Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 57 Level Ten Zombies

As the zombies began to approach the embankment, the human crossbow arrows began to show off. Pieces of zombies died. What annoyed the zombies was that it didn’t take much effort to climb the embankment from the embankment to the ice. It was a lot of trouble, and the west bank of the Liaohe River was specially reinforced and heightened by the fat man. At this time, the group of zombies was completely blocked on the ice and could not land.

On the Liaohe Bridge, the fighting was fierce. The width of the bridge was very limited and the number of zombies that could cross the river was limited. More importantly, Li Yuanhong set up more than a dozen defensive towers at the bridge head. The high-level zombies above were almost killed, and the remaining ordinary zombies could not be attacked by human arrow rain.

The leader of the giant zombie was anxious, and the zombie was intercepted by humans. Is this still a zombie! So the giant zombies ordered the group of corpses to speed up to attack the human position. Due to the narrow bridge deck, the main attacks were placed on the embankments on both sides of the bridge.

As the zombies' attacks strengthened, the entire river channel was almost filled with zombies. As the number of zombies increased, the zombies that attacked the embankment began to build the corpse ladder. The corpse ladder became higher and higher, and soon reached the edge of the embankment. The zombies began to climb the embankment, and there was a hand-to-hand battle with humans.

At this moment, a signal flare rose up in the sky, and the red flare was particularly conspicuous under the clouds behind the snow. As the signal bomb lifted into the sky, a rumble of artillery sounded on the west bank guarded by humans. These magic guns were aimed at the center of the Liaohe River. As the shells exploded in the corpses, terrible things happened. Just listen to the ice layer in the center of the Liaohe River, making a "click" sound. With the sound, the ice layer in the Liaohe River began to crack.

Human artillery fire continued to bombard the corpse group, and the cracks in the ice layer continued to expand. Finally, the ice layer could not bear the weight of the corpse group. The "rumbling" shattered and the zombies walking on the ice layer, They fell into the river one after another, and the cold river water instantly frozen the hands and feet of the zombies. Many zombies sank to the bottom of the water before they understood what was going on, and never surfaced again.

The giant zombies did not expect that humans would blow up the river ice, causing their own army of zombies to kill Liaohe. Although the group of zombies is as large as five million, the pit is not shallow this time. At least nearly half a million zombies were killed in the river. This can only be blamed on the giant zombies being too impatient, so they attacked in a dense formation, and the zombies' attack area was too wide, which caused heavy losses to the corpse group.

The corpse group was divided into two sections by the split Liaohe River. The corpse ladder just set up in front was quickly shot and killed by the soldiers on the river embankment without the support of the follow-up zombies. The entire west bank of the river was completely wiped out.

After being pitted for a while, the angry giant zombies jumped like thunder, but there was no way, the Liaohe River was not comparable to those small river ditches, not only the water was deep, but the river was also wide. Now there are only two ways for giant zombies. The first is to wait for the river surface to freeze and then rush, but then it will be blown up by humans. The second method can only force the bridge.

The giant zombies roared twice, and a group of corpse soldiers holding shields appeared at the bridgehead. These soldiers stepped steadily, resisting the bows and arrows shot with their shields, and approached the bridgehead step by step.

Li Yuanhong had already noticed the movement of the zombies. Seeing the zombie shield soldiers appeared, he knew that the bows and arrows would not work anymore, so he ordered: "The archers retreat, leave the bridge head space, prepare the magic artillery, aim at the clearing of the bridge, pay attention, Don't blow to the bridge!"

Following the order, the soldiers who had been guarding the bridgehead began to retreat, and the defensive tower stopped shooting. Suddenly the bridge head became quiet, but the atmosphere seemed particularly solemn. As the corpse of zombies approached, the quiet air seemed to explode at any time. With the footsteps of the zombies, many soldiers seemed to hear their accelerating heartbeat. A head-to-head battle is about to begin.

The zombies rushed across the bridge. After crossing the bridge, the zombies quickly dispersed and rushed towards the humans. The humans rely on the protective wall of the bridge head. This protective wall is temporarily built with ice. Although it is not very hard, it still blocks the zombies. enough. As the zombies approached, the soldiers behind the ice wall raised their knives and guns and began to fight with the zombies.

Li Yuanhong saw that the bridge head was filled with zombies, so Li Yuanhong ordered: "Fire me!"

As the order was issued, the magic cannon behind was fired, and the shells exploded in the zombies. The bridge head that was still full of zombies just now was cleared out of an open space, but soon it was filled with zombies. The gunfire rumbled, but it could not stop the constant source of zombies, and as the zombies continued to be killed, the corpses of the zombies began to pile up on the bridge. The height of the corpse of the zombies was at risk of exceeding the height of the ice wall. You can directly jump over the ice wall from the corpse pile and directly enter the soldier's defense position.

"Blow me the bridge head on the opposite side to prevent subsequent zombies from getting on the bridge!" Li Yuanhong knew that the pile of corpses in front of him had to be cleaned up, and he had to find the opponent's leader as soon as possible, without destroying the opponent's leader. The zombies will continue to attack. Was dragged down.

Following Li Yuanhong’s order, the magic cannon began to fire at the opposite bank. Due to the long distance, the accuracy of the magic cannon’s head was not as accurate as before. However, Li Yuanhong prepared ten cannons and fired them together at this time, basically covering the other’s bridge head. Soon There was a fault in the subsequent zombies.

