Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 88: You need to fight for your own rights

Seeing Huang Mao about to run, Chu Zhenshan chased him immediately. The two bodyguards continued to shoot at Chu Zhenshan in an attempt to stop Chu Zhenshan, but Chu Zhenshan immediately produced an earth shield to block all the bullets, and soon came to the two guards to guard it. Shi's bullets had been shot out, and it was too late to change the magazine, so the two threw their pistols and started fighting with Chu Zhenshan unarmed.

Chu Zhenshan was an ancestral martial arts. The two guards were basically garish. One of them faced each other, and the two guards were stunned by Chu Zhenshan with shields and fists. At this time, consultant Huang Mao had already ran to the window and was about to open the window and jump out. This is the second floor, so naturally there is not much risk of escaping.

Seeing this, Chu Zhenshan directly threw the shield in his hand as a dart and slammed it directly on the legs of Huang Mao’s consultant. As Chu Zhenshan tried too hard, he heard a "click" and then killed. Howling like a pig, one of the legs of consultant Huang Mao was discounted by the shield.

"What am I talking about, how good it is to make you obediently tie up, and see, you still have to suffer this time, how inappropriate!" Chu Zhenshan started nagging again.

Consultant Huang Mao's leg was broken, it would be impossible to run, and then Chu Zhenshan turned his head to Prince Wang, who was frightened and collapsed on the sofa at this time, so there was no strength to escape.

"Well, you are still good, so that you can not get hurt!" Chu Zhenshan praised Prince Wang, which made Prince Wang especially heart-wrenched. If it hadn't been for the weakness of his legs, I guess he would have run away long ago.

The rebellion was quickly put down as the leader was arrested. The next step is to restore order. There is another debate on how to deal with these rebels.

"I think it's all gone!" The fat man was as simple and direct as ever.

"No way, no way, so many people have collapsed, too many people have been killed, and many of them are just being used by others, and the crime is not dying." Liu Hu still couldn't bear it.

"If you make a mistake, you should be punished. It turns out that my beloved small building has become a pig nest. I have lost a lot of my collection. This is simply a robbery act!" Li Luoxia said indignantly, she carefully arranged Love Nest, the first one was destroyed in this impact. It is estimated that those people wanted to find a crystal ball that could identify human potential in Li Yuanhong’s home, so Li Yuanhong’s house was turned upside down, and Li Luoxia’s many The bags and cosmetics were all damaged. How could this not make her angry.

"Yes, these guys must not be let go! Put them all to death!" Du Sanniang was also itch with hatred. This shock had nothing to do with Du Sanniang, but the **** of Prince Wang was guilty again, and he sent someone to Du Sanniang’s home to search for Du Sanniang’s life photos and many private items. This hit Du Sanniang's inverse scale, so Du Sanniang vowed to retaliate.

"I think it's better to follow the legal form. After all, if you encounter similar things in the future, you will all kill, then it will not be so simple to counter the rebellion." Bai Yuqian is still relatively public, after all, during the impact , He was under Liu Hu's protection, basically not affected.

The meeting entered an anxious state, and the two sides insisted on their own words and refused to give in to each other. Almost here has become a debate ground for several women, and all men have become foils.

Finally, Li Yuanhong was annoyed by hearing it, and patted the table: "No need to fight, there will be a public trial tomorrow, I will chair it!" After speaking, Li Yuanhong stood up and walked out. Everyone looked at each other. What do you mean by this public trial? Kill or release?

The news of the public trial was released soon. Everyone knew the news. In order to let everyone know the results of the public trial, all factories would have a day off on the next day. The location of the public trial is in the square in front of the provincial government office building. It is no problem to accommodate hundreds of thousands of people here. Even if you can't get to the scene, Bai Yuqian's propaganda department can broadcast it through the repaired TV.

Early the next morning, the entire square was full of people. Fortunately, Li Yuanhong made arrangements. Although there were many people, the order was not chaotic, especially the army was nearby and the deterrent was there. No one dared to make trouble.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the temporary platform in the square was filled with trial personnel, including Li Yuanhong, Chief No. 2 and Liu Hu, who is in charge of justice. The atmosphere on the stage was depressed, and the atmosphere off the stage was also heavy. As Li Yuanhong took the stage to preside, both on and off the stage fell silent.

"Today, I am standing here to interrogate those who use the brand of democracy but do things that undermine democracy. I didn't want to stand here, but there is no way. Some people come to kidnap everyone’s will for their own interests. This is very immoral, and it is extremely harmful to the survival of mankind in the last days, so we have to stand here today and stand here to preside over a court that should not have appeared."

Li Yuanhong paused, then said: "Bring the principal offender!"

Following Li Yuanhong's order, more than a dozen people including Mr. Wang and his consultant Huang Mao, as well as several colluding officials, were pushed up. As soon as he arrived on the stage, Advisor Huang Mao shouted: "You can't arrest me, you can't arrest me, I am an American diplomat, and I have diplomatic immunity!"

