Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 55 Magic Tower Defense Array

For several days in a row, the campus of Chitung University was as lively as a vegetable market. The last visitors had a few waves of each other. As a result, the two sides misunderstood each other and fought each other. As a result, the guards watched the excitement. The leader led his men out to clean up the mess, threw a bunch of people on the cart like sack bags, pushed them to the gate of Ji, then threw them at the gate of Ji, and put a sign next to him: the end of the thief.

Since he caught No. 3, the head of No. 2 asked briefly, and the mouth of No. 3 was so hard that he did not confide a word. The second chief did not ask much, and ordered: "Pull out to fight the disabled, then throw it outside the gate, and put up a sign to tell outsiders that you will end up as a thief at this time. If you have similar things in the future, you will proceed accordingly. "

From then on, anyone who dared to come in and steal something was beaten alive, and then thrown at the door. However, the heads of the countries seemed to see Tang Seng meat, not only did not stop, but instead sent people intensified, so it lasted for half a month. Every day the disabled people lay at the gate of Ji, and they were responsible for cleaning this area every day. Members complained endlessly.

Half a month later, the British Prime Minister and the American President met.

"Mr. Smith, I don't think this is a way. We sent people in. Not only did we fail to get what we wanted, but we also compromised several outstanding agents. I think we should meet the Chinese people in person."

"Do you think the Chinese people will give it to us?" Smith looked at Hams contemptuously.

"This may not be a good way, but we can't just watch the Russians take the lead!" Hams said anxiously.

"What happened to the Russians? Did they find a clue to that thing?" Smith was taken aback. He couldn't see Peter, the simple-minded guy. Not only did he speak no skill, but he couldn't even bend when he did things. This guy could get it. What useful information?

"Oh, McGowan, dear Mr. Smith, don't you know? That Peter has sent people to participate in the operations of the Chinese Army. On the surface, they are studying. I guess they are undercover agents. I heard that among the four students, there are still One is a Russian beauty, you know, Russian beauty is well-known in the world. Now you understand!” Hams said of the beauty, his eyes gleaming wretched.

"What, this **** Peter actually used the beauty trick in front of me, no, I have to go back and arrange it, not the Russians." After speaking, Smith stood up and prepared to go back and arrange.

"Please wait, dear Mr. Smith, do you think that Liu from China will agree to this proposal at this time?"

"Well...it's true that the old guy won't agree easily, and we can't use this method if Russia is leading the way!" Smith sat down again and began to use his brain cells seriously.

"I think we unite with several countries to send students together to make learning requirements to China Xia, so that they are more likely to accept it. In addition, we try to send some low-level ones, which may be upgraded by China Xia. Our people have suffered casualties on the battlefield, and the face of Huaxia will not be too good to look at!" Hams said.

"Yeah, you are right. My old Hams thinks very thoughtfully. Then do it. I will inform the three countries of Germany, Italy and France. Recently, they have not been idle in several countries, and they will also I will agree," Smith said.

"Okay, then I will wait for Mr. Smith's gospel."

Smith didn't stay long either, so he went back and ordered his subordinates to go through the matter.

And Li Yuanhong was busy arranging magic defense towers at this time, preparing to play tower defense games with zombies. Realistic tower defense is not as difficult as it is in the game. First, the zombies will not ignore the attack on the defense tower. Once attacked, the giant zombies will definitely send zombies to attack the tower defense. Therefore, the position of the defensive tower must be easy to defend and difficult to attack.

In addition, zombies will not attack according to the route you have arranged in the game. It must be where there is a gap, and you will go wherever you go. This also requires choosing the terrain and limiting the movement of the zombies as much as possible, so as to maximize the magic defense. Tower’s attack power. And more importantly, zombies do not listen to human commands, so how to introduce zombies into the magic tower will be of vital importance.

Li Yuanhong had locked himself in the room for a whole day in order to choose a place to defend the tower. After repeated research on the map, he finally established the location of the tower.

The next day, the severe cold did not abate, and the biting cold wind became more bitter. Li Yuanhong took many trucks and went straight to the west bank of the Liao River. The Liaohe River is the only way for Fengtian to go to Guannei, and the Liaohe River is also the largest river in Liaoning Province. This river was once famous for its floods, and it must be flooded every two years. Later, after measures such as raising the protective embankment, the floods disappeared Frequent. Today, Li Yuanhong will use this big river to play a tower defense game.

In winter, the surface of the Liaohe River is quiet, without the waves that a big river should have, only the ice covered by snow. While measuring the distance, Li Yuanhong drew circles on the embankment on the west bank of the Liaohe River. These circles exist every three hundred meters. There are hundreds of these circles. In other words, Li Yuanhong wants to build hundreds of defensive towers. It is not a small project.

Fatty Lu, who followed him, asked, "I said Brother Li, what's the use of drawing these circles?"

"When these circles become real objects, you will understand. By the way, the day after tomorrow, you will bring some engineers over to build some protective shelters on these dikes. Someone will need to be stationed here to protect against zombies."