Li Yuanhong knew that he had to take advantage of this time to clean up the zombies at the bridgehead as soon as possible, so he drew out a steel knife, directly crossed the fence, shouted "Kill!" and rushed into the group of corpses.

Now zombies are generally level five or six, but now Li Yuanhong has risen to level nine, these zombies are not enough to see, so Li Yuanhong rushes into the corpse group, like a tiger into the flock, and the killed zombies fall in pieces. Later, the soldiers who followed, saw that their heads were so brave, and they all fought bravely. These stiff zombies with frozen limbs, which could withstand human attacks, quickly rushed through the bridge and the zombies were cleaned up.

"Quickly, clean up the corpse of the zombies, wait a while for the zombies to come up!" Li Yuanhong anxiously ordered.

The soldiers below should be there, so they started to clean up the zombies. These corpses were not wasted either. Li Yuanhonglei went behind the wall to form a second line of defense, and then was splashed by Li Yuanhong. This line of defense was stronger than the first.

The firepower of the magic cannon continued for a while, and to prevent overheating, it began to slow down the firing frequency. Taking advantage of this time, the giant zombies sent a group of corpses to attack the bridge. So many times, the zombie attack was taken back by the humans. Even if the giant zombies sent fat zombies, it was useless. Although the defense towers were slow to kill ordinary zombies, they did kill these high-level zombies one shot. Giant zombies sent zombies. The fat zombie was almost killed by the defense tower before he walked halfway through the bridge.

The giant zombies failed one after another, and their tempers became more violent, but the two bridges were far apart, and the bridges were too narrow, leaving him with a huge group of corpses, but there was nothing to do.

The giant zombies were furious because the gunfire behind him became more and more violent. A group of nearly one million corpses was sent behind him to resist, but this one million zombies, under the continuous coverage and shooting of nearly a thousand tank groups, were basically close. Nope, and as time goes by, humans continue to have reinforcements to follow up, but their own one million zombies are fighting less and less. If you don't want to break through, it is estimated that artillery will soon be by your side.

Li Li Yuanhong was also very anxious at this time. The continuous offensives have already made the soldiers feel exhausted, and there are not many reserves available in his hand. This is a contest of endurance between the two sides. Whoever can't stand it first will do it. Will fail.

As the two sides continued to attack, the human counterattack began to weaken. The giant zombies saw the opportunity, so the giant zombies planned to lead the charge personally.

Just after a wave of charges, the zombies changed their normal state. Before humans had cleared the battlefield, the giant zombies launched another charge under the cover of the fat zombies. Although the defensive tower continued to shoot and kill the fat zombies, the giant zombies acted. Armed with the shield, he kept knocking down those crossbow arrows and magical attacks, and even rushed over with the team unharmed.

"Quickly, withdraw behind the wall!" Seeing the giant zombies rushing over, Li Yuanhong had to give up cleaning the battlefield and retreat to the wall.

After the giant zombies led the team to rush across the bridge, they did not spread the team. They still rushed straight to the wall. When the fat zombies in front directly hit the ice wall, the ice wall was directly cracked, and the zombies behind rushed. Coming over, the weapon in his hand kept hitting the ice wall, making the cracks bigger and bigger. After a while, the entire ice wall was completely destroyed.

In the process, Li Yuanhong commanded personnel to withdraw to the second defense and fired crossbow arrows continuously below. However, the fat zombies had thick skin and the effect was not good, and only the magic defense tower could cause damage to these fat zombies. But at this time the fat zombie was under the defensive wall. In order to prevent accidental injury, Li Yuanhong asked the magic defensive tower to lock the attack on the bridge.

After the first protective wall was broken, the fat zombies rushed to the second line of defense again, but the second line of defense was made of zombies. The zombies hit the corpse wall and knocked out a piece of flesh and blood. , The loss of the corpse wall was not great, but Li Yuanhong didn't dare to be careless, so he ordered: "Pour water down on me!"

When the soldiers heard this order, they were all taken aback. Why did they splash water in the battle? But the order is the order after all, so the reserve team took steel helmets and poured water under the defensive wall. In the cold of winter, the splashed water quickly turned into ice ballast, especially those splashed on fat zombies. The water on his body slowly frozen the fat zombies.

The giant zombies saw that their guards turned into ice sculptures, and yelled in anger. They picked up the thick-mouthed giant stick in their hands and smashed them against the corpse wall. Suddenly, the corpse wall was severely smashed into a gap. Li Yuanhong was taken aback. With such great strength, he was definitely not a level 9 zombie. So Li Yuanhong scanned with real eyes and found that this giant zombie turned out to be a level ten zombie.

And the most troublesome thing is that this giant zombie turned out to be a thunder attribute, high attack power, if you don’t pay attention, you will be given a second by the opponent, and the opponent has a protective magic called the lightning magnetic shield. Any metal weapon attacks the opponent. , Will be attracted by the magnetic field. What's more frightening is that metal weapons will conduct electricity, and electricity can directly reduce the value of life.

Li Yuanhong was a little worried. His weapons were basically metal. Even bows and arrows had metal shoulders. These weapons were completely stopped by the opponent. Li Yuanhong had to take out the golden bow, and Li Yuanhong was going to fight a protracted battle with this zombie today.

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