Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 33 Add some ingredients to the food

This stone city is not very big. The outer city wall is more than 500 meters long and more than 400 meters wide. There is a five-story stone castle inside. It seems that it hasn't been completed yet, and there are still stones constantly moving. It was transported inside the castle. The city wall was three stories high. I didn't know how these cave people made the stone wall. It looked so smooth. I'm afraid that even flies would slide down when standing on it. There are some cavemen patrolling on the city wall constantly, appearing to be very defensive, Li Yuanhong is a little worried, how to get in this, I can't walk in in a big way!

When Li Yuanhong was at a loss, the sound of a huge wheel came from a distant passage. Li Yuanhong hurriedly stood sideways against the wall, hiding his whole body in the cloak. At this time, a group of cavemen pushed a cart to the castle. Go, the car is loaded with corpses of zombies. Obviously these corpses are prepared for the so-called monster. The car is very big, three meters long, two meters wide, four wheels, and there are more than 20 corpses on it. Look It seems that these zombies were newly killed.

Seeing this, Li Yuanhong had an idea. Li Yuanhong quickly found a stone nearby, then put the stone into the space and waited quietly. When the car passed by his eyes, Li Yuanhong teleported to the side of the car, and then quickly placed the stone. In front of a wheel and then teleported back to the wall to hide.

The cavemen rely on infrared rays to detect external objects. Li Yuanhong wears a heat-insulating cloak and is no different from being invisible in front of them. The cavemen did not notice Li Yuanhong’s small movements just now, so they pushed the car forward. There were no wheels. I pressed it on the rock without any suspense. The rock was a bit big. In addition, the cavers were a little rushed to push the cart. The car stalled and overturned, and the bodies on the car fell down.

Seeing this, the cavemen cursed the cavemen who were carrying the stones, quickly straightened the car, and then began to lift the scattered corpses back into the car, and then set off again. However, the cave people did not know that there was already an additional person under the car they were pushing at this time.

The car passed the city gate smoothly. The guards at the city gate turned a blind eye to these porters. The car quickly reached a warehouse. A caveman in the warehouse asked, "How many zombies are in the car?"


"Why are there so few?" the guard said with some dissatisfaction.

"It's so cold outside, plus the zombies are hiding in the city, it's not easy to deal with!" The caveman who sent the zombies also complained.

"Okay, move in quickly, by the way, don't move the crystal nucleus in the zombie's mind!"

"I see, how many times have you been nagging, we are almost hearing the cocoon!" The caveman replied impatiently.

So the car was put in. This is a large storage room, which is filled with rows of zombies. It seems that there are one or two thousand, but these zombies are all low-level zombies. The highest level is two fat zombies. , It looks like it's only level seven.

These cavemen began to carry the corpses in the cart to the pile, then carefully stacked them, and pulled the cart and exited the warehouse. Li Yuanhong took advantage of these cave people's corpses, got out of the car and found a place to hide.

When everyone in the cave evacuated, Li Yuanhong got out of the cave and looked around. The house was completely enclosed, with only two smaller skylights leading to the outside, just enough to get out by himself. So Li Yuanhong struggled to climb up the skylight, began to crawl out, and finally climbed outside, only to find that he was already inside the castle inside. At this time, Li Yuanhong was at the top of a road. The cave people below were busy and shuttled. If he went down, he would definitely be hit. Therefore, Li Yuanhong could only continue to climb.

The stone wall of this castle is not as smooth as the outside, and there are some gaps. Li Yuanhong took out the suction cup for climbing from the space and put it in his hand, and began to slowly climb up, when he encountered the window, he quietly looked inside. I found that there were either stones or food, and a few others were equipped with weapons. When I reached the third floor, I saw the place where people lived, but they were all soldiers. It seems that the coach is still on the upper level.

Li Yuanhong climbed to the fourth floor and was in front of a window. He was about to look inside when he heard the voice of speaking.

"Report the squadron leader, now there are 1,835 zombies collected."

"At this point, at least more than five hundred monsters are needed before it can evolve!"

"Then we can go and collect it again."

"I'm afraid I can't wait. Now the core of that spar mine is about to metamorphose. If we don't get it before it metamorphoses, then we can't transplant it. It is really unsafe to put the vein here."

"Then what to do?"

"No, I will take someone out today. I must make up the five hundred."

"Should we go to attack that human base?"

"No, that base has some very strange weapons. Last time I saw them fired, they seemed to be very powerful. Except for me, none of you can stop it. Even me, you can’t resist it. There is no time to spend here, that human base is thinking of a way next time."

"Yes, squadron leader, I will go down and make arrangements."

"Okay, yes, you must tell those people not to take out the zombie crystal core. Once taken out, the monster mutation may become abnormal."

"What can be abnormal? The big deal is that it will collapse for a short time after evolution!"

