Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 219: A heavy code in troubled times

The next day, according to Wang Haikuo’s arrangement, Qiu Laowu once again came to a supermarket in Yanbian City. This is a supermarket near the city center. It stands to reason that this place should be searched by the army first, and then the mercenary association’s turn will be carried out. A second search, but under Wang Haikuo's intentional arrangement, the place was "forgotten" unexpectedly.

Coming to the entrance of the supermarket, looking at the half-open door and the remains of the door that had turned into bones, Qiu Laowu jumped out of the car and shouted to the people following behind him: "Get off the car and hurry up and work. , Move swiftly, and, there may be zombies here, give me a little bit more for a while, don't just take things!" After speaking, he carried it and walked carefully to the supermarket gate.

For search, these people are still very experienced, like this kind of supermarket, basically sell food on the first floor, and daily necessities on the second floor. It’s been almost a year, and the food is still well preserved. Only the food in bags or cans is left. Even a lot of rice noodles in bags have been eaten by bugs. But for Qiu Laowu, He is here to be a locust, as long as he can move, there is absolutely no left, but one-third of these things belong to him.

Time flies quickly. One morning passed quickly. Two large trucks were filled with Qiu Laowu, and this time he was able to make a fortune again. After transporting the last batch of supplies on the shift, Qiu Laowu was stunned when he walked out of the supermarket gate. I saw the person assigned to guard the car, who was squatting on the ground with his head in his hands, and his car was also controlled by a group of strangers.

Seeing this, Qiu Laowu immediately drew out the pistol from his waist: "Who are you, don't you know who Lao Tzu is? Dare to mess with me, are you tired of life!"

The people behind Qiu Laowu also raised their guns in a very arrogant manner.

At this time, a voice sounded: "I said Captain Qiu, I advise you to put away your gun, otherwise the consequences will be very serious!" With the voice, a figure flashed out from behind the car, it was Liu Hu, he Several archers followed.

Old Wu Qiu saw that it was Liu Hu and was shocked. Liu Hu knew that before he came to Hunchun City, Liu Hu had always been in charge of the public order of Hunchun City. How could he suddenly appear in front of him today. So Qiu Laowu quickly changed one and smiled: "Ah, who am I? Turns out to be Minister Liu! Why come here today to joke with my brother?"

"Just kidding? Do you think I am joking?" Liu Hu looked at Qiu Laowu contemptuously.

"Minister Liu, I'm not breaking the law here. You gave my brother to the guy. What is this not a joke?" Qiu Laowu stared at Liu Hu with a faint cold light in his eyes.

"You didn't break the law? What happened to the supermarket behind you?" Liu Hu said.

"Ah! It turned out to be a supermarket. Isn’t it stated in the statutes of the Mercenary Association that Renhe registered mercenaries who found unowned materials in the wild, as long as they have the ability to collect Tao, belong to the team’s spoils and belong to the team. Private property. Look, this supermarket was not occupied before I came. I was the first one to occupy it. So sorry, the materials here belong to our mercenary group. I said, Minister Liu is not against the law. !" Qiu Laowu said smugly.

"Oh? It seems that you are quite familiar with the striped back of the Mercenary Association!" Liu Hu still didn't look at him directly.

"That's, we just came here, so we don't want to study hard, it won't be good if someone grabs a pigtail!"

"Then have you seen how this unowned thing is defined?" Liu Hu asked unhurriedly.

"Doesn't this unowned thing have no owner? The previous owner of this supermarket is probably dead long ago, isn't it now an unowned thing!"

"It seems that you can explain it quite well, so you have taken over several shops nearby!"

"Haha, I'm sorry, brother, hurry up, I have taken over several nearby shops!" Qiu Laowu smiled triumphantly.

"It seems that it was right to catch you!" Liu Hu's face suddenly sank and said.

"I said Minister Liu, what do you mean by this!" Qiu Laowu was startled and involuntarily raised the gun in his hand.

"Okay, then I will let you understand! The so-called unowned thing means that there is no attributable material in nature. However, the following situations are not counted. One is the materials occupied by others after fighting, and the other is the end of the world. For the materials owned by former or relatives, the third is that others can prove that the materials are owned by them. This city has just been occupied by the Hunchun city government. Before the government opened the city, all the materials here belonged to the government. Has it become an ownerless thing?" Liu Hu stared at Qiu Laowu with sharp eyes.

"Ah? Ah! I don't know that!" Qiu Laowu is also a sensible person, knowing that if he fights against Liu Hu at this time, he may not have good fruit, so he can only pretend to be confused.

"I don't know? Well, I don't know, I don't know, and I have memorized the regulations of the Mercenary Association. I advise you to be honest, put your gun down, and go back and investigate with me!"

Just as Qiu Laowu wanted to get angry, he suddenly saw a flash of light on the opposite roof. It was a sniper rifle. In other words, he had a gun aimed at him in every move, even though he was already a Level 3 evolutionary. He hadn't reached the level of invulnerability, so Qiu Laowu accepted it.

In the afternoon, Li Yuanhong was in the office sorting out documents. The door was slammed and pushed aside fiercely. Wang Haikuo walked in angrily. Li Yuanhong looked up at him and asked, "Deputy Governor Wang, who provokes you to make you so angry?"

