Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 225 horse drawn tank

In the next two days, Li Yuanhong arranged for soldiers to hunt zombies on the city wall in turn. Until the next afternoon, the hundreds of thousands of zombies outside the city were basically killed. After a day of clean-up work, the defensive battle was completely over. Through this battle, Li Yuanhong established a high level of prestige among the soldiers. Those officers who were skeptical of him in the past began to look at Li Yuanhong with admiration. Even Commander Xiao looked at Li Yuanhong differently. However, Li Yuanhong knew that it would take some time to fully integrate Master Xiao's team into his own group. After all, they looked at themselves with admiration, and they had not yet reached the point of complete conviction.

Next, Li Yuanhong is to sort out his own gains. In this 400,000 zombie attack, the third and fourth zombies are the main offensive force, the fifth and sixth are high-end combat power, and there are only a few seventh-level zombies, so this time Li Yuanhong has a total of Harvested 216,800 third-order crystal nuclei, 100,500 fourth-order crystal nuclei, and only 15,000 fifth-order zombie crystal nuclei, and sixth-order crystal nuclei, which is even less, only more than 400. There are only seven seventh-order crystal nuclei. Of course, these were all wiped out by the army. Li Yuanhong would not care about the zombies that were wiped out by the mercenary group, and Li Yuanhong would not care about some of the zombies wiped out by the water.

With the crystal core, the first consideration is to upgrade the soldiers. At present, Li Yuanhong’s soldiers are mainly based on the third level. Therefore, with the fourth-order crystal core, full upgrades have begun. There are also various supervisors, and Li Yuanhong has also opened up the difference. Yes, like Wang Jingrong, he has already turned on the Thunder and Lightning System, while Liu Hu is of the Gold System. Fatty is not the Fire System, but the Earth System. Li Yuanhong always thought that Fatty loves to cook so much and he should have a close relationship with fire. This guy is actually a soil.

When Fatty turned on the earth element ability, Li Yuanhong came to the door and asked: "Fatty, have you learned how to escape? I have always worried that you have learned the earth escape technique. You didn't drill the earth like others did, but you got stuck. Do you think the game of Hamster has become a super simple mode!"

When the fat man heard this, he curled his mouth and said, "Cut, I won't learn such a fascinating ability, depending on my ability! Stoneskin art, I can resist any spell and physical attack, and this stone spear art , No matter how thick your protection is, I will stab you to death."

"Oh? It looks amazing! Then you say, if you use your stone spear to pierce your stone skin, what will happen?" Li Yuanhong looked at the fat man with a smirk.

"Um...just let me take care of it, I won't be so stupid that I'm okay to play by myself!" The fat man was asked for a moment, immediately understood Li Yuanhong's intentions, and directly refuted it.

Seeing that the fat man was not fooled, Li Yuanhong said sternly: "Stop joking with you, you have a magic body, don't stay in the kitchen when you turn around, go out with me!"

"Okay! My big knife is hungry and thirsty!" said the fat man, learning the tone of the game he played before.

Li Yuanhong wiped out 400,000 zombies this time, and basically the southern part of Jilin Province was liberated. Then Li Yuanhong began to divert the survivors and relocated some survivors to Yanbian City. In addition, according to the terrain, Yanbian City also built walls and moats. And the supplies from Dunhua City were also shipped back. In addition, Li Yuanhong sent the Griffin Troops to search the surrounding areas to find more survivors. Now Li Yuanhong already knows the preciousness of human resources. If it weren’t for no one, Li Yuanhong would have been I just want to have a real showdown with the zombies, but unfortunately there are so many 10,000 people in my hand, and I can't play with the zombies.

While taking root in Yanbian, Li Yuanhong began to upgrade the various barracks. With higher levels, he could produce more soldiers at the same time. In the game, he could violent soldiers. Of course, this is not a game. Once people die, It’s impossible to regenerate. I’ve heard from Xiao Yiling before that if a person has just died, he can use the rebirth technique to bring people back to life, but the rebirth technique is called a forbidden technique in their world, because once the magic is not done, the rebirth technique It becomes spiritual calling, that is, it is not a human being reborn, but a dead spirit without emotion. So Li Yuanhong didn't want to die easily after struggling for so long in the last days. Only by strengthening himself is the fundamental way to save his life.

Time flies quickly. After ten days, everything has progressed. The griffon investigation has achieved results. Li Yuanhong found many small gathering places. Most of these gathering places are built on the mountain, so they avoided the siege of the zombies. With relatively few resources, coupled with stricter domestic weapons control, these gathering places are not doing very well. Li Yuanhong marked the results of Griffin's investigations on the map one by one, copied many copies, and then found Ma Fengyong. Come: "Ma Fengyong, now I'll give you a task. Here are a few maps with the locations of nearby human gatherings. I need you to find a few reliable mercenaries to investigate these camps. First, you must know the specific conditions of these camps. , The most important thing is to know if these camps still maintain humanity. Do you understand?"

