Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 45 Summit

When Peter entered the Spring City with Chief No. 2, Peter asked curiously: "I said Liu, hasn't your city gone through war?"

"No, not only played, but also very intense."

"How many zombies are there in this city?"

"It's about five million!" Chief No. 2 said casually.

"Hi, five million? You didn't lie?" Peter asked the second chief in a bit of surprise.

"No, of course not." The second chief said with some pride.

"Well, I reserve my opinion for now, but I hope old friends, you can show me some reliable evidence."

"No problem, we are currently conducting a winter offensive. If you are interested, you can visit it."

"How many zombies are there?"

"Should be no less than one million."

"Okay, I will check it out."

After the Russian Acting President arrived, followed by the Prime Minister of Australia, the Prime Minister of Britain, the President of France and the Chancellor of Germany. The situation in these countries is not good, especially in Germany. Now the main cities have been occupied by zombies, and the army can only hold on to some dangers. As a base, both materials and manpower have been weakened to the extreme. If not for the strategic reserves of all countries before the war, I am afraid these countries would be destroyed by zombies in the first place.

The last to come were the Prime Minister of Italy and the President of the United States. Italy is really a bit back. The domestic economy has been in recession in the past two years, so military equipment has not been updated much. As a result, it encountered a wave of zombies, coupled with the long and narrow shape of the country, lack of space to maneuver with zombies, and most people in this country, They were all trapped on the mainland, and only a few people, under the protection of the army, evacuated to Tauriano, where they built a protective wall to breathe.

The President of the United States has been late to arrive. This is his consistent style. As the "most responsible" country, Smith believes that he must appear as the finale to reflect his own importance.

When the US President’s special plane landed, Smith stepped off the plane at what he thought was a gentleman, but actually a cowboy. He thought this airport would be shabby. After all, fighting zombies is a life and death. As long as you can kill The other party will use all kinds of extreme methods. In order to capture Miami, Smith once assembled nearly a hundred warships, smashed and smashed Miami, and then sent soldiers to land, which regained Miami, but even with such a large firepower, nearly 5,000 people were still killed.

But what Smith saw today is that there is hardly any damaged airport, no traces of shells bombed, no craters on the buildings, and even the surrounding trees and lawns, there are no signs of damage, which surprised Smith a bit, after all. After the end of the world, it is not easy to rebuild the airport. In most cases, it is not cost-effective to repair the facility just because of a little damage.

When Smith met with the No. 2 chief, he was not as enthusiastic as Peter and the No. 2 chief. After all, the confrontation between the two countries over the years is greater than the cooperation. Especially China has surpassed the United States in many areas. This makes the United States very uncomfortable and obviously feels itself. The position of the boss is at stake. As a result, all kinds of small shoes and various tricks continued, so the exchange between Smith and the No. 2 chief was only official, and then the two sides took the car and went straight to Spring City.

When he arrived at the hotel in Spring City, Smith gave a wink at the people around him, and immediately someone entered the room, checked every gap from the inside to the outside, and then exited: "Your Excellency, the room is okay, there is no eavesdropping and surveillance equipment. ."

"Well, count them as they are." After speaking, Smith stepped into his cowboy's footsteps, walked into the bedroom, and then left the sergeant lady alone.

"Miss sergeant, how is the contact with the inside line of Huaxia Kingdom?"

"Report to your Excellency that normal contact has been resumed recently, but the other party did not provide any valuable information except for the unknown weapon."

"This guy is very profitable. Looking back, you are sending him a message, trying to figure out his price, whether it is gold or something else, to see how much he has appetite." Smith said.

"Yes, Your Excellency."

"Well, you go out to work first, don't forget to report to me at night." Smith's tone was ambiguous.

"Yes, the President!" After speaking, the sergeant twisted her charming waist and walked out of the room.

On the second day, the heads of state gathered in the large conference room of the Provincial Government Office in Spring City and held the first post-apocalyptic meeting.

First of all, the second leader delivered a speech as the host, and then the complaints of the leaders of various countries. They all talked about how difficult they were and how difficult they were and that they needed assistance from other countries. Even the United States began to cry poor.

In the end, Chief No. 2 couldn’t stand it anymore, so he stood up again: “Gentlemen and ladies, I’m convening this meeting for you this time. I don’t want everyone to complain here, and then go home and continue. Hard days, it’s useless to solve the immediate crisis.” The second chief paused, then scanned the audience. These foreign heads of state did not have much reaction. Obviously, for them, they came here for a meeting. More is to see, can we get some benefits from other countries and go back.

