Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 56 Night Attack on the Base

Li Yuanhong nodded to several soldiers, and then said, "Do you feel that the pattern of your ambushes is very familiar! It's just that the ambushers have turned from zombies to armed men."

With that said, a few soldiers were taken aback, what does this mean.

"I can tell you that not only this time, your large unit was ambushed by zombies, but also calculated by Zhao Zhizhong. Okay, let you see someone and you will be clear." After speaking, Li Yuanhong clapped his hands and the conference room door opened. When the two pikemen carried the stretcher, Li Luoxia followed in.

Li Yuanhong pointed to the stretcher and said to several soldiers: "Look at the person on the stretcher, do you know him?"

Several soldiers stared at the stretcher. The person lying on the stretcher was one of the people who chased them. Several people looked at Li Yuanhong suspiciously.

"Well, don't be confused, you can ask who he is and why he is chasing you." Li Yuanhong said casually.

The leading sergeant stood up, walked to the stretcher, leaned down, and asked the person on the stretcher: "Who are you and why are you chasing us?"

The person on the stretcher was the same person who saw Li Yuanhong and Bai Hu. In the valley, Wu Hong was about to deal with it, but was rescued by the invisible Li Luoxia, but the others were not so lucky. After arriving at the valley base, the man was treated with simple treatment, and his life was basically unimpeded, but he was a little weak, but he saw his companion killed by the people Wu Hong had brought, so he itched the roots of Wu Hong and Zhao Zhizhong's hatred. Hearing the sergeant asked himself, he told Wu Hong's instructions and the things he had previously lured zombies into ambush and besiege.

Several soldiers were stunned at first, and then became angry and wanted to go up and beat the person who framed them, but Li Yuanhong had been prepared long ago. Several gunmen stopped these soldiers: "Don't be impulsive , The people who framed you were Zhao Zhizhong and Wu Hong. They were only those who carried out the orders. What's more, their fate was not good. If I hadn't sent someone to save him, he would be killed by Wu Hong. So, you should Cast your anger on Zhao Zhizhong, not on this person."

Several soldiers, after Li Yuanhong's persuasion, slowly calmed down, but their eyes were still full of anger.

Seeing them calm down, Li Yuanhong went on to say: "I went to the Hunchun gathering place this time. I wanted to infiltrate slowly and then find a chance to merge this base. But now it doesn't seem to work. The civilians inside are on the verge of collapse. If we drag on, half of the people may die, so we must take action." After speaking, Li Yuanhong looked at a few soldiers.

The sergeant who took the lead stood up and said, "Just say, let us do anything, as long as we can pay our brothers, whatever."

"You don't need to do anything, as long as you can help us draw a map of the power distribution in the village, and when we take the village, you can expose Zhao Zhizhong's conspiracy in front of the survivors." Li Yuanhong said calmly.

"No problem, as long as you can kill Zhao Zhizhong, anything will do." The sergeant readily agreed.

Following the guidance of these soldiers, the meeting quickly worked out a combat plan.

The night is silent, and the winter night is even more silent, without the chirping of birds and insects, only the cold wind that freezes to death. On the wall of the Hunchun gathering place, a few police officers holding their shoulders to watch the night were too cold to bear, so the cat lit a fire in a sheltered place. At this time, a black shadow from outside the city wall quickly approached the city wall, came under the four-meter-high city wall, and jumped up with just a light leap. After jumping on the city wall, the black shadow did not rush forward, but lay down on a black shadow, looked around, and quickly locked a few police officers who were warming up. There are not many people on duty, only five, and these few people are very relaxed. After all, the zombies nearby have suddenly disappeared, so there is no need to worry about the risk of zombies attacking the city.

When a few people were chatting and chatting, I suddenly heard a movement at the corner of the city wall. The sound was not very loud, but it was also heard by a few people.

"What sound?" the heads of the police officers asked.

The others shook their heads in confusion.

"Li Lu, Zhang Si, you two go over and take a look." The leader ordered.

"Okay, head!" The two reluctantly left the warm bonfire and touched the dark corner.

Turning around the corner, the two did not see anyone. They were about to turn around and leave when they suddenly saw a bag of things on the snowy ground in front of them. It seemed that they should be bagged roast chicken before the end of the world. Although things appeared very strange, they couldn't bear the greed for cheapness. The two men looked around vigilantly, and found no abnormalities, so they approached carefully like something on the ground, walked closer, and finally saw clearly , It really is a bag of roast chicken. So the two looked at each other, and they both lowered their heads to pick up the bag of roast chicken.

