Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 21 The Pit of the Lancer Barracks

Along the promenade, Li Yuanhong was taken to a hall. At the front of the hall, there is a reception desk. Now there is no one at the reception desk. Behind the reception desk, there is another metal door. This metal door has a sci-fi style and the door seems to be plated. A layer of halo. Xiao Yiling pointed to the reception desk and said: "Don't underestimate this reception desk. There is a second-level defense magic circle inside. The tenth-level zombies can't break this magic defense every half an hour, and the four walls are hidden. With attack magic, once anyone wants to make trouble here, they will definitely be blown into dregs every minute."

"I rely on, so powerful, with such a good magic circle, why don't you reward me? It made me fight with zombies for so long and lost so many people!" Li Yuanhong complained.

"You can't use it for you. The magic circle is not something you can use according to the drawing. There is no corresponding magic ability. The drawn magic circle is simply waste. You should hurry up and improve your magic ability. Don't cast spells. After halfway through the application, I fainted again!" Xiao Yiling stimulated him with Li Yuanhong's nearly fainting by casting a spell, causing Li Yuanhong's face to flush.

"Haha, isn't this an accident!" Li Yuanhong said awkwardly.

"I won't talk about you in detail here, just your mana. If you use a little more powerful magic, it is estimated that you will run out of mana at once. You still have time to practice more magic!" Xiao Yi Lingyi Li Yuanhong's lesson that the vice hates iron cannot become steel.

Li Yuanhong quickly nodded and said yes, and finally passed a level.

Then Xiao Yiling took Li Yuanhong through the sci-fi metal door to a room with ten jars, and then said to Li Yuanhong: "This is the soldier training room. Here, you can train spearmen, as long as you have enough With energy and materials, you can produce spearmen without limit." Xiao Yiling said proudly.

"Then I can ask, how much material is needed to produce a soldier? And, how much time?" Li Yuanhong always felt that there was a pit waiting for him.

"Not much. Each soldier needs 100 energy points, plus one hundred and fifty kilograms of nutrient solution! Each soldier can be manufactured in five days. Isn't it fast!" Yi Ling said lightly.

Li Yuanhong asked again: "What is the nutrient solution?"

"The nutrient solution contains the nutrients necessary for the human body. Only through the nutrient solution, the magic circle, and the puppetology are used to construct the soldier’s body and brain. In these training tanks, various weapons can be injected into the process of training soldiers. Knowledge and runes make it grow into a qualified soldier." Xiao Yiling explained.

"How do you get the nutrient solution?" Li Yuanhong continued to ask.

"It's easy to extract from food. The more nutritious the food, the easier it is to extract." Xiao Yiling said.

"How much nutrient solution can be extracted from that pound of rice?" Li Yuanhong asked hopefully.

"Rice..." Xiao Yiling thought with one hand on his chin: "It doesn't seem to be a lot, just ten grams!"

Li Yuanhong finally knows where the pit is. This one hundred kilograms of nutrient solution requires ten tons of rice to be consumed. This may not be a problem before the end of the world. But this is the end of the world. Rice is not enough for himself. To make a nutrient solution, this is a very deep pit.

Seeing that Li Yuanhong's face was dark and like Bao Gong, Xiao Yiling quickly explained: "It's really impossible. You can also extract the nutrient solution if you bring the corpse of the zombie, but the production cycle will be longer." Xiao Yiling continued. .

"How long is the extension?" Li Yuanhong asked hopefully.

"Come with me!" Xiao Yiling said. Then Xiao Yiling took Li Yuanhong to the next room. It was like a big factory with a lot of machinery and equipment. Li Yuanhong didn't know what it was.

"This room is specially used to produce refined nutrient solution. If you use the corpse of a zombie, you need to activate a filter device to filter out the zombie virus. The filtering time depends on the zombie level. The higher the level, the higher the filtering time. If it is an ordinary level one zombies, it will take one day, if it is a level three giant zombies, it will take nearly a week. However, a level three giant zombie can extract nearly 300 kilograms of nutrient solution, and an ordinary Level 1 zombies can only extract less than 100 kilograms of nutrient solution." Xiao Yiling explained again.

