Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 62 Russian Corpse Tide

The airship flew slowly towards the airport. These airships were not very big, they were more than 50 meters long and more than 10 meters wide. The airbag above was only 100 meters long and more than 20 meters wide. On the airbag and the airship hull, there are lights of magic runes flickering.

As the airship approached, it began to slowly descend. When the airship's hatch opened, a figure wearing armor and a big belly walked out of the airship. Then Fatty Nalu's wretched voice sounded: "Brother Li, I The airship is powerful enough!"

"It's mighty enough, it's a match for you!" Li Yuanhong joked.

"Haha, that's right, unlike me, how can I be a captain! Hahaha!" Fatty Lu raised his head and smiled triumphantly.

"Okay, don't waste time, hurry up and move the supplies on board!"

Following Li Yuanhong’s order, the side doors of the transport ship and gunboat were opened, and the trucks parked on the airfield drove over. Various materials were transported to the airship. When all the materials were loaded into the airship, Li Yuanhong waved his hand, 1,000 soldiers. Boarding the airship, Li Yuanhong also boarded Fatty's airship, and behind Li Yuanhong, there were the four Russian students.

As everyone boarded the airship, the airship slowly lifted off, and then accelerated to the northwest.

Li Yuanhong boarded an airship for the first time, so he was very curious. This airship is a bit like a ship. It has a three-layer structure. The bottom layer is a cargo warehouse layer. The bottom of this layer is very thick. It is mainly used to prevent people from attacking from the ground. There are turrets, which can be used to attack ground and air targets. The top floor is the cabin and console. Most soldiers are stationed here.

Although the interior of the airship is not very magnificent, it is also very comfortable. Li Yuanhong hasn't enjoyed it for a long time. I can finally rest this time. From here to the Russian military base, it will take at least three or four days. The speed of a boat is six times lower than that of a jet plane. If it is an airplane, it is estimated that it will take more than ten hours.

Along the way, Li Yuanhong admired the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, but the winter has not passed yet, and the scene of depression is still everywhere, and there are groups of corpses that appear from time to time, making the scenery even more dilapidated.

When Li Yuanhong was looking at the terrain from the window that day, Agatahi came over: "Li, what are you looking at?"

Li Yuanhong glanced back and saw that Agatahi was wearing a tight leather jacket. His body was wrapped in the leather jacket and his body was protruding forward, and the towering chest was as full as he was about to break through the shackles of his clothes. Those blue eyes like autumn waves, gleaming with a faint sadness, high nose bridge and exquisite face, make all the men, Cormon soaring.

"Oh, I didn't look at anything, I just looked at what the outside world has become." Li Yuanhong said.

"Don't look at it, there are zombies everywhere, these **** zombies have turned the world into ruins." Agatahi's tone was somewhat resentful.

"Maybe the zombies bring us destruction, but as long as we have the belief in survival, the zombies can be defeated, not to mention, don't you still have companions!" Li Yuanhong pointed to the three Russian students who were talking and laughing in the hall. .

"They? No, they are not my partners, they can only be regarded as entourage." Agatahi said.

"You should try to open up and get along with them as partners, and you will find that you will have many friends who share your interests!" Li Yuanhong said.

"Maybe!" Agatahi said lightly.

"What are you talking about?" At this moment, Fatty Lu came over with his belly.

"We are discussing who is heavier than Fat Lu and the zombie below!" Li Yuanhong pointed to a fat zombie on the ground and said.

Fatty Lu took a look and said, "Cut, do ghosts believe you, would you talk about such a boring topic in front of beautiful women? You must be picking up girls again!"

After listening to Fatty Lu's words, Li Yuanhong began to fight back. The two people were like talking about each other, constantly exposing each other's shortness, causing Agataxi to keep covering his mouth and snickering.

Airship flying is very boring, but I am happy to have Fatty Lu as a treasure. Three days later, the spacecraft has penetrated into Russia. Russia is vast and sparsely populated. It is located at high latitudes and the temperature is much lower than that of China. Li Yuanhong I have always wondered how the Russians live in winter. I have been in the Northeast for the past two years, and I can't stand the frequent freezing, often at minus 40 degrees, how the Russians survived. Li Yuanhong once asked Agatahi, and he blocked Li Yuanhong back with a word of "get used to it".

"Where do we fly?" The fat man asked Agatahi on the third night.

"Fly to Novi Port." Agatahi pointed to a port on a peninsula in the Arctic Ocean.

"Hao Le!" The fat man was manipulating the rudder, and the fat on his body flickered in panic as he moved. Li Yuanhong was worried that the fat would be swaying so hard that he would throw out the oil.

When the white light appeared on the horizon the next morning, the fat man suddenly exclaimed: "Everyone has an idea, there are a large group of corpses!"

The fat man yelled through the microphone, and awakened the entire ship flying through. Li Yuanhong hurriedly put on his clothes and came to the cab. On the monitor of the cab, on the ground in front, a group of zombies that were out of sight were walking on the snow. Li Yuanhong roughly estimated that this group of zombies, at least There are millions.

A million zombies may not be a big deal in China, but in Russia, it is definitely a huge number, especially in the current region, it is an incredible number. Li Yuanhong quickly told the fat man: "Enlarge the monitor image and see if you can find the leader of the zombies. There is such a large group of corpses here, absolutely abnormal!"

