Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 107 Meeting of the League of Eighteen Nations

Li Yuanhong sat on the white tiger again, continued to walk into the park, and then walked inside. In fact, what Li Yuanhong needs to pay attention to is the bear park and the crocodile park. Seeing the black dog bear, Li Yuanhong remembered using chili noodles and pepper noodles by himself. The mother and child bears who drove away, so they did the same to these bears, and made chili noodles into the noses and eyes of these black bears. So these black bears standing up to more than three meters high, seeing Li Yuanhong like a mouse and a cat, can hide How far to hide, in the end Li Yuanhong and the black bear reached an agreement that they would give them honey to eat, but they were not allowed to harass human beings at will. If there were any requirements, they could mention it to themselves, but when they had something, they could do their best.

As soon as the black bear heard that there was honey to eat, he didn't think much about agreeing to any effort.

However, there is a creature in the park that gives Li Yuanhong a headache. That is the crocodile. Now this crocodile has become almost like a prehistoric giant crocodile. What's more life-threatening is that these crocodiles have grown bigger, but their brain capacity has remained the same. Bloodthirsty like life, I want to take a bite when I see everything. Fortunately, these giant crocodiles live in the water. Although they have grown larger, they cannot do without water. The feature of these crocodiles has not changed. Moreover, these crocodiles are freshwater crocodiles. In the short term, Li Yuanhong is not worried that they will go to the sea, waiting for his free time. Time to deal with these crocodiles.

The crocodile thing is put down. Actually, Li Yuanhong wanted to kill two crocodiles. The skin of the crocodile is harder than that of a lion. If it is made into armor, it is estimated that zombies within the 20th level will not want to injure themselves, but only because The skin was too hard for Li Yuanhong to kill them in a short time, so Li Yuanhong had to give up.

In the zoo, what Li Yuanhong hated the most was the group of monkeys. Not only did these monkeys grow bigger, they also became smarter at almost the same speed as themselves, and they would throw stones. If Li Yuanhong hadn’t followed the white tiger by his side, this group The monkey will really shake the sky. Li Yuanhong now understands what it means to be without a tiger in the mountains, and the monkey is the king. Regarding these monkeys, Li Yuanhong couldn't let him go, and if he didn't give them a prestige, he estimated that he would really run out of the zoo to harm humans in the future. In India, your monkey dares to rob humans openly, so Li Yuanhong came to kill the chickens and monkeys.

Just next door to the monkey area is the ostrich area. Now that ostrich can’t be called an ostrich. It’s a moa. Even the white tiger has to be polite to three points. Of course, it’s not difficult for Li Yuanhong to make a loud noise. Frightened and dizzy, Li Yuanhong took the opportunity to hit the ostrich's head, which was not very big, so he stood up with an ostrich more than three meters high and fell obediently.

Then Li Yuanhong transported the ostrich to the door of the monkey's house. The monkeys looked at Li Yuanhong curiously, thinking that there was something fun. Then I saw Li Yuanhong's hand and the knife fell. The ostrich's long neck was with him. After his body was separated, the blood was sprayed out immediately and sprinkled a large area in front of the monkey’s house. Then Li Yuanhong stood at the monkey’s house with a blood-dropped knife and shouted inside: "Monkey cubs, listen, who are you in the future? If you dare to make trouble with human beings, this ostrich will be your fate. Don’t say I haven’t warned you. If you dare to make trouble, I will definitely kill you and not keep it."

When the monkeys saw that the ostrich was killed, they were so scared that they hid in the tree and did not dare to speak. Listening to Li Yuanhong's words, the leader of the monkey nodded vigorously, indicating that he understood. Seeing this, Li Yuanhong was satisfied and prepared to go back.

But when he turned his head, he saw the white tiger drooling and staring at the dead ostrich.

"I said Baihu, can you be a little prosperous? This is an ostrich, not a roast chicken. Does this ostrich have roast chicken delicious?"

The white tiger nodded vigorously.

"Is there? Okay, let's take it back and have a look. It happened to be hungry for a day. This big bird should be enough for the two of us to eat." When it comes to eating, Li Yuanhong is also hungry. This is a busy day. , Was fighting with the lion and the black bear again, and now Baihu seduced his appetite.

In order to completely restrain the monkeys, Li Yuanhong started roasting ostriches directly at the door of the monkey's house, which would completely shock the monkeys. From then on, as long as the monkeys see Li Yuanhong dressed like this, they can run as far as they can.

Of course, Li Yuanhong’s desire to eat ostrich meat was still not fulfilled. The ostrich had just been roasted, and the white tiger roared. His family and the lion family swarmed forward. Before Li Yuanhong understood what was going on, a whole big ostrich. There is only a pile of bones left.

That night, Li Yuanhong didn't want to move when he returned to the camp, but Li Yuanhong didn't dare to fall down immediately. In addition to the white tiger behind him, the lions also followed. After all, he promised to find a place for them to settle down.

These lions appeared, but the camp was opened up. Many soldiers standing guard almost fired shots. The lions are too long, and the pressure on people is not small. So the first thing Li Yuanhong did after returning was to give an order that no one should shoot at the lion. The second thing was to find something to eat for the lion and himself. The ostrich was not enough for the lions to stuff their teeth. They didn't eat Li Yuanhong when he was exhausted, even if they were very trustworthy.

However, Li Yuanhong was interrupted by Fatty Lu before he had a few bites of dinner.

