Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 92: Level 12 Giant Zombie

Due to the chaos of the giant fish, Li Yuanhong went to a leisurely pace and ordered the troops to retreat, never participating in the positive struggle between the zombies and the giant fish. Those giant fish may not be willing to go deep into the land and only attack the zombies on the river bank. Turn a blind eye. The fighting between the two sides also completely disrupted the zombies' offensive plan. Those zombies that had flooded the bridge also withdrew and participated in the battle with the giant fish.

Li Yuanhong originally thought that there would be a murderous battle with the zombies tonight, but now he is in peace.

"You closely monitor the zombies and giant fish. If there is something wrong, please notify me immediately and I will take a rest first!" Li Yuanhong told a team leader.

"Yes, commander in chief, we will closely monitor these zombies and giant fish." The team leader replied.

"Okay, pay attention to tell the soldiers, as long as the giant fish does not attack, we should not disturb the battle between the zombies and the giant fish, understand?"


After the explanation, Li Yuanhong returned to the center of Sand Island, ready to take a rest. After a day of fighting, he was really tired. As soon as that one lay down, he heard the stern roar of giant zombies in the city center. There was anger in that roar, and Li Yuanhong was startled. Could the zombies launch a large-scale attack?

So he instructed the guard next to him: "Go to the bridge and have a look, is there something unusual about the zombie?"

The guards ran out and quickly turned back: "Report to the commander-in-chief that the zombies did not get on the bridge, but many giant zombies came by the river. They seemed to be directing the battle themselves."

When Li Yuanhong heard this, he relaxed. It seemed that the giant fish had shot out the real fire of the zombies and the command team. It seemed that the battle between these zombies and the giant fish would not end for a while, after all, even Li Yuanhong It is impossible to estimate how many giant fish are there in this river.

Sure enough, although the loss of giant fishes has increased over time, especially the giant zombies themselves, the lethality of these zombies has increased significantly, but the giant fish in the river have also gathered more and more. It seems that the giant fish in the entire river have been affected. Summoned to swim over to join the battle. The two sides fought hand-to-hand on the banks of the Songhua River, which was more than ten kilometers long. The severity was worse than the human bombing of zombies during the day. From time to time, giant fish or floating corpses of zombies floated past the river, and the river water also became smelly.

The battle lasted until the morning. As the morning sun shone, the giant fish jumped back into the river one after another, and the battle ended. However, what is surprising is that there are not many giant fishes or zombies left on the riverbanks. Some are just white bones and red-stained banks. Most of the corpses of zombies or giant fishes were eaten by the other party. Up.

Li Yuanhong woke up from his sleep. Although the sleep was uncomfortable, it was much better than a soldier who hadn't slept all night. Li Yuanhong asked the first thing when he woke up: "How about giant fish fighting zombies?"

"Report to the commander-in-chief, the giant fish has withdrawn into the water, and the zombies have also withdrawn a little later, everything is calm now, nothing has changed."

"Okay. Continue to observe, and the soldiers who will change defense will come over later, when you go back and have a good rest."

"Yes!" The soldier was very excited. Originally, these people thought there would be a life and death battle tonight, but they didn't expect to come so easily.

Li Yuanhong couldn’t be happy. Although the zombies fought with the giant fish all night, the zombies did not hurt their vitality. On the contrary, the zombies and the giant fish swallowed each other, which may promote the evolution of the zombies. If they cannot eliminate the zombies as soon as possible, then these zombies will evolve again. This sand island may not be able to defend.

As the dawn broke, the airship resumed transportation again. The soldiers who changed their defenses soon were transported. The three old men unloaded the Longkou Cannon from the airship and placed them on the bridge to assist in the defense. In this way, the defense of the bridge is basically not to worry, but the zombies The method of throwing corpses across the river has been verified to be effective. If the zombies are using this method tonight, the giant fish will not necessarily come to help. The zombies must fight against the giant fish. It is more of a battle for food. The giant fish may not be ashore in the short term.

"Fatty, today I will take an airship with you and go to the city center to have a look." Li Yuanhong said to the fatty who still had eyelids.

"Huh? Go to the city center, where can it be dangerous!" The fat man said with a look of surprise. The fat man estimated that Li Yuanhong would take another risk. After all, Li Yuanhong had ventured into the hinterland of the corpse group several times before and killed the leader of the zombie. The zombies lost their command to successfully defeat the zombies, but good luck may not always be accompanied by Li Yuanhong.

"Don't worry, I just go and take a look, don't take risks!" Li Yuanhong gave the fat man a reassurance.

"Okay... OK!" The fat man said reluctantly.

After breakfast, Li Yuanhong and the fat man drove an airship to the city center.

Soon after the spacecraft flew away from Shazhou Island, it arrived at the central street, the pedestrian shopping street in the center of Harbin. The buildings here are not high, and the tallest buildings are no more than ten stories. The buildings are all European style. If before the end of the world, this place is definitely A good place to travel, but at this time the whole street was empty, the ground was covered with dead branches and fallen leaves, and there were a few zombies wandering the street.

Li Yuanhong heard the roar of zombies several times from here, but now there are dense buildings here, and Li Yuanhong does not understand the characteristics of European-style architecture. He cannot know which building here is most likely to hide giant zombies. Can't fire the cannon easily. When I was embarrassed, a roar of corpse suddenly came out again.

