Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 11 Battle of Liaocheng (2)

As soon as Head Luo heard this, his forehead immediately sweated. If what Li Yuanhong said was true, then his team was trapped in a group of zombies, and the zombies violently attacked. It is estimated that the men and horses he brought would have to die here. So Head Luo asked with a fluke, "No, will these zombies pretend to be dead?"

"Look at those zombies lying on the ground, how many of them have arrows stuck in them?"

Commander Luo once stuck his head out and looked outside. As expected, almost all of the people lying on the ground were killed by the cannon, and few died from arrow wounds. Only then did Commander Luo discover the doubt.

"Damn, this zombie is set for us!"

"That's right, the zombies are set for us, and it's no fault of the zombies. We have pitted them in the past two days. Looking back, they want to pit us. It is normal. It seems that our next battle will not be good." Li Yuanhong sighed Speaking of.

"Then how do we fight next?" Head Luo asked curiously.

Li Yuanhong kept tapping his forehead with his hand, looking at the zombies lying on the ground, muttering in his mouth: "What do you think if these fake corpses become real corpses?"

"Huh? How did it change?"

Li Yuanhong smiled and did not answer Commander Luo. Instead, he gave an order to the army: "Attention, everyone, start to repair the zombies. Don't get out of the car. If you don't have arrows, you must shoot to the head. arrow."

The troops received the order and began to carry out the knife operation on the zombies. All the soldiers were in the car, and shot at the zombies without arrows below. All the zombies shot in the head uttered a whine, and then completely No breath. Head Luo was sitting in an armored vehicle, and had to admire Li Yuanhong, who could turn the trap of zombies into an instant benefit for slaying zombies. At this time, giant zombies could not steal chickens, and they would eat back.

The giant zombies are in their hideout at this time, waiting for humans to enter the traps they set. They have been played by humans before, making the giant zombies extremely angry, but the giant zombies find that humans always retreat after their team is established. , Before cleaning up the corpses of the zombies, so the giant zombies want to replace the dead corpses with living corpses. After the humans enter the corpse area, they will perform counter-impacts to trap the humans in the corpse group. It won't work anymore.

It's just that the giant zombies didn't expect that they moved the dead corpses by themselves, but forgot that most of the dead zombies were stuck with arrows, and it was these arrows that exposed the zombie Li Daitao's strategy. However, this is also Li Yuanhong, who is relatively stingy. When entering the corpse group, he paid special attention to the arrows on the corpses of the zombies. He considered how many arrows could be recovered and reused. I did not expect to see that something was wrong. The plan fell short.

The human team quickly advanced to the edge of the city. This time Li Yuanhong only asked a small number of soldiers to get out of the car to clean up the corpses, because Li Yuanhong knew that if the zombies set themselves up, the zombies in the city would definitely rush out.

Sure enough, after a while, the zombies rushed out again. Seeing this, Li Yuanhong immediately ordered all soldiers to get in the car and start attacking while retreating. The zombies fell one after another. The giant zombies waited for the group of corpses behind the humans to rise up and surround Li Yuanhong, but they never saw the zombies. Even if some zombies got up, they were only three or two birds, which could not block the convoy at all. The soldiers' bows and arrows were shot on the spot.

Soon the zombies were chased for another five kilometers. As a result, during this chase, the zombies dropped another forty to fifty thousand corpses. The angry giant zombies were furious. Seeing that this kind of fraudulent death strategy didn't work, they could only find another way. The next day humans began to attack the city again. This time the zombies did not move for a long time. It was not until an hour later that the group of zombies appeared. Just as Li Yuanhong was preparing to fight the zombies, suddenly there were zombies on both sides of the troops. Make human dumplings.

Li Yuanhong smiled slightly. The zombies had been spotted by Griffins early on, so on both sides of the army, Li Yuanhong had already settled the traps, waiting for the zombies to take the bait. Seeing the influx of zombies, Li Yuanhong ordered the army to retreat across the board. Although the army’s firepower was very strong, it could not hold the zombies. The encirclement of zombies became smaller and smaller. If there were no special circumstances, humans would definitely be surrounded by zombies.

The giant zombies finally saw that the human beings were under siege, and the grievances finally came out in a few days, so he urged the corpse group to speed up the attack, and the giant zombies also came out of his hiding place. He planned to see the end of the destruction of mankind with his own eyes. When the giant zombies came to the edge of the city, they were seeing humans struggling to break through, but there were zombies on all sides. It was not easy for humans to break through.

The giant zombies boarded a tall building near the edge of the city, stood on the top of the building, and looked at the human position from a distance. However, the more the giant zombies looked, the more they felt something was wrong. Although the human beings were constantly compressed by the zombies, the overall formation did not change. There is no chaos, and the more important thing is that the zombies never rushed into the human defense circle. Even if the zombies attacked, the closest distance was only forty to fifty meters, and they were blocked by human attacks. Moreover, the human artillery fire is very intensive, and it does not seem to be defeated at all.

