Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 43 New Year Gifts

Li Yuanhong did not continue to shoot the zombies this time. Instead, he found Zhang Yuan and asked Zhang Yuan in a humble manner: "Zhang Yuan, can I ask you a question?"

Zhang Yuan was stunned. He had never seen Li Yuanhong speak to himself in such a tone, and quickly replied: "Boss, you can just order anything directly, you are welcome!"

"Well, that's it, how can we increase the hit rate of bows and arrows?" Li Yuanhong asked modestly.

"Well, it's very simple. After aiming at the target, adjust the offset according to the wind direction and wind speed." He said, Zhang Yuan drew his bow and arrow, pointed at the zombie under the city and said, "Did you see that zombie? Shoot it directly on the head, the arrow will deviate to the left, it is very likely to hit his left ear or left shoulder, the main reason is now the wind is blowing, the wind will blow the arrow off. But if I aim Point to the right and deviate a bit, and the shot arrow will hit its head." After speaking, Zhang Yuan drew a bow and set an arrow, an arrow hit the zombie's forehead, and the zombie fell down.

After hearing this, Li Yuanhong frowned, and said to Zhang Yuan: "I know this too, but now it is too late to contact me. Is there any shortcut or a way to quickly improve shooting accuracy?"

Zhang Yuan heard this, with an embarrassed expression on his face: "Boss, there is really no shortcut to this archery." After speaking, he shook his head helplessly.

Li Yuanhong was a little disappointed. Just as Li Yuanhong was about to give up, Zhang Yuan suddenly remembered something: "By the way, boss, the reason why our archers are accurate in archery skills, in addition to archery, there is also a big influence factor."

Before Zhang Yuan finished speaking, Li Yuanhong hurriedly asked, "What factor?"

"Oh, our archers all know how to use Hawkeye. When we use Hawkeye, it can increase the effect of our archery. I don't know if this is a shortcut." Zhang Yuan said.

Li Yuanhong touched his chin, pondering what Zhang Yuan said: "Magic plus bow and arrow, you can try!" Li Yuanhong remembered the magic of his true eye. Every time it was magic, physical attack was physical attack. He never thought about it. Combining the two, Li Yuanhong intends to combine the real eye with archery to see what effect it will have. Just do it, Li Yuanhong picked up the bow and arrow again, came to the city wall, and started to provoke the zombies. After all, if you want to get a high score, you can't shoot ordinary zombies, you can only find special zombies.

Li Yuanhong found a long-tongued zombie, and then Li Yuanhong drew a bow and set an arrow. When aiming, Li Yuanhong used the real eye, so Li Yuanhong saw a different world, and saw that the long-tongued zombie had a lot of red spots on it. Near each red dot, there is another virtual red dot. Li Yuanhong knows that these red dots must be the weakness of the zombie, but what is that virtual dot?

Li Yuanhong first aimed at a red dot on the head of the zombie and shot it out, but the arrow did not hit the zombie's life gate, but deviated a bit. Li Yuanhong was not discouraged and drew his bow again. This time he aimed at the virtual spot next to the red dot and shot an arrow. This time the arrow directly hit the zombie's weakness. This long-tongued zombie fell directly and never got up again.

Li Yuanhong knew this time, the imaginary dot next to the red dot was the correction dot. He didn't expect this real eye to become his own cheater. So Li Yuanhong began to play the cheating effect of the real eye, focusing on special zombies to start, the last 20 arrows were shot, Li Yuanhong scored 69 points, the ranking jumped to the first place, and kept paying attention to Wang Jingrong here. Surprised, I didn’t expect Li Yuanhong. In this short period of less than an hour, his archery skills improved rapidly. I don’t know what secret technique Li Yuanhong used. It seems that I have time. I have to go to Li Yuanhong to learn both. The secret technique used to kill giant zombies has made many people envious.

Li Yuanhong ignored the gazes of the people around him, but recovered his strength, and then drew his bow and archery again. This time, Li Yuanhong's score reached 70 points. After all, everyone wants to score high, so mutant zombies are the focus of everyone’s care. , Although mutant zombies are more difficult to shoot than ordinary zombies, they can’t hold more people. Therefore, in the fourth round of bow and arrow, Li Yuanhong only killed ten mutant zombies. The fifth set of arrows was even worse. He only shot seven mutant zombies, and got six Seventeen points.

Even so, Li Yuanhong's first place was stable. Li Yuanhong stepped down the city wall under the envy of everyone.

As the sky darkened, the game of shooting the zombies slowly stopped. At this time, the number of zombies outside the city was less than 5,000. After all, there were more than 300 male soldiers under Li Yuanhong who could participate in the war, and no one shot a hundred. With more than 30,000 arrows, plus the training during this period of time, the soldiers’ bow and arrow skills have been greatly improved. The 50% hit rate is too low for Li Yuanhong, so these poor zombies, It has become a living target for Li Yuanhong's team members. There are five thousand left, and the intensity of a day's battle has seriously affected the hit rate. Otherwise, it is estimated that these zombies will be rounded up on this day.

