Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 120 Missile Missile

Seeing Jia Ren's surprise, Fan Gongzi knew that Jia Ren must have the gold essence in his hands. So he said without any haste: "Boss Jia, we are all businessmen. This businessman has the goods in his hands, so we should sell them. To be honest, Boss Jia, I hope to buy this gold."

Hearing that Young Master Fan was going to buy Jin Jing, Jia Ren calmed down instead, and said calmly, "So, Fan Young Master already knows the role of this Jin Jing!"

"Know a little bit!"

"But does Young Master Fan know the preciousness of this gold essence?" Jia Ren asked back.

"Isn't this a kind of precious ore? Where can it be precious?" This Young Master Fan answered with some trouble.

"Fan Gongzi, you don’t understand this. This gold essence is an ore produced after the end of the world, and the output is extremely low. One ton of ore may not be able to filter out 100 grams of this metal, so one ore, one month Just a few kilograms of gold essence, you said Zhen is not precious." Jia Rendao.

"Boss Jia, I know this gold is expensive, so you don't need to raise the price for me here, just say, what price do you sell?"

"Not for sale!" Jia Ren rebuffed.

"Boss Jia, you are..." Young Master Fan was a little displeased, but he couldn't force a buy, so he could only attack from the side.

"I said Mr. Fan, you also know the preciousness of this gold essence, but you still don’t know. Each of this gold essence weapon consumes at least five kilograms. If it is less, you can only make a dagger. That's it. So, I only have five kilograms in my hand. If I sell part of you, I can’t make a weapon. If I find someone to make a shaped weapon, wouldn’t I make more money.”

Hearing Jia Ren's reasons, Fan Gongzi had nothing to say for a while, but if Jia Ren made a weapon, it might not be in line with his father's wishes, no, this Jin Jing must have his own hands.

"Otherwise, Boss Jia, you give me the gold spirit and I will buy it at the price of the weapon."

"It still doesn't work. I want to exchange this weapon for something. I won't sell it until I exchange it."

"What does Boss Jia want to change?"


Young Master Fan knew that Jia Ren was going to change missiles, but was still taken aback, so he asked: "Boss Jia, this missile is the most important weapon of the country. What do you want this thing for?"

"This is a secret, but I am a businessman, and everything is for profit."

"Does Boss Jia want to do arms?"

"No, no, no, arms are too risky. Although the money comes quickly, it's dead. I don't want to go directly to the Hades before forty."

"Then what do you want this missile for?"

"Let's put it this way, I want to get a treasure, but this treasure is guarded by a very powerful evolution beast. Normal weapons can't hurt him at all. I think only missiles can solve this monster."

"Isn't Boss Jia worried that the missile will destroy the treasure."

"Hahaha, Master Fan, you worry too much. How can the treasure be so easy to destroy? As long as I get this treasure, I can become a supernatural person."

"What?" Jia Ren's words made Master Fan's heart move. Is there any treasure in the world that can directly stimulate the body's potential?

"Oh! It's nothing, it's nothing!" Jia Ren knew that he had left, so he stopped talking.

"If Boss Jia says I can provide this missile, can you sell it to me?" Mr. Fan decided to fish with missiles. If Boss Jia gets the missile and then goes to fetch the treasure, Mr. Fan doesn't mind having a oriole. is behind.

"What you said is true?" Boss Jia's voice was a little excited.

"Of course, when we were in business, when did we tell lies."

"If you really have missiles, I can sell them to you, but I have to inspect the goods first." Jia Ren still did not let go.

"Okay, then tomorrow morning, I will take you to the inspection."

The next morning, Master Fan took Jia Ren out of Daqing City, outside the city, and then came to a hidden place after turning around. I saw that there are many lakes here, which are almost closed here. Anyone who wants to come in needs to go through layers of inspections, and when they arrive at the camp, there are many secret guards under surveillance. It is almost impossible for any stranger to get in here. .

And entering the camp, there is an underground passage in a row of warehouses. When you enter it, you see a missile launching vehicle. Seeing these missile launching vehicles, Jia Ren's eyes light up, and then he stepped forward and fumbled for the vehicles. As if caressing a child.

"Your boss, how is it? You have seen this missile. Can you trade it?" Fan Gongzi asked.

"Well, but you can tell me how to operate this guided missile car, or I can't shoot it out, it's useless if it doesn't."

"Head Xu, come and tell him how to operate this missile!"

"Yes!" Head Xu came over reluctantly, and then started teaching Jia Ren how to operate the missile.

"Okay, Master Fan, let's get in the car and go with me to get the gold essence!"

"Okay!" Fan Gongzi smiled, self-satisfied in his heart.

Soon, under the guidance of Jia Ren, the guided missile vehicle came to a place not far from Qiqihar City, and then saw Chu Zhenshan standing on the side of the road, holding a box in his hand. In the box.

Both parties got out of the car, and then Jia Ren opened the box and displayed the items inside. It was a metal with a yellow metallic luster and magical energy flowing on the surface. It was a metal that Mr. Fan had never seen before, but from magic In terms of energy, it should be true that this metal should be gold.