"What I want to tell you today is that we humans have reached the point of extinction."

"Oh, dear Liu, don't scare people like this. It's just some zombies. Our country's army will destroy them sooner or later." Smith said indifferently.

"Really? Then why did you send me this photo?" Chief No. 2 threw the pictures of the alien creatures on the table, and the big screen behind him showed them. It was the first time for many capitals of Yuan Dynasty to see this photo, so they all asked their own translators or entourage for relevant information, but most of the heads of state intelligence officers reluctantly shook their heads, saying that they did not understand these photos.

"Is this... It's just that our satellite found something wrong here, so I asked you about it. It didn't mean anything else." Smith didn't take this seriously. In his eyes, it was just a new mutation. It's just a beast.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple!" Chief No. 2 didn't worry, and gestured to the guard at the door. The guard understood and turned around and went out.

After a while, several soldiers came in carrying a caveman's body, and then placed the body in front of the rostrum.

Head No. 2 pointed to the corpse and said: "Mr. present, this is the corpse of the alien creatures we obtained." Head No. 2 said, everyone present was in chaos.

"Everyone here, please be quiet. When I finish speaking, if you have any questions, please tell me." The second Chief’s voice fell, and the venue was quiet again.

"This corpse, we lived in Mongolia some time ago, but the base of these aliens is not in our province. According to the information we have obtained, the base of these aliens is in Russia."

As soon as the second head’s voice landed, Peter stood up in shock: "What, in our country? How is this possible? We have never found their tracks on the satellite. I said Liu, you will not blackmail me. Right!"

"Mr. Peter, please sit down. I have not finished speaking. When I finish speaking, I will answer any questions you have."

Peter had to sit down. This is an international conference. Although the Russians have always been known for their hot tempers, they also need to be controlled at this time.

"Have you noticed that this body has no eyes?"

At this time, there are clear photos of the cave people on the big screen, and everyone present can understand what the cave people look like without going up to see the corpse.

"This is because the cave people live underground, they only come to the ground when they hunt for food, and they are not a separate race, but... slaves of a large alien race!" , And shocked the heads of countries present here.

At this time, Chief No. 2 gestured to the guard at the door again. The guard walked to the caveman's body, took off the rifle on his shoulder, and suddenly pulled the bolt. This action shocked the leaders of the countries present. Jump, these leaders followed one after another touching their hands to their waists, ready to shoot at any time.

I saw that the guard did not shoot out of the venue, but fired on the dead cavemen. The bullets hit the cavemen’s skin, just like they were shot on soft steel, they were all bounced away. On the caveman's skin, only dense white spots were left, and no bullet entered the skin.

The guard fired a shuttle bullet, then replaced the empty magazine, then put the gun back on his back, returned to the door, and continued to guard.

At this time, the heads of state present heaved a sigh of relief, but immediately looked at the corpse of the caveman in surprise. If the shuttle bullet is not fake, then in other words, ordinary rifles can't kill the caveman at all. If you encounter a caveman, is it a human being?

"The gentlemen present here have already seen that this caveman is not what we can shoot with guns now, and this creature is the lowest in their race. The civilization of that planet is different from ours. The strength of the force is used to locate the high and low, so their higher race, defense and combat power will only be higher than this caveman, not lower."

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone present stopped talking. This battle could not be fought. Let’s launch missiles without seeing aliens. If the industrial facilities are complete before the end of the world, they can be produced at any time. The cost of this missile is also very high. It is impossible for the missile to be used as a bullet. What's more, it's the end of the world. One less missile is used, and it is even more impossible to waste missiles on slaves.

"There is one more thing that everyone needs to pay attention to. The aliens who invade the earth now are not only the cavemen, but also the monsters in the previous photos. They are also aliens. According to my satellite reconnaissance cloud map, our planet is now, At least six races of aliens have already set up bases on our planet. The combat power of these aliens is comparable to that of this caveman, so don’t think that the opponents are soft persimmons."

This sentence almost completely suppressed the heads of state present.

"How did you determine this information? Are you in contact with these aliens?" Smith was not calm at this time, thinking that this may be a lie made up by the Chinese people to deceive the people present in order to seek some kind of benefit .

"I also think this is our intelligence is wrong, but this is a fact. As for the source of the intelligence, I am sorry and confidential! But I can share a video with you."

After the Chief No. 2 finished speaking, the big screen picture changed. The picture of fifty cavemen fighting against a group of zombies reappeared. The **** picture made many heads of state vomit. The smell of the entire meeting room became unpleasant. stand up.

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