As they lowered their heads, suddenly two figures flew down from the wall behind them. The two figures stretched out their palms and claws, and hit the back of the two people's head fiercely. The two people who received the heavy hit immediately fell limply. The person who flew down quickly took out the rope, tied the two people together, and took out the towel, gauging the mouths of the two people, carrying the two people on their backs, and disappearing into the darkness, and the white shadow following this person , Directly picked up the roast chicken on the ground, followed behind the black figure, and disappeared into the darkness.

After a long time, the two guards who were inspecting had not returned yet, so they were a little alert, so the leader said: "Is there something wrong with the two grandsons of Li Lu? Let's go together, don't be the zombies!"

"Head, how is it possible! Even if it is a zombie, it should be a little bit moving!" The other two didn't care.

"No, let's go and see!" After speaking, he took out his guns and urged the two people to walk around the corner.

Turning the corner, I didn't find anyone or anything, except that there was an empty bag where the roast chicken bag was originally placed, and the roast chicken inside was gone.

Seeing the bag, several people were a little wondering how long it has been since the end of the world. This kind of bagged food is definitely a luxury item. How come the bag appears here for no reason? So the person who took the lead walked over and picked up the bag, and found that the grease and chicken skin still remained in the bag. Apparently the bag had just been opened soon. The leader scolded: "You are numb, these two **** have something delicious to find by themselves." So he said to the two people behind him: "Let’s find these two guys separately, and see if I can take care of this. Two greedy guys!"

So the three of them separately searched in the darkness, but soon, the three were knocked out.

After the guards were dealt with, the shadow came to the city gate, quickly opened the city gate, and then took out a wolf eye flashlight, thinking that there were three flashes outside the city, and soon, a sturdy team ran quickly. come. This team entered the city, and did not speak to the black shadow, but under the leadership of their respective leaders, they rushed towards the inner village.

Since Zhao Kai was taken to the gathering place by his father, he has become a dude. He had to pretend to be hypocritical at school. All of them were abandoned. Except for the few fox friends and alcoholic friends he made at school, everyone else was He abandoned it mercilessly. Eating, drinking and having fun has become his only job now, of course, it is still possible to cheat dad occasionally. This night, he found another beauty, went to fight, and did not return to his father's yard. When he fell asleep in the middle of the night, gunshots rang out from the village. The crisp gunshots shocked him, so he quickly dressed and went to the ground. Although he is dull, as a person who has experienced the last days, he still has a basic sense of protection. After getting dressed, he quickly came to the door of the room and secretly looked out. Although it was dark outside, there were still many people faintly visible. These people were definitely not from their camp, and they uniformly equipped this spear. And short bows, and some people have shields and short knives. These people seemed to have traveled from ancient times and had already occupied his father's yard, and the guards of his father's yard were no longer there.

Zhao Kai realized that his father might be over. The gunfire rang out, but there was only one sound, and there was no follow-up. Obviously all the guards were subdued. At this time, he rushed out without any difference from killing him. So Zhao Kai waited anxiously. Until the dawn, the people outside began to disperse, and there were not so many guards on the street. So Zhao Kai sneaked out of the room, then followed the black shadows on the courtyard wall and slid out of the village. When he reached the entrance of the village, he saw two people. The two people attracted his attention mainly because he knew one. Very special. These two people were Xiao Yongyi and Li Yuanhong. At this time, Li Yuanhong was standing beside Baihu and Xiao Yongyi commanded something. Since it was still dark, Li Yuanhong did not notice Zhao Kai in the dark, but Zhao Kai remembered deeply. Li Yuanhong's face.

After the task was given, Li Yuanhong and Zhao Kai separated and rode the white tiger towards the village, while Zhao Kai also led people to the other side of the village. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhao Kai continued to trace the village along the dark shadows, and came to the foot of a mountain. From the outside here, there was nothing special at all, but Zhao Kai took out a key and placed it on the stone wall. , After a bit, a lid opened, revealing a keyhole, and then Zhao Kai inserted the key in, twisted it, and opened a stone door slowly. This is a secret road that only Zhao Zhizhong and him know. Once the camp is broken by the zombies, this is their way of retreat. I don't know, he is the only one who uses this road.

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