Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 34 Crazy Infrastructure

Li Yuanhong took everyone back and rushed back. He didn't go long before he met Li Luoxia. At this time, Li Luoxia was holding Li Yuanhong's blown hat, and one pair was also covered with snow dust. It was obvious that she wrestled, her expression was very flustered, and there were tears in her eyes. Obviously, Li Yuanhong's disappearance made her feel a little bit of no one.

Seeing this, Li Yuanhong greeted Li Luoxia from afar. Li Luoxia saw Li Yuanhong's white tiger and rushed forward without any care. During the period, he was stirred and fell on the snow. Seeing this, Li Yuanhong hurriedly made Baihu speed up and galloped to Li Luoxia's side. Li Yuanhong jumped off Baihu, helped Li Luoxia up, and asked softly, "Did you hurt him?"

Li Luoxia no longer had the fierceness of the past, she slammed Li Yuanhong's skirt, and kept patting Li Yuanhong's chest with her hands: "Where did you go, it makes people anxious to death!" It flows down again.

Li Yuanhong quickly wiped the tears on Li Luoxia's face with his hands: "Don't cry, don't cry, I am not back well!" With that, he put Li Luoxia in his arms to make this girl who usually looks strong , Crying happily in his arms.

It took a long time for Li Luoxia to stop crying. At this time, many people gathered around and watched the dog food. Li Luoxia looked at the people around her, her face flushed, and then she broke free from Li Yuanhong's arms and used her sleeves. After wiping away the tears, he shouted at the people around him: "What to see, be careful that my old lady will not give you food when I turn around!"

When the people around heard it, she immediately dispersed. After all, Li Luoxia had the power to distribute materials. This could come true without giving food, so she rushed away, but there was a sound of laughter, especially Fatty. He deliberately gave Li Yuanhong a look, and then ran away with the two fat guys.

Li Yuanhong ignored this group of noisy guys, looking down at Li Luoxia, Li Luoxia with pear blossoms in the rain showed another beauty. Li Yuanhong was taken aback for a moment, and then his face was a little red and said: "They are all gone, let's go, let's sit on the white tiger and go together!"

Li Luoxia lowered her head slightly and nodded: "Yeah!"

So the two sat on the white tiger together. Fortunately, both of them were not very heavy. In addition, the white tiger had just eaten lamb chops, so it was not difficult to carry two people. If it was replaced by a fat man, it would be hard to say.

On Bai Hu, Li Luoxia hugged Li Yuanhong’s waist and sat behind Li Yuanhong. Li Yuanhong felt like she was drunk and dizzy. Since she can remember, except for her mother, No other woman has been so close to herself and feels good. It's a pity that the beautiful scenery doesn't last long. They just got down from the mountain, and they fry under the mountain. The red deer jumped around and almost all fled. Fortunately, the leader of the stag was still calm, but he also lowered his head, ready to face the attack of the white tiger at any time. Fortunately, Li Yuanhong spoke out in time, otherwise the battle between deer and tiger would be inevitable.

Li Yuanhong jumped off the white tiger helplessly at the foot of the mountain. Li Yuanhong still didn’t want to break free from the beautiful feeling of being embraced by the beauty, but things under the mountain had to be arranged first. The hidden danger of the white tiger was solved, and the forest farm could start mining again. The more materials collected earlier, the more room for arrangement for many things later. So Li Yuanhong asked Bai Hu to carry Li Luoxia back. After all, it was over ten degrees below zero, and Li Yuanhong didn't want Li Luoxia to be frozen.

Arranging follow-up work is very time-consuming. Especially, Li Yuanhong asked people to clean up the cave where the white tiger stayed. There must be something there, otherwise the white tiger would not choose it as a habitat. With all arrangements in place, Li Yuanhong brought the Bucks leader back to the base. After a busy day, Li Yuanhong, who was tired like a dog, finally returned to his den. As soon as he entered the door, a pair of big paws turned towards him. Li Yuanhong said in annoyance, "Get out of the way, it's stinking! Give it to me quickly! Go take a bath!" Li Yuanhong didn't need to think about it, just the rich smell of his body knew it was a white tiger.

Bai Hu hid aside with a grieved expression and looked at Li Yuanhong pitifully.

