Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 67 Zombie Messenger

When these cave people heard that they were going to be lashed, they didn't care about mourning their dead partners, and hurried to live.

"You guys, what are you doing there, don't hurry up and help, want to wait to be punished by the squadron leader!" The caveman who took the lead shouted at the guard standing at the door watching the excitement.

The guards came over reluctantly and began to help clean up the mice. Because some cars were damaged, the rat corpses had to fall on the shoulders of the guards, making the guards grin. After being noisy for a long time, these rat corpses were put away again and walked into the city again, but these cavemen did not notice. Just now, a black figure sneaked into the city gate while in chaos.

Li Yuanhong once visited the caveman castle. Although this castle is larger than the previous one, Li Yuanhong estimated that the structure should be similar. So Li Yuanhong began to show off his ability to climb walls again, and quietly climbed upstairs.

Li Yuanhong quickly climbed to the top floor, on the fifth floor. A banquet is being held here, but those tables are not delicacies, but are all dismembered mouse corpses. At this time, a few cavemen and zombies are sitting at a large table. Li Yuanhong knows that this kind of color belongs to the elite among the cavemen and tends to become the leader of a team.

"You said, my subordinates died inexplicably? There are no bones, how do you make me believe you!" The elite caveman bit the **** mouse thigh and said in a bad tone.

"This is true, how could our zombie leader go to kill the people of the cave, you know, we are the alliance." The zombie urn said with an annoyance.

"Alliance? If you know that we are an alliance, you won't attack us from the south, and we have to lose nearly a thousand people there." The caveman squadron leader said angrily.

"That is pure misunderstanding. Our leader is thoroughly investigating the death of Lord Caveman, but it will take some time. Due to the recent sudden change in weather, many troops there have been frozen to death, so we cannot give you a satisfactory answer in the short term. "The zombie said in a humble tone. Li Yuanhong really couldn't think of what the humble speech of the zombies looked like.

"Okay, you don't need to make excuses. If you don't find out the reason why our people were killed as soon as possible, I will attack you." The caveman squadron leader said hard.

"Yes, sir, we will definitely give you a satisfactory answer as soon as possible." said the zombie.

"Also, to express our apologies for failing to protect your loyal subordinates. This is the treasure we found in the human treasury. My lord asked me to bring it to you!" said the zombie.

Then Li Yuanhong heard the sound of a box falling, Li Yuanhong glanced inside the house secretly, and saw a large box carried into the house by zombies and placed on the ground. The leader of the cavemen squadron took a look, but did not get up, and then waved his hand to let the guards next to him carry it down. Li Yuanhong took a peek and saw that these cavemen had carried the big box to a storeroom downstairs. The warehouse contained various items searched by cavemen, and Li Yuanhong noted down the location.

Li Yuanhong quietly returned to the window again. At this time, the zombie was introducing the scene of the caveman's death, but they were all vague statements, what fireball fell from the sky, and what explosion made the bones of the caveman disappear. The caveman squadron leader listened for a while, and then interrupted the zombie's report: "Did you receive similar weapons attacks when you were fighting with humans?"

"This... if you don't count the attack on the caveman, no!" said the zombie.

"Hmph, I see. Go back and reply to your leader. I will give him ten days and let him give me a reasonable explanation."

"Yes, yes, I promise to give the adults a reasonable explanation within ten days." The zombie messenger replied only promise.

"Okay, you can go!" The caveman issued an eviction order.

The zombies got up and walked out. Li Yuanhong also exited the window and went straight to the warehouse just now.

There is a steel window on the outer wall of the warehouse. Li Yuanhong has many ways to destroy this kind of window, but Li Yuanhong did not do that to prevent the cave people from seeing the flaw.

Li Yuanhong took out a small saw from his pocket, broke the steel bar, then got in, went directly to the box that the zombie had brought, and opened it. I saw a dizzying brilliance. The rice noodles were all kinds of gold and silver artifacts. They should be the things of the former Russian royal family. To put it bluntly, Li Yuanhong looked down on these things because the gold and silver jewels did not favor Li Yuanhong. It was of no use, but Li Yuanhong put the jewels into the space based on the principle that thieves should not go empty, and then put stone tiles in the jewel box and set a trap.

When Li Yuanhong was stuffing treasures into the space, he suddenly noticed that there was an inconspicuous box in the corner of the box. The box was not very big and lead-grey. It looked very strange in the golden box, so Li Yuanhong picked it up.