"Brother Li, don't worry, if they dare to be as conscientious as Zhang Mazi in this camp, I will destroy them." When Ma Fengyong heard of the task Li Yuanhong gave him, he thought of the bandits back then.

"Maybe you will encounter a situation worse than that. First, tell the investigating mercenary group to protect yourself. Secondly, try not to contact and conduct secret investigations so that you can get real information. Understand?"

"Yes, don't worry about Brother Li." After that, Ma Fengyong walked out.

After arranging the matter, Li Yuanhong found Master Xiao again. When Li Yuanhong entered Xiao Yu’s office, Xiao Yu was discussing matters with several of his team leaders. When Li Yuanhong came in, he immediately greeted him warmly: "Oh! Which fragrant wind blew our Lord Li? Up!"

"Master Xiao joked again!" Li Yuanhong said with a smile.

"What's the matter with Li Chengzhu coming over today?" Xiao Yu knew that Li Yuanhong would never come over for no reason.

"Master Xiao, we have been repairing here for more than ten days, how is the army supplementing now?"

"What? It's going to be a war?" Xiao Yu asked.

"There are no big battles, there are still some small battles. You can see that we have taken Yanbian City, and then we will bring out the zombies in Dunhua City and wipe them out. If we go further north, will we soon arrive at the Spring Market? !" Li Yuanhong took out a map, spread it on the table and said while pointing at the map.

"Well, yes, City Lord Li wouldn't want to rely on people like us to fight Spring City!" Xiao Yu asked.

"Of course not, I don't want our vitality to die. I mean, we will definitely attack Spring City in the future. It's a zombies' lair a hundred li away. How do you say guerrilla warfare? Oh, yes, It’s called the countryside to encircle the city! We can’t seize the city right now. We can pull out the zombie strongholds around him first, so that the city will be isolated, and it will be easier to fight in the future.” Li Yuanhong paused and took a look. All the people present frowned upon seeing everyone.

"This is the first and second, you see, from Spring City to Yanbian City, there are many rivers and mountains along the way, which are suitable for blocking and ambushing. If we lead the zombies out of Spring City in the future, we can rely on these terrains and consume them. With the strength of the zombies, we can even place more large traps for the zombies." Li Yuanhong finished his thoughts.

"City Lord Li's idea is good, but have you ever thought that even on the way to Spring City, the number of zombies is not a small number, let alone Spring City's zombies began to spread out, this city..." Xiao Yu pointed to the map A place called Jiaolong City said: "This city lies between Dunhua and Chuncheng. Before the end of the world, the population here was more than 400,000. Now it is estimated that there are two or three million zombies. Last time we hit more than 200,000. All of the zombies were made with a lot of tricks. If we were to fight this city, we probably wouldn’t be enough for the zombies to stuff their teeth!"

"Well, I also considered it, so when we fight this city, we have to outsmart and cannot attack. Also, I will add some weapons to you, I think you will like it." Li Yuanhong said with a smile.

"Weapon? What weapon?" Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard the weapon.

"Let's go, go and see with me." After speaking, Li Yuanhong took the lead and walked out of the office.

Soon a group of people came to a playground. In the middle of the playground, there was a strange car. It was strange because the car was pulled by horses and had four horses. The car was fully sealed and the shell was thick iron. The shell, the iron shell has shooting holes around it, and there is a cannon on the roof of the car, the kind of iron cannon seen on city walls. This car is like a tank, except that it needs horses. The iron shell is not as big as a tank. It is probably full with two people in it.

Seeing this weird car, all those present were inexplicable. What kind of weird car is this? In fact, Li Yuanhong didn't know, because after he built the tank factory, he could only produce this weird tank: the mobile artillery cart.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him with weird eyes, Li Yuanhong said: "You don't have to look at me with such ambiguous eyes. This weapon is very powerful. I will let you demonstrate it later." After that, Li Yuanhong faced him. The artillery car waved its hand, and the artillery car started to move. During the movement, the turret on the artillery car also moved, and then heard a "pass" sound, a magic bullet flew out and shot down the edge of the playground On one of the big rocks, the big stone instantly turned into powder.

"Look at the power of this artillery, if you are allowed to use this artillery cart to hit zombies, do you think you can beat it?"

"This guy is powerful and has a range, it's okay, if there are enough, it shouldn't be a problem to hit zombies! Brother Li, can you give hundreds of them?" Xing Ling interjected cheerfully.

When Li Yuanhong heard that Xingling’s big mouth began to grow bigger without opening the door, this kind of chariot is not simple and the production cost is not low. Li Yuanhong can now take out more than 20 vehicles in his hand, but these cannot be completely given to Xiao Teachers and them, they have to keep some in their own hands.

Seeing Li Yuanhong's embarrassment, Master Xiao still understands things very well, so he asked, "How much can Li Chengzhu provide us with such a good weapon?"

"The number is not very large, only a dozen." Li Yuanhong said embarrassedly.

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