While the giant zombies were hesitating, a sudden change occurred. I saw that outside the human defensive circle, a big fire suddenly ignited, and the flames seemed to emerge from the ground, covering the entire group of corpses in an instant. Many zombies have not yet come. The reaction was immediately carbonized by this fire.

The fire comes quickly, and it goes quickly. The front and back duration is not long, only less than thirty seconds, but within these thirty seconds, in the area covered by the flame, the zombies no longer exist intact, and there are many bodies. Those at the edge of the flame were also lit, roaring, and rushing everywhere. For a while, no zombies attacked humans again, only zombies that kept wailing everywhere.

When the giant zombies were surprised, suddenly a few cannons sounded and ten magic cannons attacked the building where the giant zombies were located at full speed. The giant heard the sound of the cannons from far and near, ignoring his own subordinates, and went straight forward. The roof of a building more than 30 meters high jumped down, allowing people to follow the men behind him, but it was not so good. These fat zombies and giant zombies were hit by a cannonball at this moment, and those men who hadn't even protected themselves. Turn it on and it turns into fly ash with the roof.

The giant zombie landed, but did not catch it, so he jumped off in a hurry, making it unstable. Although the magic protection was turned on, the huge impact with the ground caused it to be broken directly by one leg. The huge pain caused the giant zombies to let out an angry roar. This change was so sudden, I didn't understand what was going on, and instantly I changed from victory to defeat. While the giant zombies were still immersed in the pain of their legs, two griffons soared into the sky, grabbing the giant zombies by the shoulders, and taking it into the air.

The giant zombies were suddenly attacked and subconsciously wanted to use their magic to attack these alien beasts that dared to offend them. However, the two griffon claws directly scratched the giant zombies’ arm bones, and the huge pain interrupted them. With the magic of the giant zombies, the giant zombies dare not be distracted, they can only scream non-stop in order to summon their hands to rescue themselves.

With the call of the giant zombies, the zombies in and outside the city rushed towards the giant zombies. On the entire plain, densely packed zombies were winding three to four kilometers long.

Seeing that the zombies team had withdrawn, Li Yuanhong secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He just took a risk and did an experiment. Although four to five million zombies were burned to death, it was far lower than his original assumption. He was still too greedy. I wanted to wipe out all the zombies at once, but the magic trap did not kill all the zombies, and he was still surrounded by zombies. Fortunately, the Griffin Troops discovered the whereabouts of the giant zombies, and the location of the giant zombies was on the edge of the magic cannon range, so Li Yuanhong used the flame trap to mobilize ten cannons in time and bombarded the building where the giant zombies were located, and then dispatched Griffin arrested and finally let the giant zombies transfer the group of zombies away.

Looking at the group of corpses going away, Li Yuanhong commanded: "Give me a slap behind the group of zombies, just dared to surround me, brothers, now give me a hard hit!" Li Yuanhong gave orders and urged himself. Armored vehicles, constantly pouring out crossbow arrows.

The battle lasted for a whole day, during which Li Yuanhong let the troops take turns to rest twice, especially in the middle to supplement the crossbow arrows, by the next afternoon, more than one million zombies were almost cleared. In this battle, a full 10 million crossbow arrows were consumed, almost consuming the crossbow arrows brought by Li Yuanhong. Fortunately, the crossbow arrow can be reused, otherwise Li Yuanhong would not know how to fight the next battle.

After the minions were wiped out, the giant zombie was left. When the griffon brought the giant zombie, he discovered that the giant zombie was tossed in a state of disrepair. There was also the majesty of the zombie leader. Not to mention that the broken leg was drooping, and the two arms were hanging loosely. Even the skull on the face had many scars from being pecked by the griffon. At this time, the giant zombies had no energy, and the eyes were fierce. Long gone, there was only fear. This was the first time Li Yuanhong felt fearful when he saw a zombie.

"Okay, don't torture it, kill it!" Li Yuanhong ordered the two griffins.

Following the order, the sharp beaks of the two griffins pecked directly at the back of the zombie's head, and at this moment, Li Yuanhong actually saw a feeling of relief in the eyes of the giant zombie.

At this time, Captain Luo came over, took a look at the dead giant zombies, and then said: "This battle is so dangerous to win. If you didn't catch the giant zombies, it is estimated that this time the zombies should judge us."

"Yes, but the goddess of luck is still on our side."

"By the way, I said Brother Li, what is the catching trap you set up?" Head Luo asked.

"Well, it's a rune I read from the magic book. It is used as a stove. I think since it is used to make fires, it can also be used to burn zombies, so I got one for the zombies. Unexpectedly, the burning time was too short, and the density of zombies was not enough. Originally, I wanted to kill a million people, but I didn't expect that only three to four hundred thousand zombies were burned to death."

"Three to four hundred thousand is a lot. By the way, have you used this trap before?"

"This is the first time I have used this kind of large trap. Tens of thousands of crystal nuclei have to be used each time. How am I willing to experiment!"

"Damn, so I'm a guinea pig!"

"Hey, you are not a white rat, you can only be regarded as a bait to lure the white rat into a trap!" Li Yuanhongjian laughed.

"Bull, it's still your bull!" Head Luo really felt like a survivor.

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