Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 42 Winter Offensive

On the second day after Li Yuanhong returned to Spring City, he held an enlarged meeting. Not only did the military attend the meeting, but also the internal affairs personnel like Erya.

"Today we are holding a meeting, mainly because we want to start a battle before the arrival of spring and win as many cities as possible, so today we have to formulate the direction of our next main attack." Li Yuanhong first said.

When the people below heard that they were about to fight, the officers all geared up, while the internal affairs personnel began to think about the consumption of materials and popularity, so the two sides showed completely different expressions.

Li Yuanhong saw it, knowing that the internal affairs personnel were very small, so he said again: "I know everyone is worried about the consumption of materials and casualties in the war, but have we ever thought that if we do not fight out, then the zombies will be It will come, and we will lose even more at that time, so don’t have a few days to eat and forget that this is the end of the world."

After speaking, Li Yuanhong glanced at the people who had fought the ninth and ninety-nine, and then went on to say: "Don’t forget, everyone. When we get a new city, it means we have new resources to replenish our war losses. In addition, We have a new site, so we can find more survivors, and personnel losses will be replenished. This transaction is accounted for."

After hearing Li Yuanhong's words, those with a bad complexion began to become excited. Li Yuanhong went on to say: "Then let us discuss how we will fight next and in which direction?"

"I suggest to fight east, so that you can join forces with the black province." The former head of the Fang, the current head of the Fang said.

"No, no, I get annoyed when I see the old boy Tian Manfeng, and I can't fight there." Xing Ling immediately objected.

"Well, I also remember that you can put it there. After all, there is the Songhua River's natural dangers over there. Will the zombie corps come over for a while? There is no natural danger between us and Liao Province, so we still give priority to solving the zombies in this area. Good." Xiao Yu, Commander Xiao said.

For a while everyone expressed their opinions, but Li Yuanhong did not say a word, listening to the following discussion quietly.

Finally, Li Yuanhong stood up and said: "I also agree with Xiangxi. There are several reasons. First, the zombies retreated without fighting when we attacked Siping last time. This shows that there are giant zombies who are familiar with us. It's a very big threat. We should take advantage of their inconvenience to eliminate it, otherwise the zombies will eventually gather together. When it reaches an order of magnitude, we will be unable to deal with it."

"Furthermore, the industrial foundation of Liao Province is better than that of Heilongjiang Province, especially Fengtian Aircraft Factory. Although we have an air force, we do not really have an air force. Only by regaining the aircraft factory can our combat effectiveness be truly improved." Li Yuanhong Speaking of.

Li Yuanhong made the decision and decided on his westward offensive strategy. In this offensive, his troops were sent four-way and marched towards Tiecheng.

Tiecheng, located on the northeast side of Fengtian, is the northeast gate of Fengtian. To lay down the iron city is equivalent to taking down the door to open Fengtian. Last time the zombies voluntarily withdrew from Siping, now the number of zombies in Tiecheng has risen to more than three million, nearly four million. With such a large number, it would definitely not work if one army of 40,000 came to work hard, so Li Yuanhong decided to dig a hole for the zombies.

On this day, from the northwest of Tieling, there was a rumble of motors, and more than a thousand weird tanks galloped on the snowy field. Where the tanks passed, they left deep marks on the snowy field, destroying the tranquility of the snowy field. The sound of the motor spread far away, even alarming the zombies in the city. Tiecheng is now divided into two groups of zombies, one is the group of corpses evacuated from Siping, and the other is the group of local corpses. The two groups are together, and the command is not unified.

Hearing the sound of the tank at this time, the Siping zombie leader suggested: "Humans dare to attack us at this time. We must know that we are weak now, and they have come prepared. We should not fight with them. We should withdraw to Fengtian. This will not only preserve our strength, but also concentrate more troops to fight these humans."

"It sounds good, you are timid, you really embarrass us zombies, when we zombies will run away when they see humans, when is it not humans that see us running around. Wait a while and watch me level them." Tie The zombie leader of the city said with an annoyance.

The zombie leader in Siping shook his head helplessly, not persuading him.

The human tank group stopped one kilometer from the city, and then the barrels began to rotate, aiming at the iron city, and then the magic cannon began to fire magic cannonballs at the iron city. Cannonballs exploded flowers of death in the city. Suddenly, smoke filled the edge of the city, and buildings collapsed. Many of the zombies who had been hiding in the buildings were killed in the buildings.

The giant zombies in Iron City didn't want to retreat. At this time, seeing humans daring to provoke them, they roared and rushed towards the tank group with their team. Although this giant zombie is impulsive, it is not reckless. In order to reduce the lethality of the artillery fire on the zombies, it deliberately disrupted the team when attacking, and did not have a swarm. In addition, the team commanded by this giant zombie is equipped with simple equipment, and some zombies even get helmets and wear them on their heads to prevent them from being shot by bows and arrows.

Human tanks did not kill zombies as expected, and each shell killed less than ten zombies, but humans did not stop shooting, but reduced the frequency of shooting, and the tank began to slowly retreat. The corpse group kept a distance of one kilometer.

