Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section VI Watching the Battle

Wang Haikuo stayed for more than an hour before he came out of the No. 2 chief. The moment he went out, Wang Haikuo's eyes flashed, and he said in his heart: Li Yuanhong, boy, you have a good show to watch this time.

After Wang Haikuo left, Head Luo walked in and brought a cup of tea to the head.

"Xiao Luo, what do you think of Wang Haikuo?"

Head Luo put the teacup on the coffee table, and then said: "Didn’t you always say, Chief, don’t listen and believe anything? I think what he said may be selfishness, or it may be a fact, but we Aren’t you going to see Han Yuyao’s girl in two days? You won’t be clear if you listen to what he says then!"

"You're right, it's been a long time since I saw girl Han!"

The next day, Chief No. 2 and Division Chief Xiao continued to visit. This time they visited the tank manufacturing and saw the modified tank, which made Chief No. 2 even complain about the waste. However, this tank did not see the actual combat effect, so the No. 2 chief did not comment. After two days of inspections, the most important thing for Chief No. 2 is that the prices here are very low, and he has not reached such a low price in Hainan. Chief No. 2 has planted a lot of fields in Hainan, and it is a year there. It is two-cooked, but the prices are not as stable here, and the materials are so abundant.

It's just that the No. 2 chief always doubted the combat capability of the army here, and doubted whether he could promote the experience here and quickly solve the zombies in other areas.

On this day, the second chief called Li Yuanhong and Master Xiao together: "I have been here for two days. I don't know what you plan to do next?"

Li Yuanhong said, "Chief, I want to ask a question first, are we available now?"

"Satellites are available, but real-time monitoring is not available now, but it is fine for communication."

"That's good, I want a map of the distribution of zombies near us, can I have it?"

"Oh? What are you planning to do?" Chief No. 2 looked at Li Yuanhong with curious eyes.

"We are not strong enough now, and we must use the terrain as much as possible to reduce the threat of zombies. If we can know the distribution of zombies, we can tailor them to different characteristics of zombies."

"Okay, in this way, I will have someone send you the satellite images of the past two days, and then you will make a combat plan, and I want to observe it." The second chief said.

Li Yuanhong hesitated, then lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head and said, "Okay!"

A day later, Li Yuanhong began to make arrangements to attack Dehui City.

At the combat meeting, the second chief asked: "I said Li Xiaozi, why did you choose here?"

"This is inevitable. This is the ultimate road to Harbin, a black province. It is now occupied by zombies. That is to say, our door is kept by others, so that we may be hit by zombies at any time but we are not There is no defense, so here must be occupied. Second, although the population here is nearly one million, the urban buildings here are not dense, which is convenient for our artillery fire. Therefore, choosing here to attack can better exert our Advantage."

"Well, then you can make a plan, I'm just watching the visitors, don't care about me." Chief No. 2 said casually.

Li Yuanhong is also not welcome. Standing in front of the map, pointing to the map and saying: "Dehui, high in the west and low in the east, is good for us to attack. I am going to attack in three lanes. In the middle, you will lead the artillery and new tanks. For the middle road, harass in the periphery. Once the zombies rush out, use bows and arrows to suppress them. Don’t fight close combat with the zombies. Lead out of the city."

"Commander Xing, you lead your regiment to ambush in the north of Dehui City, only defending, not attacking. If the zombies run from you, or the zombies rush out of the city, you will attack them, but you cannot take the initiative to attack. My order."

"On the last road, I will be in charge of harassing zombies and supporting Master Xiao in the south of the city. Good everyone, start to act."

After Li Yuanhong finished speaking, he stood up and walked out, with Master Xiao following behind. Only the second head was a little dazed. Is this done? This little horse and nearly a million zombies smashed hard, isn't this looking for death?

After everyone was out of the meeting room, Chief No. 2 had a recollection, and he was going to observe it.

The second head grew out of the meeting room and got on the tail of the armored vehicle. Following Master Xiao, he walked east for about two hours and came to the outside of Dehui City. At this time, the zombies of Dehui City were still wandering in the city. I mean, a mercenary group had come to harass before, and they would run away every time they finished fighting, so that the zombies could not chase them. Therefore, as long as the arrival of human beings did not enter the attack range, the zombies would not bother to bother.

Master Xiao came to a place one kilometer away from the city, then stopped, and then ordered the soldiers next to him: "Go!"

I saw soldiers took down ordnance shovel from behind and started digging on both sides of the road. As time went on, trenches more than three meters deep were dug out on both sides of the road, and the excavated soil was piled up. Together, a soil wall was formed. Now, an obstacle appeared on both sides of the road. The front was a trench with a depth of three meters and a width of four meters, and behind the trench was a trench with a height of five meters and a width of two meters. With the earth wall, only the road in the middle became the only passage. After the first trench was dug, two more trenches were dug one after another 1.5 kilometers apart.