"Brother Li, there is an emergency call!" Fatty Lu walked in, shaking his fat body. As a result, as soon as Fatty Lu entered the door, the lions all turned to look at him, with their eyes as if they were evaluating the beauty of the food.

When the lion saw this, Fat Lu immediately got angry: "What do you think, I used to be a cook. I'm watching carefully I will cut you off and make a braised lion head!"

"You guys, don't offend the cook, be careful no one will cook for you in the future!" Li Yuanhong also joked beside him.

The lions also felt that the long-term meal ticket was very important, so they stopped looking at the fat man and continued to eat the leg of lamb in front of them.

"Fatty, what's the urgent call?" Li Yuanhong looked at the fatty and asked.

"The chief's call said that you should go back to the meeting as soon as possible."

"Why? So anxious?"

"I didn't say anything in the call, I just told you to go back quickly."

"Well, call back to the chief and say that I will be back tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll call you back now." After speaking, the fat man walked out.

The next day, Li Yuanhong did not immediately return to Spring City, but went to Shanhaiguan first. Li Yuanhong wanted to turn Shanhaiguan into a front-line material secondary school station. Therefore, Li Yuanhong set up a branch here. After upgrading the sub-base to level ten, Li Yuanhong handed this place to Qin Ying temporarily, before getting on the airship and heading towards Chuncheng.

When it comes to Spring City, the place will change again. It is now June, and some people here have begun to get short shirts on the boat, but Li Yuanhong is still covered tightly, and is incompatible with this place. But Li Yuanhong didn't feel anything. Life-saving was the top priority on the battlefield, and he wouldn't be too hot to wear too much.

When Li Yuanhong walked into the chief's office, he saw Master Luo. Master Luo has not participated in the recent military operations. This is mainly because the chief has sent Master Luo to do some things, and Li Yuanhong is not very much asking.

"You are back! How about the front line?" Seeing Li Yuanhong coming in, the chief put down his teacup and asked Li Yuanhong.

"Well, just after I came back, the frontline progress is fairly smooth, and it has already advanced to Qindao City."

"Oh, not bad. At this rate, you should be able to win Yanjing years ago!" said the second chief.

"What does the chief think of Yanjing's corpse group?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"It's hard to say. The corpse group of Yanjing is no less than 20 million, and there are many cities around. These cities are very close to Yanjing. That is to say, if you don't handle it well, you will be surrounded by zombies. So. You have to be cautious. Another point. According to the feedback from satellite images, the proportion of mutated zombies in the corpse group near Yanjing is very high, and the proportion of zombies with abilities is also quite large. The zombies there are not only beaten but not fight back. There may be groups of zombies with supernatural powers, so you have to prepare in advance."

Li Yuanhong was shocked when he heard this news. In the past, when fighting with zombies, basically only the zombies were bombed. Unexpectedly, the zombies also had counterattacks. It seems that the next step to attack the zombies must be cautious.

"By the way, the chief, what's the matter if you call me back today?" Li Yuanhong suddenly remembered that the chief had called himself back for a meeting, so he quickly turned the topic to the right, and let him talk about the battle beforehand.

"That's right, the last alliance meeting was interrupted due to the sudden attack of the zombies. No, now the situation is temporarily stable, so the alliance's affairs have become a major event again, so I want you to come back and participate in this meeting together." Tao.

"Is there a need for this alliance?" Li Yuanhong is very dissatisfied with this alliance. He went to the United States and tried to get rid of it. Li Yuanhong still bears grudges.

"Hehe, the things between this country are actually just one thing on the surface and one behind the other, but on the surface they still have to be done, and sometimes they have to be done to make others look good, otherwise everyone will I feel shameless, and I'm giving you trouble. So, with the surface things, the secret things will be less. Do you understand?" The second chief looked at Li Yuanhong and said.

"I don't understand it very well, but I know the same thing. Anyway, it's the ghosts behind the people in front of you!"

"Hehe, you can say the same, but this must be a clear object, not generalizations. In short, we must first find a way to stand up morally. If someone wants to make a mistake, we are not afraid, and we can let the other person taste it. The bitter fruit of breaking the rules. Understand?"

"This is not quite clear."

"It seems that you are still short-trained, look back and take a good look at what it means to cure your body by your own way." Chief No. 2 smiled.

"Chief, time is almost up!" The second commander wanted to say more, but Master Luo, who was next to him, came to remind him.

"Look, time flies so fast, I wanted to remind you more, but the time is up, let's go, you and I will meet those old skaters." With that, the second chief stood up and went out. As he walked, Li Yuanhong also hurriedly got up and followed.

There are a total of 18 countries participating in the conference. I think there were nearly 200 countries in the United Nations at the beginning, but now many countries no longer exist, and some exist, but there is no way to send people to participate. Take North Korea, for example. All survivors in this country are now concentrated in military bases. That military base is located in the mountains and it is very inconvenient to communicate with the outside world. Therefore, they don't know the information of the meeting.

There are only 18 countries present. In addition to Germany, Italy and France in Europe, there are also the United States, Australia, Canada, India, Russia, Brazil, Britain, Spain, Egypt, South Africa, Cuba, Chile, Poland, Iran and China. There are representatives from almost every continent in 18 countries. Li Yuanhong also saw many familiar faces from the meeting, such as Peter, Smith, and the British Prime Minister, Hams.

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