Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 222 Blocking Layers

The zombies that were crowding along the river, did not pay attention to the dozen boats. When the boat reached the middle part of the zombie team, the boat quickly approached the bank, and the people on the boat quickly touched the group of corpses on the highway with the help of the willow forest on the shore.

The group of zombies had previously investigated Liulin on the shore and found no danger. Therefore, the giant zombies walked in the middle of the team with peace of mind, surrounded by fat zombies, which were protected by a meat shield, and the giant zombies were not worried about their safety. But when passing through the Liulin, which was previously considered safe, suddenly a dozen sharp blasts broke the silent world, and then a dozen howitzer shells exploded beside him, and the giant zombies opened magical protection to avoid suffering. , But his own fat guards were not so lucky. Many fat zombies were bombed with missing arms and legs, and there were even two fat zombies that were directly torn apart by the bombing.

Of course, giant zombies can't tolerate this kind of attack that threatens their lives, so they roared. Those zombies that were still on the move stopped immediately, roared and rushed towards the willow forest, trying to ambush the attacker in the forest. Come out and eat it alive. But after these zombies entered the willow forest, they only exchanged for the explosions that sounded from time to time. It was the explosion of landmines. Those zombies who rushed into the willow forest were blown up to death. This made the giant zombies even more annoyed and more zombies surged. Entering the willow forest, some zombies even attacked the weeping willows on the shore and uprooted many willow trees to vent their grievances.

The willow forest by the river is not big, and it was quickly searched by zombies, but the attacker was still not found. At this time, Li Yuanhong had taken the people and returned to the boat again, down the water to a place one kilometer away. Up.

The zombies tossed for more than ten minutes without any results, so they could only move on. However, they had just walked one kilometer, and there was another shelling. A dozen shells accurately landed around the giant zombies. This is the fat guard of the giant zombies. Almost all were injured by the bombing. Only the giant zombies themselves had no business. The giant zombies became completely angry and ordered the zombies to completely destroy the willow forest on the shore, so that the humans who attacked them would have nowhere to hide. Then he caught them and had to shed eight pieces to calm the evil spirit in his heart. Giant zombies are tossing here, Li Yuanhong can see clearly from the boat, but at this time he is already at the head of the group of corpses, the zombies here did not participate in the action of pulling willow trees, but only sent some zombies to the willow forest. A simple search will withdraw.

Li Yuanhong found it strange that zombies have always unconditionally executed the orders of giant zombies, and they will never be discounted. Why are the zombies here so lazy? To be on the safe side, Li Yuanhong used the real eye to scan the willow forest. Now Li Yuanhong discovered the cat greasy. It turns out that there are many invisible long-tongued zombies hidden in the willow forest.

Li Yuanhong knew that this was a bureau set by the zombies, so Li Yuanhong went upstream and returned to the position where the zombies were bombarded just now. At this time, the giant zombies had just cleaned the willow forest, and the trees were lying on the river bank, although there were no shelters. , But Li Yuanhong can shoot with the help of fallen trees.

The giant zombies continued to order the group of corpses to move forward. This time he did not dare to walk alone in a line, but mixed in the group of corpses. But the giant zombie is too tall, and it can still be seen from far away. So Li Yuanhong only took a few soldiers ashore, touched the previous position, and quickly set the tossing barrel, "all the way" with a few slight cannon sounds, and a few shells went straight to the center of the corpse group.

The giant zombies were also exposed to experience. He immediately fell down when he heard the sound of the shells, then grabbed a few zombies next to him and covered them directly on his body. Even so, a few pieces of shrapnel still hit it, but they were all shot. The magic shield blocked it. This time the giant zombies roared loudly, and the whole group of corpses rushed to the shore like crazy. Li Yuanhong picked up the tossing barrel and slid after the game. The zombies that fell on the shore were again empty. This time the giant zombies could only be obediently spread out the entire group of corpses. From both sides of the river bank road, the zombies were densely lined up, so that the giant zombies could feel safe. However, the consequence of this is that since the zombies are no longer walking on the road, the speed of travel is greatly slowed down. Originally, this group of zombies should merge with another group of one hundred thousand corpses and head towards Hunchun City together. When the group of corpses arrived in Yanbian City, the group of corpses had already lost their figure.

Li Yuanhong frightened the largest group of corpses with a stimulus shell, and quickly went down the river, before the zombies, to the outside of Yanbian City. Here, the zombie group must pass by, and there are many rivers passing by here. , So the bridges here are also very dense, Li Yuanhong wants to use these bridges to block the zombies.

When the zombies came outside Yanbian City, they saw that the bridge outside Yanbian City was covered with various fortifications. Now the giant zombies could find a place to vent their anger, so they moved the group of corpses and rushed towards the bridge. The two sides suddenly broke out in a fierce battle for the bridge, the entire bridge was covered with corpses, and many zombies were killed and fell under the bridge along the bridge railing. The Burhatong River is not that kind of river with deep water. The deepest point is only 2.5 meters, and the average water depth is only about one meter. Many zombies fell into the water and were not washed away by the water, but piled up in the river, slowly forming a dam.