"Fatty, have you heard the roar of the corpse?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"I heard it, probably in that direction!" The fat man pointed, and the voice was actually at the train station, as I thought, the giant's corpse is huge, and the ordinary residence lives in it. It must be aggrieved, and the train station is not only spacious, but also the roof It is also high, with the height of more than three meters of giant zombies, it is absolutely impossible to touch the roof.

"Quickly, let's fly over and take a look!" With a goal, Li Yuanhong quickly let the fat man drive the airship to the train station.

The airship flew slowly over the train station. In front of the train station, there is a square. At this time, there are many zombies in the square. These zombies are not wandering randomly, but regularly patrolling, but many of them are mixed with fat zombies and shadow zombies, and they are tall in the train station. On the outer wall of the building, there are densely packed long-tongued zombies. Even on the roof of the train station, there are many zombies. Obviously, these zombies are responsible for protecting this building.

"Brother Li, it seems that the giant zombies leading the way are inside, or else I will use the magic cannon to blast down here, so that the giant zombies can be eliminated!" The fat man said with some excitement.

"No, the area here is too big. We don't know the internal structure of the train station. We don't even know where the giant zombies are hidden. If we shoot blindly, not only can we not kill the giant zombies, but it may also be used to startling snakes." Li Yuanhong vetoed.

"Then we just let the zombie be there?" The fat man said unwillingly.

"Let's take a look at the behavior of these zombies first, and when we find weaknesses, we will find ways to attack." Li Yuanhong comforted the fat man.

"Okay, then let's observe it!" Fatty's addiction to gunshots can't be realized.

Li Yuanhong observed for a long time and found that the group of zombies below was almost impervious to defense. No one should try to get in unless it was a strong attack. But then, the giant zombies might run away from the secret passage again. So Li Yuanhong was not in a hurry to attack, but the more he watched, the more he felt lost, what should he do?

At this moment, the group of corpses guarding the square was in a riot, and the group of corpses outside the square soon formed a road. At the same time, a few fat zombies opened the way in front, with a giant zombie standing in the middle, and a fat man behind. There are not many zombies guarding the entire team. If the giant zombies themselves are included, there will be eleven zombies, which is probably enough for the zombies to play a football game by themselves.

These eleven zombies came out of the square and ran directly to the shore where the zombies gathered. Obviously, this giant zombie was going to the shore to implement some plan.

"Fatty, follow up, we find a way to eliminate them." Li Yuanhong said to the fatty.

"This will finally be able to fire!" Fat Lu said with a look of excitement.

"I'm afraid it won't work. We have to kill them quietly, and we can't make them aware."

"What? Brother Li, you don't want to go and challenge them again!" Fatty Lu said with a worried look.

"You guessed it, but don't worry, I won't get hurt, can I run if I can't beat it!" Li Yuanhong said lightly.

Fatty Li also tried to stop him, but Li Yuanhong declined.

The group of zombies moved very fast and soon came to the pedestrian street that Li Yuanhong saw just now. The few old and weak zombies were still strolling around, obviously there was no change here.

Due to the previous warning of zombies, these zombies moved forward boldly without any vigilance. When they walked to a small three-story building, they suddenly flew down two feather arrows from the roof. These two feather arrows went straight to the two fat zombies, and after the two feather arrows, there were two more feather arrows. Following that, in less than a second, three sets of bows and arrows were fired. After the three sets of feather arrows were fired, a figure fell from the top of the building and rushed directly towards the giant in the center.

All this came so quickly. These zombies were defenseless. Six fat zombies were hit by arrows directly, but the last two arrows did not hit the zombie’s head, but instead hit the zombie’s shoulder. This could only make the fat zombies. Angry, can't kill zombies at all. The reason why these two arrows were shot off-track was mainly because Li Yuanhong used the time and space hourglass magic just now. Because he needed to shoot the bow and arrow as quickly as possible to kill the zombies, the last group was a little out of alignment.

Li Yuanhong didn't care about this. When he reached the side of the corpse group, he immediately launched an attack. A dark blade of time quickly split two fat zombies into his thighs, so that there were only four fat zombies intact.

Due to Li Yuanhong's series of sneak attacks, he finally angered the giant zombies, only a yellow light flashed from the zombie's appearance, and then a shield and stone knife were added to the zombie's hand, and the appearance of the giant zombies was also covered with a layer of soil armor. The giant zombies saw Li Yuanhong rushing over directly, so they also rushed towards Li Yuanhong holding their shields. At the same time, the remaining four zombies also rushed from both sides. If Li Yuanhong did not back down, they would be squeezed into flesh by the three zombies. .

However, Li Yuanhong was another fake action. When he was about to make contact with the giant zombie, he slammed into the iron bridge, and his body slipped directly from the zombie, and quickly came behind the giant zombie. The two fat zombies that were hit by the arrows but were not dead were not far behind the giant zombies.

When the two fat zombies saw Li Yuanhong rushing towards them, they raised their weapons and attacked Li Yuanhong. However, due to the arrows in their shoulders, the two giant zombies’ movements with the weapons were inconsistent. As a result, there was a small gap. Passing through the neutral gear very accurately, came behind the fat zombies and then dropped the knife with his hands. The back knees of the two fat zombies were also cut off.

This time, only one level 12 giant zombie and two fat zombies remained on the battlefield.

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