"Okay!" Fatty Lu was a little reluctant. In this big winter, he was not in a warm room. He came out purely for guilt. Even the zombies hid in the house and did not want to come out.

Li Yuanhong also ignored Fat Lu’s emotions and continued to draw circles seriously, especially at the bridge heads of the two bridges on the Liaohe River. He drew no less than ten circles. After drawing these circles, the soldiers piled the materials in the circles. Here, seeing that everything was arranged, Fatty Lu led the soldiers back in the car, and he began to build magic defense towers and arrow towers for each circle.

When Fatty Lu came the next day, he saw the circled areas turned into pairs of defensive towers. A magic defensive tower combined with an arrow tower stood on the bank of the Liao River. This time Fatty Lu knew Li Yuanhong. What do you draw those circles?

It has to be said that Li Yuanhong really chose the right person for Fat Lu to build the fortifications. Fatty Lu, who is afraid of the cold, not only built the protective wall, but also built a heating place and independent warehouse in the fortifications. Every magic tower can get ammunition supply in time.

The renovation of the fortifications took half a month to complete. During this period, Li Yuanhong stepped up training and spent more time studying plans for attacking and defending Fengtian with Commander Xiao Yu. After all, Fengtian is an important industrial city. There are not only many important things in it. There are factories and many scientific research institutes, and there are many research results hidden in them. Li Yuanhong doesn't want to finish the battle. If these things become fly ash, then he will be busy.

In mid-February, in a snowy weather, in the northeast of Fengtian, more than a thousand tanks and armored vehicles began to approach Fengtian. Because of the blizzard, the zombies did not hear the roar of the tank group. It wasn't until the tank approached the building on the edge of the city that no zombies found black shadows in the wind and snow.

However, it was too late to find out at this time. With many RPG launching tubes protruding from the armored vehicle, and as the fire of these launching tubes shone, one grenade flew into the building. However, these grenades did not produce violent explosions, but bursts of smoke, which soon enveloped several buildings. As a result, these sensitive zombies felt it was difficult to breathe. With the pungent air, they continued to **** their noses, and the zombies who could not stand the smoke poured out of the building and came to the street.

When these zombies rushed to the street, the tank began to show off, and magic shells fell among the corpses, throwing the zombies into the air, and then fell down heavily. Most of the zombies were smashed to death and maimed in the process. Some survived the catastrophe, and suffered some injuries.

Those zombies couldn't stand the human attack, so they held up their hands separately and rushed towards the humans. But unfortunately, the cold wind froze the limbs of the zombies, and the attack speed of the zombies was not much faster than walking, so it was supposed to be a violent charge, but it turned into a slow motion cartoon. Those zombies became human arrow targets on the way to charge, so they went down one by one.

The battle on the edge of the city was quickly learned by the giant zombie leader in the city center, so more zombies rushed out of the building. These zombies are not like those smoked out. These zombies actually wear humans. Many of the clothes are still wearing winter clothes, obviously zombies also know how to keep out the cold.

Although wearing clothes is not easy to move, it is much faster than freezing limbs, so the whole street is instantly crowded with colorful zombies. These zombies hold various types of weapons, kitchen knives, sticks, and even some powerful ones. , Broke the small tree on the side of the road, and rushed towards the tank group with a thick tree stick.

At this time, a recruit in the tank asked the veteran: "I said the squad leader, are the zombies so stupid, to use a stick to smash the tank, isn't it the same as looking for death!"

"You don't have so much nonsense, don't hurry up to aim and fire. When the zombies rush up, you will know that they are terrible!" The veteran said with a serious face. In the past city battles, the terrible scenes, but every veteran waved The nightmare not to go.

"Yes, squad leader!" Although the recruits said yes, they still looked down on these poor beggar-like zombies.

As a round of shells exploded in the corpse group, the zombies fell in pieces, and more zombies came up. What is even more frightening is that on the roof of the building, there are also zombies jumping over. Obviously these zombies, Plan to attack from the roof.

"Attention to all cars, attention to all cars, zombies appear on the roof, and zombies appear on the roof. Keep the distance between the cars and slowly retreat to lead the zombies out of the city." At this time, the communication devices in the tanks reported higher levels command.

After receiving the order, the tank began to retreat slowly, but the magic cannon never stopped, and the artillery fire continued to bombard the approaching zombies, causing the falling snow to be dyed red.

The zombies went out of the city along with the tanks, and there were no building restrictions, and the zombies spread out, which made the tank's hit rate decreased. At this time, the vehicles sent another order: "The vehicles on the left and right sides quickly clean up the spreading zombies, and the middle vehicle seals the exit with artillery fire. Don't let the zombies disperse."

As the order was issued, the firepower of the tank that was not very powerful just now doubled suddenly. For a while, all exits out of the city were covered by artillery. The zombies chasing out of the city were quickly cleaned up. Now, the zombies have never been within 100 meters of the tank group, and in less than 20 minutes, the zombies have lost more than 10,000.

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