Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 31 Standard Knives and Drug Dealers

The next morning, Li Yuanhong was called amidst the loud noise. At this moment, Li Luoxia was standing beside Li Yuanhong’s bed with an angry expression. She was completely devoid of the tenderness of a girl, holding a piece of clothing. Looked at him angrily.

Li Yuanhong was frustrated by Li Luoxia, so she asked weakly: "I said Li Damei, what do you have so early?"

"Li Yuanhong, what you gave me to drink yesterday made me so smelly in the morning, and said, what kind of poison is that!" Li Luoxia did not give up without giving an explanation.

"Hush, keep it quiet, no matter how loud it is, the zombies will come to siege. Don't you feel that your body has become more powerful now?" Li Yuanhong looked at Li Luoxia badly.

With that said, Li Luoxia immediately recollected it, feeling that there was a slight change in herself, but then she was brought back to reality by the smelly clothes in her hands, so Li Luoxia began to say reluctantly: "I don't care about those, you got my favorite sportswear dirty, you have to pay, you have to accompany me with two sets! No, you have to accompany ten sets!" Li Luoxia was in a stance of disregarding people.

"Well, today we will go to the shopping street again. You can do as many sets as you want." Li Yuanhong nodded helplessly.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Li Luoxia threw the clothes in her hand onto Li Yuanhong's bed, turned her head and left briskly. Poor Li Yuanhong was almost fainted by the smell on his clothes.

After tossing in the morning, Li Yuanhong began to plan to go to the shopping street again today. In addition to going to the maternity store, he also needs to prepare a few more sets of clothes, especially the clothes of the fat man. Since he was rescued, he has been wearing the chef's outfit. Also look for some changes of clothes for him.

When eating in the morning, Li Yuanhong looked at the three people who had drunk Evolution Liquid. All three of them had obviously changed their aura, especially the fat man. Although he still felt obese, his fat body felt tighter. It's just that the three of them all put on camouflage uniforms, especially the fat man's camouflage uniforms that didn't fit well, and the fat came out along the seams.

After Li Luoxia changed into the military uniform, she felt a bit of a heroine, and she could compete with Mu Guiying. And when Wang Jingrong put on the military uniform, he had an even more heroic aura.

Compared with three people, Li Yuanhong sighed again. He is also a Level-Evolutionary, why is there such a big difference in momentum.

When everyone was ready, Li Yuanhong took Wang Jingrong, Li Luoxia and the Lancer and Archer to set off. Fat Lu's clothes were really not suitable for fighting, so he could only stay behind.

Everyone came to the commercial street again, and the street was still deserted. Because the virus happened in the morning, the commercial street has not yet been picked up, and the end of the world has happened, but the danger here is much reduced.

Li Yuanhong first came to yesterday’s maternity and infant shop. This time Li Yuanhong and Wang Jingrong began to search the house more carefully. Finally, Wang Jingrong found a hidden door under the corpse. This hidden door was against the corner of the wall and had The body was pressed, and the light was dim, so Li Yuanhong hadn't noticed before.

Opening the secret door, a downward staircase appeared, so Li Yuanhong asked Lu Yi to clear the way. Although he turned on the flashlight, he still felt that the surrounding atmosphere was relatively depressing. The stairs stretched down for more than two meters before seeing a thick iron gate. So Li Luoxia's ability began to show power again, but this time it took a little longer. About ten minutes later, there was a "click" and the door lock was opened. At this time, Li Luoxia was already sweating.

Without being opened, Li Yuanhong asked the gunmen to gently push open the door, only to see the darkness inside the door, through the light of the flashlight, it was obvious that something was piled up inside. Everyone cautiously entered inside and found that there were no zombies or living people inside. Some milk powder cans were piled up on the wall. Li Yuanhong picked up a can of milk powder, and then carefully looked at the bottom of the milk powder can, and found that the bottom was indeed somewhat different. There seemed to be a card slot somewhere, so Li Yuanhong twisted the bottom cover vigorously, and suddenly a dark layer was exposed at the bottom, but now it was empty. It was obvious that someone had taken the contents away or hadn't put it in yet.