Of course, giant zombies will not let humans go. While chasing humans, they also dispatched fast zombies to start to outflank humans, intending to attack them after encircling them. It's just that the severe cold of this winter has severely frozen the blood of the zombies, causing the zombies' movement speed to be greatly reduced, making it impossible to catch up with the human tank.

Just when the giant zombies were about to give up chasing, the tank group seemed to encounter some obstacle, and turned around. At this time, the giant zombies seemed to see the opportunity to chase the tank group, so the giant zombies ordered the group to speed up and rush towards the tank group.

The tank was climbing a **** with difficulty, and beside this **** was a wide and straight road, but the tank group gave up. The group of zombies did not pay attention to this. For giant zombies, it was the key to catch these humans who dared to make ground on their heads. The zombies began to gather slowly, and they also climbed towards the hillside.

The **** is not very high, it is less than 50 meters, and the **** is not very large, but the entire **** is covered by thick snow, and the tank climbing is very difficult. It took more than 20 minutes to climb to the top of the slope. , And at this time the group of zombies has been chasing down the slope, and some zombies have even begun to climb the slope.

Just as the giant zombies thought that they could catch the tank group, suddenly there was a loud noise in the distance, and the earth trembled with this loud noise. Then there was a rumbling sound of water in the distance. The giant hadn’t understood what was going on. He saw a huge wave of water swept across the road where the tank hadn’t walked away. The giant zombie only knew at this time that he had been lured by humans. The enemy's strategy.

The huge wave swept across the ice and snow, and quickly hit the corpse group. These zombies were originally slow to move and could not avoid the attack of the huge wave. At this time, the density of the corpse group increased in order to climb the hill to chase humans. , This time the entire corpse group was rushed to the front by the huge wave. Fortunately, this wave of water came and went quickly. After a short while, the wave disappeared in the wilderness. The loss of the group of zombies was not great, except that the zombies were showered. It's so cool.

The giant zombies breathed a sigh of relief at this time. Although the giant wave rushed the zombies to the ground, it did not cause many casualties. Therefore, the giant zombies hated humans even more and roared. Unexpected things happened. All the zombies that had been drenched in water were slowly frozen, and almost all the corpses turned into ice sculptures.

At this time, the escaped tanks came back and started to launch a crazy attack on the corpses that had been frozen into popsicles. The corpses were now lambs to be slaughtered, and there was no resistance. Some zombies kept their eyes open. Turning, there was a roar of exhaustion in his mouth, but where his limbs were stiff, he couldn't move a bit, and he could only watch as he was blown into pieces by the magic cannon and scattered in the air.

For a time, on the plains, the sound of cannons rumbling, constantly set off waves of ice and rain among the corpses. Some tanks were too lazy to fire and rushed directly into the corpses, crushing the icicle-like zombies under the wheels. The human beings who have been chased by zombies in the last days can finally give vent today.

"Pay attention to all vehicles, pay attention to all vehicles, don't waste time, eliminate those zombies that can escape as soon as possible. These frozen zombies, turn around and pack up!" Just as some tanks were rampant in the corpse group, an order came from above.


"Roger that!"

After receiving the order, after the cars answered, they began to turn around, thinking that the group of zombies that were not frozen and were running into the city chased them.

At this time, the intestines of the giant zombies in Tiecheng were all regretful. He didn’t listen to the advice of the Siping zombie leader, and ran out of the city on impulse. As a result, he was designed by humans to freeze his army of zombies. There are only less than one hundred thousand zombies. This zombie is good for ordinary survivors, but when dealing with tanks, it is tantamount to hitting a rock with pebbles. Therefore, the giant zombies and the two ducks plus one duck, Sa Yazi ran away.

But the giant zombies forgot a little. After the plain was hit by water waves, the water did not seep into the ground, but stayed on the ground and turned into an ice layer. This made the return journey extremely smooth. The giant zombies walked very well. Be careful, otherwise, if you don’t pay attention, you'll be upset. And the guards around him, some of them had already been thrown down, their noses and faces were swollen, and their originally very ugly faces were a bit funny. Under this circumstance, the speed of the corpse group could not be raised at all. It didn't take long for the corpse group to be caught up by the tank group with snow chains.

Seeing that they could not escape, the giant zombies were cruel, turned around and launched a suicide attack on the tanks. The zombies roared and stumbled towards the tanks. It was so funny and funny, but humans will not be soft at this time. Extending the coverage, splashing on the group of corpses, with the artillery plowing the ground, the last group of more than 100,000 zombies were also destroyed on this plain.

The Siping giant zombies in the city heard the news of the destruction of the corpse group outside the city, without thinking, they directly ordered the corpse group he led to retreat in another direction outside the city. To the southwest of the iron city, the corpse group was like a tide. It gushed out of the city and evacuated in the direction of Fengtian, while the human tank group was still cleaning the remaining zombies on the northeast side.

The corpse group went out of the city, and did not notice that this snowy field was different from before. Due to the eagerness to retreat, the giant zombies did not send a reconnaissance force. They just let the giant zombies who had rushed to them to open the way in front, and they would sit behind. Whenever the wind blows, he immediately turned and fled in other directions.

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