Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 101 The Magical Function of the North Gate

As humans attacked, the group of zombies was beaten to pieces. By the time they rushed to the human front, there were three or two kittens left. Before they could fight humans, they were solved by the archers behind the fortifications.

The first wave of zombies' attacks was thus resolved.

After an hour, Hei couldn't see things at all, and the human position was quiet, as if all humans were asleep. At this time, the corpse group attacked again. This time the zombies became more careful, and the corpses were not walking along the road, looking for those trails and wall roots to touch the human position.

However, the result was still the same. When the zombies were 100 meters away from the human position, the sound of a landmine explosion sounded again, and then the flares were lifted into the sky, and the group of zombies was exposed to human sight again, so a fierce attack came again. The group of zombies once again ended up suffering heavy damage.

After two sneak attacks, humans were all ready to fight back. Four sneak attacks caused the zombies to lose tens of thousands of troops. In today’s battle, the zombies lost nearly 700,000 back and forth. Part of them were attacked by artillery fire during the retreat, so now that the zombie heard the sound of the magic cannon, it would subconsciously turn around and escape.

In fact, the zombies themselves do not have any consciousness, but the giant zombies control these zombies, so that the zombies have consciousness, and some of the underlying consciousness of the giant zombies themselves, in turn, affects these ordinary zombies. A litter is exactly the same. The failure of several sneak attacks is inseparable from the escape consciousness hidden by the giant zombies.

Time is fast. It's midnight. Li Yuanhong is sitting on the airship. To be honest, staring at the screen for a long time is very tiring. If Li Yuanhong firmly believed that giant zombies would escape, he would not. Staring here for so long.

"Brother Li, or you go take a rest, I'll do it for you!" Fatty Lu came over.

Li Yuanhong squinted his eyes and thought for a moment: "Forget it, I will be here today. Your eyes are not as good as mine." Li Yuanhong said.

Seeing Li Yuanhong's insistence, Fat Lu couldn't say anything, so he stretched his waist and prepared to find a place to squint for a while.

At this moment, Li Yuanhong saw an abnormality on the screen.

I saw many more zombies appeared on the screen, some of them sneaked towards the human defense line, and a small group of zombies went in the opposite direction to the sneak attack zombies, and this group of zombies were obviously bigger than their zombies. A lot of Li Yuanhong recognized at a glance, this was a giant zombie. It seems that the giant zombies finally couldn't help being dispatched.

"Fatty, come here, something is happening!" Li Yuanhong shouted.

When Fatty Li heard this, he immediately became energetic, and the sleeping **** was also driven away by him. Fatty Lu rushed to the surveillance screen excitedly: "Brother Li, why are the zombies finally dispatched!"

Li Yuanhong nodded, took a closer look and shook his head.

Fatty Lu asked suspiciously, "Brother Li, what do you mean? He nodded and shook his head again."

"Nodding indicates that the giant zombies have been dispatched, and shaking his head indicates that the leader of the giant zombies has not moved."

The fat man looked at the surveillance screen carefully for a while, but didn't see that Chou Yin was coming, so he asked, "Brother Li, how did you know?"

"Look at these zombies on the screen, they are obviously tall and fat zombies and giant zombies, aren't they?" Li Yuanhong pointed to those zombies who were moving in a different direction from other zombies.

"Yes, doesn't this mean that the giant zombies are dispatched?" The fat man continued to wonder.

"Don't you find something missing in it?" Li Yuanhong said.

"What's less?" The fat man became even more confused.

"Yes, without that special zombie, that is, a zombie who can make weapons." Li Yuanhong said.

"Maybe the special zombies look like giant zombies?" Fatty Lu defended.

"No, the biggest feature of that special zombie is that it is similar to humans. It retains some human memories, otherwise he would not remember the method of weapon manufacturing. Also, the size of this zombie is similar to normal people. Otherwise, if it becomes the same as other zombies, his brain will be completely destroyed by the virus, and the brain cells related to skills will also be destroyed by the virus. So this kind of special zombies, it is best to identify them in the corpse group "Li Yuanhong explained.

"Ah, there is such a saying? Today I want to see what the zombie you are talking about!" Fatty's curiosity was seduced.

After a while, another group of zombies walked out of the building in the city center. This time Fatty Lu leaned in front of the screen to check carefully, and then turned to Li Yuanhong and said, "Brother Li, still not there?"

Li Yuanhong glanced at the screen, then said: "Keep waiting!"

After a while, fierce fighting sounded again, and at this time, many zombies walked out of that building. Fatty Lu took a look, then said: "Brother Li, this time there is still nothing."

Li Yuanhong was just about to give up checking, but when the corner of his eyes curled, he found that the group of corpses was a little different, and he quickly checked it carefully and quickly saw the difference. Then he watched it carefully for a while, and told Fatty Lu to say: "Fatty, hurry up and follow, these zombies are the master."

"Huh? Why didn't I see the special zombie you said?"

"Did you not see an ordinary zombie sitting on the shoulders of those two zombies? That is a special zombie."

"Huh?" This time the fat man noticed that one zombie was sitting on the shoulders of a zombie, and behind the other zombie was a zombie. Fatty Lu knew that it was a corpse demon, so Fatty Lu subconsciously ignored the zombies sitting on his shoulders.

Knowing that he almost missed the master, Fatty Lu quickly ordered the airship to start and quietly follow these zombies. These zombies did not hide their figures, and the dark night was the best cover, so the zombies went straight to the north gate without any scruples.