Li Yuanhong casually threw the empty milk powder cans back into the pile of cans, and then began to search around carefully. There was a workbench in the corner, and there was some white powder on the workbench. At this time, Wang Jingrong was standing in front of the workbench, inspecting the powder, and then turning around and said, "These powders are drugs. It seems that this is a drug dealer. The storage room is also a sub-packaging place. It seems that they have received information in advance and have temporarily evacuated."

At this moment, Li Yuanhong suddenly saw the handle of a knife in the pile of powdered milk cans, so Li Yuanhong walked over and pulled out the knife, making Li Yuanhong stunned, because this knife is a machete, like the one held by Mr. Wu. It seems that this group of drug dealers must be in contact with Wu boss.

Everyone searched the surroundings again, but no valuable clues were found.

Next is Li Luoxia's most keen clothing purchase action.

Li Luoxia deliberately chose a famous sportswear brand specialty store, so Li Yuanhong became a baggage customer. The ten sets that he had promised increased exponentially. The constant change of clothes during the period made Li Yuanhong a little aesthetic fatigue. Of course, Li Luoxia I didn’t forget to give it to the five little guys (since Huang Xiaopeng came, he began to circle Li Hongyun all day, but Li Dongchen and Li Yanhu two little guys, Li Dongchen and Li Yanhu, fought several times with Xiaopeng, and finally became iron buddies), pack After several sets of clothes, when Li Yuanhong was in a state of escape from the shopping dog, the gunman at the sentry came and reported: "Report the boss, there is a group of people coming here."

When Li Yuanhong heard this, he was energetic, so he asked: "How many people have come? What weapons are they?"

"About 20 people, all with clubs, seem to have a machete in the lead, but no firearms."

"It seems that there are a lot of people!" Li Yuanhong touched his chin and remembered the bad idea.

On the east side of the commercial street, a group of more than 20 people are coming violently. The head of these people is a bald head and a face full of flesh. At first glance, it is a ruthless person. Behind him, there are less than ten colorful hair dyes. Bastard, open his chest, for fear that the tattoos on his body will be covered, so that no one can see. Afterwards, there are some survivors. Although they are not ferocious in front of them, they have a bit of murderous aura on their faces. It seems that after the end of the world, they have not done much to kill.

At this moment, Li Yuanhong came out of the store, and looked at the opposite person very unexpectedly. He looked at the other person carefully. When he saw the machete in his hand, he was taken aback. This was not the kind that Wu boss held. Sword? It seems that this bald head should be in contact with Boss Wu.

At this time, the opposite person came to Li Yuanhong ten meters away, and looked at Li Yuanhong and the others with his bald head. Seeing that there were few people in Li Yuanhong, he said aggressively: "Where did you come from? You know the rules? This is Lao Tzu. You’re here, come here to find something, have I given permission?"

"When is this place for you? Are you not afraid of the police coming to arrest you?" Li Yuanhong asked informally.

"Police? The police are a shit, not to mention this chaotic world. Before, when the police saw me, they gave me three points of face. Stop talking nonsense. Since you dare to come to my site to get things, you have to leave something today. apologize."

"Oh, what should be left to make amends?"

"Looking at how poor you are, the guy in your hand is really good." Then I looked behind Li Yuanhong and saw Li Luoxia, so she smiled and said, "Why don't you leave the beautiful woman behind you and accompany your buddies? In a few days, I won’t be held accountable."

"What if I don't agree?" Li Yuanhong frowned.

"Hahaha, if you don't agree, then you can only feed you to the zombies!" The bald head laughed and said: "If it's not for the trouble, I don't bother to talk nonsense with you." The bald head looked rampant.

This was when Li Yuanhong shouted "kill", and then two arrows flew quickly, and the two gangsters around the bald head fell to the ground. At this time, the wild laugh on the bald face had not disappeared, and it was frozen on his face. Then the bald head immediately turned into furious, and he waved his hand back: "Damn, kill them for me!"

Then the bald head pulled out the machete and rushed towards Li Yuanhong, but just after he took two steps, two more arrows flew over, followed by the two attendants behind him, and then came down. At this time, the bald head only felt the corners of his eyes twitching, but at this time he could no longer hold his feet, he could only bite the bullet and rush forward, but the speed obviously slowed down, and his eyes were watching from time to time.

