Apocalyptic Hero System

: 155th Cossack Cavalry

Seeing the defensive effect of this weapon, Fatty Lu smiled like a chrysanthemum, and praised again and again: "A good weapon, really a good weapon, this should be a weapon made by a man!" Behind him, he didn't mean to return it to Li Yuanhong at all.

Li Yuanhong didn't ask for it either. After all, this sword made it difficult for him, so it's better to give Fatty Lu a favor. Besides, this is just a test product. After Zhang Haitao learns about enchanting, then a better weapon is not just a handy hand.

After testing the weapon, Li Yuanhong and the fat man with a smirk on his face walked back and ran into a panicked soldier. Seeing this soldier’s clothes, it was obviously a soldier stationed on the Russian island. When the soldier saw Li Yuanhong, he hurried He ran over and said breathlessly: "Report...to the captain, Russia...over there...something happened!"

Li Yuanhong stopped and said to the soldier: "Don't worry, speak slowly, what's wrong?"

The soldier breathed a little, then said, "Vladivostok was attacked by horse bandits!"

"Horse bandit! What kind of horse bandit?" Li Yuanhong was taken aback. Since the end of the world, Li Yuanhong had encountered a bandit, and this horse bandit had heard of it for the first time.

"These horse bandits all rode on horses and came and went very quickly. They attacked our search team in Vladivostok. Fortunately, not far from the base on the Russian island, the brigade arrived in time, otherwise the team might be killed. Look at the clothes of these people, unlike the people of the Russian army, and the horses they ride are also very strange. They are taller than ordinary horses and they are very fast. We archers have no way to aim and shoot. Even if they cover the shooting, they almost They can't be injured." When the soldier said, he obviously felt a scared expression.

Li Yuanhong frowned. The fast cavalry is definitely a nightmare for infantry. However, they dare to run to the city to plunder. This is not the usual courage. If you do not want to solve these horse bandits, your Russian island will not be stable in the future. developed.

So Li Yuanhong said to the soldier: "You go down and rest, I'll go back and prepare, and then let's set off together tomorrow morning." Li Yuanhong ordered.

"Yes!" The soldier made a military salute, then turned and left.

Seeing the soldiers walking away, Li Yuanhong turned to the weapon shop, and the fat man next to him said eagerly: "Brother Li, take me with me this time, just to try the power of my sword!" The fat man looked wretched. , Li Yuanhong couldn't refuse, I'm afraid this kid would give himself something to hold his thighs and cry from father to grandma. Looking at the fat man's posture, this kid might really do it.

Li Yuanhong had no choice but to say: "Well, but on the battlefield, you must listen to orders!"

"Hao Le, absolutely no problem!" The fat man said, patting his bare chest.

On the second day, Li Yuanhong took Lu Fatty and Fat Little, as well as White Tiger and Griffin, boarded the medical ship and set off for Russia Island.

At noon that day, Li Yuanhong boarded the Russian Island. On the island, Li Yuanhong obviously felt that the atmosphere on the island was a little tense. Especially when Li Yuanhong took over the bridge linking the mainland, he saw that the bridgehead was heavily guarded, archers and some with rifles. The soldiers, on guard to the outside world, clearly felt ready to fight.

Li Yuanhong did not stop to ask about the specific situation carefully, but went directly to the conference hall on the island.

When Li Yuanhong came to the chamber, he learned that Wang Jingrong was discussing countermeasures with his officers, but the meeting had been going on for a whole morning and no countermeasures had been found yet.

When Li Yuanhong went to the door of the conference room, he heard Xiao Yongyi's voice: "If it doesn't work, let us artillery. We can definitely blow up these grandsons."

At this time, a sour voice replied: "When you put the cannon on, they all fled to the sky, you don't need to blow up!"

"You...you nonsense!" Xiao Yongyi said with a flushed face.

At this time, another voice said: "Yes, he is really nonsense. How can those cavalry be willing to run when they see the artillery? They will definitely step forward and invite all the artillery to the sky. The artillery is ready to go to the sky and fire the artillery!"