"Brother Li, why didn't you occupy the North Gate so that we can block them at the North Gate!" Fatty Lu complained a little.

"If I occupy the north gate, will these zombies run away?"

"Huh?" Fatty Lu really didn't think about this problem.

"In ancient warfare, the so-called encircling three and yielding one means to encircle the opponent, encircle three sides, and give up one side so that when the enemy receives a fierce attack, he will not resist tenaciously. If there is a way to survive, he will choose to retreat. It's all blocked, he has no way to escape, he will resist desperately, and then we will not be so easy to fight, and giant zombies will not escape." Li Yuanhong said.

"Brother Li is still great, how do you know so much?"

"It's okay to read more books, or listen to more storytelling, there are a lot of these tactics in it." Li Yuanhong said.

"I didn't listen to storytelling less, why didn't I hear these?" Fatty Lu asked with a puzzled look.

"You pay attention to how to chase girls, of course you can't hear the others!"

"You don't listen to chasing girls? Brother Li, you got married so late. Didn't you just read a book and didn't see how to chase girls!" Fatty Lu started to laugh at Li Yuanhong instead.

"Be careful, don't let the zombies run away!" Li Yuanhong interrupted with a black line on his face.

Fatty Lu chuckled secretly, obviously he had the upper hand in this debate.

The giant zombies hurriedly retreated to the north gate. Before the giant zombies, the zombies that had already opened the way opened the north gate. The giant zombies ran out of the north gate without any reluctance with the corpses and special zombies, and then marched towards the distant mountains. As long as you enter the mountains and have the cover of the woods, the threat of artillery will not be so great by then, and with the cover of trees, the airship in the air will not be so easy to find the zombies.

Looking at the mountains and forests closer and closer, the giant zombies finally gave a sigh of relief. He didn't understand why humans did not occupy the northern city gate. Maybe humans were not strong enough? However, judging from today's offensive, the speculation of insufficient strength should be unreliable. Giant zombies are always uneasy. But now it’s important to escape, where there is so much control.

The sky slowly dawned. At this time, it was less than five miles away from the mountains and forests, and the terrain became a little undulating. The uphill road appeared and the speed of the zombies slowed down. At this moment, Li Yuanhong's attack arrived.

Li Yuanhong has been waiting for an appropriate time to fire. As the sun rises and the speed of the zombies decreases, it is finally easy to aim, so Li Yuanhong ordered: "Aim at the corpse monsters and special zombies, shoot three waves in a row, and fire!"

With Li Yuanhong’s order, magical shells fell from the sky. Suddenly, there was a violent explosion around the giant zombies. The guards around the giant zombies were directly flooded by the huge fire light. The special zombie sitting on the shoulders of the giant zombies was directly given magical power. Tear, that corpse monster is better, after all, although this guy is not physically strong, but has high magic power, he opened the magic barrier directly to escape the first wave of bombing.

However, how could Li Yuanhong let go of these zombies? The second wave of attacks came afterwards. The zombies that were not dead just now were blown to death by the second wave of artillery. Only those giant zombies with magic were left and escaped. Robbery. As a result, the third wave of bombardment came, and the zombies with low mana were also eliminated in the third wave of bombing.

When the smoke dissipated, the entire bombed area, except for the crater crater, was a stump with broken arms, and the two giant zombies and corpses were not dead.

Li Yuanhong, who was sitting on the airship, was also surprised. In the past, giant zombies or corpses were resistant to beating, but after two rounds of magic cannons, they would be blown to pieces. But today these two zombies are not only dead, but even a little bit injured. nor. It seems that with the evolution of zombies, the threat of these magic cannons will not be too great for these zombies in the future. It seems that Dr. Bai and the others should hurry up to upgrade their weapons.

Of course, it is not what Li Yuanhong is considering now. The top priority is to find a way to kill these two zombies.

With the bombardment of the artillery fire, the giant zombies below were just starting to be stunned, but as soon as the artillery stopped, the giant zombies and the corpses immediately slowed down. With a roar, the two zombies began to run towards the mountains and the forest. I'm not worried about my physical strength either, that speed is not slower than that of giant zombies.

As the two zombies ran, the group of corpses also ran, looking like a flock of sheep running away from the sky. Li Yuanhong must hurry up. Once giant zombies and corpses are mixed into the corpse group, it will be very difficult to find them.

"Fatty, hurry down and descend to one hundred and fifty meters." Li Yuanhong instructed the fat man, took out the golden bow, and started to run towards the bottom warehouse. Li Yuanhong planned to kill the two zombies with his bow and arrow.

As the airship slowly descended, Li Yuanhong also opened the golden bow and began to aim at the running giant zombies. Then there was a bowstring sound, and two feather arrows went straight to the leader of the giant zombie. At this time, the giant zombies are about to enter the corpse group. Once they are integrated into the corpse group, Li Yuanhong will lose the last chance to shoot the giant zombies.

The two feather arrows hit the giant zombie almost at the same time. The first arrow was directly blocked by the giant zombie’s magic protection, and at the same time, the giant zombie’s magic shield shattered, and the second arrow then easily shot into the giant. In the head of the zombie, but the giant zombie still continued to run forward, as if nothing had happened. If it weren't for the deep plug skull's feather arrow that kept shaking, Li Yuanhong even thought that his bow and arrow had failed.

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