Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 110 Shameful Contest

"It's so stupid!" The child murmured again. This time Xing Ling was really embarrassed. He was continuously taught by a ten-year-old child. This old face really couldn't show it to the outside. It was too embarrassing. But Xing Ling had no choice but to continue to ask: "Sorry, I'm a little stupid, kid, can you tell me what these forms represent?"

"Looking at your sincere attitude, I will explain it to you." The little guy really began to elaborate on this to Xing Ling, and it took an entire hour.

It turns out that these images have evolved to embrace the properties of soil elements in different states. For example, in the state of sand, it has fluidity. The sand can easily float to create illusory scenes like water mist. It can also flow like flowing water. What is even more frightening when people are buried is that quicksand can squeeze out the water in the organism without emotion, and people trapped in quicksand will not escape by swimming like in the water.

The soil changes even more. It can become a swamp or the earth. In short, the soil can nourish life or destroy life, and everything depends on the mood of the user. As for rocks, it can be endless protection. If an earthen magician stands on the earth, he can absorb earth elements through the earth, and he can continuously bless his petrified skin. Any attack can be resisted by this earth element armor. . Of course, rocks can also be turned into sharp weapons, such as rock knives. Of course, weapons made from rocks are not as strong as metals, but rocks are endless, which can cause a headache for opponents.

The little guy said so much, looking at Xing Ling with a look of astonishment, he said triumphantly: "How about it, understand this time!"

"How do you know this?" Xing Ling asked suspiciously, this little guy definitely didn't know it by nature.

"Cut, of course I learned it with my sister! This is the foundation of magic."

"Your sister? Who is your sister?"

"Ah? You don't even know my sister, how did you become an officer?" The little guy looked at Xing Ling in surprise.

"Why? I need to know your sister before I can become an officer?" Xing Ling was a little angry. When he became an officer, he was able to know his sister.

"Listen well, don't say my sister's name to scare you. My sister's name is Li Luoxia and her husband's name is Li Yuanhong. This will be remembered. Also, my name will also be remembered, I It's Li Yanhu."

Hearing this, Xing Ling couldn't close his mouth even more shocked. He didn't expect that Li Luoxia's family was hidden in this magic academy. No wonder he had never seen Li's family, but they were all hiding in this base.

Li Yanhu chatted with Xing Ling again, and stretched out: "It's so boring, I'm going to play in the next scene, you can slowly realize yourself here, yes, I forgot to tell you that many of your companions have passed the level. If you don't work hard, I'm afraid you will be the last one." After that, Li Yanhu didn't know how to do it. With a wave of his hand, a magic rune fluctuated in the front scene, and then a portal appeared, and Li Yanhu walked in.

Xing Ling started to sweat on his forehead by himself, and he was compared by those subordinates. This made the old face go. So Xing Ling concentrated his mind and began to recall what Li Yanhu had just said, and then used the mana of the earth element in his body to simulate the three changes of earth properties. Finally, an hour later, he successfully used the power of the earth element to open the portal.

When Xing Ling stepped out of the gate, he was back in the hall, where many of his subordinates were already standing. Although he was not the last one, he was not the most forward. Although Xing Ling didn't say anything, he always felt that his subordinates looked strange when they saw him. In fact, this was all in his heart.

Xing Ling coughed, and then asked the subordinates: "Ahem, you came out first, what did you encounter in the door?" Xing Ling concealed his embarrassment with questioning.

"Report to the commander, the old danger I encountered is a volcano, it is really a volcanic eruption, and the forest guys and...In short, I thought I would be burned to death!" a fire soldier said.

"What's that for you, I not only encountered fire, but also the fire with lightning. It was a double rhythm of being burned to death and hacked to death. I don't know how to get through it." Another officer with the thunder attribute rushed. .

At this moment, the various officers talked about their own experiences, and Xing Ling knew that the scenes encountered by each person were completely different, and the scenes were also different even if they were of soil attributes.

While everyone was discussing it, the old magician came over again: "You are all out! It's OK, barely qualified. Next is the primary magic application. Next, you have to compare with the students here, in actual combat. , See how to apply your own magic, only through actual combat, can you feel the magic of magic." After speaking, the old magician stabbed the ground with a magic wand, a portal was opened, and a group of teenage boys When they came out, these people were obviously childish, but they were all motivated.

Being provoked by these little guys who were much shorter than themselves, a group of soldiers was immediately discouraged. The job of beating the children was not easy to do. If the work was heavy, they might be scolded to death. It is difficult to grasp this measure.

When everyone was embarrassed, the old magician said: "You don't need to keep your hands in a fight for a while. I will apply protection magic on you. By the way, in order to take care of these newcomers, you can only use elementary magic, not allowed. Intermediate magic, you know?"

Those children replied immaturely: "Got it!"

The old magician first said that he didn't need to keep his hands. Xing Ling thought he was talking to them soldiers, but it was to those half-old children. It was obvious that these five big and three rough officers were ignored. So Xing Ling and the others gathered their strength and prepared to give this old magician who looked down on them an ugly one.