Wang Haikuo unceremoniously sat down on the sofa, and then roared: "I said Chengzhu Li, why are you arresting people for no reason?"

"Catch people? Who are you? Who caught them?" Li Yuanhong showed a confused look.

"Oh? You don't know? Liu Hu caught Qiu Laowu and copied his home!" Wang Haikuo roared.

"Ah? There's such a thing! It's okay, Vice Governor Wang, don't be angry, I'll call Liu Hu to ask." After speaking, Li Yuanhong said to the intercom: "Minister Liu Hu, come here soon Come to my office!"

Before long, Liu Hu hurriedly walked into Li Yuanhong's office and saw Wang Haikuo sitting on the sofa. He didn't care. He walked directly to Li Yuanhong's desk and said attentively: "Captain Li, what do you want me to do?"

"No instructions, just someone accused you of arresting people, I want to know why you arrested Qiu Laowu. I heard that you also copied someone's home? What is going on."

At this time, Wang Haikuo also stared at Liu Hu with fiery eyes.

Liu Hu stood up and said: "That's it. In the name of occupying the unowned materials, Qiu Laowu snatched the government materials and was captured on the spot. He also confessed to seizing the government materials many times, so I led someone to take the stolen goods he had concealed. Take it out, this shouldn't be considered a home transcript!"

After listening, Li Yuanhong nodded and said: "I said Liu Hu would not know the law and break the law? Vice Governor Wang, you see Liu Hu also acts in accordance with the law. We should not hinder judicial personnel from enforcing the law. Yeah."

"What kind of law does he act in accordance with? How can it be said that Lao Wu Qiu is robbing government supplies!" Wang Haikuo still asked angrily.

"Yes, Minister Liu Hu, why did you convict Qiu Laowu? How did you sentence it?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"Report to Captain Li, we have legal regulations." So Liu Hu explained the relevant laws again. Then he continued: "According to the law, the material that Qiu Laowu snatched is too huge. According to the law, he should be sentenced to death. But we think he has just arrived here, and he is also the first offender. In addition, it is the end of the world. He was sentenced to confiscation of all assets and one year of hard labor." Liu Hu said.

When Wang Haikuo stopped listening, he immediately sternly said: "How can you judge this..." Wang Haikuo just wanted to go down, meaning that Lao Wu Qiu should be released.

But Li Yuanhong suddenly said: "Deputy Governor Wang is right, how can you be sentenced like this! Now that the bases have just merged, people's hearts are floating, and you are so light-judged at this time. Isn't it that you make others think that the law is a decoration? , The sentence must be severe. The accomplices must also be sentenced."

As soon as Li Yuanhong's words were spoken, Wang Haikuo immediately broke out in a cold sweat. This boy Li spoke and sentenced people to death. This is not possible. He quickly spoke again: "I didn't mean that, I mean, people can't kill... "

"Yes, people can't kill, or vice governor Wang thinks thoroughly. This principal has broken the law, and this accessory is sentenced to hard labor or something. Just educate it. After all, it is the end of the world. If you can't kill, don't kill." Li Yuanhong The interface said, after finishing speaking, without waiting for Wang Haikuo to say anything, he continued to say to Liu Hu: "Minister Liu, go and implement it. I think Vice Governor Wang is very anxious about this matter today. Implement it earlier. Let Vice Governor Wang worry."

"Yes!" Liu Hu agreed and turned and left the room.

Wang Haikuo was even more anxious now, and he waved his hand and shouted to Liu Hu: "Wait..."

The following word "next" was not shouted, and Li Yuanhong interrupted again: "Deputy Governor Wang, don't worry. When the result comes out, I will let Minister Liu Hu notify you as soon as possible, so you can rest assured. Just go back and wait for the news. It will definitely satisfy you." After speaking, Li Yuanhong smiled kindly.

After saying this, Liu Hu was already far away. At this time, it was too late to call Liu Hu. Wang Hai looked at Liu Hu's back as he walked away, with hatred in his eyes, but he couldn't say anything. Li Yuanhong was too able to answer. , I twisted all his own meaning, so Wang Hai gave a broad "hum" and strode out of Li Yuanhong's office.

Early the next morning, a notice was posted at the gate of the municipal government: “Yesterday the municipal government seized a group of mercenaries who robbed government resources in Yanbian City. After a court hearing, the criminals confessed and confessed to many thiefs. Grabbing government resources has greatly harmed the interests of the government and the survivor base. Upon strong request from Vice Governor Wang Haikuo, he decided to try the criminals in accordance with the law and sentence Qiu Laowu, the head of the criminal gang to death, and other accomplices for one year of hard labor."

The whole city of Hunchun became a sensation immediately after a notice, especially the notice mentioned Wang Haikuo. The execution of the death penalty was unprecedented in the Hunchun base. Today, an exception was made. It was requested by Vice Governor Wang. Qiu Laowu is not his confidant. Why, why is this guy going to kill Old Wu Qiu? So all kinds of rumors are flying all over the sky, but the new survivors of Hunchun City don’t dare to have any irrational ideas anymore. After all, people with backgrounds like Qiu Laowu are dead. Others who have no background or are not deep enough, They are all honest people.

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