Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 118 Modern Method of Leading Dead Body

Soon, Li Yuanhong and Masnou joined together. After Li Yuanhong got on the ship, he immediately ordered the soldiers to check the warehouses one by one to prevent zombies from hiding on the ship. It was not a joke, but fortunately, there were no zombies on the ship.

After the inspection, Li Yuanhong and Masnou sat together to discuss the next action plan. Masnou spoke first: "I said Chief Li, you have to find a way to refuel this ship as soon as possible, otherwise the ship will not last long."

"Why does this ship run out of fuel so soon?" Li Yuanhong was taken aback.

"It's normal. It has been left for half a year, and the oil will automatically volatilize. It is lucky to have a surplus!" Masnou said with a very natural expression.

"Oh, where can I refuel the boat?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"Then you have to go to the pier in the town, where there is a place to refuel the boat." Masnou replied.

Li Yuanhong pondered for a moment, and then said, "Okay, but let's pick up my soldiers on the ship first, so that we can hold the pier when we occupy the dock."

"Well, I also happened to take advantage of my free time to check the ship to prevent accidents." Masnou replied.

Li Yuanhong disembarked to pick up people and arranged some other arrangements. It was not until the afternoon that Li Yuanhong and Wang Jingrong returned to the boat.

"Why have you been there for so long?" Masnou complained as soon as Li Yuanhong returned to the boat.

Li Yuanhong smiled slightly, and then waved to the soldiers behind him. The soldiers behind him took out a lot of food from their backpacks. Li Yuanhong pointed to the food and said: "We have to stay on this boat for a long time, and we must not prepare something to eat, otherwise, if you lose weight and your wife and children come to trouble me, I can't bear it!" Li Yuanhong pretended to be scared. Look like.

Masnou laughed loudly and said: "I didn't expect that Chief Li was so careful, I didn't expect this."

"You're welcome, let's talk while eating so that we can decide the next course of action." After speaking, Li Yuanhong also took out a bottle of liquor. When Masnou saw the white wine, his eyes straightened immediately, and Harazi flowed down involuntarily.

"You can drink alcohol, but don't drink too much. We have to work in the afternoon." Li Yuanhong glanced at Masnou, who looked a little wretched and said.

"No problem, we Russians always drink wine as water." Masnou said proudly.

Li Yuanhong didn't stand up with Masnou, but he secretly despised: "That's the liquor you didn't meet Huaxia."

A meal was quickly settled. Li Yuanhong only poured two or two wines for Masnou. If it were not for Li Yuanhong to control the bottle in time, it is estimated that this guy could even dry the bottle. During the meal, Li Yuanhong discussed how to lead the corpse. After all, fighting with the zombies in the town can easily be ambushed by the zombies, so it is very important to lead the corpse. Finally, Li Yuanhong looked at the stern of the boat, and Li Yuanhong asked Wang Jingrong: "Jing Rong, can you fly a helicopter?"

"It will happen!" Wang Jingrong replied cleanly.

"Okay, check the helicopter later to see if it can be driven. We will use this to lodge the body later."

The zombies in the town wandered the empty streets. Due to the lack of human care, the streets were already filthy. Various dead branches and fallen leaves covered the streets. The muddy water after the snow turned the streets into mud pools, but the zombies were still Take a stroll in the courtyard. At this moment, a loud curse sounded over the entire town: "You **** zombies, come and fight against Laozi. Don't dare! Come on!" That voice was very arrogant. .

The curse was very loud and continued. The zombies raised their heads to curse reputation. I saw a helicopter hovering in the sky 50 meters above the town. The sound came from there, and as the helicopter moved, From time to time, bombs were thrown into the corpse group from above, completely awakening the entire city.

Of course, the zombies cannot ignore the provocation of the helicopter. As the helicopter moves, the zombies also move. The helicopter flew slowly to the east of the town, where the density of corpses was higher, because the people in the town retreated from this direction, and many zombies were still stuck in the train station and pier here, so they were attracted. The zombies began to move toward the explosion, and soon the two groups of corpses merged together. The number of corpses was more than 10,000, following the buttocks of the helicopter, rushing toward the coast.