When Li Yuanhong heard this, he immediately became interested. When destroying zombies, he can not only get crystal nuclei, but also nutrient solution. Anyway, this soldier can't give birth in a day. As long as there are corpses of zombies, he can continue to give birth. Soldiers, afraid of zombies! At that time, he can lead the soldiers back to Yanjing.

"By the way, does the same principle apply to the archer barracks?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"Ruzi can be taught too!" Xiao Yiling said, learning the old pedantic.

Li Yuanhong finally had a plan to increase troops, but the materials needed to build the archer barracks were not enough. It seemed that he needed to be delayed, but he could find a way to produce pikemen first. With the plan, Li Yuanhong immediately implemented it. As for the other functions of the pikemen barracks, Li Yuanhong did not continue to explore. After all, there are too many functions. You can find time to let Xiao Yiling introduce them. Now Li Yuanhong does not have the pikemen to protect him, and he always feels unsafe. , So I want to produce gunmen as soon as possible.

Li Yuanhong hurried to the city wall. It was already ten o’clock at this time. Except for the guards on the city wall, everyone else went back to rest. There were only a few hundred zombies wandering under the city wall. For Li Yuanhong, these hundreds of zombies were fundamentally Not much, but everyone was too tired today, and it was already dark, so Li Yuanhong just warned people and didn't continue to attack. At this time, Li Yuanhong ran to the wall, trying to cover the corpses of the zombies.

First, Li Yuanhong asked people to find a long rope and a long pole. He learned the Mongolian horse pole and made a long corpse pole. It is seven meters long. The operation is not so easy. It was Li Yuanhong who had evolved, or else no one could operate it. Even so, it took Li Yuanhong nearly an hour to put on the corpse of the giant zombie he wanted to catch, which made Li Yuanhong feel dizzy and exhausted. However, Li Yuanhong still couldn't relax, he still needed to transport the zombies to the barracks himself, after all, no one else could enter the barracks now. Li Yuanhong all lamented his fate. When would he be able to be a hand-shoveling shopkeeper like in the novel, and he would be able to solve everything with his mouth. What a pity, none of this has anything to do with him.

Li Yuanhong transported the corpse back to the barracks, and according to Xiao Yiling's instructions, threw the corpse into the refiner. Only when the corpse entered the material mouth of the machine, it disappeared, and then the machine looked like a science fiction movie. , Emitting a dazzling light. The roar of the machine that Li Yuanhong expected did not appear, only a faint vibration. It seems that this alien technology is much higher than the earth.

Li Yuanhong knew that now he could only wait for the nutrient solution to be extracted slowly, and could not do anything by himself, so he could only go back and go to bed. Now Li Yuanhong felt tired again. When he returned to the second floor of the chamber, he found that something was different. As for the difference, Li Yuanhong couldn't see it for a while. Anyway, he was sleepy and went straight back to the room. When he arrived in the room, Li Yuanhong finally knew what was different. There were more foot pads on the floor, oil paintings and other decorations on the wall, and they were newly hung up. Li Yuanhong knew that it was Li Luoxia who did not expect this girl to have some sense of art. But that's okay, this chamber is empty, and only with decoration can it breathe life.

There was no word for a night. In the early morning of the next day, Li Yuanhong got up early and there were already people outside. People who were working outside because there were still zombies outside were forced to take a holiday today. However, Li Yuanhong has several important things to arrange , The first thing is to clean up the zombies still wandering outside the wall. The second thing is to arrange the funerals of those who died in this battle. Li Yuanhong felt that we must give these people who sacrificed for the camp an explanation in order to be worthy of them, so that the living people can have a sense of belonging in their hearts.

Li Yuanhong first came to the city wall. Some people here already started shooting at the wandering zombies with bows and arrows, especially Wang Jingrong. He didn't know when he came. He was with an archer. It seemed that he was asking the archer to shoot arrows. skill. Li Yuanhong didn't bother them either. He also found a compound shortbow and started aiming at the zombies. Such a good living target is not easy to find in normal times. Li Yuanhong didn't want to waste the opportunity.

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