"What do you know, this is a dual-attribute monster, this is a very rare monster. If the energy is insufficient, it will also evolve, but it is not a full-level evolution, but a half-level evolution. If it is a half-level evolution, it will lose time It’s very short. If we rush forward, I’m afraid we’ll be in danger.”

"Yes, I must check carefully. I have instructed those subordinates to strictly check and not to take out the crystal core."

"Well, you go down. We will check back to make sure nothing is wrong. You go down and prepare for the soldiers and horses, and we will set off."

"Yes!" The caveman team leader turned and went out.

Soon, the caveman squadron leader led people out of the city and headed to the city where the zombies were. Li Yuanhong crawled into the squadron leader’s room along the window. It was a mess, and the caveman’s room tasted really difficult. Smell, and the bed inside is covered with rotten grass and wet mud. The scene in this house is not much better than that of a pig house in the countryside.

In this messy place, there is a table with a map and a box on it. Li Yuanhong came to the table and looked at this map. It turned out to be a magic map. The mountains and rivers on it were like real images. No wonder This guy without glasses can read maps. And there was a transparent stone inside the box next to it, and there was a bright liquid flowing inside the stone. Just as Li Yuanhong wondered what it was, Xiao Yiling suddenly appeared.

"Huh? Why is there a spar here?"

"What is a spar?" Li Yuanhong heard the term spar along the way, but until now, he still doesn't know what a spar is.

"The spar exists like a crystal nucleus, but his energy cannot be used for evolution, but it can be used for other functions, such as making a magic circle."

"In other words, spar is an energy stone!"

"You can say that, but this spar doesn't seem to be fully formed yet, why did you pick it down?"

"I didn't pick it, but the caveman."

Only then did Xiao Yiling notice the environment he was in, and hurriedly covered his nose with his hand and said, "Smelly...it's so stinking, there is nothing to stay here, so hurry up." After that, Xiao Yiling wanted to get back into the watch.

"Don't leave, I have another question for you."

"Hurry up!" Xiao Yiling said with a disgusted expression.

"What is the spar core?"

"The spar core is the source of spar mines. As long as there is a spar core, the spar mine will not be exhausted. It will continue to absorb energy from the outside world to continuously form new spars. The spar core level The higher the formation, the higher the formation."

"How to preserve the spar core that is not formed?"

"Why did you find the unformed spar core?" Xiao Yiling didn't cover his nose, and flew directly in front of Li Yuanhong's eyes, staring at Li Yuanhong intently.

"I didn't find it, but the cavemen found it."

"You must not let them hide. You must find a way to get it. That is a very important thing. With that baby, you can speed up your system upgrade." Xiao Yiling said with an anxious expression.

"I think too, but there are monsters guarding there." So Li Yuanhong told the overheard news about the monsters, including the cave people wanting to feed the monsters with corpses.

After hearing this, Xiao Yiling turned around in the air for a few times, and then said to Li Yuanhong: "You are stupid, you won't be tricky on those zombies!"

"How to do tricks?"

"Stupid, you can take out the crystal core of the zombie!"

"Take it out? It won't be discovered by the cave people!"

"You are stupid, why are you so stupid? Those cave people only look at whether there is a crystal nucleus in the zombie's head, and don't look at the level. You won't use a low level to replace a high level, so that the monster will eat Food energy is not enough!"

Li Yuanhong patted the back of his head: "Yes, why didn't I expect it!"

So Li Yuanhong got out of the window again, climbed back to the room where the corpse was stored, and began to change his heart, and Li Yuanhong also added some extra condiments to the bodies of some zombies.

Li Yuanhong had been busy for a few hours, and he was really aching back. At this moment, he suddenly heard a noise outside, Li Yuanhong hurriedly fixed the scene and got out of the small window. Just as Li Yuanhong got out, the warehouse door opened.

"Captain, the corpse is here," the guard said.

"Okay, move out one by one, I'll check it by the way." The squadron leader's voice sounded.

"Yes!" Following the promise, several cavemen soldiers entered the warehouse and began to move the corpses out. Li Yuanhong's heart was also lifted, for fear that the squadron leader might discover something wrong. Fortunately, everything went well. The corpses were carried one by one into the car and pulled out.

When the warehouse was evacuated and the warehouse door was locked, Li Yuanhong saw from the castle wall the cavemen pulling the cart and starting to go far.

Li Yuanhong took this opportunity to return to the captain's room, put the map and the box containing the spar in the space, and then followed the convoy to the wall. Now most of the cavemen followed the squadron leader to transport zombies, and the guards on the city were much less. Taking this opportunity, Li Yuanhong also slipped out of the city from the wall.

The convoy went forward and walked for more than an hour before it came to the passage where Li Yuanhong entered the cave. Then the cavemen began to carry zombie corpses one by one in the cave. Li Yuanhong followed patiently until he reached a place that stunned Li Yuanhong. local.

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