Less than 50 meters from the coast, a white medical ship stood upright. After half a year of sea breeze, there were some mottled marks in some places, but the scarlet red cross indicated that it was a medical ship. At this time, the hull was in the sea, and in the sides of the ship and various windows, it was shown that many people were holding bows and crossbows in their hands. The corpse-catching helicopter landed firmly on the stern helicopter platform, and then someone stepped forward to fix the helicopter. Wang Jingrong walked down from above and walked to Li Yuanhong who was standing on the edge of the tarmac.

"Brother Li, I brought in the zombies, but the number is small, only over 10,000." Wang Jingronghui reported.

"Well, it's not bad, after all, the helicopter is running out of fuel now. If the fuel is sufficient, I will sit in the helicopter and zombies in the sky!" Li Yuanhong expressed satisfaction with the results of the corpse.

"Well, but I didn't find giant zombies and mutant zombies, all the zombies brought in were ordinary zombies." Wang Jingrong added.

"It seems that these mutant zombies are in hiding." Li Yuanhong looked towards the city and said with some anxiety.

"By the way, why did we take this town, Li Ge?" Wang Jingrong asked his own question.

"Don't you think sea transportation is more convenient than land transportation?" Li Yuanhong said with a smile.

"Oh, I get it!" Wang Jingrong knew exactly what Li Yuanhong meant. This was Li Yuanhong's establishment of a water channel.

The zombies on the shore flock to the shore and will not move forward. After all, zombies can’t get water. The zombies still know that they can’t run into the water to commit suicide. So the whole coast is full of zombies. Because the speaker on the ship is turned on, the broadcast continues. With Li Yuanhong's arrogant and provocative words, the voice was very loud and could be heard from a kilometer away, so the zombies did not disperse, they still stood on the shore with their teeth and claws, but the team started to disperse, and gradually the shore was covered with zombies.

Seeing that the time was almost time, Li Yuanhong ordered an attack. With an order, the bows and crossbows were sent out. Within 50 meters of the coast, the zombies were covered by crossbows. As there were no mutant zombies, the attack went smoothly. Due to the lack of the command of giant zombies, the zombies didn’t know. Evasion and fear, the zombies in front fell down, and the zombies behind continued to move forward, filling the vacancies in front. In less than two minutes, more than 5,000 zombies were declared reimbursed. After all, the power of the Lianzhu crossbow was too powerful. The lethality of more than a hundred crossbowmen is comparable to the attack power of more than a thousand archers before. If it were not for Li Yuanhong's fear that the crossbow arrows would be too wasteful and limit the continuous shooting, otherwise the zombies would die faster.

Of course Li Yuanhong also joined the ranks of killing corpses, and Masnou in the driver's cab was also shocked by the rain of arrows. I didn't expect cold weapons to be so powerful.

Just as Li Yuanhong was killing him, a roar sounded, and the chaotic corpse group became orderly. The zombies that were constantly rushing to the coast stopped, turned around and started to retreat into the city. When Li Yuanhong saw it, he knew that this was the appearance of giant zombies. It seemed that the method of attracting corpses to kill monsters was no longer effective. But it's not bad. This time, nearly 6,000 zombies have been wiped out. The entire town is estimated to be about 30,000 zombies. This time, so many zombies are killed and injured, and it is considered a zombie to be injured.

As the group of corpses moved away, Li Yuanhong also stopped the attack, and asked Masnou to drive the medical boat to the pier in the town. After all, the purpose of the corpse was to draw away the zombies near the pier. This is so convenient for Li Yuanhong to refuel the medical ship.

The medical ship slowly approached the dock. The dock was quiet. The zombies wandering on the dock had been taken away by helicopter. But Li Yuanhong did not dare to rest assured. After all, the zombies are getting smarter now, and they may not be hiding somewhere waiting for him. Therefore, Li Yuanhong asked Masnou to lay down two lifeboats and let 20 soldiers board the shore to search. To prevent zombies from lying in ambush.

The lifeboat landed smoothly, and even when entering the port, there was nothing to encounter zombies, but when the search team entered the waiting ship hall in the port, the roar of the corpses rang from all directions.

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