At this time, Li Luoxia walked in and wore a light autumn outfit. This alien technology is good. In the chamber, there is no air conditioner or anything, but the internal temperature is always around 20 degrees, so Li Luoxia As soon as he came back, he changed his heavy winter clothes. Looking at Li Luoxia's white neck and faintly exposed breasts, Li Yuanhong stuttered a little: "You...have you eaten!" Thinking of lying on the tiger's back, Li Yuanhong's back was softly pressed. I don't know how to speak.

Li Luoxia gave Li Yuanhong a white look, and then said to Li Yuanhong: "I'm bullying my Xiaobai again!" Bai Hu seemed to have found a backer, and gave Li Luoxia a good meal. Li Yuanhong was irritated by Bai Hu's indiscretion. However, in front of Li Luoxia, she was embarrassed to get angry, so she gave Baihu a fierce look, and then whispered a warning to Baihu: "Be careful not to give you the crystal nucleus!"

So Baihu looked at Li Yuanhong with tears in his eyes, and then at Li Luoxia. Li Luoxia said to Bai Hu: "Go, go to my place, ignore this guy, always bully my Xiao Bai!"

So Bai Hu followed Li Luoxia triumphantly, but it didn’t take long for Baihu’s wailing and Li Luoxia’s scolding: "You dirty fellow, be honest with me. You are moving, be careful. It clicked you!" Then everything was quiet, and Li Yuanhong was also sweating!

Since the white tiger entered the village, the animals in the group have been much quieter, but within two days, it became lively again, and even more than before. Later, Li Yuanhong felt that it is not a problem to let the animals go free, so he decided to train the group. Leave the beast to the skinny monkey. The skinny monkey used to be in the countryside, and his family was poor, so he relied on raising animals to make pocket money. This happened to him, but Baihu was no longer able to do so. Only Li Yuanhong and Li Luoxia can do this. Listen, the others can't even think about it.

The White Tiger storm came to an end. Since then, Li Yuanhong began to enter the base construction again. Li Yuanhong wanted to build the base defense before the new year because after Li Yuanhong completed all the facilities, he reminded that the chamber could be upgraded. But Li Yuanhong was not in a hurry to upgrade. The last time the zombies besieged the city, Li Yuanhong suspected that it was caused by the construction of the Chamber, or how could the zombies feel the existence of this base from 50 kilometers away! If this upgrade caused a tide of corpses again, then the current defense would definitely not be able to stop it, so Li Yuanhong decided to do a good job of defensive infrastructure, especially the walls and various traps.

Since the last time Li Yuanhong browsed the archer barracks and was built, he has specially found a few who know how to do construction and asked them to design the wall plans. However, many of the design drawings were obtained in the defense research room of the archer barracks. As a result, in the simulation battle, it was impossible. Resist the siege of more than 20,000 zombies. Therefore, multiple versions of the design drawings were rejected by Li Yuanhong. So Li Yuanhong said to several people: "We design a defensive wall not only to be able to be beaten, but also to be able to fight. We can attack the zombies outside the city at any time. But at the same time we must protect ourselves so as not to be passive."

After listening to Li Yuanhong’s suggestion, these people also had their brains open. All kinds of whimsical ideas began to gush out. What double-walled walls, walled bunkers, hidden castles, towers, arrow towers, and all kinds of things were brought up. . But these Li Yuanhong denied it, they must be too fancy and not practical. Later, Li Yuanhong decided to combine Chinese and Western styles. The city wall adopts the ancient Chinese city wall pattern. The front is a wide city wall. There is a chop on the top of the wall, and a square shooting port below the chop. In this way, if a zombie climbs on the wall, If you chop the wall one meter away, you will be stabbed by the spear extending from the shooting port under the chop. In addition, there is an arrow tower on the front. There are dense shooting openings upstairs. Many people can shoot outside, but it is difficult for people outside to attack the people inside. On both sides of the city wall, there are guard towers. This kind of guard tower is very similar. The bow and arrow towers in western buildings can be guarded here, and large weapons, such as catapults, can be installed here. Such defenses form a three-dimensional defense, and there should be passages inside the city walls so that ammunition is transported without being exposed. Outside, even if there are zombies attacking the city wall, the commanding heights on both sides can still attack independently. Even if you retreat, you don't have to go outside the city wall. It can be said that the entire city wall system can be attacked and defended.

Moreover, Li Yuanhong intends to increase the height of the city wall to seven meters and the width to five meters, so that even if he encounters giant zombies, it will not be easily broken.

As a result, the construction of the ice city was reopened, and the entire base began to get busy again.

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