When they rushed to only five meters away from Li Yuanhong, suddenly two cold lights in front flashed in front of the bald head, followed by two wailings, and the two **** next to the bald head fell to the ground again, covering their eyes and howling constantly Now, if the four arrows fell down just now, it would not be scary, but these two people who fell down and wailed make people feel chilling. The person behind the bald head also slowed down, and the sound of killing was also heard. Small, even the people who ran to the back began to sneak back.

When the bald aura weakened, Li Yuanhong charged up with Wang Jingrong and the spearmen. At this time, Wang Jingrong was also holding a machete and went straight to his bald head. This was Li Yuanhong shouting at Wang Jingrong: "Keep your mouth open!"

So when he was about to collide with the bald head, Wang Jingrong turned sideways, flashed the shadow of the oncoming knife, and then raised his foot and kicked the bald head fiercely at the bend of the bald head. So the bald head suddenly gnawed shit, and the machete in his hand also Flew out, and the two people behind the bald head were also slammed out by the gunmen.

Then Li Yuanhong was shamelessly stringing behind the bald head, and slammed his foot on the back of the bald head and shouted: "Stop it all, whoever goes forward will kill anyone!" At the same time, he put the knife behind the bald head.

The people brought by this time have stopped. You look at me and I look at you. I don’t know what to do. At this time, the scene calmed down, and only a few injured people were left in pain from time to time. call.

A bald head is also considered stiff. Although he was stepped on his back, he not only did not beg for mercy, but also kept swearing swear words: "You **** let me get up, there is a kind of singles!"

Li Yuanhong was really annoyed, so he hit the bald **** and gave him a knife. He only heard the bald scream, and then a puff of blood stained his bald pants. At the same time, Li Yuanhong cursed: "You **** be honest, don't think I dare not kill you. If you are not being honest, I will eat you first." After speaking, he patted the crotch of his head with the back of the knife. There was no sound from the bald head.

At this time, Li Yuanhong turned around and shouted at the bald man: "Those who don't want to die, put down their weapons, and whoever is not obedient, let the head catch a look."

After Li Yuanhong finished speaking, everyone present started to search around, but no one put down their weapons. Untimely, a few zombies wandered over behind Li Yuanhong and behind the bald crowd, which made the crowd commotion more obvious. Li Yuanhong shook his head helplessly, it was too time for the zombies to enter. So Li Yuanhong ordered the archers in the building: "First kill the nearest zombies. Whoever dares to move, kill me!"

I heard someone reply in the building: "Yes, boss!"

At this moment, the crowd calmed down, leaving only the roar of zombies. As the zombies approached, the bald-headed people began to tighten their formation. Everyone looked at Li Yuanhong and the zombies with weapons on alert. When the zombies entered a distance of thirty meters, the bowstring sounded and the two zombies fell to the ground. At this time, the zombies seemed to smell the blood and began to rush towards the crowd.

Finally someone couldn't hold back and started to run out, but he just ran two steps, and an arrow hit his heart, so this person fell to the ground with a zombie. At this time, the scene returned to calm again, and there were only two zombies on each side. Obviously these four zombies are no longer a threat. The speed of the first-level zombies increases immediately, but it takes three or four seconds to rush through 20 meters. , This time is enough for an archer to shoot two arrows. So in the end, the zombies all fell. The person closest to the zombies was caught by the zombies a few centimeters away. At this time, that person was completely leaning on his companion, his face was pale, his legs were obviously weak, and he could not stand firmly.

The zombie fell to the ground, so Li Yuanhong shouted again: "Let down the weapon, my patience is limited!"

Hearing this, the man whose legs were frightened just now loosened the weapon in his hand. The weapon fell to the ground with a "tang" sound, so other people began to throw the weapon to the ground.

The bald head lying on the ground, the domineering aura on his face completely disappeared, replaced by a depressed face.

Watching the scene, Li Yuanhong was finally under control, and pressed these people into the nearby store to prevent zombies from being attracted again. At the same time, he had to interrogate these people carefully. He already understood the origin of the knife. Of course, the interrogator was handed over to Wang Jingrong. Li Yuanhong only revealed to Wang Jingrong that the weapon that the bald head took was the weapon of the drug dealer, so Wang Jingrong enthusiastically began to discuss life with the bald head.

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