Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 94 Liberation of Harbin

Li Yuanhong's evacuation was very hurried, so one zombie did not die. As a result, Li Yuanhong killed the giant zombie and was reported to the giant zombie leader by the zombie. The giant zombie leader heard the report that the angry giant zombie leader almost shot the undead zombie to death. A group of zombies were destroyed by one person, and they were destroyed in such a short time. Is that human level too high?

Especially that human who killed the giant zombies with a single blow, which made the giant zombie leader a timid heart. He must understand the abilities of his subordinates. Even if he fights against his own subordinates, he cannot defeat the enemy with one move. Or directly pierce the protective magic under his hand, which even he can't do. In fact, the zombie was lying on the ground at the time, and he didn't see the mystery of Li Yuanhong's stabbing at all. So in the zombie's talk, Li Yuanhong was described as a godlike existence, a crushing killer move, The giant zombies were frightened.

This time the giant zombies were afraid to stay at the train station and had to stay away from humans, so the giant zombies decided to evacuate quickly.

With the decision of the giant zombies, the zombies in the train station were busy preparing to withdraw from the train station. The abnormal movement in the train station made Li Yuanhong all see, so Li Yuanhong hurriedly told the fat man: "Fatty, hurry up. When an airship comes, the zombies here must make big moves."

"Good!" The fat man answered happily.

The zombies slowly arranged their formation and began to withdraw from the train station and retreat to the south of the city. Li Yuanhong followed the team of zombies in the sky, looking for the position of the leader of the giant zombies, in order to give a big gift to the zombies.

The giant zombies left the train station and were preparing to retreat to the provincial government of Black Province. At the beginning, there were two choices, one is the train station and the other is the provincial government. Due to the huge internal space of the train station, the giant zombies are very satisfied, so the giant zombies chose the train station. Unexpectedly, this time humans occupied the sandbank on the Songhua River, turning their location into the frontier of the battlefield. This is what the giant zombies did not expect.

Giant zombies walk in the middle of the team. In the sky, it is impossible to distinguish the size of the zombies. Therefore, it is impossible to accurately distinguish the giant zombies in the sky. Therefore, Li Yuanhong probably identified several suspected targets. Now he can only wait for the support airship to come over to the zombies. Launch an offense.

After a little while, the supporting airship flew over, so Li Yuanhong commanded: "Each airship attacks the two nearby targets, and must bomb me the zombies where the target is located into fragments, and must not escape the giant zombies!"

"Yes!" The loud voices of the soldiers of each boat came from the telephone.

At this time, the giant zombies are walking south along the straight avenue. The train station is not very far from the provincial government hall, but the zombies are too dragged. At this time, the forward force is less than two hundred meters away from the provincial hall. I entered my comfort zone, and when the giant zombies felt relaxed, the light of death fell from the sky.

Although Li Yuanhong did not know the purpose of the migration of the giant zombies, the target was already locked at this time, so Li Yuanhong ordered: "Pay attention to all ships, listen to my orders, prepare...attack!"

Following Li Yuanhong's order, the three airships opened fire at the same time. Suddenly, the long queue of zombies exploded blossoming flowers of flame death, and countless zombies were instantly blown into powder by magic cannons. The giant zombies were suddenly attacked. Although the magic cannons hurt a lot, the giant zombies turned on the magic protection in time, so the first wave of magic cannons did not kill it.

Li Yuanhong had already thought that the magic cannon would not be able to destroy the giant zombies in the first round, so Li Yuanhong specially ordered the bombing at least three times. Therefore, the giant zombies had just survived the first wave of attacks and just planned to hide in the nearby building. The attack came again.

The giant zombies quickly opened their protective shields to the maximum so as to survive the bombardment of this magic cannon. As the artillery fire continued to explode around, the energy light of the giant zombies’ magic shields became dim and dimmed, and finally survived the second wave of attacks. , The giant zombies began to feel the threat of death, and the guards around them were almost dead, the giant zombies began to take strides, rushing to the buildings beside the road.

The giant zombies have not run two steps yet, and the third wave of magic cannons tilted down like raindrops. At this time, the magic shield of the giant zombies can no longer defend against the attack of the artillery fire. With the sound of the gunfire, the magic shield of the giant zombies The hood broke with a "bang".

The giant zombies let out a terrifying roar, but the roar was quickly covered by the falling artillery explosion, and then the giant zombies were also blown into pieces. What followed was that the entire group of corpses lost their restraint and began to change. It was very chaotic. More importantly, the death of the giant zombies turned the zombies that were resisting into the most primitive attack. The hordes of zombies began to emerge from the building like a tide. It is the favorite of soldiers with tanks. As long as the gunfire keeps up, there are many zombies, and they can't rush through the barrage of tank gunfire.

Li Yuanhong saw the changes in the corpse group on the airship, especially the tearing cry of the zombies before they died. Li Yuanhong knew that his bombing plan was successful.

