Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 37 Naval Battle

In order to build a ship, Li Yuanhong flew back to the valley base without stopping. At this time, there is still a long time before the fifteen-day deadline that Dr. Yuan promised him. Li Yuanhong came over at this time, feeling really hopeless, for fear that Dr. Yuan had not finished the work. When I entered the Magic Tower, I saw Dr. Yuan and Dr. Bai sitting in the lounge and chatting, not at all like they were working.

Li Yuanhong quickly stepped forward: "The two doctors are here!"

When the conversation was interrupted, Dr. Bai looked at Li Yuanhong a little impatiently: "Why did your kid come here so early?"

"Isn't it because you are afraid that your second elder is working hard, so I specially see if your elder is here!"

"Is there anyone who thinks that way? Empty-handed, pretending to be false!"

"Hehe, what do you want here, I can't get anything out of my hand." Li Yuanhong said with a smile on his face.

"Okay, don't give me sloppy eyes here, have you come to ask about the engine?" Old Bai asked.

"Look at me, I can't hide anything from your old eyes. I don't know how long it will take for the engine to be completed?"

"It's done!" Dr. Bai said.

"Done... is it done?" Li Yuanhong looked surprised. This is too fast. Did the two old guys fool me with something unreliable?

"Why don't you believe it? Come with me and show you the engine we made." After speaking, he stood up and walked towards the laboratory. Dr. Yuan also stood up and walked behind with a smile.

Li Yuanhong followed behind and entered the laboratory suspiciously. In a compartment in the laboratory, there was a huge engine. The engine was more than two meters long and half a meter thick. This engine was not like anything Li Yuanhong had seen before. The engine, which is a bit like a rocket ejector, emits a faint magical light on the surface, and the inside of the engine is empty, without any parts, but the inside of the engine is also shining with a faint magical light.

Seeing Li Yuanhong looking at the engine suspiciously, Dr. Yuan explained: “This is a hydro-powered engine. When the magic circle is connected, the engine will absorb the surrounding water elements and then spray outwards at a certain speed. It’s not a problem that the engine can propel a ship of several thousand tons forward. If it is large, just add another one. In addition, you can change the speed by adjusting the energy output in the magic circle, which is very convenient."

"It's so awesome, then Dr. Yuan, how long does it take to build this thing?"

"This thing is simple. It takes some time to draw the magic circle. It doesn't take him too much time. If there is no interference, it will not be a problem to build one in two days."

"Great, then trouble Dr. Yuan to build ten or eight."

"What do you think of me here? This is a research room, not an arsenal. Hurry up and take the samples away. I have to do research!" When Dr. Yuan heard that he was working on himself, he stopped doing it.

"If you don't give ten, then make three for me. I have an urgent need!"

"Okay, you come back in ten days!" Dr. Yuan directly issued the order to drive guests.

Li Yuanhong walked directly to the engine, installed the engine into the space with a wave of his hand, and then walked out with joy.

"Come back!" Then Dr. Bai's voice remembered.

Li Yuanhong quickly turned around and said with a smile: "Master Bai, what do you want to say!"

I saw Dr. Bai come up with a drawing: "How can you install the engine without the drawing?"

"I don't know this! Thank you, Mr. Bai, for your reminder!" After speaking, Li Yuanhong took the drawing and ran out of the laboratory.

With the engine, shipbuilding is relatively simple. In the Northeast Sea in November, is it as cold as a knife cut, but the water droplets on the ground will quickly form icicles, so the manufacturing speed of this penetrating body is very fast. There are drawings. Two ice ships are built every month. These two ice ships are bloated and huge on the outside, but they have different caves inside. Not only are there rooms for workers to rest, but also kitchens and washrooms. The important thing is that there are magic cannons hidden inside, and the two ice ships can launch an attack at 360 degrees without dead ends. There is also a Tibetan army room, which can realize landing operations.

With these two ships, Li Yuanhong was reluctant to wait. After all, those pirate ships had blocked the sea for too long, and this cancer must be resolved as soon as possible.

So the day after the ship was built, Li Yuanhong took his soldiers and gunners and set out to sea.

The speed of the ship is not slow, and it can reach 60 kilometers per hour. The only flaw is that there is no modern radar, but this is not important anymore. Li Yuanhong’s eyes are the best radar. In the driver's cab, there is an external observation telescope. This telescope is a bit like a submarine's periscope, but the camouflage is better. People outside can't find it.

After sailing at sea for most of the day, there was no sign of half of the ship. Just when Li Yuanhong thought that the pirates were all lying in the nest, two black spots appeared at the end of the sea. Those are two destroyers.

Li Yuanhong spotted the two ships, and immediately ordered his ship to adjust the engine to the minimum, so that the two ships moved at a speed like an iceberg floating with the ocean current. Li Yuanhong stared at the two warships closely to see if they were pirate ships. Soon the two ships approached, Li Yuanhong took out a book, which was given to him by two engineers. This was a book introducing various ships in active service. Li Yuanhong quickly gave a lecture on the page that overturned American ships. Compare After that, these were two Burke-class destroyers, two older destroyers.

