Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 83 Encirclement and Anti-Encirclement

"What?" Li Yuanhong was taken aback. After searching for a long time, he didn't find that the zombies were surrounded. Could it be that the zombies emerged from the ground.

"Brother Li, the zombies came out of the subway, and they have now sealed all the intersections of your building!" The fat man reported anxiously.

Li Yuanhong was taken aback again, but he didn't expect that the zombies really got out of the ground. So Li Yuanhong hurriedly returned to the 58th floor of the World Trade Building, which was an observation deck, where you could see the whole Dalian city 360 degrees without any blind spots.

When we came to the viewing platform, ten black dragons flooded from all directions in the building. Since the square where the World Trade Building is located is Zhongshan Square, there are ten main streets here, and the zombies crowded all ten streets. From a distance, Like ten surging black dragons.

It's too late to talk at this time, and now there is only one last fight. Li Yuanhong lowered his head and thought for a moment. He felt that this might not be a bad thing. He couldn't find the zombies. Now that the zombies came out, it could be said that he did something to lead a snake out of the cave. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Now that the snake is out of the hole, just think of a way to fight the snake.

"Fatty, you arrange four airships around the World Trade Center to assist us in defense in the air." Li Yuanhong told the Fatty.

"Brother Li, it's too late to withdraw now. I'll use an airship to withdraw you." The fat man said anxiously.

"Listen to me, don't worry about me, there will be nothing wrong with me."

"Well, Brother Li, you must pay more attention to your safety." The fat man said reluctantly.

"Go!" After Li Yuanhong urged the fat man, he tuned the walkie-talkie to Commander Xiao's channel: "Commander Xiao, I have encountered a loss here, how about you?"

"Commander Li, as expected, my side was attacked by zombies, but fortunately it was arranged in advance and there is no major problem."

"Okay, you just stick to it, shoot the zombies as much as possible, and wait for my order to find a way to join me."

"Okay, pay more attention to you over there." Commander Xiao said concerned.

"You can rest assured on my side and keep in touch at any time." After hanging up, Li Yuanhong dialed Xing Ling's correspondence again: "Commander Xing, how about you?"

"Everything is going well on my side. I just captured the airport, so we have a plane on land."

"Okay, wait a minute. You follow the main road from north to west. Don't go too fast to prevent the zombies from being scared away. Also, pay special attention to the zombies in the subway. Don't let the zombies break the back road from the subway. "

"Hahaha, Commander Li, don't worry, Lao Xing will never make that kind of low-level mistake." Xing Ling's big mouth started to run the train again. He didn't know at this time that Li Yuanhong was caught by him. The "low-level mistakes" in it were surrounded by a group of zombies.

"Okay, you can let Commander Fang's reserve team also participate in the battle. Let them cooperate with you and fight from the south to the city center. The early rhythm should not be too fast!" Li Yuanhong ordered again.

"Okay, Lao Xiao and Lao Fang have long been holding back!" Xing Ling said again revealing the information.

Li Yuanhong didn't care about Xing Ling's mouth, but began to seize the time to lay out his own defense. First of all, Li Yuanhong evacuated all the people who were scattered outside to the World Trade Center. Li Yuanhong entered the city this time only to explore the way. There were only a thousand people.

Li Yuanhong gathered the ten captains of the team together: "Now we are surrounded by zombies, are you afraid!"

"Not afraid!" the ten captains answered in unison.

"I'm not afraid!" Li Yuanhong spit out directly.

"I'm not afraid that it is a lie, but if you are afraid of zombies, won't you attack us? No, so we have to dare to fight. Next, I will assign tasks." Li Yuanhong said in a stable army.

"The first and second teams should hurry up and go to the fifteenth floor. Starting from the fifteenth floor, all corridors and elevator rooms will be set up with mines and bombs, so that zombies cannot pass through the corridors and elevators to the 30th floor. In addition, find a way to destroy the passage from the 30th floor to the 31st floor. After setting it up, you will return to the 40th floor to rest as a reserve team." Li Yuanhong ordered.

"Yes!" The two captains turned around and went out.

"Team 3 and Team 4 are fortified on the 31st floor, and all places where zombies can be present are deployed and controlled. In addition, attention must be paid to prevent zombies from climbing to higher floors through the outer wall." Li Yuanhong ordered.

"Yes!" The two captains took the order.

"Captain 5, you are responsible for arranging a line of defense on the 40th and 50th floors. Remember, the finer the arrangement, the better."

"Yes!" The fifth team leader also went down.

"Captain six, captain seven, captain eight, your three teams quickly go to each floor to collect usable materials, and gather them on the fifty-seventh floor."

The three captains led the way.

"Nine teams and ten teams, your task is the most difficult. You are responsible for internal inspections to prevent zombies from coming up through blind spots like ventilation pipes."


All the captains took their orders. Li Yuanhong thought about it again to see if he had any mistakes. After thinking about it again, he felt that there was nothing left. Then he stood in front of the window again, picked up the binoculars, and looked at the zombies. go with. At this time, the group of zombies is not far away from the World Trade Center. The entire group of corpses has surrounded the World Trade Center. Looking down from the World Trade Center, the group of zombies are like swarms of ants, densely packed, and people with intensive phobias. I dare not look.