When Li Yuanhong heard it, he knew that the atmosphere in the meeting room was very strong. If he didn't show up, he would have to fight. So he hurriedly pushed the door and entered. As soon as the door was opened, the entire conference room looked back towards Li Yuanhong, and the conference room immediately became quiet.

Wang Jingrong, who was sitting upright and presiding over the meeting, saw Li Yuanhong coming in and quickly stood up and greeted me: "Brother Li, you are finally here, but you are so anxious!"

"You don't need to be polite, let's talk about the situation first!" Li Yuanhong walked into the meeting room and sat upright, Wang Jingrong and Fatty sat on the left and right sides respectively.

Wang Jingrong reported: “That’s right. After we regained the Twin Cities, most of the supplies were transported back to the base, and some living supplies were still scattered in the city, and there were a lot of supplies in Vladivostok that were not collected. Besides, you should return. When we were on the base, we ordered us to pay attention to the situation of the survivor’s base, so we sent many people to collect supplies and also paid attention to the signs of other survivors. Some time ago, someone said that there were signs of human activities in the northeast of the Twin Cities, but I didn’t pay much attention. , As a result, the day before yesterday, another hundred cavalrymen appeared from that direction. All of them rode horses, raised sabers, and carried rifles on their backs, and rushed straight towards our search team. At that time, there were not many people in the search team. So they hurried to retreat. They drove a truck, the speed was not very fast, it was only 80 miles, and they were driven outside the city of Vladivostok and were surrounded. Fortunately, they sent us a distress signal before being surrounded. We He arrived in time, and was destroyed by this group a few minutes late." At this point, Wang Jingrong also showed a rare worried expression.

"Later, they sent people to attack us several times, but I shrank the team to Vladivostok, so I didn't suffer any losses, but this also restricted our further development, and the other party moved too fast, we could not track their whereabouts. , I don’t know their offensive line, so they set ambush several times, but they all failed!"

Wang Jingrong finished his report and then sat down. Li Yuanhong fell into deep thought. Although there are mountains and rivers in the Far East, most of the areas are plains, suitable for cavalry operations. Moreover, according to Wang Jingrong’s introduction, these cavalry are not slow, at least they can run 80-meter trucks, and their endurance. It is also very good. It is more than 100 kilometers from the Twin Cities to Vladivostok. There is no slowdown for such a long distance. This shows that these horses must be mutant horses. These cavalry are probably also evolved people. It seems that to eliminate these people, one must find their lair first, so that these gangsters can be completely eliminated.

So Li Yuanhong asked, "Jing Rong, do you have pictures or videos of those horse bandits?"

"Yes, some guards took photos of them with their mobile phones two days ago."

Although mobile phones can no longer make calls, they have become essential equipment for investigation as a compact camera and video device. But Li Yuanhong and the others can use it. Other bases don’t even have electricity. Where can they charge their phones?

Li Yuanhong took the phone and saw in the photo of the phone, a cavalryman riding a tall brown-red horse, holding a saber aloft, struggling to push the mount forward, and the rifle behind it turned Embellishment. Sitting down on the horse, the horse is abnormal, with two eyes with exceptionally bright light, and extra-developed limbs. The physique is stronger than the average horse, and the height is nearly one head taller. More importantly, these Horses’ limbs all have patterns. People who don’t know how to do it would think this is a normal pattern, but Li Yuanhong has learned rune magic and knows it is wind magic: acceleration magic rune.

Not only do these horses have a special place, but the soldiers on horseback also feel a little weird. They always feel awkward there. These cavalry wear a black cloak, a round top hat, and full-length riding boots. How do they look like the warlord armed in the previous TV series of the Republic of China? Li Yuanhong all doubted whether these people had crossed here. The clothes in the summer were so tight and thick, and he was not afraid of covering the heat rash.

While Li Yuanhong was studying the photos, the meeting room hall was opened again, and Masnou ran in in a panic. When he saw Li Yuanhong, he shouted: "Captain Li, help us, we were attacked by Cossacks. If you don’t save it, our village will be over!"

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