Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 80 Another pseudo artifact

Li Yuanhong looked at this magical rifle and was very emotional. Finally, his troops will bid farewell to the cold weapon era! But Li Yuanhong suddenly found another problem, what is the bullet of this rifle? , Will not shoot a crystal nucleus with every shot! Then I really didn't dare to use this rifle. I had to beat myself down without firing a few shots.

So Li Yuanhong hurriedly took down the magazine, only to find that the magazine was similar to a battery pack, so Li Yuanhong put the crystal core in. As a result, a few small lights on the bottom of the magazine were lit up, as if the current energy state was in reality.

Li Yuanhong put the magazine back into the gun, and then walked to the back of the weapon shop, where there is a weapon trial field.

When he arrived at the weapon trial site, Li Yuanhong chose a target 200 meters away, aimed at a distance, and with a trigger, a bullet the size of light shot out, and he passed the target 200 meters away for you. It flew a long distance before hitting a wall, and after punching a large hole in the wall, it dissipated.

"The accuracy of the weapon is good. As for the damage, I will look for some zombies and try again. When I'm done, I'm telling you whether to mass-produce and how much!" Li Yuanhong told Zhang Haitao.

"Okay, I took it down!" Zhang Haitao replied.

After Li Yuanhong gave an explanation, he strode out of the weapon shop. Li Yuanhong was going to test the gun. The accuracy of this gun was okay, but the damage of the bullet and how many bullets could be supported by this crystal core. Li Yuanhong had no idea. Test it out.

"Fatty, go, let's go hunting!" Li Yuanhong greeted the fatty.

"Hunting, Brother Li, when did you have this Yaxing?" The fat man was taken aback, and Li Yuanhong rarely wasted time on unnecessary things.

"Don't talk nonsense, go or not?"

"Hehe, go, of course I want to go, how could such a good thing not go." The fat man said happily.

So Fatty and Li Yuanhong took their guards and boarded the airship.

"Brother Li, where are we going?" the fat man asked.

Li Yuanhong thought for a while: "Go to Japan Island!"

"Huh? Brother Li, you're not mistaken. If there are zombies out there, it is radiation. Is there any good hunting there?"

"Let you drive the spaceship, and go down if you don't!" Li Yuanhong stunned back.

"Go, how can you not!" This time the fat man was not so confident in his words.

The spacecraft quickly lifted off and flew southward. After walking for a few hours, the spacecraft reached the Japanese island. From a distance, the Japanese island stands quietly in the middle of the sea. At this time, the sun is sinking to the west, and the afterglow is scattered on the sea surface, reflecting infinite phosphorescence. If there is a fishing boat returning late at this time, it will be a beautiful and exquisite , But at this time there was only the sound of sea waves surging, but no ship's whistle sounded.

Li Yuanhong had sent griffins to investigate the Japanese islands before, and knew that the zombies on the Japanese islands evolve faster than those outside, so it’s best to come here to test guns, but because the nuclear power plants on the islands of Japan are too dense, Li Yuanhong dare not go deep into the island. , In case he was also irradiated, it would be worth the loss if he gets a leukemia or something by himself. Therefore, Li Yuanhong began to look for suitable targets in the periphery of the Japanese island.

This is a seaside town in Hokkaido. The houses are ordinary two- and three-story wooden houses. Even if they have a masonry structure, they are all close to the inland. The houses are not very dense, because there is no one to take care of them, and the streets are dead. There were a lot of lost leaves. At the beginning of spring, zombies were scattered on the street in twos and threes, wandering non-stop.

Li Yuanhong asked the fat man to hover the airship at an altitude of one hundred and fifty meters. You can observe the zombies on the ground well. Li Yuanhong took the magic gun out, clamped it on the observation window of the airship, and aimed at a fat zombie on the ground. . Fat zombies are famous for their thick skin and thick flesh, especially the fat zombies below. They are huge and thick enough to block the shooting of ordinary bullets. So Li Yuanhong took aim at it to see how powerful this gun is.

As Li Yuanhong pulled the trigger, the gunshot was very light, and a red light flashed, and then the head of the fat zombie, like a watermelon that had been exploded, shattered. Then Li Yuanhong aimed the gun at another zombie, and also shot a headshot.

Watching the lively fat man next to him, his mouth was wide open: "Damn, when did Brother Li get such a powerful artifact, why didn't he take it out so early that I was desperate for those fat zombies, how hard it is!"

"This is what Dr. Yuan has just researched. Wouldn't it be a test to see how effective it is." Li Yuanhong explained while shooting.

"Okay, it seems that I don't have to fight with zombies in the future!" The fat man said with joy.

"You think too much!" Li Yuanhong said disdainfully. Li Yuanhong doesn't believe it. On another planet, there is no way to develop a magic gun, but since the system is in place, there is no magic gun. An automatic magic weapon, which makes Li Yuanhong very strange. It was not until later that Li Yuanhong knew that any magic weapon requires crystal nuclei or spar. On the planet where Xiao Yiling is located, there are not so many zombies to kill, and Even if it does, it will be killed one day, and the zombies will definitely not give birth. So that planet pays more attention to the combination of the forces of man and nature, which is a bit like Taoist theory.