So Li Yuanhong picked up the walkie-talkie: "The zombie leader has been beheaded successfully. The troops are attacking across the board. Pay attention to each other and cover. Don't go deep alone!" Li Yuanhong gave orders to the legions, and soon there was a violent explosion on the north bank of Harbin. The artillery fire on both sides of the Songhua River also intensively, and the zombies of the whole city also flooded the streets, torrentially and densely rushing to the place with the loudest sound.

Seeing that the zombies had lost their command, Li Yuanhong was least afraid of such zombies. As long as the gunfire can keep up with this kind of brainless zombies, as long as Li Yuanhong maintains the continuity of the gunfire, the zombies can be completely wiped out.

Seeing that the overall situation has been determined, Li Yuanhong let the airship support in the air, while he went back to the rear to rest. After all, he did not sleep well last night, and after two high-intensity battles just now, although the two battles were not long, they were expensive. Energy is not small, especially magic like hourglass time, which not only consumes a lot, but also has a limit on the number of times available per day, so Li Yuanhong already felt dizzy at this time.

After arriving at the rear camp, Li Yuanhong fell asleep, and did not wake up until dawn the next day. After waking up, Li Yuanhong asked the guard beside him: "How is the battle in the city?"

"The report commander, the Hebei bank has basically eliminated the zombies, and there are not many zombies resisting, but it is estimated that they will be wiped out soon. The zombies on the Henan bank have also been attacked by heavy artillery fire. It has come down, and it is estimated that at least half of the zombies have been wiped out." The guard said with a look of excitement.

"Okay, are there serious casualties for the team?" This is what Li Yuanhong cares about.

"Report to the commander-in-chief. There were only two deaths. Two tanks accidentally fell into the pit. As a result, the tank soldiers climbed out of the tank and were killed by nearby zombies. There were more injured, most of them were scratched by zombies and beaten. After the virus antidote, it should be fine."

"Oh, write down the names of the two tank soldiers and report them back to the logistics department so that they can take care of them. Don't fight the soldiers on the front line, and their relatives will suffer in the rear!"

"Yes!" The soldier agreed, and walked straight out of the room to send orders.

Five days after the giant zombies died, the entire city of Harbin was returned to human hands again. After nearly two years of zombies’ ruin in the entire city, many buildings showed varying degrees of damage, but Li Yuanhong knew that as long as human maintenance is required, it is very Soon the whole city will exchange the glory of the past.

With the liberation of the city, new problems followed one after another, especially the search and rescue of surrounding survivors, and even the looming and willful darkness. Li Yuanhong had learned, especially without legal restraint. The dark side of many people will be affected by the terror of the end times. Activate, many people will have a passing mentality and begin to give up on themselves. This is good. Many people start to indulge themselves and impose their own happiness on others. This makes many people start to persecute other people as happiness. These People are one of the important reasons for the huge population decline in the last days. Therefore, Li Yuanhong must send a search team as soon as possible to speed up to find the survivors. Now that every survivor survives, it is possible to retrieve more pre-apocalyptic technology.

There is another problem. When the whole city comes back, there are not many edible food searched in the city. Most of the food has been decayed in two years. Therefore, once Li Yuanhong searches for a large number of people, what about Destroying the food for these people will also be a huge test. Once it is not handled properly, the rescued humans may become unstable factors in their camp, and they may be used by people who are hostile to them outside.

Li Yuanhong is still vividly remembered the last time he forced the palace. Li Yuanhong didn't want to fall twice in one place.

That night, Li Yuanhong announced another meeting. The main topic of this meeting was how to build the current site. Now Li Yuanhong has solved the zombies in Harbin by surprise. The zombies in other cities in the Black Province are not as big as Harbin. The population of Harbin is just It is equivalent to two-thirds of the entire Hei province, and Harbin has a dense population, while the population density of other cities is not so high. The difficulty of capturing the city is not as large as Harbin, so Li Yuanhong can completely liberate other cities. Others handle it, so liberating the black province is only a matter of time.

"We liberated a large city yesterday, which means that there will be a large number of survivors in the surrounding area. How we accept these survivors and how to arrange their lives will be the current dilemma we are facing. Everyone can do anything simple. Mention it."

As soon as Li Yuanhong’s words fell, the people around him became silent. Obviously, Li Yuanhong’s words meant something. Obviously it was the last Spring City incident. If his own ideas could not solve the survivors’ emotions, they would aggravate the survivors. When the time comes, there will be another violent walk in the street, and then I can't eat it.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Li Yuanhong said again: "I have a way, I don't know if it is feasible or not, please take it out today for your reference."

Everyone glanced at Li Yuanhong, wondering what unexpected suggestions Li Yuanhong had.

"I think most of the survivors are not doing well now, and it's good to be able to survive, so we can try level settings to divide people into different levels, which is easier to manage.

With a word, Li Yuanhong immediately bombed the venue. Could Li Yuanhong be an emperor? In the last days, many people are deceived by power. Many people start to dream of emperor as soon as they have a little power. They start to proclaim the emperor and lead the luxurious life of ancient emperors. With Li Yuanhong’s current territory, he wants to be emperor, materially. The foundation is completely basic.

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