The whole night was very stable, although the roar of zombies outside the city could be heard vaguely, but for the village protected by the city wall, that root is not a problem. Moreover, in the latter half of the night, snow flew up in the sky, and the place was once again dyed into a fairy tale world by the snow.

Early the next morning, Li Luoxia urged Li Yuanhong to dress him up and said that there was a major celebration today.

Li Yuanhong had to find a cleaner lint and put it on. He fought with the zombies yesterday. Although there was no close combat, he took someone to the mountain and smashed the explosives in the cave. It was covered with dust, so he used a third-level wolf. Leather-modified armor can't be worn. After all, this is a big day to accept Li Luoxia's gift, and it can't be dirty.

When I went out, my eyes lit up. The square before was empty. I don’t know when there were a lot of ice buildings. There was a nearly three-meter ice Christmas tree covered with many small gifts and many wishing cards, probably Li Luo. Xia arranged, beside the ice Christmas tree, there was a cute little pig carved out of ice. On both sides of the pig’s body, the words "Fu" and "20 Sanyi" were carved respectively, indicating that the year 2031 was full of blessings. full. In the center of the square, a stage was built with ice. It seems that the evening show is going on on this stage.

Of course, everything is not done yet, Li Luoxia is still busy, this is not Li Yuanhong's request, Li Yuanhong came to Fatty’s tavern and told Fatty to prepare more delicious food for everyone at night, after all. It’s the New Year, but it’s an old Chinese custom to eat and drink well.

The next step is to clean up the zombies. Li Yuanhong doesn't want to have zombies to sing at the evening party, so Li Yuanhong plans to completely eliminate the zombies today. When I came to the city wall, I found that Wang Jingrong, Liu Hu, and Xu Ying were all on the wall. These guys were on their arms. There were more zombies in the competition, and many soldiers were also working hard for the final competition. , I don’t need to worry about Li Yuanhong at all. It is estimated that the remaining zombies are not enough to be killed by soldiers on the wall. Li Yuanhong glanced outside the wall. The zombies outside were frozen by last night's wind and snow, and there were as few as popsicles. Many zombies were covered with snowflakes. , Just like Santa Claus, just a red hat.

Seeing that the danger of zombies was basically relieved, Li Yuanhong returned to the chamber and began a day of training. After all, the appearance of Level 4 zombies still made Li Yuanhong feel a lot of pressure.

In the evening, the party began. Around the stage, many bonfires were lit, and young men and women gathered and waited for the start of the party. As a bunch of fireworks exploded in the air, a bell came from a distance. As the bell approached, people could see clearly that it was ten sleighs, red deer pulling sleighs, dressed in red cloaks, just like Santa’s elk same. The sled car was also dressed in red. In each car, there were two beauties dressed as Santa Claus. In the car headed by them, Li Luoxia and Bai Yuqian stood.

With the admission of the sled cars, the show began, and the girls began to sing, filling the cold winter night with a breath of youth. Beautiful figures flashed on the ice stage from time to time, with softness in the sparkle, and a party made people feel like a fairyland. The party lasted for an hour, and finally the most exciting moment came: the goddess' gift.

Of course, Li Yuanhong was the first to take the stage. Li Yuanhong was a little nervous, wondering what kind of gift Li Luoxia would give herself. Li Yuanhong came to the center of the stage and Bai Yuqian stepped forward. As the host, Bai Yuqian is still very competent: "Captain Li, as the first place in the game, name the goddess in your mind!"

The people below were all staring at Li Yuanhong. The men were afraid that the name of the goddess in their hearts would be said by Li Yuanhong, while the girls all hoped that their name would be said by Li Yuanhong, so they stared at Li Yuanhong with eager eyes. Li Yuanhong also felt inexplicably nervous at this time, so he cleared his throat, and then said with a faint tremor in his voice: "The goddess in my heart is...Li...Luo...Xia!"

As Li Yuanhong's voice landed, enthusiastic cheers broke out below. Bai Yuqian announced loudly with cheers: "Next, welcome our first goddess, Li Luoxia, to come on stage and present a present!"

Following Bai Yuqian's call, Li Luoxia blushed and stepped onto the stage. Bai Yuqian asked: "Sister Luoxia, can you tell me what gift you have prepared?"

Li Luoxia said with reddish cheeks: "I can't say it now, everyone will know in a while!"

Bai Yuqian said generously: "It seems that our sister Luo Xia is quite secretive. Okay, then let us see what kind of gift Sister Luo Xia has prepared for our Captain Li!"

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