Li Yuanhong smiled slightly, and then said: "I'm sorry this gentleman. I asked the consul of your country. He said that your country's diplomatic staff in China does not have your name, so your appeal is invalid."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could he betray me? This is not true, this is not true!" Huang Mao consultants shouted hysterically.

"He's so annoying, gag his mouth!" Li Yuanhong told the guards.

So the guard found a piece of black chirp that didn't know whether it was a rag or a socks, and stuffed it into the mouth of the consultant Huang Mao.

Next is the publicity of various evidences, criminal confessions, and so on. Of course, some people stubbornly refuse to admit the account, but in the face of strong evidence, these people's sophistry are also in vain.

When the verdict was pronounced, everyone was curling their necks, wanting to see what punishment these people could get, Li Yuanhong took out two verdicts, and then said: "I have two verdicts in my hand, one can To live, one must die, give you a choice!"

All the people present were taken aback. What kind of trial is this, with choices?

And everyone on the stage chose the first one, after all, who didn't want to live.

"Okay, then I will pronounce the sentence. The sentence is now pronounced, Prince Wang... and others are suspected of subverting, destroying the country, sabotaging public finances, and infringing on law enforcement officials. There are more than ten crimes that should have been sentenced to death, but because it is the end of the world, For the purpose of waste utilization, the above personnel will be assigned to the Far East mining area for life-long labor and will never be released."

As Li Yuanhong's sentence was over, everyone was taken aback. First of all, isn't this Far East from Russia? How do you go there? Will the Russians help the Chinese take care of the criminals? Also, does this life-long labor mean doing coolies for the rest of my life? It's more guilty than dying immediately. At this time these talents knew why they were allowed to choose, Li Yuanhong's pit was too deep!

When these first offenders were suppressed, the second group of people were suppressed. Among them, Li Yuanhong saw a familiar person. This person was the young man Li Yuanhong met at the gate of the provincial government when Li Yuanhong returned from the Far East. I didn’t notice him, but I saw him again by accident today, and Li Yuanhong also accidentally saw his tattoo. It was a black eagle. Li Yuanhong had seen him more than once before. At the beginning of the last days, I saw him at the Mongolian Weapon Test Base. Yesterday, Li Yuanhong saw it again on the ten men in black, and this time on this survivor. Li Yuanhong knew that this was definitely not a different survivor.

Although Li Yuanhong was surprised that this group of people was mixed with people from foreign forces, Li Yuanhong was not afraid of coming sooner or later. As long as he could build his own power, any attack would be self-defeating.

When the trial began, the young man embroidered with black eagles took the lead and shouted: "This is not fair, we just ask for our legitimate rights, why should we judge us!" Obviously, this guy didn't give up and wanted to agitate here.

"Unfair? What do you mean by fairness?"

"We should have all the rights, we should have fair elections, and we should have the right to evolve!" the young man said righteously.

"When did you come to this base?" Li Yuanhong did not answer the young man's question directly, but asked a question that couldn't be beaten.

The young man was taken aback. Obviously he was also surprised Li Yuanhong asked this question: "Not long, that is, seven or eight days ago. Is there any problem with this? Shouldn't I have these rights when I came late? You are the biggest one. Unfairness is the greatest unfairness to all survivors." The young man continued to yell.

Li Yuanhong did not answer him, but continued to ask: "Do you know what is needed to activate the ability?"

"Know, you need a crystal core with attributes!"

"Where does the crystal nucleus come from? How many zombies will have a crystal nucleus with attributes, and how many crystal nuclei can be made into a bottle of evolution fluid, do you know this?"

A series of questions completely confuses young people. Li Yuanhong asks these questions, what does it have to do with the rights he wants? These questions also made the young man unable to answer.

Seeing that the young man stopped speaking, Li Yuanhong said loudly: "I'll tell you that these crystal nuclei come from the head of a zombie. In other words, to get a crystal nucleus, one must kill one zombie, and among a hundred zombies , There is not necessarily a zombie with attributes, and the evolution fluid we need for evolution requires more than 20 crystal nuclei to extract a bottle (of course, this is water, and the cost of military manufacturing was so high. But the system machine that Li Yuanhong obtained only needs ten crystal nuclei). These crystal nuclei will not appear for no reason. It is necessary for our soldiers to fight blood on the front line to kill those zombies, those zombies that can kill. Those workers are needed to work overtime to make weapons for the front line. It is the farmers who face the loess with their backs to the sky. They need to provide food for the frontline. They need the unknown scientists, doctors and nurses. What have you done?" Li Yuanhong sonorous Asked forcefully.

The young man was completely speechless.

"Rights, just show the obligations. If you have not fulfilled your due obligations, you are not worthy of the rights. The rights are won by yourself, not by smashing and looting, or by using a mouth to fool others to **** others' fruits of victory. If you give you the right you want today, it would be the greatest unfairness to those who shed blood and sweat, for this base, for this blood-filled land!"

After Li Yuanhong finished speaking, there was thunderous applause. Obviously, Li Yuanhong's words deeply convinced the people present because they shed blood and sweat for this city.

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