"Fan Gongzi, this is the gold essence you want. It's more than five kilograms, enough for Fan Gongzi to make weapons. Besides, I'll send something to Fan Gongzi." Jia Ren waved his hand to the back, and Chu Zhenshan went from From the car behind, a glass bucket was taken, which was filled with white grease.

"This is the whale oil of the tenth level evolutionary whale. With this, the quality of forged weapons can be improved." Jia Rendao.

"Okay, thank you Boss Jia!" Fan Gongzi happily accepted Jia Ren's gift.

Having said this, Jia Ren boarded the guided missile vehicle and disappeared at the end of the highway.

After waiting for a few days, Fan Gongzi has been waiting for news. The person he secretly sent has been his follower Jia Ren. But what made Fan Gongzi curious is that Jia Ren went all the way to the west and entered the desert of Mongolia, where there was a sea of ​​sand. Except for the sand in the sea, Fan Gongzi couldn't think of any treasures. For this mysterious businessman, Fan Gongzi couldn't understand more and more.

After three consecutive days, everything was calm, but this day. Mr. Fan suddenly received news from his father that he and his brother were going back to Spring City for a meeting and that a new unified command of the army was to be established. The meeting was chaired by the second chief. Commander Fan asked Mr. Fan to guard his home and pay close attention to abnormalities in other places. , Especially optimistic about missiles, that is their capital. Once there is any danger, missiles can be the last straw to save them.

Young Master Fan immediately agreed. Since Li Yuanhong disappeared, the leadership of the army has been in contention. It has been almost a month. Xing Ling, who had disappeared from the Spring City before, reappeared with his army. With the appearance of Xing Ling , The entire Spring City began to rectify military discipline. Previously, all kinds of chaos in Spring City were wiped out. Many low-level officers were dismissed and investigated. Before that, Young Master Fan had attracted many Spring City officers, but was eventually wiped out.

Therefore, Mr. Fan knew nothing about what happened in Spring City, but Mr. Fan felt that it was not good, so after receiving the information from his father, he began to prepare various defenses, and at the same time sent additional manpower to protect the missile vehicle troops.

But everything was calm and the waves were calm. Nothing happened. At this time, the person who followed Jia Ren wrote back, saying that Jia Ren had arrived at a place in the Mongolian desert and he didn’t move anymore. It seemed that he was waiting for something. It seems Jia Ren’s destination Arrived, but the reporter said that apart from a few sand dunes, there was nothing worth noting. The reporter suspected that he was deceived by Jia Ren.

Young Master Fan listened, but asked the man to keep an eye on Jia Ren, and immediately report any disturbances. Now for Jia Ren, Fan Gongzi is not very caring, it must be more important for my father now.

At this time, the atmosphere of Spring City was very solemn, and there were patrols on the streets. The entrance and exit of the city gates were checked very strictly. If there is no ID card in the city, they will not be allowed to enter the city, and the city has also begun to check the population, and many criminals are hiding in the city. Many of them were caught in a nest. The eyeliner that Young Master Fan sent into the city before was also expelled from the city, which made Young Master Fan feel that things were not good.

With the severity of Spring City, some people who were expelled from Spring City began to flock to Daqing, which increased Daqing's defensive pressure. What made Young Master Fan more nervous is that those who were driven over wandered around the city all day. , And often stay near the gate of the government. If these people do not make trouble, they just squat there all day. After being driven away, they will wander over again soon.

This makes Master Fan a very headache. He wanted to arrest these people, but if there are too many people, if they can’t be dealt with and arouse public outrage, then things will become a big mess. Now everything is focused on stability. I hope these two Everything passed safely.

That night, Fan Junjie sent a message to ask Mr. Fan to pull out all the missile cars the next day to prevent accidents at the meeting place, because Fan Junjie always felt something was wrong these past two days, but he couldn’t see it. Let him never know. Therefore, put the last hope on the missile car, if the other party dared to attack him, Fan Junjie would fight to death.

Mr. Fan then began to arrange various things. He planned to pull out all the guided missile vehicles the next day. It was arranged until midnight. Mr. Fan was still busy. This is rare. Normally, Mr. Fan. He should be holding the beauties in the pastime, and only then did he feel how tired it is to stay up late.

At two o'clock in the middle of the night, Master Fan dragged his tired body back to bed and fell asleep.

However, at six o'clock in the morning the next morning, a hurried shout called Master Fan with dark circles under her eyes: "Master Fan, the big thing is not good!"

"What do you shout! What's the matter?" Young Master Fan said with a strong anger when he got up.

"Fan Gongzi, guide... the missile has disappeared!" the person said in a panic.

"What? The missile disappeared? Wasn't it good last night? How could it disappear?"

"I don't know over there, there was an inspection last night, but there is no inspection today."

Young Master Fan frowned. This is absolutely abnormal. Without missiles, this missile car would be a waste.

"Hurry up and adjust the missiles, and get them equipped!" Fan Gongzi quickly ordered.

"Yes!" The man hurried out to make arrangements.

Fan Gongzi circled the house twice again, and suddenly remembered that he must tell his father about this now, so he picked up a contact number beside him and dialed his father's number. As a result, the opposite was always busy and no one answered. At this time, Fan Gongzi suddenly felt bad.

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