When Li Yuanhong killed the ninth zombie, the gun was turned off. Li Yuanhong raised the gun and glanced at the indicator light of the magazine. It was all out, indicating that the energy in it was used up. This gun was filled with Tier 4 crystal nuclei, and the highest level shot just now was only Tier 6, most of them were Tier 4 and Tier 5. In this way, I earn money, but the problem is that in actual battles, there are very few sharpshooters like myself. Some people have counted them. In a battle, an average of ten bullets can kill an enemy. If this is a confrontation, Zombies, it is estimated that the shooting efficiency will be lower, so this rifle equipment, really can not be used randomly, otherwise within two and a half days, you will have to be exhausted by bullets.

"Okay, let's go back!" Li Yuanhong said to the fat man.

"Brother Li, I'm going back now, don't you shoot two more shots?" Obviously, the fat man wanted to shoot two more shots too.

Li Yuanhong took out a Tier 4 crystal core and put it in the magazine, then inserted the magazine into the gun, and then threw the gun to the fat man: "There are only ten shots, don't waste it!"

"Don't worry, my marksmanship is correct!" The fat man said confidently.

After receiving the gun, the fat man stood in front of the airship window with his gun and aimed the gun at the zombies below. With the gunshot fire, a shallow pit appeared on the ground beside a zombie. The fat man continued to shoot unconvinced, but only one shot hit the zombie, and it just made another eye for the tattered clothes on the zombie.

When all ten bullets were shot out, the fat man was still yelling: "Fuck, it's just a little too close, let's get another one!"

Li Yuanhong looked at the fat man's shooting with a speechless expression. This was a waste. If he handed the gun to someone like the fat man, he would not be far from bankruptcy.

"Okay, your strength is your strength and knife skills. This thing is not suitable for you." Li Yuanhong said, taking back the empty rifle.

"Brother Li, maybe you are installing a few crystal nuclei to make me enjoy myself again." The fat man begged.

"It's good to be enjoyable, I have a lot of three-to-eight covers, and the bullets are useless!" Li Yuanhong said.

"Don't, I'll play with a big knife!" The fat man has learned about the dangers of the 38th big cover. Because Li Yuanhong had acquired a batch of Japanese equipment, but many bullets there have passed the expiration date. During the shooting process, they may explode, which is shocking. The degree is definitely beyond the fat man's little heart.

"Okay, let's close the team quickly, wait for a while. It's too dark. If we encounter some risks at sea, we will lose more than we gain!" Li Yuanhong urged the fat man.

"Okay!" The fat man reluctantly returned to the bridge and began to fly back in the airship.

It was late at night when he returned to the base. Li Yuanhong excitedly returned to his room. With the magic gun, he can form a marksman army. He usually trains with traditional rifles. When fighting, he uses magic guns to get twice the result with half the effort. .

When Li Yuanhong was about to sleep, he suddenly remembered that his space could be upgraded, so Li Yuanhong took out an eleventh-order crystal core, which was obtained from the caveman. Li Yuanhong placed the crystal core near the watch. Quickly, the energy of the crystal nucleus disappeared without a trace just after a burst of magic light.

Seeing that the watch was upgraded, Li Yuanhong quickly picked up the watch to check the result of the upgrade. After the upgrade, the space has become two hundred cubic meters. It shouldn’t be a problem to fit a few tanks. What’s more, there are three more things in the new space. Li Yuanhong quickly checked these three things. One is a book. There are also two bronze statues.

This book is an intermediate magic book. This Li Yuanhong doesn’t need to read it. He also knows that he teaches intermediate magic. He has learned elementary magic. Although he knows a little knowledge, Haolai can do it, but since seeing that caveman squadron leader After that, Li Yuanhong knew that his magic was far from enough, and this book was just right.

Both bronze figures have a tall bronze figure more than ten meters tall against the space. If they are higher, they will not even fit the space. The style of the two bronze men turned out to be a bit like ancient Chinese decorations, and it was a bit strange for Li Yuanhong. The decorations of these men turned out to be a bit like the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shihuang, except that the two men were not holding knives and guns, but hoes and bamboo slips.

Li Yuanhong was puzzled, what did this space do for himself with two bronze statues? So Li Yuanhong quickly watched the introduction of the bronze statue: "

Twelve Bronze People (Pseudo Artifact)

The Twelve Bronze Men are the great king of dwarves. Sam ordered his famous magician and craftsman Rufusuo to build them. The twelve bronze men guarded twelve positions. In the city they guarded, the productivity of the population increased by a hundred. Twenty percent, and the city’s energy concentration has increased by 10%. People living in this city will evolve faster. This is not the most magical. When encountering an invasion by foreign enemies, the twelve bronze men will form a magic circle to automatically protect the city from foreign magic. Even the roar of the dragon king cannot shake the magic of the twelve bronze men. Array.

Later, ten of the twelve bronze men disappeared together with other artifacts, and their whereabouts were unknown. Since then, the dwarven kingdom has declined, and the remaining two bronze men have also disappeared. "

Li Yuanhong took a closer look. These two bronze men can only accelerate scientific research and cultivation, and the acceleration is only 5%. It seems that if you want to answer the pseudo-artifact effect, you can only find another ten bronze men. , But where can I find this bronze man!

However, Li Yuanhong was very happy. He was facing a shortage of supplies. With these two bronze men, he could help him speed up production, and it was a good gift.

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