The start was heavy, and Li Yuanhong was surprised. Li Yuanhong opened the box, and there was a black stone inside. The stone was only thirty centimeters long and twenty centimeters thick. Li Yuanhong quickly scanned it with real eyes:

Tunguska Time and Space Stone

The meteorite from the space-time abyss of outer space hit the earth in Tunguska and was blown into multiple pieces of debris. This stone was one of them and was later found by the Soviet army, but the former Soviet Union scientists did not search for it. The correct usage method was found out, and finally it was put into the national treasure. "

Seeing this, Li Yuanhong was happy for a while. This is a good thing. He was looking for a weapon of his own and was lacking the stone of time and space. He didn't expect to find it here. It is estimated that the most valuable thing in this box is this stone. Li Yuanhong put the stone into the space, and then swept around the warehouse again, putting everything he could use into the space. Then Li Yuanhong came out from the window again, then took out the sawn steel bars, reconnected them, and then took out a scroll from the space. This scroll is called a recovery scroll, which can restore the original appearance of the object, but because it was made by a student , So the power is very small, generally not used, I did not expect to use it today.

The steel bar recovered as before, and Li Yuanhong returned to the gate of the city along the original road, only to see that the zombie had just arrived at the gate with his own guard, and those cavemen guards were busy sending off the envoy. Li Yuanhong then dug out the castle from the side wall and followed the zombie envoy out of the cave.

The zombies did not find anyone trailing. After exiting the cave, the zombies kept going in the direction of the group of corpses, fifty kilometers, said they were close or far away. Due to the thick snow, the zombies moved very slowly. When the corpse group was less than ten kilometers away, many short spears flew out of the snow. These short spears came quickly, and these zombies were completely unprepared. The guards were shot directly through the head with a short spear and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the leading zombie messenger hurriedly dialed the short spear with a weapon in his hand, and shouted loudly in order to summon a group of zombies in the distance. As the short spear attacks became more and more intensive, more and more zombies fell. While the zombie messenger was struggling to dial the short spear, a short spear suddenly accelerated to the messenger, and the messenger directly dialed with the weapon in his hand. A strange thing happened. The short spear went straight through his weapon and shot straight into his forehead. In an instant, the messenger seemed to be frozen, and he stood there, everything was calm again, and the short spears around suddenly disappeared. Only a short spear and the corpse of a zombie were left.

Not long after, a group of zombies rushed over, but apart from the short spears and the corpses of the zombies, these zombies were all dead, and the zombies who led the way were even more strange. The eyes showed surprise and confusion. So the news that the zombie messenger was killed was quickly passed back to the corpse group.

"How did the messenger I sent die?" the giant zombie leader asked his men.

"It was killed by an ambush," the subordinate replied.

"Who did it?"

"I don't know, there are only our people at the scene, no enemy bodies."

"What killed them?"

"Be short spear!"

"Cave people! Must be these guys!" Upon hearing the report, the giant leader immediately thought of the cave people. Except for the cave people, no one can kill the messenger, because the messenger is a level ten zombie. With its ability, even if it is attacked, It is impossible to be killed on the spot without a trace of a fight unless the opponent's level is much higher than it. In this case, it can only be done by the cave people.

"Come here, prepare for the war. We must prevent the cavemen from sneak attack!" The giant zombies ordered, and all the zombies began to take action, and the zombies that were still sleeping were also awakened. So on the plain that was still very quiet, there were roars of zombies one after another.

At this time, the caveman castle also began to lively.

At night, while the caveman was eating his **** rat meat, he handed down and reported: "Report to Captain, the warehouse has been stolen."

"What? How could the warehouse be stolen? What was lost?"

"The high-end crystal nuclei we collected and some rare materials are gone!" The guard reported.

"What, who did it!" The caveman squadron leader was furious.

"Captain, we might as well go to the scene!" At this moment a caveman squad leader came over and reminded.

"Okay, let's go and see and see which **** dares to steal my things!" After speaking, the caveman squadron leader stood up and strode towards the warehouse.

When he came to the warehouse, the caveman sniffed vigorously with his nose. In addition to the faint underground moisture, there was also a smell of corpses, which was the smell of zombies.

The leader of the caveman squadron glanced at the warehouse. The whole warehouse was very neat and there were no traces of damage. Those lost things seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, unlike someone who moved in a hurry, and there were a lot of things lost. By one person. At this time, the leader of the caveman saw the box sent by the zombie, and the smell of the corpse came from the box.

"Go, open the box!" The caveman squadron leader said to his opponent.

"Yes!" The subordinate took the order, came to the box, and then reached out and opened the box. At the moment when the box was opened, a thick smoke burst out of the box, and along with the thick smoke, a stronger rancid smell came out.

"Quickly...cover it! Toxic!" The caveman squadron captain covered his nose with his hand and quickly withdrew from the warehouse. But the guard who opened the box was not so lucky. Following the screams, the soldier covered his neck and yelled and fell down. Not long after, he died.

"Zombie! I and you are at odds!" The caveman squadron closed the warehouse door and roared loudly.

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