After everything was set up, it was already the next morning. After burying the pot for cooking, Master Xiao let the troops rest for a while, then adjusted the magic cannon, adjusted the coordinates, and started firing magic cannonballs at the dense areas of zombies in the city. Commander Xiao sat in the remodeled tank and kept observing his own results.

With the rumble of artillery, the zombies in the city couldn't stand it anymore. Previously, human harassment was only sporadic gunshots or bows and arrows. Since the group of corpses retreated into the city, their attacks have decreased. It's not that zombies are afraid of humans to avoid war, but that the five giant zombies in the city suddenly felt that the giant zombies in Spring City suddenly disappeared. This made the zombies in Dehui City feel a crisis, but there are five million zombies. The group was nearly ten times the size of Dehui City, and as the breath of giant zombies disappeared, the entire Spring City was occupied by humans, which made Dehui's zombies more nervous. Therefore, when the ordinary zombies are attacked, the giant zombies use the tortoise scheme to lure humans into the city, but those mercenary groups only fight guerrillas on the periphery and never step into the city. This also makes the giant zombies have no choice. .

I was bombarded suddenly today, which has exceeded the bottom line of the zombies, so the zombies began to rush toward the fortifications of the army. The zombies were like ant colonies rushing out of the ant nest, and they rushed toward the soil wall. The magic cannon kept violating magical sparks in the group of corpses, instantly forming three-meter-diameter craters in the group of corpses, but soon, these craters were filled with zombies behind, and the dead zombies were also stepped on. Underfoot, become a part of the soil.

As the zombies approached, the soldiers standing on the dirt wall drew out the powerful crossbows behind them. These are the Qin crossbows newly produced by Li Yuanhong. They have a range of 500 meters, and these crossbows also come with flame magic. This is the most terrifying.

When the group of zombies advanced to three hundred meters, the crossbow arrows were fired, and the rows of crossbow arrows flew towards the group of corpses. The zombies immediately fell in pieces. Many of the zombies who followed were unable to stop and tripped directly by the corpses in front. , And then tripped the zombies behind, the speed of the entire group of corpses immediately dropped. The most frightening thing is that some zombies were ignited by the flames of the crossbow arrows, and a little fire began to spread among the corpses. But helplessly the density of the corpse group was too high, a little bit of fire was quickly destroyed by the corpse group behind.

Arrow rain, artillery fire, corpse roar, the whole world was filled with these sounds in an instant, and the earth trembled slightly, feeling sad for the killing of the world, but this kind of irreconciliation, either zombies destroying humans, or humans expelling zombies, two There must be only one race to survive. In order for humans to multiply, and zombies to swallow flesh and blood to evolve, they are all leaving the last drop of blood to expand their living space.

As the zombies advanced, they soon rushed into the trench. The three-meter-deep trench was not something ordinary zombies could surpass, so the zombies began to gather in the only gap. At this time, Master Xiao led the tank regiment to exit the gap. Behind the gap, a semi-circular enclosure was formed. When the zombies gathered at the gap, a round of magic cannons wiped out the group of zombies. Coupled with the arrow rain on the dirt walls on both sides, the group of zombies can no longer move forward here.

Naturally, the zombies will not stop there. Seeing that the gap cannot be broken through, they take advantage of the corpse group and begin to give up attacking the gap and turn to the earth wall. Because the soldiers stand side by side on the earth wall, the overall attack strength is very strong, but the density is completely inferior to that of the road. Compared with the gap, on both sides of the road, the zombies began to jump off the trench and attack the soil wall.

However, the zombies did not notice that under the trench, it was not the actual land, but a layer of soft mud. The zombies stepped on it and could hardly move. The zombies that slowed down immediately became an arrow target. The fallen zombies became a stumbling block for the zombies in front. The most frightening thing was that the zombies behind continued to jump down. Soon, the zombies underneath were stepped on their feet and could no longer get up.

A trench is simply not enough to block the impact of hundreds of thousands of zombies, and soon the trench has a tendency to be filled. At this time, the crossbow arrows with sparks appeared again and shot on the trench zombies. This time there was no flame. Extinguished, but instantly turned into a wall of fire, swallowing the entire trench, the original sludge at the bottom of the pit was a layer of oil, and it burned immediately upon seeing the fire.

The protruding fire made the zombies unprepared. Due to inertia, many zombies rushed directly into the wall of fire like moths fighting the fire, and instantly became dry wood in the wall, making the fire more vigorous. Seeing this, the giant zombies at the back were extremely angry, and there was no way they could not lose the zombies in vain, so the giant zombies roared a few times, and the group of zombies began to retreat, away from the wall of fire. But the archers on the wall kept attacking the retreating zombies, causing the unsuspecting zombies to fall in pieces.

The fire burned for a full hour before it slowly extinguished. The zombies saw that the flames diminished, and they started another round of attack.

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