"Okay!" Fatty Lu began to adjust the focus of the monitor and gradually zoomed in on the corpse group. Finally, Li Yuanhong found a few familiar figures in the corpse group, and cavemen wrapped in thick clothes.

"Sure enough, they are playing tricks!" Li Yuanhong said to himself.

"Who?" Fatty Lu and Agatahi asked in unison.

Li Yuanhong pointed to the cavemen who looked like fat-headed fish on the monitor and said, "This is the cavemen. This corpse tide is probably caused by them. Fatty, do you want to try your spacecraft weapons?" Li Yuanhong suddenly Turning to ask Fatty Lu.

"Okay, I wanted to fire a gun a long time ago, this is without your permission, I have to endure it!" Fatty Lu said eagerly.

"Okay, I allow you to shoot at this group of corpses, but you have to say, you must kill the cavemen. If you can't do it, your captain doesn't have to do it."

"Don't worry, just look forward to it, aren't they just walking fish, be sure to let them fly in ashes!" After saying that, the fat man handed the rudder to his assistant, and strode towards the second deck of the cabin. go with.

On the second floor, Fatty Lu came to the fort warehouse. There are a dozen magic cannons on each side. Each cannon has a pulley as the chassis. You can push out the shooting port to shoot outside the spacecraft as needed. It's like the pirate ship design in the Pirates of the Caribbean movie, but it's not as messy as the pirate ship.

The fat man shouted: "Brothers, it's time for you to make contributions today. Have you seen the group of corpses below? I'll let you guys take them for sacrifice!"

As soon as Fatty Lu uttered his words, these five big and three thick gunners shouted, that excitement, and happier than eating meat during the New Year.

"Okay, don't be happy too early, have you seen those big head fish!" The fat man pointed to the cave on the monitor humanely.

"I saw it!" the gunners shouted in unison.

"Okay, just see. You will kill some of them for me in a while. Who kills these fathead fish? I will invite him to drink tonight. If he can't do it, he will be locked up for three days!"

The words of the fat man made the people below cheer again, as if the words behind confinement did not exist, these people only stared at the word drinking.

"It's too early for me to be happy, all have an idea, prepare before firing!"

Following Fatty Lu's orders, the gunners opened the baffle of the firing port and pushed the magic cannon out.

"Start aiming!" The fat man continued to give orders.

The gunners were busy again, aligning the muzzle, lowered the muzzle, and aimed at the corpse group.

"Let me!" Following Fatty Lu's order, the three gunboats opened fire at the same time, and more than 60 magical shells fell among the corpses. Suddenly within a hundred meters, they were all covered by the magical light of the explosion. Just the figure of the cave man disappeared on the screen.

Fatty Lu was afraid that he didn't kill those cavemen, so he ordered two rounds of shelling, and the shelling stopped after nearly two hundred zombies in the house were completely blown into fly ashes.

"Brothers, good work, I invite everyone to drink tonight!" After speaking, the fat man walked to the third floor with a big laugh, leaving only the voice of the jubilant soldiers behind him.

At this time, the group of zombies was in chaos. They were originally ordered to attack the human gathering place, but they were suddenly attacked, and the attack came from the sky, which caught them off guard. Several cavemen responsible for coordinating were destroyed. This annoyed the leading giant zombies.

The corpse group of Huaxia and the cave people had a strange conflict before, and the result caused heavy losses on both sides, especially the cave people. Finally, they were attacked by the sudden madness of death insects. Most of the casualties were almost destroyed. There was no way, so they had to withdraw to the headquarters. Because of this, there was a rift between the cavemen and the zombie alliance.

This attack was originally scheduled in the alliance, and they attacked nearby human bases. Before this attack, the caveman responsible for contacting was destroyed. When the giant zombies really couldn't explain to the caveman leader.

"How did those cavemen die!" The giant zombie leader stared at his hands with scarlet eyes.

"They were killed by the fireball that fell from the sky!" The zombies replied.

"The fireball in the sky?" The giant zombies were taken aback. Since the end of the world, humans have never seen an attack from the sky, so it is very strange.

"Yes, the place where the fireball was so powerful that it was bombed was scorched earth, and our people didn't even find the body."

"What? Didn't find the body of the caveman?"


"It's over, it's broken!" The giant zombie leader looked like a deflated ball and sat on the ground. There was no way to explain it to the caveman.

Li Yuanhong didn't know that his unintentional attack caused trouble to the zombies and cavemen. The spacecraft continued to fly towards the Russian base. The Russian base is now located on the peninsula where the Port of Novi is located. Before the end of the world, the population was very sparse. There were only less than 100,000 people living in hundreds of square kilometers, with an average of 0.14 people per square kilometer. If this is in China, it is estimated Even provinces like Xinjiang and Tibet have a higher population density.

However, the desolation before the end of the world brought a piece of pure land to mankind in the end of the world. Under the leadership of Peter, the survivors of various cities, under the protection of the army, gathered here and redeveloped this land, making this land , Became the last fortress of Russia.

At the beginning, someone suggested that Peter should concentrate his forces to capture several larger cities, but Peter rejected it for a simple reason. When he retreated, he did not carry much ammunition at all, and as the cities fell, many materials were not brought out. , If you rashly attack the city at this time, the ammunition in your hand is simply not enough to take down the city. The remaining zombies that have not been killed can only be piled up with human lives. Even if you take the city, it is estimated that the army will be killed or injured. For the most part, Russia will not be far from extinction by then.

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