As the two destroyers approached, the two ships also slowed down. One of the ships slowly turned its muzzle and pointed its muzzle at one of the two ice ships. Suddenly, with the sound of a cannon, a shell flew directly towards the ice ship. With a bang, the ice splashed and a huge pit appeared on the ice ship.

The sudden attack stunned the people of the two ice ships. Couldn't it be those two ships who discovered the true face of the ice ship? So the people on the boat began to move, ready to fight back.

"Stay in your position, without my order, no attack posture is allowed!" When everyone was busy, Li Yuanhong's voice sounded from the broadcast on the ship.

Although everyone did not understand why Li Yuanhong gave such an order, it was the captain’s order. Li Yuanhong has been training strictly in accordance with the military’s system, so everyone listened to them and could only act according to the order. As a result, the atmosphere inside the two ships was extremely tense. Pricked up their ears and waited for the next bombardment. Even inside the ice boat, many people were sweating.

Just as there was tension in the ice ship, the two warships laughed and said: "I said Ono-kun, are your artillery shots quite accurate!"

"That is, if it weren't for the shortage of shells, I could blow up that iceberg with ten shots!"

"Hey, this **** end world, we can't let us vent!"

"Kun Tokugawa, don't feel depressed. Today, our two warships should be able to take down the big island close to Vladivostok. There are a lot of people on it. I will let you blow up enough! Hahaha!"

"Ono-kun is right. Today we will take down the island. Not only will we kill enough by then, I haven't touched a Russian woman yet, so I will taste it by then, hahaha!"

From the two ships, there were lewd and foul language. The warship no longer paid attention to the two icebergs, changed its course slightly, avoided the two icebergs, and continued to move forward. The two ships are getting closer and closer to the two icebergs.

Li Yuanhong was staring at the two warships at this time, carefully calculating the distance to the warships. The opponent’s naval guns had an attack distance of more than ten kilometers, and the two destroyers also had vertical missile launch systems. With two missiles on his iceberg, then he really died before he was ready to go. Therefore, Li Yuanhong must keep the whole ship quiet, just like a real iceberg, approaching quietly without any errors.

Fortunately, these two ships were looking forward, and did not pay much attention to these two strange icebergs. In winter, there are many icebergs here. Their two ships don't want to have too much intimate contact with the icebergs. There must be Titanic cups, and no one wants to taste them.

When the two ships passed the iceberg, the distance was less than 500 meters, and the flanks of the ship were exposed in front of the iceberg. This was the ship’s weakness. The roar of the Japanese who put it on can be clearly heard by Li Yuanhong in the ice boat. Seeing that the time had come, Li Yuanhong picked up the phone and said, "With full force, attack the two warships and hit me fiercely!"

Following Li Yuanhong’s order, the weapon ports of the two warships were opened at the same time. The muzzle of dozens of artillery was exposed from the ice ship. The muzzle of the black hole was aimed at the two warships, and the people on the two warships responded to this. Without noticing, there was only a drunk sailor standing on the ship’s side and peeing into the sea. When he saw the muzzle of the iceberg was exposed, he actually said: "Damn, it seems that I drank too much again. How could the iceberg grow? What about the cannon!" After speaking, he continued to use the sea as a urinal.

However, in response to the sailor, dozens of rumblings sounded almost at the same time. Fireballs attacked two warships one after another. These fireballs were not less powerful than heavy artillery shells. As the fireballs hit the ship’s side, huge explosions erupted. , The flanks of the ship were exploded with huge holes, and the ship shook violently with the explosion.

"What's the matter!" the commanders of the two ships shouted to his men in unison.

But the sudden attack did not make the two ships react, and the sailors below were also shocked.

"Don't hurry up and check to see what happened!" The captain angered his opponent and issued an order.

However, this order has not been executed yet, and the second wave of shelling has arrived, and there is even a magic cannonball that hits directly into the cabin directly along the hole just now. Unfortunately, this is the warehouse where the missiles are stored. It was a chain explosion of missiles. A large mushroom cloud immediately rose from the middle and rear of the ship. The entire warship was also exploded from it. The warship was cut into two sections suddenly, and the body began to tilt. , Slowly began to sink into the water.

The sailors on this ship jumped into the sea desperately, for fear that they would be taken into the water by the ship. However, the cold water caused many people who jumped into the sea to be numb with their hands and feet instantly frozen. Maybe they were swimming, and many people went straight into the sea and never came out of the water.

As for the warship that was not sunk, it turned around in a hurry to escape, but how could Li Yuanhong let him go, so the ice ship returned to its original speed and charged towards the ship, but during the pursuit, the shells still failed. Stop shooting at the destroyer. The destroyer was already wounded, and water began to leak into the ship in some places.

Following the attack, the destroyer didn’t last long. With a loud noise, the ship was quietly poured into the sea, and it was crushed abruptly. The warship was like a huge pair of scissors, breaking abruptly from the middle. The two halves of the hull were folded and stood up, and then slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.

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