base hit, the zombies flew out as if they were weightless.

As the fat zombies advanced, the flame Li Yuanhong had just ignited was directly extinguished by these fat bodies, and the fat zombies advanced very quickly, in less than five minutes, they advanced to less than 100 meters from the wall. , The bows and arrows fired by ordinary soldiers can not hurt the fat zombies at all. Only the bows and arrows shot by the archers can pose a threat to the fat zombies. With the sound of a row of guns, the dozen fat zombies running in the front directly fell down.

Hearing the gunshots of the giant zombies was obviously taken aback. In his impression, since entering the valley, he had not heard the terrible, crisp and deadly sound. At this time, the gunshots suddenly started and the giant zombies hesitated. But soon, the fat zombies used their arms as shields, shooting and bows and arrows, and they could no longer shoot these fat zombies. So, the giant zombie grabbed a zombie corpse, stood in front of him, and started to rush forward. The zombies were on the offensive for a while. At this moment, the machine gun rang.

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