In the distance, near the port, there was a constant explosion of explosions, and the flames of magic cannons could be seen faintly. Li Yuanhong knew that fire had already started there. It seems that this time the zombies have prepared a big trap for themselves, and I don't know if this trap is under the giant zombies or the corpse demon.

While Li Yuanhong was paying attention to the movements of the zombies, he saw four airboats flying towards the building from a distance.

"Brother Li, I'm back!" The fat man's voice came from the intercom.

"Okay, let the airship guard the four corners, bombard the corpses on the street, and block the outer walls with guns, but pay attention to controlling the rhythm, don't be too fierce, and scare the zombies back." Li Yuanhong commanded.

"Hao Le, no problem." The fat man answered readily.

At this time, the zombies had already entered the building. As soon as they entered, a violent explosion sounded from the gate, apparently the trap set by Li Yuanhong had been activated. But the small obstacles cannot stop the zombies from charging. The subsequent groups of corpses still rushed into the building. With the influx of zombies, explosions in the building continued to spread upstairs.

Li Yuanhong did not pay attention to this, but was thinking about a question, that is, how do zombies know their whereabouts? In other words, there should be a zombie scout nearby or a zombie leader watching him nearby, but he has not noticed the other party, so Li Yuanhong must find the commander directing the zombie action as soon as possible, otherwise he cannot be here. In a war, if you have the initiative, once the zombies are withdrawn into the subway again, it will be difficult for you. The subway space is sealed and there is no electric lighting, which is very detrimental to your own payment. At this time, the zombies ran up, but it was beneficial. Encircle and suppress the zombies. So Li Yuanhong must find a way to find the zombie leader as soon as possible.

At this time, the zombies had already reached the 30th floor, and the footsteps of the zombies also stopped here. Due to the destruction of humans, the stairs leading to the 31st floor were destroyed. The zombies wanted to attack the 31st floor. Build a corpse ladder, and have to be constantly attacked by humans upstairs, so the zombies tried many times and were destroyed by humans.

At this time, the zombies changed their strategy. Some long-tongued zombies began to climb upstairs from the outer wall. The airship arranged by Li Yuanhong had been monitoring the movements of the zombies. Seeing that the zombies began to climb the wall, the magic gunmen on the airship began to shoot. However, the density of the guns is not very high, always allowing the zombies to climb to more than twenty levels before they are cleaned up. It always leaves a little hope for the zombies, so that the zombies think that as long as they send a little more, they can break through the human defense. I don't know, if you send more, you can only reach more than 20 levels, and you won't make more progress.

The frontal attack failed, and the zombies began to think of ways from the side door, ventilation ducts, elevator shafts, these climbing passages, and then became the attack passages for the zombies, so the zombies began to attack the humans along these passages. That Li Yuanhong had already arranged. These places were also blocked one by one.

The battle below is getting fiercer and fiercer. Whether it is the intensity of human guns or the ferocity of the zombie attack, it has been doubled. At this time, the 30th floor is full of corpses of zombies, even if the zombies do not take the ladder by themselves. At this time, the corpses shot by humans can also be built into ladders.

Li Yuanhong received the report from the soldiers below, and was taken aback. He didn't expect that the corpses of the zombies would grow so high so quickly. It seems that the density of zombies' attacks is very high.

"All retreat to the 41st floor and arrange a defensive circle. Pay attention to protection when retreating. Don't let the zombies catch up." Li Yuanhong gave the soldiers an order, and then said to the fat man: "Fat man, pay attention to the density of the artillery fire. Control the rhythm of the zombies' attack, now the density of zombies coming in is a bit high."

"No problem, I will reduce the number of zombies by half!" The fat man said bullishly.

"It doesn't need to be less than half, just a third. Give me some more time so I can find out where the zombie's leader is."

"Okay, no problem!" The fat man replied.

While Li Yuanhong was talking to the fat man, there was an explosion of magic cannons on the west side of Dalian City, and the density of the artillery fire was still very high. It seemed that Xing Ling and the others had begun to attack.

Xing Ling’s attack immediately caused the zombie’s reaction. The speed of the zombie’s attack was significantly accelerated, especially the retreat of humans, which encouraged the zombies. In the cognition of zombies, this is obviously a performance that humans can’t stand, so the zombies step up The attack, not long after, humans will be completely defeated, and then the zombies can return to the subway again, waiting for humans to enter their traps and give humans a fatal blow.

The zombies thought well, but this was Li Yuanhong's strategy. Li Yuanhong used himself as a bait to firmly attract the zombies, and then attacked the zombies on the periphery, thus forming a siege to the zombies. This is the encirclement and anti encirclement.

At this time, Dalian City was full of guns and the roar of zombies. After two years of silence, Dalian City finally became noisy again, but these sounds did not bother Li Yuanhong. Li Yuanhong was hurrying to search with binoculars. The building where zombies might be hidden, finally, an inconspicuous thing caught Li Yuanhong's attention.

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