"Okay, who will come first?" The old magician turned to look at Xing Ling and the others. A fire officer stood up and said loudly, "I'll come first!"

"Well, you are a fire attribute, then I will let the fire attribute come to fight with you!" The old magician said, looking back at the group of children.

"I'll come first!" A sturdy little guy stood up and walked up arrogantly, seemingly like a soldier.

"My name is Huang Xiaopeng, I'll cry you in a minute, don't blame me!" The little guy declared himself his family, and his unassuming tone made the officer laugh. The two sides were not quarreling either. After the old magician said: "Start a fight!", the two sides began to attack.

This officer wanted to rely on his own speed to rush to the little guy quickly, and then the little guy fell and fell to the end, but as soon as he moved, a fireball flew towards him, then this officer Thinking of it, this was a magical competition, so I hurriedly sent out a fireball, but because the fireball sent out was in a hurry, the power of the fireball was not great. The fireballs of both sides collided with each other and made a "bang", and both fireballs were destroyed. , But it is obvious that Huang Xiaopeng's fireball is more powerful.

Huang Xiaopeng did not stop, and then another fireball flew towards the officer. The officer was prepared this time, so he sent a fireball again to meet Huang Xiaopeng's fireball. Three times in a row, Huang Xiaopeng took the initiative to launch fireballs, and the officers were forced to fight. When it was the fourth time, the situation changed.

When the fourth fireball hit, the officer used to launch a fireball to greet him, but when the two fireballs collided, Huang Xiaopeng’s fireball was divided into three, and the fireball in the middle collided with the officer’s fireball and destroyed. But the fireballs on both sides continued to hit the officer. The officer was a little overwhelmed at this time. In his hurry, he had only time to send out a fireball to offset one fireball, and the other fireball directly hit the officer's face.

Although the fireball is very powerful, it is not a power at all for the magic protection of the old magician, but at this time the old magician shouted: "Stop!" Then pointed to the officer and said: "You lost!"

The officer has nothing to say, he underestimates the enemy from the beginning, and it is normal to lose. So the officer went down with his head drooping.

The second place is a wood warrior, whose solid wood is more suitable for assisting. As the main attack, he lacks offensive means. As a result, as soon as he took the stage, he was smoked by the little **** the opposite side.

Seeing two consecutive defeats, Xing Ling couldn't hold on to his face, so he took the initiative to stand up. After all, his awakening ability was earlier, and he had used magic power in battle, so he was still a little sure about dealing with these children.

When Xing Ling saw the people who stood up to fight against him, his face was a little uncontrollable. The child who stood up was Li Yanhu.

"Don't think you are stupid and I will be merciful!" Li Yanhu said with a small face upturned. This time, Xing Ling's face turned red and white, and in the eyes of this little guy, he equated with the big fool.

"Don't speak big words now, wait a while and see if I don't beat your **** in half!" Xing Ling also said bitterly.

The old magician coughed: "Ahem, are you all ready? Let's start!"

Following the old magician's command, both people on the field moved at the same time.

I saw Xing Ling open a magic earth shield in front of him, and then quickly rushed towards Li Yanhu holding the shield. Xing Ling really wanted to rush to Li Yanhu to teach this pesky little guy severely.

Seeing Xing Ling rushing over with his shield, Li Yanhu pointed in front of Xing Ling calmly, and a swamp immediately appeared on the ground. Xing Chong was too eager to brake, and stepped on the swamp with one foot. With the force, Xing Ling's foot plunged deep into the swamp.

Seeing that his feet are deep in it, if you don’t pick them out immediately, you will be passive, so Xing Ling also uses hardening magic on his feet, and the softened ground becomes extremely hard. Then Xing Ling roared and was trapped. The feet under the ground were pulled out abruptly.

When Xing Ling was confronting the ground, Li Yanhu pointed to Xing Ling again. As a cloud of sand came over, Xing Ling, who had just pulled out his feet, had no time to react, and his entire body was covered by sand and mist. I was also fascinated by the sand, and the sand was pervasive, causing Xing Ling to sneeze constantly.

When Xingling was trapped in the sand and fog, Li Yanhu changed a few more stone javelins. Li Yanhu grabbed the javelin and threw it towards Xingling. If it was someone else, he would be shot.

Of course, Xing Ling is not an ordinary person. Xing Ling was prepared. When trapped in the sand and fog, Xing Ling did not continue to stand, but bent down, and at the same time, he rolled on the spot and rolled out of the sand and fog area. As soon as Xing Ling rolled out of the sandy fog area, Li Yanhu's stone spears rubbed his head and shot into the sandy fog.

As Xing Ling rolled on the ground, the distance between Xing Ling and Li Yanhu was drawn in. At this time, Xing Ling’s strengths were brought into play. How could these children be able to resist close combat? Seeing Xing Ling approaching him, Li Yanhu was a little frantic. Obviously Li Yanhu's battle experience was still insufficient.

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