The battle lasted for two hours. The river under the bridge was completely cut off by the corpses. The zombies began to attack from under the bridge, so Li Yuanhong ordered the troops to retreat quickly. Although more than 20,000 zombies were killed here, Li Yuanhong also paid a little. More than a hundred casualties, but this is part of Li Yuanhong's gamble.

With the retreat of human beings, the zombies rushed directly into the city of Yanbian, and the fields were full of zombies. The giant zombies also calculated a bad breath. Although the humans had only more than 100 casualties, the giant zombies finally saw the flesh and blood of humans. It further stimulated its bloodthirsty frenzy. With the roar of giant zombies, the group of corpses followed the human team, chasing and killing them all the way along the river bank.

The zombies were chasing humans, and soon they reached a river fork. This is a river fork where two tributaries merged into the main trunk. For some reason, the water here is not very deep, it is more than one meter deep. Li Yuanhong took The team quickly boarded the pre-arranged boat, rowed to the opposite bank, and quickly boarded the embankment, and began to deploy defenses to block the zombies.

Because the river is very shallow, the zombies dominated by violent emotions did not look for bridges to cross the river, but directly waded on the river to rush towards the humans on the shore. There were not many soldiers on the river bank, only more than 1,000, most of them were archers. Some swordsmen and spearmen, as the zombies crossed the river, the crossbows of the archers fell like rain. Because the zombies were crossing the river, their feet were impacted by the water and their standing was unstable. The movements of the zombies became slow, and many zombies’ shields Before being lifted up, he was shot through his head by a crossbow arrow and fell into the river, becoming a floating corpse on the river.

But the number of zombies was huge, and even though the arrow rain was dense, it still couldn't stop the zombies from moving forward, and soon the zombies attacked the embankment. Li Yuanhong was standing on the embankment sideways, looking at the group of corpses on the opposite side of the embankment. There were more than 200,000 zombies. Only less than 50,000 or 60,000 people came to the riverbank and the end of the zombies was still four or five kilometers away. In addition, according to the current density of zombies, it will take at least half an hour before the zombies can completely come over, and Li Yuanhong's plan is to completely lure the main force of the zombies to the river. Therefore Li Yuanhong shouted: "Hold me, keep the zombies on the bank of the river, so that they cannot attack."

Following Li Yuanhong's shout, the soldiers who followed burst out shouting and killing. The sound shook the sky, making the river ripples. As the zombies approached the embankment, Li Yuanhong and the spearmen waved their sabers and severely chopped off the heads of the zombies under the embankment. In an instant, there was a fierce battle between the two sides, and flesh and blood was splashed on the embankment, and soon the green embankment was stained blood red. Whether it was the human soldiers on the embankment or the unfallen zombies under the embankment, it quickly became Blood man.

But there are too many zombies, and the corpses of zombies are slowly piled up. Many places have been flattened by the corpses of the zombies, forming a slope. The zombies begin to attack the embankment along these slopes. These slopes facilitate the attack of the zombies. The casualties of Li Yuanhong slowly increased. Even if Li Yuanhong had a magic shield to protect him, his magic value had already dropped by half. Li Yuanhong wielded a steel knife and looked into the distance. At this time, the team of giant zombies finally reached the river. .

Li Yuanhong saw that the purpose of blocking was achieved, so he shouted: "Retreat, retreat for me."

After speaking, Li Yuanhong would use a steel knife to chop down the two zombies in front of him, and then retreat. After listening to Li Yuanhong's order, the soldiers chopped down to the zombies beside him, and then quickly left the battlefield and retreated back.

Even so, there were still more than a dozen soldiers who failed to evacuate in time, were caught by the zombies, and stayed on the river bank forever. Li Yuanhong listened to the screams of the soldiers before they died, and his heart was cut. Although these soldiers were produced systematically and were not real human beings, Li Yuanhong stayed with these soldiers day and night and never regarded them as non-human. But as a brother, Li Yuanhong secretly vowed to the original Lu Yi, hearing the wailing of these soldiers dying, that he must avenge these soldiers and kill all the damned zombies in the last days.

As Li Yuanhong’s team retreated, the zombies began to cross the river in an all-round way, especially the giant zombies standing on the bank of the river. Seeing the humans on the opposite side, I felt more proud. The panic of being bombarded by humans at the beginning has long disappeared. Now there are only giant zombies. To kill the desire of these humans, the giant zombies kept roaring, urging the team of zombies to cross the river quickly, and also sent shadow zombies and long-tongued zombies to pursue them. Those humans are very cunning, often every other segment. Arrange some transportation for the distance, so that the zombies are always one step behind and cannot catch up. Therefore, the giant zombies sent the fastest zombies to let them hold these humans, and then he could lead the main zombies to completely surround these hateful humans.

As the main force of zombies crossed the river, the giant zombies also began to take their guards and walked towards the center of the river. The river was very shallow. For giant zombies more than three meters tall, the river water hadn’t reached the waist yet, so almost no effort was needed. A river can be crossed easily, that is, the width of the river here is relatively large. For the giant zombies who have always hated water, they hope to pass quickly, so while the giant zombies strode forward, they kept shouting commands. The corpse group speeds up.

Without the obstacle of human beings, everything went smoothly. In the eyes of giant zombies, crossing the river is a trivial matter, and catching up with humans is a matter of time.

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